spamalot342 · 5 years
can i just have a scene where Georgie refuses the boat from Pennywise and runs back home, and at night where everyone’s asleep Pennywise just stalks Georgie into his room and all of a sudden Georgie’s like,
“how do you eat in the sewers?” and it’s just a truckload of questions but Pennywise doesn’t care, and he tries to scare Georgie but he’s all “dude you must be so hungry”
So then begins the process where Georgie tries to teach Pennywise how to make a sandwich quietly at night in the kitchen and he’s so determined to demonstrate how to construct a sandwich but then… Pennywise is trying to eat Georgie or kill him and whatever but every time he does Georgie just lightly smacks him on the head with a frying pan and is like, “shhh pay attention I’m trying to teach you how to make a  s a n d w i c h”
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spamalot342 · 5 years
Georgie would have NEVER approched Pennywise if JJ Bittenbinder had taught in Derry.
Street smarts, sewer clown! You gonna starve now!
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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what a world we live in, sydney.
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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Stanley Uris: A compilation
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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if you ever hassle anne again, you’ll regret it
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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i’m a big fan of platonic female-male relationships but can we all agree that jo and laurie were definitely made for each other
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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Deleted Tosche Station scene from A New Hope
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spamalot342 · 5 years
JoLaurie moments that caused my death
- Jo launching herself at Laurie after she cut off all her hair and burying herself in his arms as he croons her name and they ruffle each other’s hair
-The way Laurie said her name at any point actually
-Jo’s hand being half tucked into Laurie’s pocket during Meg and John’s wedding
-Laurie having one arm wrapped around Jo when Beth is first sick in bed
-The way Jo presents her ring to Laurie and it’s clearly meant to be light hearted but then she gets distracted and wanders away and Laurie’s just enraptured he works it onto his finger quickly and quietly before she can take it back and wears it for YEARS
-Walking along holding hands at one point I can’t remember when I was a mess the whole time
-When he presents the postbox keys to the girls and I dunno you could just tell that he particularly intended her to get the one with the red ribbon
-ThE ProPOSal scene
-Turning back to stare at her scribbling in the attic
- Bursting into the March house like he’s been doing it all his life and announcing she has to get her skates on literally
-Sneaking her alcohol at Meg and John’s wedding and standing so no one could see her drinking it and then seamlessly taking the glass away when she was done
-Looking at Jo when she says Meg is beautiful, ‘yes, beautiful’
-Dancing like mad hatters outside the party and THEYVE JUST MET and they’re already doing that whisper shout panic thing when Laurie worries about being seen through the window
-Falling into step constantly
-Can I can you Teddy? Yes!
- Only you call me Teddy, Jo, only you
- Jo defending Laurie’s admission to The Pickwick Society and insisting on it and then Jo saying there’s no time like the present and LAURIE FUCKING LAUNCHES HIMSELF OUT FROM BEHIND THE COSTUMES
Because while Laurie and Amy was as beautiful as everyone said I was a JoLaurie shipper before I knew what shipping was and regardless of whether they’re the best of friends and found family or lovers IT WAS JUST GORGEOUS OKAY
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spamalot342 · 5 years
you can just tell how Laurie is enthralled by the March women the first time he sees them, and how much he wishes to be part of their little family more than anything; and honestly that’s really beautiful. especially because it feels like he’s never had a real maternal influence before Marmee, and the way she just welcomes him and says “you can call me Marmee, everyone does,” is like he finally feels part of something. the way Timothée portrayed that, with his body just sagging and his posture completely and utterly shifting was so sweet and it hit me unexpectedly in the heart. because she just hands him a scone and he looks at it like it’s the greatest thing, and then he looks up and suddenly he sees something even greater: the March sisters all together laughing and joking. after he seems them like that, it seems as though he can’t think of anything he hopes for more than to be part of their little family. it was such a small scene in comparison with some of the other plot points that went on, but the subtlety of all their performances and the way that we were able to see the sisters the way Laurie sees them made me fall in love with the characters even more than I would have. he views them with such reverence and believes every single one of them to be wonderful in their own way. it’s so refreshing to see a portrayal of a male character as somebody who is just as capable of wishing for things as anybody else and having hopes and dreams that just have to do with being loved and being seen and being wanted. all he wants is to be part of their family, and in the end he gets exactly that and keeps his best friend (Jo), which arguably is his most important relationship. Laurie’s story line in this movie is quite underrated and so very, very real and that’s what makes it so great and important to watch.
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spamalot342 · 5 years
I wrote twitter meta about the one good thing about this film (Adam Driver’s acting, the PURE character work he did with zero dialogue) because I finally figured out what he was talking about when he said he was using “mask work” with Kylo Ren. He wasn’t playing through a mask only when he wore the helmet, he was acting as if his very FACE was a stoic blank mask he was looking through. That’s why Kylo Ren as a character has such a specific feeling to him, and why the audience instantly responded to Ben Solo, who could show his emotions.
This character was always 100% a young boy hiding behind a mask that hid and disallowed every emotion except for his anger, the only emotion that men are allowed to feel. This character is an exploration of how toxic masculinity harms men. And what miracles can happen for men internally when they embrace emotionality and forgive themselves and use their energy to do good. (I’m crying about him again.)
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spamalot342 · 5 years
“Why are you mad? Your ship happened–” 
Yeah, in a really bad movie where all the surrounding pieces were trash. It’s like if you dug around in the trash for a diamond ring. You find it after two hours of digging through trash, but then Mickey Mouse steals it from you, and also takes ten to fifteen dollars out of your wallet. Then JJ Abrams asks you to have an open mind about the fact that all you can see and smell is trash. 
Then you go home and take a shower… and it still smells like goddamn trash. 
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spamalot342 · 5 years
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Thank you Oscar for trying to defy Disney
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spamalot342 · 5 years
Ben Solo who wanted to become a pilot, like the scoundrel father he so looked up to
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Ben Solo who loved calligraphy 
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Ben Solo who was named after Ben Kenobi, our Princess Leia’s last and only hope
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Ben Solo who spent every night desperately seeking sleep to escape the voices that haunted his mind
Ben Solo who thought he could never go back to his mother, his only home
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Ben Solo who was the grandson of the former Queen and the Chosen One
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Ben Solo who had Royalty and Greatness flooding his veins
Ben Solo who split his spirit to the core killing his father
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Ben Solo who in his loneliest moments didn’t even have ghosts to turn to, who begged his grandfather to show him the way
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Ben Solo who was not the one to RISE. Who got a 10-minute “redemption” as the accessory to the girl. Ben Solo who was laying in a PIT during the action.
The last of the great Skywalkers… Ben Solo who no one mourned
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spamalot342 · 5 years
Am I the only person wondering if we’re going to start seeing a Ben Solo (instead of a Kylo Ren) walking around Galaxy’s edge. Can you just imagine Ben and Rey walking around, holding hands, while going on little adventures with children??? All I have to Disney is...
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spamalot342 · 5 years
Me thinking about Kylo Ren/Ben Solo:
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Credits to: francy_flo on twitter
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spamalot342 · 5 years
So one of my patients just came into session today really upset and complained for about half an hour about what Disney did to Ben Solo and how he and his mom was looking forward to Rey and Ben having Jedi babies.
So yes. To confirm, this movie is negatively affecting the mental health of children and teens. And apparently entire families.
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