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spam-extemporal · 7 hours ago
Dp x dc: batshit crazy driver au.
Bruce hired a new personal driver for the Wayne's. He was a nice enough guy. His grades weren't great, but he was a great driver and very patient. Like, really patient. Like, he is so unbothered by traffic, stupid drivers, and villain attacks, its kinda scary. But all the background checks came back clean. Minus his mad scientists parents, of course.
Daniel (Danny) Fenton. He could relate to any of the Wayne kids and hold an intelligent conversation with Bruce. Bruce feels that he doesn't need to be all Brucie Wayne around the young man. He doesn't know about their nightly activities yet, though. They're not quite sure if he even needs to know.
The first sign there was something more to Danny happened when Tim was sitting in the passenger seat. Tim was struggling with a math problem. It was driving him nuts. It only took a quick glance for Daniel to solve it, though, "it's thirty-six"
"The answer is Thirty-six. You forgot to carry the three."
He was right, Tim made a simple mistake, sure. But that was advanced college level math. Danny was a straight c student and never went to college. It only took him a momentary glance to solve it. Tim, though suspicious, chalked it up to a simple case of gifted kid syndrome. He related to it and began to consult with Danny on some of his math problems. Danny was more than happy to help, for a price, of course.
Then, there was a villain attack. The villain's goons ran rampant through the city, terrorizing anyone unfortunate enough to be outside at the time. But not Danny, they'll tried, oooh they tried. But those goons swiftly found themselves zip tied, in the trunk of a car, and on their way to jail. All while Danny blasted some music by a small artist named 'Ember'.
Alright. He is in Gotham, and his mother was a black belt, so maybe he was just well trained. Its good to know how to deffend yourself.
Then, Damien was kidnapped. It was so fast they barely saw, but a white van sped by and grabbed Damien as he made his way tawords the car. Initially, Damien expected the chauffeur to panic and call the police. But when shouting and cursing were heard from the front seat, and the men in the back slipped the van door open to check behind them, it was revealed Danny had followed them and he had a gun.
What could only be described as an action movie chase scene ensued. Every corner they swerved, every shortcut they took, Danny was right behind them. Driving like a bat out of hell, he shouted and fired at the wheels of the van. Knocking one out, the van swerved and was forced to come to a stop.
A kidnapper grabbed Damien by the hair and held a gun to his head, but before the threat could even leave his mouth a bullet flew through his hand. He dropped Damien and fell to the ground screaming, clutching his hand.
The kidnapper in the van already took off running but was swiftly stopped by Redhood arriving just in time to see Danny helping Damien up and checking him over, profusely apologizing for "letting this happen."
When asked why he did all of it, his simply answered, "I don't think I would get paid if I let Mr. Wayne's kid die! I can't let a kid die in general!"
Bruce, of course, gave the young man a bonus and a few days off for the stunt. Accompanied wlth a few stern words about safety. What was truly remarkable was that there was not a single scratch on the car. Untouched, meaning he never hit anything during the whole ordeal. "I just learned what not to do from my dad!" He joked, but Bruce felt that, despite the clear joking tone, there was some truth to the statement.
The family is suspicious, very suspicious. The man they previously viewed as their simple and humble driver turned out to be a monster of a fighter, and they have no idea how or why.
A/N: Feel free to add onto this in any way you would like :3
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spam-extemporal · 9 hours ago
Danny, staring up at Tim, who currently Robin: this isn't what it looks like.
Tim, giving dead pan glare: so you arnt breaking into Drake Manor?
Danny, shoulders dropping: okay yeah it's totally what it looks like...but not because you think!
Tim, sighing slightly: so you arnt homeless and thought that since Timothy Drake was recently adopted by Bruce Wanye, and both of his parents are dead you can just move in and live here?
Danny, blinking owlishly: I mean, yeah? I mean, not homeless, and I didn't even know that dude got adopted, like good for him, hope that he is safe and shiz, sucks that he parents died and all but not here to squat dude.
Tim, raising a single eyebrow: then why pray tell are you here?
Danny, kicking at the ground a bit: so like...ugh, so I might be um like...a...fudge what's the word...ah! Psychopomp? Like I am a dude that helps like people's ghosts pass and like keeps em happy.
Tim, squinting behind his mask: the only person that died here is Jack Drake and I assure you, his soul would not be happy going to where he deserves to be.
Danny, holding up his hands: wow lot of misplaced aggression there boy I ain't here for him, like him and his wife did much tomb raiding they would make the Victorians jelly. I am here cus they stole some dudes shit and he wants it yesterday.
Tim, tilting his head: so you are here to steal an artifact.
Danny, popping the P sound: Yup, something about some guys clay tablet, he liked keeping his hate mail for some reason, said this one was about how he shorted some dudes iron? Or was it copper... my Mesopotamian isn't the best.
Tim, eyes widening, because he knows *exactly* which tablet he is talking about: Oh...yeah no bro, you seem chill but I really can't let you have that so why don't you just like...walk away and I won't be forced to do something kay?
Danny, frowning: Sames dude, up until that .y guy cus like...I *really* wasn't asking...
Tim, sighing as he extends his bo staff: Try and just like, not hold a grude yeah? Don't need a new villain...
Danny, pulling out an ecto gun and turning it on: I don't know man...I feel like we have good banter.
(They fight, Tim is still training so he is a bit sloppy, and Danny isn't shooting to kill, so it's more of them playing cat and mouse throughout Drake Manor, it ends with Danny stealing the tablet but having to leave the ecto gun, which gets broken when he escapes)
Tim, panting as he watches Danny flee: this what B feels after fighting Catwoman?
Bruce, rubbing his temples as Tim explains why he was late for training: You tried to apprehend an unknown, with a weapon of an unknown source and the home of your secret identity?
Tim, looking properly chastised: God...yes that happened...he wasn't that bad honestly...was pretty witty.
Bruce developing a twitch in his eye: No.
Tim: No? No what.
Bruce, glaring hard at his adopted son: No falling in love with a villain.
Tim, looking scandalized now: Oh? What is this? Hypocrisy thy name is Bruce Wayne!
Bruce's glare turns into a batglare: Ten laps around the cave and fifty bo staff villains!
Danny becomes Tim's rogue, but not really, most of their battles are more each other showing off their new gear/moves they learned.
Danny also is only using tech that his parents made and he upgraded since he really doesn't want to go ghost in front of *Robin*, who is totally not his crush, and the only reason why he won't is because batman would 100% be on his ass.
Danny, pulling a massive creep stick with a nail driven through it out of seemingly nowhere: The new and approved Creep Stick! This time with nail to add tetnus damage!
Tim, watching as 'The Inventor' escapes once more: I hate seeing him leave but by God do I love watching him go...Damn should have turned on the camera just so I can see it again.
Barbara chiming in: Keep the main line PG Robin.
Batman, through coms: Hn...we shall be having words when we get back to the cave
Tim, sipping a soup that The Occultist made: "So like...why were you even here?
When the Titans tower incident occurs, Tim could only watch in awe as the Inventor, not only comes in from the ceiling with a literal metal chair, and then continues to beat up the guy with a bad Robin cosplay.
Danny, panting as he holds up the chair again: Back I say! Back! My blorbo!
Jason, seething as he actually hisses at this random teen that appeared out of nowhere, scurrying away while cradling his broken arm: You shall rue the day! Jason Todd was here bitches!
Tim, staring up at Danny, face a bloody mess and an adoring look in his eyes: omg he stalks me, this is must what the other guys felt when I did it!
They don't really start dating, it's much more Danny breaking into Tim's house and just not leaving.
Tim, watching as his "arch enemy" is sprawled across his couch, bucket of ice cream in one hand, spoon in another, phone balanced between his ear and shoulder, pants and socks tossed haphazardly across the living room and just chilling in his boxers: Now wait a damn minute.
Danny, pausing while looking up from his ice cream (which is actually Tim's, since the boy is rich and buys the good shit), pointing his spoon accusatorily at Tim: Your fucking late Mister! Drag race started half an hour ago and we agreed to watch it together!
Tim, blushing under the Robin mask: Sorry case got good and- wait wait wait, when did we agree to watch drag race together?
Danny, rolling his eyes: when I made breakfast this morning? I even gave you extra strong coffee for your solem swearing that you would be here.
Tim, thinking back to earlier: I just...remember a bright white orb giving me a mug and a plate of food...
Danny, scoffing: this is why I need to drug you to get to sleep more often. Now take off your gear and get over here, they about to choose who shall sashay away!
Tim, nodding slowly: Hope it is that one queen from last episode, that lio sink didn't have any- wait! Ugh you keep distracting me! When did you fucking move in? I don't even know your name!
Danny with a spoon just an inch away from his mouth: Jazz? Yeah I uhh...I gotta call you back...(clicks hang up on his phone) Your joking right? For the shits and gigs?
Tim, shaking his head slowly: No shits, not a single gig my dude, 100% honest.
Danny, who had just arrived this morning since his parents are renovating because Fenton HQ is a glaring OSHA violation, but also who's middle names are "commit to the bit" and "Gaslight GateKeep Girl boss" : Babe we have been dating for like, *months*...d-do ou really not remember?
Tim, existential crisis made manifest: Oh no...I have been mind wiped.
Danny, astounded that worked: Baby I am so sorry...
They "date" for like a week before Danny starts feeling bad that he tricked Tim (who he finally got to see maskless, he had to stop his heart to not show any outward reaction to that, cus like hell he is cute) and wants to come clean but he honestly never had seen Tim more happy nor more healthy.
Danny, sitting across Bruce at the Manor: S-So yeah we um...met at a science convention? My parents were show casing stuff and like...we met there?
Bruce, eyes narrowing because that sounded like a lie: Hn.
Dick, happy that Tim finally felt comfortable to bring his "boyfriend" to dinner: B stop glaring! Your going to scare off Timmy's Bf! God you weren't this bad when I brought over Roy that one time.
Bruce doesn't stop glaring, and it's making Danny even more nervous: Um I uh...need to use the bathroom one sec...
Tim moves to guide him but Alfred waves him to sit down: You really must eat Master Timothy, I did make your favorite today. I shall guide Mister Fenton to the lavatory.
Alfred does indeed lead Danny from the dining room, but the second they are far enough the old butler suddenly has a shotgun in hand, skin suddenly a pale blue and objects around the parlor turning green and floating: While they do try and see the best in others, I do not Phantom, now I must ask you to kindly leave and never contact Master Timothy every again. I shall not let my charge fall for such as the likes of you.
Danny blinking at how he was addressed, a sudden ghostly blue mist escaping his mouth: Oh shit.
They have a ghost fight, all while comically popping in and out of the dining room, making excuses for whyvthe other is gone.
It ends when Tim, finally fed up with why his boyfriend is taking so long opens the door only to see him duking it out with Alfred, fully gone ghost and was loosing.
Such leads to confessions of lies, real feeling and why Alfred has been able to be a spry 60 even though he fought in WWI and it is very much the mid 2010s.
(Danny and Tim do end up together, this time with no lies about a mind wipe, and get Kon and Bart to join their polycule later on)
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spam-extemporal · 18 hours ago
the fandom experience is seeing someone make a joke that twists your blorbo's characterization for comedic purposes and not saying anything because you know its just a joke and you don't want to be a killjoy but also knowing this kind of thing definitely influences unironic depictions of the blorbo so you just stand there like that meme of the guy with his lips pursed and his veins popping
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spam-extemporal · 19 hours ago
Summer of change
Chapter 6
Chapter 1 Chapter 5
@elf-kid2 suggested marry go round.
This is too soon. It's way too soon. She can't know. Why would she even have suspected? What if she turns him over to the guys in white? What if she's with the guys in white?! She knows his full name too! She could tell his parents.
No, no, no, no, no.
Danny could feel his chest tightening, his heart racing, eyes watering. He takes one step back, and Steph stops interrogating.
He falls.
 Further and further, he keeps falling down, there's no end. Until he's far away from the girl.
"-like the teen titans? What about a costume! Is it all black like Batman’s, or colorful like that kid who used to always be with him? How long have you-" Steph was abruptly cut off by Danny dropping through the floor right in front of her.
Well. If he thinks she's giving up just because he ran away, and can apparently do so despite walls and floors, then he is dead-wrong. Another loud creeak sounds from the floor.
She can maybe solve this mystery when she's not at the top of a jenga tower.
Danny feels slower than usual. There's no way this is 112 mph. It feels more like 60, maybe 70? He reaches the top of a Ferris wheel and has to stop.
This is exhausting. Why is this so exhausting? Oh well. At least he's alone.
At the nearby merry-go-round, Steph tried looking up anything she could on Fenton, but every time she tried to search “Danny Fenton", it auto-corrected to “Phantom.” 
Who even uses words like phantom anymore?
"Any ideas?" She addressed a (formerly) painted tiger. “I got nothing.”
Her dad used to bring her here sometimes. It was still abandoned back then, he would just rent a section to set up his quizzes. And while he was busy with that, she got to play on the rides, even if they didn't work. The best one by far was the prize shack, second was the fry stand (she'd figured out very early how to work it), and third best was the merry-go-round. Specifically, Thurber the tiger. She’d found a stuffed animal in the prize shack that matched it. Soft, white, and with rainbow stripes. Plus, the tiger was in the best condition of all the mounts, only missing a tail and part of one paw. Thurber was her friend, even when no one else wanted to be.
And she was certainly going to need a friend now.
According to the internet, Madeline and Jack Fenton were a pair of mad scientists. They seemed to be obsessed with ghosts, specifically catching and studying them. They had two kids, named Jasmine and Daniel, both of whom had appeared out of nowhere 7 years ago. The 4 of them lived in Amity Park, Illinois.
Which was a city that only some sources said exists.
The other information about it was suspicious, too. They had an observatory, a research lab, and a museum. All that would be normal for a city of over 2 million, but there's only one school, a restaurant chain that doesn't exist anywhere else, and an entire summer camp, for Pete's sake! How does such a big city not only go unnoticed but also not have an operating hospital!?
Danny sat on the highest point in the amusement park. The north and east had rides as far he could see, and to the south was endless ocean, some cargo ships, speedboats, yachts, and... Danny stood up to get a better look. "Is that a giant ice berg? In Gotham Harbour. In the middle of summer!?"
Suddenly the Ferris wheel pod rocked, and the sound of steel buckling and bending under the weight of disrepair squealed out. Danny puts his hands on one of the walls and phases…
He phases.
He phases.
Alright, no phasing. This is fine.
A little death never killed anyone, right?
Steph fought back as hard as she could but whatever was in that powder had really messed her up. Her only choice was to run. And boy, did she. Gym was her best subject, much to her parents dismay. She ducked and weaved through broken down rides and attractions like it was nothing more than an obstacle course. Once she was far enough away from the creep she slowed down, jogging quietly through the cluttered storage space she had found herself in.
Parts of rides lay strewn about, probably replacement parts. And, in the corner, there was even… "Thurber!" Steph gasped, running towards a fully intact replica of her tiger friend. Even the paint job was preserved. She ran her hand over its body, wiping away 50+ years of thick dust. It gave a quiet growl. She began pulling wood crates out of the way to-
Wait. It growled?
@ladyredmoon13 @ryuukthehatter @sonrium @niamcarlin @sunnysolaria @tiffanyhart13 @tkiesai @not-your-average-url @lurukifennecfox @atomicsheepscientist @glowstickia @superbpastanickelzonk @persephonedevoted @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @howtogetblinded101 @ultra-stormsaga @piece-of-pierce @random-fandom-place
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spam-extemporal · 23 hours ago
DPxDC Prompt #17
There is a room Danny's Keep he set up shortly after defeating Pariah Dark. It became necessary when the broader magical community realized Pariah had be defeated and therefore a new King took his throne. Danny found himself briefly bombarded with waves of attempted summonings.
Which, the summonings themselves, wouldn't have been so bad. Turns out people can't just drag the King of Ghosts to themselves on a whim. Danny has to actively accept a summoning to get pulled to it. And if he just decides "No," the pull and whispers go away. No problem there.
No, the problem is the offerings. And sacrifices. The things that people put in the circle as payment for even attempting to summon him. Like having to put a quarter in the payphone just to listen to it ring and ring and ring as the person on the other end of the call doesn't pick up. Since the summoning magic regarded these things as belonging to Danny even if he rejected the summons, they usually ended up just materializing in front of him if he didn't go to them.
Which, okay. It was funny that time he got to end a fight with Vlad very fast when a whole gold bar materialized and dropped on his head. And the food was nice sometimes when it was late and everywhere was closed and his parents had left samples in the fridge to contaminate everything into animation again. But the goat head dropping from the ceiling onto his desk during on of Lancer's English tests was not appreciated. Even if it did get the test rescheduled and the whole school shut down for a few days to investigate the "potentially satanic activity."
So, yeah, it was a bit of a problem. Fortunately, it was a problem with a relatively simple solution. Danny set up an inbox. With a bit of help from Tucker and Pandora, and a couple tips from Clockwork; all summoning offerings and sacrifices would now go straight to the dedicated room in the Keep.
And! As a special touch, the summoners would also get a chipper, automated voice saying, "The Ghost King you are trying to summon has more important things to do than answer you right now. Please leave a message in the circle with your name, date, location, contact information, and reason for summoning. The Ghost King will get back to you at his earliest convenience." Sam's stupid fancy girl gala voice had been perfect for that little message.
It was the perfect solution. Danny no longer had to deal with randomly materializing offerings putting his secret identity at risk. Pariah's skeletons, who had been antsy for something to do now that they were no longer bent under the thumb of a cruel tyrant, were instructed to take care of all the offerings; making sure everything was always cleaned up and put away. And all Danny had to do was stop by periodically to check in and "Officially respond" -ie, write a fuck off note- to the summoning messages (Clockwork's insistence).
A perfect solution. Up until Danny checked in one day to find the skellies pampering a whole ass boy. No. Not just any boy. Danny recognizes that costume.
"Why is Robin here?"
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spam-extemporal · 23 hours ago
Damian: This is outrageous!
Tim: What's going on, Demon brat?
Damian: Someone stole all my favorite paint brands from the art stores in Gotham! Who would do such a thing!?
Tim: I'm pretty sure they just ran out of your brand. They'll have more in the next shipment
Damian: Don't patronize me, Drake. This was a blatant personal attack aimed at me.
Tim rolling eyes: Of course it is.
Damian: I'm telling you someone is going out of their way to cause enough minor inconveniences to drive me mad!
Meanwhile, somewhere in Gotham
Tucker: Why are you buying all these paintbrushes again?
Danny: I just got my Ghost King unlimited card, which means I can cause enough minor inconveniences that it will drive my twin brother mad. *Evil Cackle*
Sam: This is the first time I've heard of you having a twin.
Tucker: Please don't get him started-
Danny: We were born to inherit the mighty Ras Al Ghul's empire. Sadly, there could only be one True Heir, and on our fifth birthday, we were set to duel to find the one truly worthy of the title. I refused to fight, so I showed up without a sword. My brother did not have such inhibitions and attacked me the second I stepped into the room. I tried my best but could not beat my younger brother unarmed and was banished in shame. Now I wait in the shadows, ready to get back at the brother who turned his sword on me.
Tucker: Here we go. Look what you did, Sam; now he's monologuing.
Sam: But how will buying out his favorite things going to actually do anything for his revenge?
Tucker: *Twirling finger at his temple*
Sam:  I mean, yes, of course; I know he's crazy, but stupid? I just don't-
Sam: Well. I stand corrected.
Tucker: You get used to it. He does something like this at least once a year. Before Damian Wayne came to live with his Dad, Danny would fly out to Nanda Parbat to steal all their lotions. I've learned to let him have his fun. Plus, I get a free yearly vacation out of it.
Sam: Is that where he got the coconut and kukui nut oil lotion he lent me? My grandma loved it, and it helped a ton with her eczema.
Tucker: If you want more, Danny has twenty-five crates of it.
Danny: Come on, guys! We have to get to Gotham's aromatherapy essentials before Damian! Let's see him try to meditate with stall air now! MA HA HA HA .
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
Wheel of Fortune
Fandom: DP x DC Ship: Dead on Main (Jason/Danny) Inspired by this post
Jason was relaxing with a book in one of the student lounges at Gotham U. It had been hours since his last class ended, but this couch was comfortable and he’d just reached an interesting point in his book. He’d read it before, but that was beside the point. Around him the lounge area had emptied out as it had neared dinner time. The TV had been left on by someone and it was now playing reruns of Wheel of Fortune - easily ignorable background noise, so Jason hadn’t bothered to locate the remote.
Footsteps behind him instantly drew his attention but he kept his shoulders relaxed and his eyes on the book. He’d stopped reading but still turned a page. He waited for the footsteps to pass by, but they didn’t. They stopped right behind him. They-
“Fuck me in the ass tonight?” There was a note of disbelief in the question.
Jason’s head snapped up, bewildered and saw a young man: black hair, blue eyes, short, slight build, looked like a stiff wind could blow him over - not a threat, the back of his mind concluded. He had been looking towards the direction of the TV, but when Jason turned to look at him he snapped suddenly horrified eyes onto Jason. His face turned increasingly red. He completely clammed up.
Intrigued Jason looked at the screen showing Wheel of Fortune and ah-
Tumblr media
He suddenly understood.
“Luck be in the air tonight,” he announced confidently.
There was the sound of a slap and Jason turned to find the other man covering his face with a groan and a mumbled, “not for me it isn’t.”
Jason found a smirk stretching his lips and he just couldn’t help it.
“Well that depends?”
Danny was absolutely mortified, he couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud and not only that but a handsome stranger had heard his absolute fail, but that last statement had him pausing. He let his hand fall away. The smirk he was met with made his knees feel a little weak.
“Depends?” Danny squeaked.
And oh shit, the man stood up and walked towards him and he was like a head taller than Danny and he looked like he could fold Danny in half. Danny gulped, he definitely had a problem. And then he was standing right up in Danny’s space.
The little agreeing hum from deep in the man’s chest set Danny’s body on fire. He leaned in close to Danny’s ear so he could feel the cool air of his breath tickling the short hairs at the nape of his neck.
“Depends on how much you meant the first statement.”
Danny’s brain broke a little.
The man was completely frozen before Jason and he leaned back with a small frown, slightly worried.
“You okay?” Jason asked.
It took a moment, before he seemingly came online again. He blinked and focused back on Jason.
“Is this a joke?”
Jason shrugged, suddenly self-conscious, because he didn’t really normally flirt and he was starting to feel like he should back further away. He didn’t, but it was a close thing.
“If you want it to be?” He finally settled on.
“And if I don’t?”
Jason sucked in a breath when blue eyes met his own. He wet his lips nervously, feeling like he was balancing on the summit of a mountain about to take a plunge. “Then it’s not.”
“Oh, thank fuck.”
Jason barely registered the words before he was pulled down into a kiss with surprising strength, and there were hands in his hair tugging deliciously and it was Jason’s back hitting a wall and huh, maybe he needed to re-assess the threat level, but later; Jason was busy right now.
Hope you enjoyed this silly thing. If you're not too busy tell me what you thought on the way out, comments make the day brighter and it feeds the muse.
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
Danny steals Jason
Danny was the newbiest of noobs on the street rat scene. Poor kid isn't cut out for the cut-throat culture of Gotham homelessness. His soft heart and mid-western manners means he ends up giving up the lion's share of what he does manage to scavenge.
It concerned Jason. Being soft like that was a great way to get killed. Danny was chum in the shark infested waters. Hood asked one of the older alley kids how Danny hadn't gotten eaten alive.
"It's like taking candy from a baby" she confided in Hood. "Easy as fuck, but you can't help but feel bad about it."
Now, Red Hood has a deal with the alley kids. If anyone manages to steal from all of the Waynes without getting caught, he will pay for all their necessities until they turn 18.
Really, it's a win-win. Bruce and his brood get extra awareness training and more incentive to stay out of Jason's territory. The kids get bought a meal after they're inevitably caught. Jason gets to laugh at his family.
He never expected his deal to be taken advantage of by Danny of all kids.
"Psst! Red Hood!"
Jason glanced over to see Danny beckoning him over. Curious, and a bit wary at the nervous look on the boy's face, he approached. "What's up kid?"
"C'mon! Over here!" Danny insisted, moving further away.
Jason followed. "What's this about?"
Danny didn't answer. Instead he just grabbed his hand and sped up. He kept glancing back at him and it was making Jason nervous. Did the kid get in over his head and coerced into luring Red Hood into a trap?
"Kid?" He asked again, tension leaking into his voice.
"Not yet. Almost there."
Abruptly they stopped on a random street corner. Jason noted that it was tactically a poor place for an assassination. Still, if something was gonna go down, he'd have to make sure the kid made it to safety.
"I abducted you." Danny interrupted, confirming Jason's suspicious. "I used persuasion to get you someplace you don't wanna be," He pointed at the ground at that, presumably for emphasis. "Which counts as abduction. And I didn't get caught by the Bats."
"Okay? Danny, you-"
"You're sort of a bat which means I stole you from the bats!" the kid interrupted again. "And the bats are the Waynes. So I stole from all the Waynes without getting caught! I won the challenge!"
As Jason's brain rebooted all he could manage to say was, "What makes this spot someplace I don't wanna be?"
Danny just grinned and pointed at the ground again.
Jason looked down. He was standing in a chalk outline with lots of arrows titling it the "Stupid Circle"
Based on these two posts:
Pickpocket for Hire:
Jason gets 'kidnapped':
@queeniewithabeanie @apatheticsunday @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
Danny in Gotham with his folks decides to go out for a night stroll (rather than sleeping) to try and find a corner store so he can get some ice cream and without paying attention he found himself in the bat cave and rather than freaking out he locks eyes with a VERY sleep deprived Tim and Tim points him out and says, “y’all see that guy who just flew in here right?” And Dick is just like, “go to sleep, Timmy, please. We got this.” Without looking away from the bat computer. So Tim gets up and walks over to Danny and is like “how did you get in here?” And Danny pulls a sucker or something out of his mouth and says, “well this isn’t the convenient store… Can you point me in the right direction?” Tim in his very sleep deprived mind is like, “sure”. So Danny, who is also probably sleep deprived is like, “dope!” Grabs Tims hand and flys the two of them out of there to go get ice cream.
Tim and Danny do hijinks while the bat fam just think Tim went to bed finally until morning when they don’t find Tim ANYWHERE!
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
DC x DP prompt
Danny is hanging out with Dora, and gets caught in a trap by Aragon. He takes the dragon amulet and phases it into Danny’s chest, which turns Danny into a dragon, and then sends him through a natural portal to cause chaos.
Aragon tries to take over the zone while Danny is gone but Dora beats the crap out of him.
Meanwhile Danny is a dragon now, smaller than his human form because he’s still a baby ghost, and his core reflects that. Baby dragon Danny was sent to the DC universe and lands (un)gracefully in an alley in Gotham.
He could be feral like little baby man but he could also just be regular Danny brain power as a ghostly dragon. Who is like three feet long. He does his best to get his bearings, roams around a bit, hides from people, and scrounges for food as he tries to find a way back home. (Might not realize he’s not in his universe)
Danny catches the attention of some not so great people and runs and hides in an alley, digging into the trash or under a dumpster bc he is Smol.
Meanwhile Damian is out on patrol and hears commotion on the streets. He swiftly beats up this gang of guys chasing someone(or something) into an alley. After running them off he hears rustling amongst the trash in the dark alley. He thinks it’s a cat, as it usually is, but is surprised to find an actual, baby, black and white dragon with bright green eyes.
Obviously he plans to take him home, but has to coax Danny out from underneath the dumpster. Maybe he uses some snacks from his cool pouches on his belt. Eventually he wins over Danny, but Damian has to keep him a secret from the batfam.
The secret does not last long. Keeping a dragon in your room is not a good hiding spot. But, he found that Danny likes to cuddle, so obviously the little dragon had to stay with him.
Alfred found out first, promised not to say anything and help feed the dragon. Not sure who finds out next but Danny probably tries to bite Dick when he tries to pick him up a bunch.
Damian plans to train Danny to be his sidekick. If Batman gets a batdog, obviously Damian needs a bat dragon. Name is a work in progress, but Damian still makes Danny a lil bat outfit to match Ace.
Eventually everyone finds out and Bruce especially is trying to figure out where the dragon came from and why he’s just chilling with the fam. The tamest dragon he’s ever seen tbh it makes him worried
Damian finds out about some of Danny’s powers and shenanigans ensue. Danny gets comfy with the bats and is treating the whole thing like a vacation away from his troublesome life. Dragons probably purr, right?
Eventually maybe Danny finds a way to communicate that he’s actually a teenager trapped in dragon form and he needs help. The batfam collectively lose their minds when Danny’s revealed to have black hair and blue eyes.
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
Ride or Die 
As Danny Phantom and Johnny 13 drifted through the Ghost Zone, Danny’s hands firmly around the older ghost’s waist as he drove, the eerie green mist swirling around them, Danny spoke up.
“So… can I ask you something?”
Johnny, who had been quiet until now, smirked and glanced at Danny. 
“Yeah, sure, kid. What’s on your mind?”
Danny hesitated, but then decided to just go for it. “Kitty.”
Johnny’s smirked died down, and his grip on his bike’s handlebars tightened ever so slightly. He returned his gaze at the rocky road in front of him. 
Danny continued carefully, “I mean, when she—when she, y’know, followed you… what was your first reaction?”
For a long moment, Johnny didn’t say anything. His jaw worked like he was chewing on the right words. Finally, he sighed and ran a hand through his greasy hair.
“I was pissed.”
Danny blinked. “Wait, really?”
Johnny let out a humorless chuckle. “Yeah. I loved Kitty, don’t get me wrong. But when I found out what she did? I lost it.” He clenched his fists. “I yelled at her. I told her she was a damn fool. That she had everything—her whole life ahead of her—and she just threw it away. For me.”
Danny had expected sadness, maybe regret, but not outright anger. “But… wasn’t she just trying to be with you?”
Johnny shook his head. “That’s the thing, Danny. Yeah, I missed her, but I never wanted this for her. I wanted her to live. To move on. Not… this.” He gestured vaguely to himself, to the swirling, endless void of the Ghost Zone. “She was supposed to grow old, have a life, have a family if she wanted one. Instead, she got stuck here with me.”
Danny could hear the bitterness in his voice, but there was something else beneath it—something raw and painful.
“A part of me is still mad at her for it,” Johnny admitted, his voice quieter now. “But mostly? I think I’m just mad at myself.”
Danny frowned. “Why?”
Johnny sighed and looked away. “Because if I hadn’t been such a reckless idiot… if I hadn’t gotten myself killed… she never would’ve done it. I know it was her choice in the end, but I was the reason she even had to make that choice.” His fingers tapped restlessly against the handlebars. “I guess a part of me wonders if she ever regretted it, y’know? If, deep down, she wished she had stayed alive.”
Danny thought about Kitty—how, despite everything, she always seemed devoted to Johnny. But he also thought about the way she sometimes looked at the human world, the way she tried to fit in, the way she occasionally longed for something she could never have again.
“I dunno, Johnny,” Danny said finally. “I think she loves you. But I think she probably misses being alive, too.”
Johnny let out a long breath, nodding slightly. “Yeah. That’s what I’m afraid of.”
They rode in silence for a while after that, the hum of Johnny’s bike the only sound in the endless expanse of the Ghost Zone.
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
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Dani got caught up by animated Pokemon series and dragged Vlad into watching it (first reluctantly but got more obsessed than Dani later on)
And now they cried out this every time they came to bother Danny.
And Meowth of course
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
Everyone forgot Danny
It started out slow, he would be in class and people wouldn’t notice him until he spoke up. His parents would ask what they wanted for dinner and would look confused when he answered.
Slowly but surely people forgot who Danny was entirely.
His records vanished along with his memory.
At first Danny was angry, then he thought it was funny, and then his parents started to lose interest in ghost hunting and then he got worried and went to see clockwork.
The ghosts remembered him, but the people of amity park could not remember Danny.
It was a defense mechanism, clockwork explained, areas with high concentrations of ectoplasm would infect anything living and cause it to not notice or even forget ectoplasmic entities.
This was to prevent anything from actively attacking the realms or looking into things too deeply and learning things their mind could not comprehend.
It happened to protect both the living and the dead.
There was no going back. If the ectoplasm were to be forcefully removed the citizens would all die within the year, their bodies unable to support them anymore.
So now Danny was faced with a choice.
Leave amity and find a place for himself in the world
Stay in the infinite realms and take his rightful place on the throne.
Danny wasn’t ready to give up living, so he packed up everything he could, sealing away the rest his parents weapons in the ghost zone and locking up the lab.
He had some ghosts install a second basement so if anyone looked at the building plans nothing would be amiss, but no living creature would go through that portal again.
Danny travel from city to city, coast to coast. Until one day he was sitting on a dock and all hell broke loose.
A massive red tornado landed right in the middle of happy harbor.
Danny jumped into action, doing everything he could to get any and all civilians away from the tornado.
Insanely, there appeared to be a group of teenaged heroes around his age and younger.
Watching the team struggle, but eventually succeed was nostalgic. He knew they would learn, and who would it hurt if he stuck around for a bit to see where things lead?
So with the money he stole from vlad, he got himself an apartment and enrolled in school. He go a little help from technus to fake his records, but no mortal would be able to tell they were fake.
Up until school started, the teens would hang out around the beach. Danny watched from a distance and tried to figure out each of their powers.
He was pretty sure the red head was a speedster; clockwork loved to complain about them.
The big guy was definitely a superhuman. Strength at the minimum.
The red headed girl…was definitely not human. He didn’t even need to see her shift; no human teen would say “hello Megan” when referring to herself that often.
Blondie and Mr sunglasses definitely were skill based heroes
The only one he wasn’t sure about was tall dark and handsome. He showed some combat skills when he messed around with his friends. Maybe something water based? When he got in the water he stayed longer than most, but that was only when there was no other people near the group. So maybe he transformed in water? Danny wasn’t sure.
After school started, things were nice. He did well in his classes and his hero watching hobby was getting interesting. From what he could tell, superboy and the shifter were absolutely dancing around each other, it was actually kinda adorable.
He wasn’t sure what was going on with superboy, but he was definitely doing better getting acclimated to normal people; Danny suspected he was raised in a lab.
So time passed and things were nice. He was working hard and getting good grades, he had…friends. Totally, just because they only ever talked in class didn’t mean he had no friends.
Everything was good.
And then all the adults vanished. Danny didn’t know what was going on but he knew he had to help. So Danny got to work organizing the teens of happy harbor into some semblance of organization.
He rallied anyone with a license to collect kids around town after he Hotwired some buses. When the heroes arrive he tells them they have things handled there and to help other cities.
Eventually though (and I’m absolutely fucking with canon at this point) Billy batson shows up and is trying to make his way to mount Justice to get to the team only to run into a fucking eldrich horror.
Billy screams as soon as he sees Danny and Danny grabs him and throws him in an alley to confront him.
Danny then yells at the kid that if he wanted something then he didn’t need to yell and to please stop glowing.
Once they come to an understanding, Danny agrees to get Billy to mount Justice. He hot wires a motorcycle and Billy helps him break into the base.
It takes a bunch of convincing, but Danny reluctantly agrees to go in with him, but only because he wants to see their awesome gadgets and nothing else.
When confronted by the team of teens Billy struggles to prove who he is until wolf comes up and licks him.
Superboy (and Danny bursts out laughing when he learns that’s his actual hero name) and miss Martian both confront Billy about bringing Danny.
Billy refuses to explain on account of them really not having time right now. Danny meanwhile is looking over some of the reading they left up and suggests Billy try to transform.
After they get into contact and things are revealed to be caused by a group of sorcerers led by klarion.
After everything settles down, Batman confronts Danny who isn’t the least bit intimidated, instead saying he had a test coming up and needed to study.
Billy on the other hand decides he should convince Batman that Danny could be a valuable asset and proceeds to blackmail Danny into joining the team.
He ends up basically just helping out and dropping valuable but incredibly obscure bits of knowledge.
While Danny is really enjoying his time with the team, things come crashing down when vlad starts blackmailing him.
Obviously Danny doesn’t give into the blackmail because he thinks vlad is a fucking fruit loop but he constantly reminds Danny that he has way more ectoplasm the vlad does and it was only a matter of time before the heroes get infected and start forgetting him.
So Danny starts acting distant, hanging out less and less.
His friends are getting worried.
Kaldur tries to confront him but it only leads to Danny storming off and not returning to the base for a week.
No one knows how to help him, until Robin hacks into sports masters laptop and finds a file on Danny and what exactly they could use to emotionally cripple him if he ever joined the fight.
It also had data that none of them could understand but they were certain Danny could.
Kaldur is volunteered as tribute as the one to talk to Danny and fic him the file. When he reads it he breaks down in kaldurs arms because it showed that he didn’t release enough ecto to infect them.
They wouldn’t forget him.
So the next time the team leaves for a mission and they have intel that vlad would be there, he sneaks aboard the ship.
They’re nearly there when he finally reveals himself but no matter what any of them say he refuses to stay on the ship.
He only agrees to keep his distance so long as plasmius never shows his face.
Unfortunately for the villains, he does, and Danny shows all the villains present exactly why vlad was getting the big bucks for keeping Danny off the playing field.
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
Fic prompt #5
Danny decided that he can’t no longer continue to being a superhero, because it’s influencing negatively his grade and there is no way he could find a job in the future if the situation continues as now.
But he can’t just stop and let the ghost go wild in the human realm, so he just splits his human and ghost form.
He decided that every night the would reemerge themselves into one, for share their memories of the day and split right after, for the rest of his human life.
The thing is that Danny, human or ghost is never been the most attentive one.
To prove this point, there is the fact that the two half, had called the other, their other half in public in numerous occasions.
So the hero community is now convinced that they are in love, but because of their differences (being alive and not), Phantom is waiting for Fenton to die, to be truly together.
In the main time they also think that they gave each other permission to having other relationships, but just for life.
Tim Drake, aka Red Robin, is actually trying to convince is civilian boyfriend that they should be together even after dead
Danny Fenton is slightly getting more and more concerned for the mental status of his boyfriend, that is continually mentioning death and the afterlife.
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
If you read the fic, leave the kudos. Leave a comment too, if possible. Just do it. It takes a few seconds of your time and it means the world to the writer.
Sincerely, me who just got told that my writing feels like watching a blockbuster movie. I don't care if they were sincere or not, I'll be thinking about that comment for the rest of my life and every time I feel bad about my art, I'll remember that someone once liked it.
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
DPXDC Prompt# 6- Net Gain
- I'm really happy with the prompt I came up with in the Batpham discord server, so I'm sharing it here!
Gotham has been a lot safer since VladCo's ever-reluctant Co-CEO had to take over. The reconstruction budget hasn't been touched in 2 weeks. The bats are suspicious of the one multimillionaire who isn't publicly known.
Danny has never been happier to just be shut in and invent more for the AF line of security.
Things have never been easier for him.
Until he walks into his office on 2 hours of sleep and sees a collection of bats caught in his proto-AF nets.
AF- Anti-Fenton
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spam-extemporal · 1 day ago
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The blue Danny trend continues >:)
For @green-with-envy-phandom-event, lines by @jackdraw-spwrite
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