space-mantis-blog · 6 years
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when some1 u love txts u
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
kinda wanna relationship, kinda wanna stay single my whole life, kinda wanna go on adventures, kinda wanna stay in my bed my whole life 
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
they’re doing great and deserve to smile
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
start your new year the right way
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
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Stranger Things + David Harbour being this 👌 close to making an AO3 account and writing Jopper smut (if he hasn’t done it already 👀👀👀)
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
Trans Anxiety™
in public: oh my god i don’t pass at all
with family: oh my god what if they figure out i’m trans
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
new masculinity is john boyega, andy samberg, aziz ansari, john oliver, mcelroy brothers, spread the word
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
luke skywalker, moping around his Sadness Island: rockin, rockin and rollin, down to the beach im strollin,
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
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Things that made me cry first thing.
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
Four Houses as Famous Impressionist Paintings
Ravenclaw: Villa with Orange Trees, Nice by Berthe Morisot (1882)
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Gryffindor: Sunset at Sea by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1879)
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Slytherin: The Green Dancer by Edgar Degas (1879)
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Hufflepuff: The Artist’s Garden at Giverny by Claude Monet (1900)
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
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she thought she killed they asses💀💀😭
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
Had a mom come into work tonight while I was closing out the cosmetics counter at work. She looked a little lost, so I asked if she needed help, and she pointed to all of our perfume gift packages (holiday special whatnot) and asked if I could help her pick some out for her two kids.
I say sure, ask the age range, and go from there, asking if there’s anything she wants in particular (shopping for two tweens, one 11 and the other 12).
She hesitates and goes “just…something pretty. and feminine”
And I’m like “lol wanna make them feel like princesses, I see!”
And she just lowers her voice, like she’s scared I’m going to say something rude, and goes, “My 11 year old just started transitioning, and I want her to feel pretty.”
Just about made up for the rest of my shitty night. Kudos to you, mom. You’re doing good.
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
look, tomorrow you will wake up and feel a bit better, a bit calmer. you are going to figure things out eventually, it dosnt have to all be done tonight. take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, and get some rest. you will manage.
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
this is the mood today
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
Non-binary people who medically transition aren’t “basically” binary, they’re valid non-binary people who choose to medically transition.
Non-binary people who don’t medically transition aren’t “basically” cis, they’re valid non-binary people who aren’t interested in medically transitioning.
All non-binary people are valid non-binary people and their identities should be respected and validated whether or not they medically transition.
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space-mantis-blog · 7 years
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Turning Your Kid’s Drawings Into Badass Characters by Thomas Romain.
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