sourpatch-sims · 2 months
I think I’m done with this community. Some of you are racist and anti-Black as fuck. Some of you use the Black LIs EVERY season to get to who you want. Why? The LIs share the same dialogue 90% of the time. The Black men all look different from each other, have different personalities. So, why? People even claimed Jin and Jack were much too sweet to hurt, but Oakley somehow wasn’t. Funnily enough he was the only OG who didn’t have a fit when mc doesn’t pick him. The same people then used Shawn. Wtf?!? And now y’all are doing it to Henri. Why?
Rhetorical question because I already know the answer.
I’ve even seen people say Fusebox should’ve used one of the white guys for Stefan. Seriously? We finally have a main route featuring a Black man and you want to swap him out for a white man? That’s your suggestion? Not editing him, changing him up a bit but swapping him out for a white character.
And then y’all have the audacity to reblog call out posts or posts talking shit about Reddit. Lmao. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
And I’m so irritated which is why my post isn’t eloquent and may be all over the place. I’m just disappointed, yet another community. I’m done.
Do better!
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sourpatch-sims · 2 months
Welp. I really like Stefan, plus I’m a sucker for the second chance storyline. I was hoping I wouldn’t find him attractive, but damn. Ugh. I really don’t want to leave Henri though.
This is the first time I’ve ever been tempted by a Casa Amor boy.
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sourpatch-sims · 2 months
I find MC and Stefan’s storyline interesting, kind of tempted to abandon my loyal route.
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sourpatch-sims · 2 months
I will never understand watching your followers drag someone and thanking them for it. Unless that person has threatened you, it is NEVER that serious. So disappointed in the person, I actually followed them. But, watching them thank their followers for being their attack dogs left a bad taste in my mouth.
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sourpatch-sims · 3 months
Why did they bring Finn back? Who told them we wanted Kat back? If Stefan shows up next week it confirms my theory that this season is simply an Ex in the Villa do over.
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sourpatch-sims · 4 months
Well, I played it and I didn’t like it. If I wanted to deal with Kat and Finn then I’d replay their shit show of a season. We only have two lis and Melissa steals the guy we want. I am so tired of the sneaking around every season, I don’t want to do it anymore. This is ugh…it’s giving season 5 vibes. Meh.
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sourpatch-sims · 4 months
Finn and Hamish are interesting picks…
I’ll play the first volume, but I’m a bit meh this season.
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sourpatch-sims · 4 months
Meh. Fusebox said “some new faces” on instagram so, why are people panicking? Have they released all of the islanders yet? Because so far I only see two and I doubt that’s it for the season.
I’m seeing people upset at Fusebox and each other and I’m so lost. We don’t have all the islanders yet, chill out.
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sourpatch-sims · 4 months
All stars?!? Meh. I’m not expecting much but I am curious so I’ll at least play the first volume.
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sourpatch-sims · 4 months
Bull Terrier avatar aaaaaaaaahhhh! i love you! those dogs literally instantly make me happy. I miss mine. Sry random message, saw it in my notifications and I had to comment 💖💖💖
Awww thank you! I love bull terriers, I think they’re adorable, weird I know lol.
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sourpatch-sims · 5 months
I’m feeling underwhelmed. As usual the finale felt rushed. Honestly, I feel Ike this season and seasons 6 and 7 started off so strongly and then went downhill during the second half.
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sourpatch-sims · 6 months
This week’s volume was meh.
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sourpatch-sims · 6 months
The only guy that could tempt me to abandon a loyal route is Shawn, still sticking with Oakley though.
Sophie is getting on my nerves, she can go for Shawn all she wants, he’s not partnered with mc. I hope they give us indifferent options next volume, because mc is just waiting to get to the villa and back with Oakley.
Is Sienna still on the show? Why would mc care about her date with Oakley? Unless he promised to dump mc for her then I don’t care.
So mc, li, Bea and Hari have to bring someone back…I’m just waiting for the season when we’re in a couple, that we want, during Casa Amor. Is that too much to ask for?
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sourpatch-sims · 6 months
Ugh. I hate Casa Amor because it’s always wasted on me. My mc is loyal and Oakley just came back so there’s no way I’m messing that up.
Bea - I doubt her tea will change my loyal Oakley route. Nothing ever happens so they could’ve kept the interruption and cliffhanger. I really don’t think Fusebox will have him cheat on mc, they haven’t written fuck boy LIs since season 1.
Are we technically single or still with og li?
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sourpatch-sims · 6 months
I’m happy for the drama and messiness to come, but I’m sad that Oakley is gone. Also, not looking forward to being in a forced couple. Ugh. I don’t give a damn about the bombshell.
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sourpatch-sims · 6 months
I’m just….Why?!?
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sourpatch-sims · 7 months
I both like and dislike Jin and Luna (they’re the problem couple in my play through). They annoy me, but I’m glad Fusebox finally has a polarizing couple this season. I feel like we really haven’t had one since Allegra and Jasper/Miles in season 1. And, I’m glad mc can stand up for herself. As long as I can drag them they can keep being the dark cloud over the villa, it keeps things interesting. I get tired of the “we’re all one big happy family,” vibes. People don’t always like each other, that’s life.
Claudia and Theo - Look, I get it. They need the “power couple” to break up/grow apart but why does it have to involve mc. I choose the friendly options with Theo so it feels like it’s coming out of nowhere. Especially since we barely talk to him without Claudia around. I guess things will change next volume since it’s all out in the open.
Sophie and Jack - I’m glad they’re not fading in the background, that’s happened a lot these past few seasons. I feel for Jack though, I love Sophie but I hope she’s not the Uma of season 8, kissing and hooking up with the other guys in the villa. They do have some cute moments, their staring contest was sweet.
I enjoyed this week’s volume, except for the forced tension between mc and li (Oakley). It was Jin’s secret so of course I didn’t fall for it. He and Luna have been gunning for their couple from the start.
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