sourceid · 9 months
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SourceNPD is a term for people who identify as having NPD because they had it in source
It can also be used for those who already have NPD, but experience it to a different agree, those who's identities relate to the NPD they have in source, despite not having it bodily, those who experience NPD due to having it in source, and many, many others.
This is not necessarily I wish I had NPD/I was meant to have NPD feeling. It is moreso 'I have NPD because I did in source'
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sourceid · 1 year
Sourceid falls under the neuroxenic label.
Before sourceids, we, the other system running this blog and I, both tried to use transids to describe the way we and our members felt about themselves in relation to their sources. What we found, was that even in a community built around feeling shamed from society, we still felt othered. We didn't experience the identity the way they did. We wouldn't have created this identity if it fit.
Source identities don't explain a desire to be something you aren't, and that's where we always felt so desperately othered within the community. It's just a connection to who you were.
You can be connected to and affected by something even if you don't support transids.
People can use the sourceids no-matter their standings on transids because they aren't the same experience. If you don't like that, maybe save yourself the effort of using the term. Thanks.
(Aka Media-Identity)
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A Source-Identity or SourceID is an identity you use because it was an identity that belonged to you in source
Source-Identity falls under Neuroxenic label, but we thought it would be nice to have a specific term for this experience.
Source-Identities are not the same, nor synonymous with Trans-Identities, and it is possible to be one without necessarily supporting or agreeing with the other, however there are some obvious similarities across the identity labels.
The flag is meant to symbolize this. The result of a poll we administered found that blue was the color people most connected to the word source. The yellow and white represent being similar to but not the same as transIDs.
A person may have a Source-Identity for many reasons. It could be that an identity a person has in source is important to who they are as a person, even if they don't actually or bodily have said identity. A person could also have a Source-Identity because the way an identity they had in source affects them differently than the way the same identity is currently affecting them.
There are many other reasons a person may have a Source-Identity, as all a SourceID is, is an identity you had in source
A SourceID is not necessarily an identity you feel you were meant to have or want. There may not be any feelings attached with a Source-Identity other than just that it is you because it is who you are
Anyone who has a source/source media may use this term and a Source-Identity is also considered a Media-Identity for those who prefer to use the word Media over Source.
If you have any questions, you are free to ask them, thank you for your time!
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sourceid · 1 year
We can't add image IDs, we really have been trying, we're really sorry
The site I use to make flags is broken
I'm not sure how long it's been like that or how long it will be but until I can get an alternative I can't really coin anything. For now, I will hopefully be adding image IDs to flags. Just know we have reason for having not done them in the first place and for that same reason, they likely won't be very good.
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sourceid · 1 year
I think the server is ready for the link to go public
This is the official source identities discord server
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sourceid · 1 year
hi! is it ok to use both transids and sourceids for the same thing? i've been identifying with transbirthday for a while for fictive reasons but sourcebirthday also feels nice and i really want to use both because i connect with both
You can do whatever you'd like with your identity and I can't tell you that you can't
However, I will say that that kind of goes against the purpose of the coinage of sourcid in the first place as the purpose of the term was for people who didn't feel aligned with transid people as we've mentioned in the ask on the difference between transids and sourceids as well as in the faq section of our discord
It's very hard for me to word this without coming off as rude and even harder for me to begin to try to explain why I'm saying what I am
Sourceids are typically for identities and things- like a birthday- that you had in source that you no longer have. They're meant to be a community built around "I was ____ in source"
If you're identifying as trans birthday, that would mean you were identifying in a way that the birthday you had in source is your birthday. Then it just seems kind of counterproductive- for me, at least, to have both.
What I would say was if you wish that was your birthday or feel really strongly that that was meant to be your birthday, id gonwith trans birthday
If you're only using the term because that was your birthday in source and that's the birthday you have a connection to, I would say source birthday
But like I said, we at sourcid cannot police your identity
Thank you for the ask.
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sourceid · 1 year
Okay well dm me to join
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sourceid · 1 year
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sourceid · 1 year
So I have a question about source IDs!
I’m really struggling to understand how they’re different from transID…
If a system is white, and has an introject of a Black character, can that introject claim to be Black under the guise of source IDs? Even though they are bodily white and still benefit from white privilege?
Similarly, if a physically able bodied system has an introject who was physically disabled in source, would that introject be able to claim to be physically disabled in that way due to their source ID?
I’m sorry, it just really does seem to me like source IDs are just another word for trans IDs… only introject-specific. Any explanation or info on how they’re actually different would be greatly appreciated!
Well, first of all, no race related sourceids have been created to date, as I still have to figure out a way to get those who want to be close minded to understand.
A sourceid clarifies that that is what you were in source and it is still important enough to you or affects you in enough of a way to still identify with it
Say there's a character, and a big part of that character is that they are constantly made fun of for being "stupid" because they are blonde, but now they're introjected into a brunette system.
But being blonde in source still affects them, and they need a way to portray themselves.
What they will find when they go into the transid community is that to be transids you either have to "feel you were meant to be" or "want to be" a certain thing. Source id is neither of those. That doesn't match the feeling that introjects feel when they are looking for identities to explain what they truly are
Do you know how many introjects go ti the transid community because that's the only term that "fits them" only to find that term barely even fits?
There is no "I feel I was meant to be *insert*" there may not be a feeling attached to it at all. But it's who you were when you were in source and if that's still a part of who you are, I don't see a problem with using a term to describe that.
Would you rather be in a community with an able bodied system who has an introject who is straight up lying about, say, being wheelchair bound and including themselves in spaces with bodily disabled systems who have no clue they're being lied to
Or would you rather be in a community where a person can say "I'm source" wheelchair bound or whatever the case may be. If the bodily disabled people aren't comfortable with that, they'll at least know who to stay away from, and know they aren't being lied to. And other people who were also insert thing in source can come together and have their own community.
There's nothing wring with saying "I was *blank* in source" blank being black or blonde or wheelchair bound or anything else, the fact is that that's what the introject was in source and they may still tie heavily to that. The only thing sourceid is doing is giving you a very concise way to say it, as well as opening the opportunity for a community of acceptance to form.
Sourceid is who you were and how it still affects you
Sourceid is "I was this in source" turned into something people can identify with
Transid Is who you wish you were or who you want to be
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sourceid · 1 year
The site I use to make flags is broken
I'm not sure how long it's been like that or how long it will be but until I can get an alternative I can't really coin anything. For now, I will hopefully be adding image IDs to flags. Just know we have reason for having not done them in the first place and for that same reason, they likely won't be very good.
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sourceid · 1 year
This has been cleared up, we are back to coining now ♡
Either compile my identities as SOURCE identities
Or take them off this Google doc
We will not coin anything else until that happens
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sourceid · 1 year
can you coin sourceabled?
Hi, anon!
Just wanted you to know we aren't ignoring you and we will be very happy to get right to that
However, as certain communities can't be respectful to our wishes, we've had to pretty much go on a coining strike. As soon as this ends, we will be right on that. Thank you for your patience
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sourceid · 1 year
I'm not even going to speak on the disrespect of labeling soureids as "other identities" after i very clearly stated label them as SOURCE IDENTITIES OR TAKE THEM OFF THE LIST
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sourceid · 1 year
Either compile my identities as SOURCE identities
Or take them off this Google doc
We will not coin anything else until that happens
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sourceid · 1 year
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sourceid · 1 year
Could you coin sourcedyslexic?
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sourceid · 1 year
SourceDyslexic / MediaDyslexic
Aka SourceDyslexia or MediaDyslexia
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Source-Dyslexic is a term for people who identify as having dyslexia because they had it in source
It can also be used for those who already have dyslexia, but experience it to a different degree, those who's identities relate to the dyslexia they have in source, despite not having it bodily, those who experience dyslexia due to having it in source, and many, many others.
This is not necessarily I wish I had dyslexia/I was meant to have dyslexia feeling. It is moreso 'I am dyslexic because that is who I was in source'
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sourceid · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Source-Identities are NOT transidentities, they count as Neuroxenic labels.
I dont mind my identities being used by people who also use Trans-Identities- but I do not want them being classified as the same things. These identities are seperate
Please spread this around. I have seen an identity that our other mod coined classified as a transid and I would like it to stop. If the person who put us on the list could reach out, that would be great. Thank you.
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