soundthexalarm · 11 years
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Aspen's not sure what he expects, but it's certainly not an out-of-the-blue introduction. He doesn't imagine them seeing much of each other after tonight, and offering each other their names seems a bit...unnecessary. Now, though? Now it's an impulse, and he's returning the gesture before he even thinks about it. "Aspen. It's definitely a pleasure." He can be polite, when he wants to be -- he just usually doesn't. "Nothing you're going to have to nurse a hangover through tomorrow, then?" He asks, and yeah, maybe inquiring after his life is a tad out of line, but he's curious, and his tongue is getting away from him like it always does when he's got alcohol in his system. 
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{✄}      There’s a glint of amusement in his eyes as he listens to the other who is clearly a bit riled up about this whole idea of fake I.D’s, though it does worry him a little bit. Keaton’s far from spoiled but if asked Lennox would give him money to do things. But he’s right, he doesn’t think of him as a kid. “I’m Lennox, by the way.” He’s not sure why he decides to introduce himself. The chances that he’s going to see this boy again is very slim, but the words just come out of his mouth like he’s breathing. 
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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Aspen doesn't mean to scoff, really -- it just sort of comes out like that. "The only kids who get fake I.D's are the spoilt rich ones who can't cope with waiting until they're goddamn old enough to get in on their own." He says, though that's probably a bit harsh -- a touch judgmental. Aspen can be rough around the edges, to say the very least, and alcohol doesn't help that much. "Besides," he continues with a slip of teeth, "I'm not a kid." Because apparently it's necessary to make sure that gets in there, and he's just been given his fresh drink, which he takes in his hand, but doesn't sip just yet. "And I don't think you actually consider me one either." 
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{✄}      ”Well there is that whole thing of fake I.D’s, I hear the kids these days are getting really good at making them.” And, wow, Lennox has never sounded older in all of his thirty-six years of life. But it’s not a big deal, really, he’s come to terms with his age. His eleven year old thinks he’s cool, so that’s really all the he cares for. His eyes flicker over to the boy beside him again, and the answer is fine with him. If he says he’s legal then he’s going to believe him because he really had no reason not to. 
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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Aspen's not sure if he's asking his age or not, though somehow the notion strikes him to not entirely feel like handing it over straight away; he's twenty-one, yeah -- perfectly legal in every sense of the word, including for the drink that he's just polished off and asked for another of. He turns back to the other male after a second. "Old enough is the right way to put it, yeah." He says, a little glint of mischief dancing through his eyes, and he leans heavily against the bar beside him. "Wouldn't be sat here right now flirting with you if I weren't, I'd imagine."
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{✄}      The bartender came over with another drink, and his hand wrapped around the glass almost instantaneously. Well at least he knew he had something to do all night; good thing Keaton was off at a friends house for the night.  The fleeting thought of it made him think about how old the male next to him was. “Well you’re clearly old enough to drink, yet you don’t look like you could be a day over twenty.” It’s not that he’s asking for his age, because in the least he’s 21 and that’s fine with him, as long as he’s not seventeen or even eighteen. Lennox isn’t one for getting arrested for having fun while drinking.
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
i really want a zouis ship bc aspen's ex who lied to him for two years about literally his entire life was a zayn and it'LL BE HORRIBLE AND BEAUTIFUL AND ANGSTY AND PAINFUL BC HE'LL LOOK LIKE HIM OH
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
everyone's mood always: louis tomlinson
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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18K notes · View notes
soundthexalarm · 11 years
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
text; wrong number
Archie: a smart one as well, you deserve all the awards
Aspen: thank you i do try
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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"And I still can't figure out why." Batty? Really? That sounds like something Gran would say. 
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"Excuse you. I’m right here, batty." Because bats are blind. Why is he still here?
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
text; wrong number
Archie: i accidentally text the nicest people
Aspen: is that sarcasm
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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Aspen's fingertips slip against the edge of his glass, and he keeps his gaze focused on the older male's features while he speaks, absorbing his words, and canting his head to the side the very slightest of amounts. "And we're going to keep talking as the night moves on." It's not a question, more a declaration, and he picks up his drink to take another sip of it now, as if fortifying his defenses. "In that case, I should definitely order another drink." Assuming he's got the money on him for it, of course, which is always iffy at best with Aspen. Perks of being broke as fuck. 
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{✄}      ”It’s actually due to the fact that I’m alone, without a date. And you seem to be equally as alone as I am.” He shrugged, finishing off the rest of his drink, raising his glass to the bartender. “But it’s good to know that you don’t mind either way it turns out. Though I am on my way to getting drunk, so my words will be more honest as the night moves on.” His eyes have a glint of amusement, though his smile is quite true.
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soundthexalarm · 11 years
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5K notes · View notes
soundthexalarm · 11 years
text; wrong number
Archie: I'm sensing alot of anger.
Archie: You're a human right?
Archie: Would you consider yourself stupid?
Archie: If not, then the /entire/ human raise isn't stupid
Archie: Just a large percentage.
Aspen: i already dislike you
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