soulsanchors · 18 hours
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Part one of Copper's first meeting with a certain pokemon.
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soulsanchors · 19 hours
That makes so much more sense, thank you for the answer!!
Np ^^
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soulsanchors · 2 days
Initially when hearing about this and reading that it was gonna be "Sapphic" It made me assume it was gonna be lesbian pirates. But Lumae is a boi? I think? So are they two boy pirates that do the smoochy smooch? Or something else? I'm just a little confused, only ever heard the word sapphic used to describe girls lovin' girls ^^'
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There is a sapphic couple, but I think you’re a lil confused! The main characters we follow are a genderfluid and trans male! Our resident pirate and cult refugee, however they are guided and assisted by a sapphic couple, who is our second pair of main goobers! I think you mixed them up from the intro post X3
They don’t have finished refs yet, hence why we’ve only really seen Lumae and snippets of Ayric given they are main characters, with the sapphic pair still in somewhat design limbo. Above us here is the sketch ref for Focalors, one of the said lesbians that is nearing her final draft of design!! Given their still in concept, there’s not alot of content I can provide about them until we nail some more things down X3
All I can say for now is they are crime gals who I am vibrating about and their dynamic with the other two is so fun,, so stay tuned ;3
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soulsanchors · 6 days
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@soulsanchors Lumae
I fell in love with this lad immediately
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soulsanchors · 7 days
Let's try this again XD
For your new project, would Lumae's eyes appear as they are in the ref, or would the little waves actually move? Love the design, btw!
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Thank you!! He’s definitely one of my favourite designs in recent years X3c Though if I could animate a comic they would absolutely move like lil waves! Maybe if I make a lil animation of him I’ll incorporate that, but for now static eyes it shall be!
Also I have a lil eye ref sheet for him here, we can see the difference between his cursed eyes (current), possessed, and what his eyes originally looked like before he was cursed ;3
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soulsanchors · 11 days
Lumae, is it difficult to care for those braids in your hair? They look absolutely amazing, but also seem like a hassle to look after.
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It’s a miracle he looks the way he does, given he spends aproximately 8 minutes on his hair every morning, if that X3
Also for some reason I hadn’t considered people asking question to the actual characters, but I won’t be doing roleplay stuff with outside characters! Just asks about these guys that catch my attention ;3
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soulsanchors · 13 days
Okay opened the ask box officially ;D
Forgot to hit the lil on button, whoops Ehe
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soulsanchors · 13 days
It’s finally time to introduce the secondary project I’ve been working on >;Dc
I’ve had this queued for sometime in June, did not check when, so hello on [random date in june] ;D
I’m also here to explain how I’ll be posting this stuff going forward! Everything will be posted here, on my main account before being reblogged over to Soul’s Anchor a side bog with the place holder title. Unless it deals with more adult/suggestive content or heavier topics, of which will be exclusively posted to Soul’s Anchor side blog. As I don’t want certain themes alongside AM! I’ll also be referring to this series as Anchor for short! I will encourage any and all Questions, Mentions, and Thoughts to be directed there for those interested and those who are not, dw! You’ll only see the initial posts here, no asks or follows up, but this is still my art account and I shall enjoy it as I please ;3
Brief Synopsis about the Story:
A queer love story following a cursed pirate and a cult refugee implanted with a god’s eye as they combat the reality of living in a world which was created solely to feed the gods that govern it. All whilst a sapphic couple attempt to help guide the pair along a path to to a better future, one that’s validity comes into question. A dark fantasy story that aims to represent the disabled community, the LGBTQIA+, and SA survivors written by fellow members of these communities.
Also brief disclaimer, I, Phlurrii, am simply an ally to the disabled community, my partner in crime writing alongside me, ArtJunco on Instagram, is our resident community member ;]
Anyways onto the meat of this!
Below is a collection of some, emphasis on some, of the concept art and processes I went through to develop and create one of the two main characters, Lumae.
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Here are some of the earliest ideas, the basic thoughts I had in my brain when developing this goober after a 3 hours pacing in my kitchen at 1 am when that inspiration struck. His hair was the HARDEST bit for me to figure out. Which sucked as usually the hair is one of the first things I figure out because of how much I love it, so it was Agony while brainstorming that part.
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I also briefly considered a goatee, however it was so cruelly shot down by my dear friend. So in stead we compromised that he may get one later down the line story wise… and see how we feel then. However, upon finally figuring out his hair I was bloody elated, still has some tweaks now and then, but the base is there.
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As for this next concept, this was actually the FIRST thing created for Lumae and what started everything else about his character/design! His eyes! They are still my favourite but about him and something I adore whole heartedly! They are the core of his character ;3c
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These next few are early refs and mock ups of his full design, testing our colours, experimenting with shading, getting used to drawing humans again, and general concepts I had for him as a character! Also a sneak peak at Ayric, our second main goober for this story! Who was lovingly designed and created by ArtJunco!
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And finally his most recent WIP ref! The only thing currently bothering me about his design is the colour for his boot covers, I have no idea what to do with them so I’d you have suggestion or ideas, sincerely, feel free to shoot an ask to the Anchor blog! I’d genuinely love outside opinions!
As for the main curiosity of why I’m doing this, for those that missed the last post, I’ll give a brief explanation below ;3
To help with burnout so I can hop between fixations, help to avoid losing interest in AM in the future!
Keep up practicing humans and critters alike.
To take a break from story telling to do story building! Give the telling part of my brain a break, while still making cool stuff ;]
To have a more interactive blog with ya’ll! One where I’ll likely be asking advice and discussing a lot more hypotheticals, doodling asks, and general audience interaction given I am not bound by any updates! Purely just “ooo… shiny-“ and anyone is welcome to join me ;D
Last thing I request is to please read Anchor’s blog bio/description before you follow, as this story will deal with subjects not suited for all audiences posted/discussed exclusively on that blog.
Anywho, that’s all for now folks, hope you enjoyed this brief intermission to kickoff the second project being public!
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