souls-festival · 23 days
Fix the System
(Youtube Alt Link)
The Doctor (10th), Incarnate of Hope Amal, Incarnate of Hope, @dailyashleighraichu Ghost Kid, Incarnate of Fear, @ghost--trails Takeo, Incarnate of Love, @inaris-pokemon-world ???, Incarnate of Sorrow, @creation-quintet Emma, Incarnate of Gratitude, @ask-the-shiny-pokemons
???, Incarnate of Love, @askiceboundlopunny Zephyr, Incarnate of Fear, @bugsofpetalroot Moth, Incarnate of Sorrow, @borealis-siblings Willow, Incarnate of Love, @cosmi-cat
Felix Dawn, Incarnate of Hate, @falloutpoke Steven Universe, Incarnate of Joy Starscream, Incarnate of Greed ???, Incarnate of Hope, @blazing-destiny Professor Cinnabar Dracaena, Incarnate of Fear, @daybreak-mun ???, Incarnate of Greed, @askleaderscrest Keenan, Incarnate of Hate, @askbohemiancompany Thank you so much to everyone who let me borrow your characters for this! :D
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souls-festival · 10 months
Sorry if I haven't gotten around to sending asks yet
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souls-festival · 11 months
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"Now... Look at what you've done..."
"What?... Don't remember me?..."
"Well, I remember you..."
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souls-festival · 11 months
Maybe Umbra + Usha Aisa from (@souls-festival) ? :0
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LISTEN i thought a melanistic suicune kid would look so cool and i was right. feel free to keep the design if you wish! <3
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souls-festival · 11 months
While everyone is packing up at the Souls Festival today- Moth and Perish are willing to travel to others universes, and send out asks!
So if you'd like am ask from the Lady or Lord of Souls, pls comment or reblog this post! <3
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souls-festival · 11 months
For the last three days of the festival- Anyone is allowed to come and ask characters questions! Doesn't matter if your attending or not! ^^
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souls-festival · 11 months
As you waltz around the festival, you notice something.. Suspicious about the way Moth is acting.. She seems to just snark, and make every rude remark under the sun, to everyone.. Like she doesn't have a care if something bad is going to happen... Maybe you should shock her a bit, and take a crack at scaring her yourself?
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souls-festival · 11 months
Redesign Challenge!
Send me your drawing of a redesign or a description of the changes I need to draw fkr an OC of mine!
This challenge applies to all my blogs! Not only pokemon *reminder of that
So go nuts and have fun!
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souls-festival · 11 months
Venus though for a moment about Pop's question...
"I myself honestly haven't been running the festival for long... Maybe, oh... 500 years? At the least.. I don't know how long my Opa ran if before I took over.. That would be a question for my Usha Aisa.."
(@souls-festival) Venus @Pop: Venus notices the latest Lopunny arrival, and immediately rushes over to greet them. The wings of her costume getting caught on branches, weeds, and other festival goers along the way.
"Hello, my name is Venus. Venus Borealis. I am the central hostis if the Souls Festival here- And I've just come to inform you, that you are free to partake in every and all the activities around- From bobbing for apples, crafts, dancing, games, and much more.. As well as check out many of the booths here~ Anyways enjoy the festival and make sure to have fun!"
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" Aye, evenin'!" Pop gave a casual wave with their free paw. Seems like someone definitely interesting, hopefully they can stay to chat awhile if there's time.
"If anything, thank ya for having me, yeah?" Just in case, Pop put the bat down and leaned on it as if a cane.
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"I've been outta the loop for everything for a hot minute, so it helps, it helps." Pop couldn't help but look at their bat for a moment, but seemed to quickly refocus.
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"Anyway-- I'll figure out where I wanna go in a bit. But anyways, long's I'm not holdin' you up, how long have y'all been running this kinda thing? I 'magine it's somethin' that's been 'round for a hot minute." Pop couldn't help but remember some old festivals while asking, traditions that old always held some gold.
Ask hints have been updated!
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souls-festival · 11 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) Well, might as well enjoy the party best they can, right? Hopefully it's just swell to go ahead and socialize with one of the stars of the show. "Hey hey," They waltzed up to Perish. "Pleasure meeting ya. Y'mind if I ask about how long's this has been around?"
Perish leanes forward, almost somewhat leaning overtop of Pop..
"How long has the festival been around you asked? Well, I myself am not certain about that.. I haven't always been Fate of Reverse after all.. I'm not even sure if Venus would quite know.. I know Willow had kept the tradition going for a while.. Until her passing of course..."
Perish pauses for a moment, thinking about something...
"Moth!," he calls out.
Moth came scrambling from wherever she had crawled from.. Holding a peculiar glass with some sort of odd smelling red substance.. She stumbles a bit almost falling on her face as she comes to Perish' side...
"What the f*ck do you want, huh? Can't you see I'm busy enjoying some delicacies?"
"Okay first off, you shouldn't be having Blood wine.. Especially on the fact of us being on the clock.. And second, delicacies mainly refers to food substances, last time I checked.."
Moth scoffed at Perish.
"What Comet don't know won't hurt her~ And plus October is a "holiday" month for us- So.. Technically we're just still doing our job, except without the regards- Now what the h*ll do you want?!"
"Geez.. I just wish to know if you knew how long the Soul's Festival has been going on for?"
"Why the f*ck do you think I'd know that?? I've been doing my job a lot less than you've been ding yours! Go ask Usha Aisa or something.. She is afterall Willow's prissy mother.. you didn't hear that from me though..."
"Fine, maybe I will.. Since your no help, as always.."
(@pokege-ne-project, Pop)
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souls-festival · 11 months
Continuation from -> Here
As the two Legendaries of Souls had gotten accompanied with their surroundings, Venus had went over to greet them once again.
"Ozziez, Moth, it's so good to see you both again~"
"Yeah, nice to see you to V- Anways,, you got the stuff?"
"You mean.. The Bloodwine?"
"Got it! See ya later chumps!"
Moth had then run off to go find Miriam. Leaving Ozzie alone with Venus. Venus and Ozzie looked at one another for a few moments. Ozzie finally having the courage to speak..
"Venus- May I remind you that I would rather be called Perish?" He said in a calmly manner, "I know you mean well, but... You do know how I feel about my true name.."
"Oh right! Sorry, Perish.. I guess it just slips my mind sometimes, heh."
"Your quite alright Venus.. Now, if you'll excuse me.. I think there's a rather fine bunch of pumpkin delectable calling my name.. You enjoy yourself now, though.."
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souls-festival · 11 months
How about for a Tuesday-Wenesday treat-
If you send in 🌏 I'll give you the legend/origin behind of a legendary pokemon that may exist or has exsisted in Imaors ^^ It can be just an in general legendary or it can be a specific legendary I've introduced to said blog~
And if you add an additional ⭐️ to you ask- I'll also release a mini quote or dialog that the legendary has said or engaged through :3
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souls-festival · 11 months
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sadly these aren't all requests since I burned out a bit with doing these :"D But I'll ideally be able to do more next week.
In order:
Artorias of @asktoastythearcanine, suggested by @aro-crossing!
(Gijinka) Eris of @phantomguild!
Moth of @souls-festival!
Noelle of @ask-the-shiny-pokemons, suggested by @saywha413!
Toshi of @blueespeon!
Thank y'all, and hope y'all are having a fantastic weekend!
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souls-festival · 11 months
i am posting way too much today :flop:
hello if youd like a random magic anon reblog this!!!!!!
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souls-festival · 1 year
1st Places! @ask-anxious-sylveon 's Inu! / @askmythicalparty - to be still done
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2nd Places!
@saywha413 Sarah and Hugh / @ask-the-royal-absol Destino!
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3rd Places!
@eevee-crossing Fuegia / @askbookwormflareon 's FF Oc Vris Lovelace!
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4th Places!
@eveeonaartz Moth / @phantomguild - to be made
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souls-festival · 1 year
Oooh so spooky ! :0
Thank you for doing this! <3
I definitely would love a transparent version if you wouldn't mind 👀
For the crackship meme- what about maybelth from @souls-festival & Mingi? I'm sort f curious abt smth 👀
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Leto! Seems like Leto is a lot more expressive than its parent Mingi, also is it a plush? Or is it flesh? Who knows how it was born or brought into this world - still seems very curious about its surroundings!
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souls-festival · 1 year
ooc note: if You are entering the festival- Pls actually judt tag in the blog- that would be so great, thanks!
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