Reblog for a call to a cursed town!
((I'm bored! Canon character rp blogs should reblog this. And I will write you a letter bating your character to come to Silent Hill.))
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"Sounds like a plan. We can get demon married but we'll need twelve virgins, thirty goats, and a moderately sized head of cattle."
or a ♦ for their reaction to yours proposing to them.
"Are we doing this to steal Death’s thunder? Cause okay but he is gonna be hella pissed at both of us."
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Spirit yelped and grabbed the window ledge as he flew out. “Fuck you abdeil!”
"Fuck your mom!" The demon grinned at him.
"You have been disobedient, and you will be punished for it."
Spirit smirked and made his way over to the red headed demon. “What kind of punishment  are we talking?” Spirit asked, pressing his lips to the others ear.
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or a ♦ for their reaction to yours proposing to them.
"Are we doing this to steal Death's thunder? Cause okay but he is gonna be hella pissed at both of us."
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"I'm a demon, there's only one kind!" And he picked up the scythe and tossed him out the window.
"You have been disobedient, and you will be punished for it."
Spirit smirked and made his way over to the red headed demon. “What kind of punishment  are we talking?” Spirit asked, pressing his lips to the others ear.
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Send me a ♠ for my muse's reaction to you cornering them and groping them, a ♣ for their reaction to your muse hugging them from behind, a ♥ for their reaction to your muse confessing to mine, or a ♦ for their reaction to yours proposing to them.
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Death clutched his hands over his chest as if shot, then rolled his eyes and laughed. “Yes, I’m positive. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. It would be incredibly rude to not invite the head of state for an entire realm, especially since every other realm has decided they’re sending representatives whether I like it or not.”
He made a face. “Figuring out the seating arrangements is a total nightmare. Angels, demons, devils, witches, at least one of the elder vampires, members of the court of the Daoine Sidhe- which they want to talk to me beforehand for some reason…. the list goes on.” 
"I wanna sit right between Balaam and Cyriel or beside you. I wanna have a better seat than Xan, in fact. My name card should read: Abdiel: War: Better than his brother and Sexier too." He was poking Death in the chest playfully with the tip of his tail.
"So any Elder Gods coming?"
"Technically you can throw any child out of a window, you just shouldn't." he gave Death his best toothy I-am-so-not-in-trouble-for-being-a-little-shit smile as his tail swished happily at the affectionate touch. "Do you wanna ditch that lame as mirror and come hang out with me? You can come to the Abyss."
"I still defenestrate you on a monthly basis, and look how well you turned out~" The Reaper couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. Abdiel had been his friend for centuries now, one of the very few who had stayed- he would forever be fond of the demon prince, even if he never actually acted like royalty. (Especially since he never acted like royalty.)
"Well… with the wedding coming up in a month or so, I shouldn’t really leave this realm. There’s a lot of planning to do to make sure nothing goes to hell while Franken and I are on our honeymoon…."
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"I'll be your go to guy while you plan to get hitched to ol' Percy's kid." the demon made finger guns winking at the Reaper playfully as he shot steam over the glass. "So you're inviting my brother to the wedding? Are you sure?"
"Technically you can throw any child out of a window, you just shouldn't." he gave Death his best toothy I-am-so-not-in-trouble-for-being-a-little-shit smile as his tail swished happily at the affectionate touch. "Do you wanna ditch that lame as mirror and come hang out with me? You can come to the Abyss."
"I still defenestrate you on a monthly basis, and look how well you turned out~" The Reaper couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. Abdiel had been his friend for centuries now, one of the very few who had stayed- he would forever be fond of the demon prince, even if he never actually acted like royalty. (Especially since he never acted like royalty.)
"Well… with the wedding coming up in a month or so, I shouldn’t really leave this realm. There’s a lot of planning to do to make sure nothing goes to hell while Franken and I are on our honeymoon…."
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Send me a ♬ and I'll shuffle my iTunes and whatever song pops up, I'll use the first line as the starter.
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Reblog if you want fanart of your URL
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Reblog this if I have permission to go in your inbox to start a random RP
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♛ : OTP for my muse  ☠ : NOTP for my muse ♙ : Character my muse hates ♗ : Child!Character my muse would adopt. ♠ : Character my muse would have a one night stand with.  ♥ : Weird ship I have for my muse. ♜ : My muse’s best friend. ☢ : Character my muse is afraid of. ☣ : Character my muse respects greatly.  ☩: Crossover Ship with my muse.
Relationship Asks:
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Send me “Sweet Dreams” and my character will recount a dream they had with your character in it.
And I’ll generate a number from 1-8 to determine what kind of dream they had!
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He took a drag of his cigarette looking up at the school with a bored expression. "If I had a school, I would plastered my face all over it too, like you can't even get mad at Lord D."
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Death ignored it.
"No, I don’t. I’m the leader of the Horsemen and therefore your boss. And you made me eat dead cat two weeks ago. So go do what i say before I get out of bed and throw you out the window." The grin on his face said ‘please try me, I’m dying to make someone else as miserable as I am right now’.
"Yes sir Lord Douche Canoe." he poured the smokey liquid in an ashen glass and set it beside Death's bed. "You and my brother seem to be teaming up on me today."
"You've got a cold? Haha what a loser."
Without missing a beat, or even looking up, Death threw his alarm clock squarely at Abdiel’s face. “Shut up, asshole.”
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"….. he means you act like a spoiled teenager," Death translated. "Which is partly my fault, but still. You are a brat. So go pour me some damn wine already. Oh, and get me another box of tissues. And another pillow. If I have to put up with you, you can be my slave for the day."
"I am a demon prince you have to treat me with respect." there was a burst of abyssal flames and a letter fell in Abdiel's hands. In scrawling Abyssal blood runes was simply written:
'No he doesn't.'
"You're an ass..." he muttered to the letter.
"You've got a cold? Haha what a loser."
Without missing a beat, or even looking up, Death threw his alarm clock squarely at Abdiel’s face. “Shut up, asshole.”
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"Your brother is a saint. Or something. Pour me a glass, will you?" His eyes- glowing faintly, feverish- lingered on the bottle as he pushed himself into a sitting position. "So you’re just playing delivery boy? Or did you come here to make fun of me and get roped into this?"
"I came to mock you and Xan'Del'Douche roped me into being nice or somew royal shit. Making me act as demon prince because I "project" a "negative image" on "demon kind" or "some shit"." he made so many air quotes that the sentence was kind of lost.
"You've got a cold? Haha what a loser."
Without missing a beat, or even looking up, Death threw his alarm clock squarely at Abdiel’s face. “Shut up, asshole.”
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