god's strongest soldier? I'm a draft dodger
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high priestess in another life
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soullessbutsenile · 1 day ago
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Video game building IRL
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soullessbutsenile · 1 day ago
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soullessbutsenile · 2 days ago
not the text i expected from mum this morning
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for context, she was having her port removed, and the surgeon did indeed choose the soundtrack
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soullessbutsenile · 7 days ago
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soullessbutsenile · 7 days ago
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soullessbutsenile · 7 days ago
I remember meeting a guy at a bar a year or so ago who told me he worked at the international consortium that does the porn parodies of all the top-grossing film releases. He said that the whole Barbenheimer situation presented his combine with some spectacular highs and lows. Because he said that with Barbie, right, the thing about Barbie is that there's already kind of a three-way ideatic, structural parallel between the curated artificiality of Barbie as a children's toy, the curated artificiality of Barbie as a mass market film, and the curated artificiality of pornography as a genre. Add on top of that that Barbie as a film is already feeling this tension, right where it's trying to be about a character graduating from the platonic sexlessness of a children's franchise to the functional-and-frank sexuality of being a living human woman, but it's also being bogged down in the "Everyone-is-beautiful-no-one-is-horny" aesthetic restrictions of any contemporary big-budget mass-market film so the two states end up looking pretty similar, he said. I mean the film itself is very aware of that tension, right, with that joke about how "casting Margot Robbie is the wrong move if you want to make that point," all that jazz. So, all that in mind, Barbie-themed pornography, he said, is in a weird way actually kind of complementary to the extant project, gesturing at unaddressed tensions and ideas, a dark mirror, the shadow self it wants to deny but can't, there's a lot of room to play in the space. He used the adjective "Lynchian" a couple of times, he seemed super stoked, he was talking with his hands. Oppenheimer, on the other hand. Oppenheimer he said presented a problem. Because obviously you can eroticize the detonation of an atomic bomb, we're all probably three mutuals removed from someone on this site who does exactly that, but obviously that's a niche market, and moreover it's a market that has a ton of overlap with high-minded thinkers who treat the historical use of atomic weapons against Japan with the level of gravity that atrocity demands. So they were stuck. They were really stuck. He told me that they'd been pulling their hair out for months trying to square the circle and all they had to show for it was a big whiteboard with the phrase "Grope-nheimer" written on it
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soullessbutsenile · 7 days ago
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
When my mother gets into facebook fights with her childhood friends who grew up to be racists, she passive-aggressively fucks with them by making a donation to a local refugee assistance organization in the name of their immigrant grandmothers, a donation large enough that they get a card from the organization saying so.   She passive aggressively fucks with the same demographic of friends who #bluelivesmatter by commenting with details about the various petty crimes they committed together as teens, e.g. “Wow Joey, where was all the respect for blue lives when we hotboxed your uncle’s patrol car?” 
And obviously both these approaches are specific to former juvenile delinquent turned UMC babyboomer but it feel still inspirational in that we can all find our own chaotic good pettiness niche. 
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
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Rest in peace ❌ Rest in pieces ✅
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
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your conscience bleeds more freely than my head.
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soullessbutsenile · 10 days ago
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Kabosu did not deserve to have her image turned into cryptocurrency. She did not deserve to have the meme she was known for across the world to become a code word for a fascist coup.
Her name is Kabosu. Not Doge.
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soullessbutsenile · 13 days ago
(in case you need a knife in the next two days for reasons unrelated to political assassinations)
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soullessbutsenile · 13 days ago
I firmly believe that my (Chinese) mom is more Italian than my (Italian) dad. She earned multiple advanced degree in Italian history and studied abroad to learn how to speak the language fluently. She fought for it. The hell did he ever do? He grew up eating slightly more pasta than other kids in the United States. He was born into it. Fucking nepo Italian
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soullessbutsenile · 13 days ago
Greg House would always select the 'prefer not to say' gender option on any online form, not necessarily because he's cis or trans, but because he likes to be a nuisance and thinks it's funny to let everyone assume his gender in myriad ways and never once confirm which assumption is correct (Wilson is only 95% sure he knows what House's gender actually is)
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