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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
Top 10 Black Clover Quotes
I have recently finished watching Black Clover and can say that It is one of my all time favourite anime’s. The plot is done well and nearly all the characters are likeable.
So as there will be a Season 2  I will decided to do another top quote list.
So without further ado Here are the Top 10 Black Clover routes.
1)  “As you live you lose reasons and hope. But as you keep on going, you pick up new reasons and hope.” – Asta
2) “When you can’t beat fate on your own, that’s when you rely on your friends and team.” – Vanessa Enoteca
3) “Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of… Staying weak is!” – Fuegoleon Vermillion
4) “This is the first time I’ve seen royalty that was labeled a failure… If you feel like fighting against it all, come with me.” – Yami Sukehiro
5) “Gravel may be gravel, but me? I’m gravel that shatters diamonds!” – Asta
6)  “I’ve been facing adversity from the day I was born! No matter how many of you there are, or what happens, I’ll overcome it all.” – Asta
7) “Protect whatever is precious to you. One day it’ll lead you to protect something else.” – Yami Sukehiro
8) “Don’t judge a book by its cover. You don’t know her circumstances, do you!” – Asta
 9) “Your existence itself is unnecessary.”. Nozel
10) "I might've just given up if I were in her shoes... Royals mock hard work. It's something only those who aren't born into power do, not something that royalty does. But... I admire you for the hard work you do."- Mimosa 
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
They are all cute except for the sylveon one which is scary.
Should I post the eeveelutions.
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
Yugioh Quotes
Just finished watching YU-GI-OH Duel Monsters.
Such a nostalgic, amazing anime that people should watch 
Here are some quotes that made me happy, angry and even choked up.
Some of the best quotes from yugioh.
1)  “Games are not boring. Games purify our souls and leave room for new development that challenges the mind! They are the products of human wisdom!” – Seto Kaiba
2) “Best friends are hard to leave but impossible to forget.” – Joey Wheeler
3)  “When we first met, you set my heart ablaze. When I see you, all I can do is gaze. Gaze at the beauty and wonder that is you. The constellation Gemini will make me think of me and you. You are my Yami and I am your Hikari. I love you, my Yami. Now and forever.” – Yugi Muto
Time for people to start crying
4) “Play your games, while I become the most powerful being in the world.” – Bakura Ryou
5) “The gift of kindness that you’ve given and the courage I’ve given you will remain with us, and that will forever bind us.” – Yami Yugi
even more tears.
this will be a series of best quotes from each yugioh series followed by individual characters.
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
Top Food War quotes
Hey everyone I’m back.
Been really busy at college lately but now I have time to relax a bit.
Until this new brief needs to be in next month, then you will not see me for a bit.
Thank you for those who are still following me, you guys keep me posting.
just finished the second season of food wars and I noticed some sayings that stuck with me.
I though I could share them with you as they contain messages that more people should listen to.
So without further ado here are the top        from food wars.
1) “Repeating trial and error and failing many times… it’s that process which makes the dishes shine.” – Soma Yukihira
2) “The trick to being a good chef, is the right woman. A woman who will make you a better man. Better at cooking. Better at everything.” – Joichiro Yukihira
3) No…he is still hiding something. Even though he isn’t using any of the special spice to add into the aroma…What is it? What is the source of the complicated aroma?” – Akira Hayama
4) “It’s finally here Tadokoro… the day you take flight from your small, small garden.” – Satoshi Isshiki
5) “You’re so pitiable, you don’t know the true joy of cooking. That’s why you can laugh, in those kinds of matches you just steal your opponent’s pride with a superficial win… I’ll never accept a cook like that.” – Soma Yukihira
6) “I understand what you are getting at father. And, as such… I have decided that I must relinquish my position as tenth seat. From now on I am just… just plain old Erina.” – Erina Nakiri
7) “By this time tomorrow, all shall be complete. This is Japan’s gourmet food kingdom and I am its new king.” – Azami Nakiri
8) “When they’re faced with unknown situations, human’s field of vision suddenly narrows; their thoughts grow dull, and they make the wrong choices. This assignment is just a preliminary test. Chefs that stumble with something like this – aren’t needed in Tōtsuki.” – Hinako Inui
9) “I’ve always been saved by Soma and the way he faces anything positively. Today he is not here to save me like those other times but he is also fighting right now. I don’t know if I’ll able to do it by myself, but… Soma, today just lend me your courage!” – Megumi Tadokoro
10) “If you want to grow, just look above you. There are plenty of people perfect to serve as fodder for your growth.” – Kojiro Shinomiya
11)  “Cooking is an art itself. It’s something that shines more beautifully as you hone it.” – Alice Nakiri
The next one is long.
13) “You were always a diligent girl who would steadily learn and master all sorts of techniques… but the other side of that is, you were merely recreating exactly what you have been taught. You never even stopped to consider the true nature of things. Will people enjoy the soba that I will make? Will the flavors really be conveyed to the people who eat it? You had no regard for such things, that is why you lost to Soma before the match even began.” – Satoshi Isshiki
14) “You’re right, I’m just a piddly low life diner cook. And you may be the princess of the food world and possess the god tongue. But ya know, if you just sit at the table playing the critic, you’ll never grow in the kitchen.” – Soma Yukihira
15) “Do me a favour and stop deciding other people’s happiness for them.” – Soma Yukihira
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
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Deku and Red Riot 
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
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Journalism Blog turned 1 today!
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
Blue exorcist Quotes
It’s time for some more quotes to make things better.
College work has eased up so now seems like a perfect time.
So here are some quotes from the amazing anime Blue Exorcist.
1)  ” You trusted me. So I’ll trust you too. That’s what being friends means, doesn’t it?” – Rin Okumaru
3) “I’m not good at lying and tricking people. That’s why I’ll use my strength for kindness!” – Rin Okumaru
4) ” Stop trying to solve everything by yourself. Don’t forget that you’re not alone! – Ryuuji Suguro
5) ” Listen, Rin. If you keep on like this, you’ll be all alone. Use your strength for someone else, for kinder things. I want you to become a cool guy with lots of friends who’s loved by girls!” – Shirou Fujimoto
6)  ” You loved my dad a lot, didn’t you? That’s why you were sad. I’m the same – lets be friends.” -Rin Okumura
7) ” It takes a man’s courage to change your decision! That’s what men are like.” – Yohei’s father
8) “Don’t you think that true memories are a combination of fun ones and painful ones?” – Rin Okumura
9) “No matter how you look, as long as your judgement is clouded you won’t find the truth.” – Neuhaus Igor
10) “You’ll never be able to move forward if you’re afraid of soiling your hands.” – Shiro Fujimoto
11) “Little fool, demons exist, all right. They’re inside our hearts.” – Shiro Fujimoto
12) “I just really hate cowards who say things like “I’ll defeat Satan” or that we’re “friends.” When all they know is to run away at the most crucial of times… After spouting some pretty words.” – Izumo Kamiki
13) “It’s certainly good to be smart, but I think it’s better that there are all kinds of people in the world.” – Rin Okumura
14)  We cook because we want to make someone happy with our food. We’re happy if they tell us it’s good. That’s why I like to cook and why I want to cook.” – Rin Okumura
and the most iconic one
15)   “Life’s a bitch, so if it’s easy, you’re doing it wrong.” – Rin Okumura
This is such a amazing anime if you have not seen it go and do so.
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sothingcherryblossom · 5 years ago
Best Pokemon qoutes
I decided for my next official post that I would do qoutes from different animes I have seen. First was My Hero Academia and now it is Pokemon. What will be next?. After I  do all the animes Then I will either do individual charecter quotes or will post a short story or poem. 
Jury is still deciding.
So without further ado here are some of the best Pokemon qoutes. 
1) “Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while”. Ash Ketchum
2) “Well ash ya snooze la lose and you’re behind right from the start”. Gary Oak
3) “Make your wonderful dream a reality, it will become your truth. If anyone can, it’s you”. N, Pokemon Black/White
4) “So, this is my power… but what is my purpose?” Mewtwo
5) “A wildfire destroys everything in its path. It will be the same with your powers unless you learn to control them”. Giovanni
6) “Humans may have created me, but they will never enslave me! This cannot be my destiny!” Mewtwo
7) “You see, sometimes friends have to go away, but a part of them stays behind with you”. Ash Ketchum
8) “That’s ok, Brock – you’ll find lots of other girls to reject you!” Ash Ketchum
9) “A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same”. Brock
10)  “Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with all their favorites”. Karen
11) “Some trainers have no fear. To them this is just one more challenge. They follow their hearts. That is what sets them apart, and will make them Pokémon Masters. Good luck to all of you”. Miranda
12) “There are bad ways to win, and good ways to lose. What’s interesting and troubling is that it’s not always clear which is which. A flipped coin doesn’t always land on heads or tails. Sometimes it may never land at all”. Grimsley
13)  “That’s right, I am too weak to work, but a Pokémon battle isn’t work”. Ash Ketchum
14) “Just when you give him a break, he has to be a nice guy, too”. Misty
15) “Physical wounds can be treated without much difficulty, but emotional wounds are not so easy to heal”. N 
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
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ITS POKEMON FANART TIME! Been a while since the last one
[Please reblog to make the artist very happy and love you forever]
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
Watch this if you are a fan. It includes Bakugo x Kirishima and my persanol favourite Deku X Todoroki
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Friend sent me the BNHA musical on discord and I kept thinking about this goddamn scene I had to redraw it im gonna c rY
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
My Hero Academia quotes
Season 1-3
 Hey everyone a quick message before I do the actual post.
To those who follow me I am sorry I haven't updated. I have had  lot of problems to deal with and just haven't had the time or energy to update. The problems are better so I thought its high time I post something. If you still follow me thank you soo much for your patience.
 Here are some of my favourite quotes from My Hero Academia.
1)  “My motivation might seem trivial compared to yours, but I can’t lose, either.  I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me.” – Izuku Midoriya
2) “Should we have let people die, all in the name of the law? Isn’t it a hero’s job to save people?” – Shoto Todoroki
3) “It’s not bad to dream. But you also have to consider what’s realistic.” – All Might
4) “There’s nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway.” – Shouta Aizawa
5) “Heroes and villains both thrive on violence, but we’re still categorized. “You’re good” “You’re evil”. That’s how it is! Symbol of peace? Hah! In the end you’re just a tool for violence, made to keep us down. And violence only breeds more violence.” – Shigaraki Tomura
6) “Don’t worry about what other people think. Hold your head up high and plunge forward.” – Izuku Midoriya
7) “Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues.” – Iida Tenya
8) “Maybe I failed this time, but I’m not giving up. I’ll show them I’ve got what it takes to make it to the hero course, and I’ll become a greater hero than all of you.” – Shinsou Hitoshi
9) “You’ll regret making a fool of me… I’ll freaking kill you! I’m taking the first to end all firsts. There’s no point in winning against some half-assed punk. No point If I can’t do better than Deku! So if you’re not trying to win, get the hell outta my face!” – Bakugou Katsuki
10)  "Because in this world, the ones who are smiling are the strongest!" – Nana Shimura
 next post will either be a different anime or Individual character quotes from My Hero Academia.
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
That is so cute and bulbasour looks adorable in his party hat.
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
Havent posted here for a while.
All out to finish my college work these last couple of months.
A short story and three poems I made will be posted some time today or tommorow..
Thank you for everyone who is still following me.
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
The best pokemon movie ever 
(as well as Lucario and the mystery of mew)
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
I cracked up laughing when this happened
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
I remember watching this as a kid.
So funny.
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So at last, the miracle had come to pass in that far-off time upon New Year’s Day, and the glorious reign of King Arthur was begun.
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sothingcherryblossom · 6 years ago
Harry Pottr is one of my all time favourite movies.
I collect merchandise
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) dir. Chris Columbus
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