sosaaa · 2 years
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sosaaa · 2 years
I’m just a bland man
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sosaaa · 2 years
I hate that I’m growing up. I miss my childhood. Makes me cry
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sosaaa · 2 years
Moving out hurts, even though I’m not going far
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sosaaa · 3 years
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sosaaa · 3 years
Nothing is sacred and no one is real. We have all created pointless conflict in our live over pride and principles.
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sosaaa · 3 years
Review: Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion
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This was an undertaking. I actually started watching the Eva series last year, but for whatever reason my heart wasn’t in it so I had to shelve the series for awhile. When I came back to it, again less than a year later, I genuinely did not remember the 11 episode I had watched. I felt like it was truly seeping in this time around. I remember wondering why, sometime around episode 20, why people classify this as such an incomprehensible series. I found my answer in episode 23, “Tears.” This is absolutely a series that I feel like you can watch through the first 22 episodes at your own pace, but at the turning point in episode 23, you need to sit down and watch the rest in one go and maybe even multiple times (I personally re-watched 23/24 to really get a feel for what was being said). The head on this particular pint is something you have to contend with at the end of the series. That being said, I think the series itself is genius. They used 24 episodes to give you a basis and slowly, but surely the tone of the show turns. It’s a swinging pendulum where it starts out sorrowful, swings into an almost slice of life tone before it turns and absolutely decimates its characters’ psychological well beings. The last two episodes are literally a psychoanalysis on what it means to exist and live. That in an of itself is so audacious, I couldn’t believe what I was watching. Unfortunately though, in doing so, the show decided to sacrifice big swathes of plot involving the interplanetary fighting which is, essentially, the basis for said show. Who doesn’t think of Evangelion and not immediately imagine the Evas themselves? 
While I liked the show’s overarching punch, there were a ton of little things that irked me. Ritsuko turning out to be ‘just like her mother’ and having an affair with Gendo was totally out of left field completely. The show takes no moment to actually explain where Seele got the Dead Sea Scrolls or even what those are to any real extent other than they lay out what order and how many angels there will be. There was a weird shift where for the first half of the show there was a committee of 4 people talking to Gendo about NERV, then Seele(?) stepped in and the other 4 were gone and now we had 12 monoliths taking charge of coordinating (and betraying) NERV. Also, we literally go from Kaji giving Gendo the Adam seed to suddenly, many episodes later, Gendo has somehow fused the seed, now an eye, into his own hand somehow. Little things like these really show that they picked a ton of style over substance when it came to the angel fighting plots. 
The movie was a little more lackluster in my opinion. The animation was incredible and all pretenses of holding back on inappropriate material went completely out the door, which I appreciate. It felt raw. For the first time ever, I really felt like Shinji was the sneak and crook and bad person he always describes himself to be. The fight scenes are spectacular and the fallout is excruciating. That being said, I think my partner @friendtired​ said it best: “I feel like Anno had two endings in mind for the series, a optimistic one and a pessimistic one. In the end, he chose both.” It’s interesting to compare the last two episodes of the series where Shiniji accepts Instrumentality to the movie where you don’t see his internal struggle as much and instead just see him talk to Rei about how he would rather go back to meet people again. That ending scene where he and Asuka are washed up on the LCL beach is potent, but confusing. In my mind the best I’ve been able to decipher is that while Shinji was content with himself finally in Instrumentality, the moment the darkness in his heart returned fear took over and he went right back to punishing Asuka by choking her. Almost like he took his resentment out on her for having to be back and be with her of all people. How she reaches up to him and he falls aside crying feels disjointed. Her calling him disgusting is such a double-edged statement that had far more power. With the fallout of the Third Impact completely altering Earth’s landscape, it just felt like a strange place to end it. These characters came so far just to revert, but I suppose that is a message on it’s own. 
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sosaaa · 3 years
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sosaaa · 3 years
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sosaaa · 3 years
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Top priorities
My happiness!
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sosaaa · 3 years
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Ain’t it fun living in the big world
Being all alone
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sosaaa · 3 years
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Life only has one meaning
No meaning
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sosaaa · 3 years
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sosaaa · 3 years
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Red & blue
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sosaaa · 3 years
lol i miss 2017, playing gta & 2k life was easy back then.
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sosaaa · 3 years
Miss you peep
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sosaaa · 3 years
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Is there a world out thier beyond our reality ?
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