sortahawkward · 41 minutes
fasjhghajf got a new firefox addon that lets you set themes to automatically switch to between specific times, set it to switch to Scary Red at 1am to scare me into going to bed and it works I got startled so bad when it suddenly changed to thsi fajgghasfj
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sortahawkward · 1 hour
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From the early days of our modern ‘verse. 💪🏻 Out on the trail, stuffin pamphlets, sniffin each other out.
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sortahawkward · 2 hours
My dad was dealing with some mixed feelings so I told him "In therapy when something is too complicated to do a simple 'pro and contra list' we sometimes do an excercise where you imagine all these mixed feelings around a table in some kind of conference, letting each tell their bit and you leading the debate."
and my dad didn't really respond and just stared ahead so I kept preparing lunch. Until a few minutes later when he suddenly piped up: "I am having a bad time at the conference"
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sortahawkward · 3 hours
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still thinking about this whale sign i saw in cologne's old town....
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sortahawkward · 4 hours
the thing is, if your younger self was a bigot or an abuser, u can't make people forgive you. but you still gotta forgive yourself, like that's non-negotiable, dude. that happens before u can even ask the question of earning forgiveness from anyone lese
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sortahawkward · 5 hours
When I was a TA for the freshman art class in senior year my students really adored me. It was so sweet. I’d had classes that were more ambivalent toward me but these guys were all about me.
I loved working with that teacher too. He was the kind of crunchy art nerd whose own kid didn’t know what candy was, who loved bird watching and wearing tweed. We’d chat while they worked and it was just a three hour pleasure rather than work.
When the class switched from charcoal to gouache a devil medium, the evilest watercolor, the students struggled. We’d have in class painting where they’d spend the whole time trying to mix one color instead of just accepting something as good enough and trying to practice other skills.
So one day I showed up to my shift and announced, “I have stickers. If you get color down for the whole composition, you get a sticker.”
They wanted. The stickers. So bad. Students who had agonized before about keeping lines neat and perfect plowed ahead. The first student to call me over I tsked at. “Putting grey on everything doesn’t count,” I chided, “I asked for colors on each object.”
The classroom worked in furious joy, young adults who had seen my bird and cactus stickers and gone feral. The teacher was flabbergasted. “Why do they want stickers? They could just buy stickers…”
I held up my water bottle and showed him a tiny 3D bubble sticker the program director had brought to my game teams space last week. “You never grow out of wanting to earn a sticker.”
By the end of class everyone had a sticker. There was more visible improvement in the work too, which surprised them since they’d been rushing. “Gouache looks terrible before it looks good. It’s okay to start messy and then refine.” The teacher had said the same thing but looking at their frantic sticker paintings they finally saw the truth of it.
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sortahawkward · 5 hours
"My friends don't care about me" < bro doesnt know he's being swayed by the darkness in an attempt to further isolate him from others and facilitate his corruption
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sortahawkward · 6 hours
Have I ever posted about the transfemme bird. Ruffs have a third gender, a faeder. They have female plumage and they also have balls twice the size of other males. Both males and females prefer to mate with them over other options. Much the same as in the human world
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sortahawkward · 7 hours
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Variation on Swords I
| PRINTS | | Other Swordtember prints & more |
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sortahawkward · 8 hours
not only are there no bad languages there are also no bad or annoying dialects
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sortahawkward · 8 hours
" The Gatekeeper Patrolling " //© Jen City
Music: Danger Twins - Thing of Beauty
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sortahawkward · 10 hours
Wyll: *Having a inner breakdown over his new devil appearance*
Everyone else at camp: Wow have you seen Wyll's new look? HOT
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sortahawkward · 11 hours
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sortahawkward · 11 hours
appalachia is devastated. towns i loved, towns i visited all the time, are gone. not damaged, GONE. they are leveled to the ground. there is nothing left but rubble and ruin. people are dead. appalachia is poor to begin with and relies on tourism for a lot of its income, and multiple of those tourist locations are just...gone.
my town is okay, but it's flooded and wrecked. trees are blocking all but one way out of our neighborhood. power lines are hanging limp in the roads. we've been without power for over 24 hours and will continue to be without power for likely another 24+. disabled people and poor people are GOING to die from this. gods save appalachia.
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sortahawkward · 12 hours
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Diego and Diana's outfit the night they got engaged 💙
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May time always find us together
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sortahawkward · 12 hours
Adobe is going to spy on your projects. This is insane.
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sortahawkward · 13 hours
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