sorryforlettingyoudown · 10 months
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I really miss cutting
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watching yourself deteriorate while trying to stop it is a whole new type of pain
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I’m so proud of you for being sh free for so long!! If you want to talk I’m here, although I’m not the greatest at talking through texts, I do want to help however I can!
Thank you so much for reach out, it really meant the world to me 🤍 I love you 🤍
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Idk if anyone is still on here, but things are getting kinda bad again, probably the seasonal depression creeping.
I’ve been sh free for about a year and a half but I won’t lie, it’s been so rough. Addictive brain means triggers out of no where and it’s exhausting; it’s so emotionally draining to just suffer bc your brain works in magical ways. It has been on my mind so much lately to the point that I’m just terrified..
I wish I could talk to someone close. But the people who used to care have moved on with their lives and tbh most of them moved on from me as well. I have a very lovely boyfriend that I love so so much but I don’t want to disappoint him bc he thinks I’m doing super well in terms of sh. We’re both dealing with trauma and depression and stress so I don’t want to be another burden on him to worry about.
I would love for someone to reach out, even if we don’t know each other or never had a conversation before, if anyone even sees this.
I love you guys ❤️
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I fucked up pretty badly. I’m going to disappoint so many people soon. Just rather disappear all together and never come back.
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Help me..
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Hi, sorry to bother you I just really need to vent to someone. I’m such a mess, I’m always on the floor in a fetal position on the verge of tears. My mind is a constant drum of kill yourself and I can’t make myself reach out for help. I’m scared, I’m so scared. My god I’m pathetic.
You never bother me babe
I get you, life is so scary lately
Try calling 911 if you feel like you can’t handle it anymore by yourself. Ask a friend to dial for you
When my brain goes into suicidal mode, I listen to some music to help calm those awful voices down. Taking a shower and crying your heart out helps a ton too.
Stay strong my love, you got this❤️
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Help me..
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Broken mind but all it takes is a fake smile and everyone thinks I’m ok
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Hey~ What's up?
Anxiety is bad, depression is bad, im overthinking everything, people leave me and I’m fucking alone. Thank you for asking ❤️
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Can anyone just be happy with me existing?? Being in their life?? And not want to throw me away after a month like a piece of trash????
I’m so sick of feeling like I don’t matter to anyone. It’s so fucking painful at this point and I don’t think I can handle it longer..
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Help me..
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190 notes · View notes
Help me..
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Help me..
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I’m meaner than my demons
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Help me..
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Because no one see me
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Help me..
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