sora-roi · 11 months
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The Fireman's Daughter, Jonathan Kinsman
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sora-roi · 2 years
**This blog will now be on hiatus until further notice**
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sora-roi · 2 years
At least I'm a gem , Dani still being a snot drop remains accurate.
Obviously you’re a gold drop, Bela is a ruby drop, and Dani is a snot drop.
Yes, this. Absolutely this. Don't you agree, @sora-roi, @dani-dimitrescu?
I think this fits us perfectly. Especially since gold is far more valuable than rubies.
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sora-roi · 2 years
Better sleep with one eye open Daniela Dimitrescu
I've come to realize that it wasn't the smartest idea to assist Bela in pranking Cassandra and then help Cassandra prank Bela. What if they team up against me?
I'm definitely not scared.
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sora-roi · 2 years
If Bela had a phone she'd be googling where/how she can get access to ungodly amounts of fly tape traps for... reasons.
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sora-roi · 2 years
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sora-roi · 2 years
In reference to x
“How appropriate... First we have ‘lemondrop’ Cassandra, fitting for how sour she gets when I beat her to the punch in a hunt. And then there is Daniela’s ‘snotdrop’ green, need I say more? At least I fit the aesthetic around here.”
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sora-roi · 2 years
Rushing up to her sister, Bela guides the shivering woman inside and away from the dreadful freezing rains the storm had brought to the castle. She had already been worried when Daniela failed to return on time, but seeing her sister hurt on top of that really set her swarm aflame with protective rage.
Gingerly she grabs for the arrow stuck in her sister's back, counting to three quickly in her head before hurriedly pulling the tip out from where it was imbedded. The sight of dead flies plummeting to the ground making a dreadfully worrying sight to the eldest that was already plotting the demise of whoever's responsible for harming Daniela.
"Come, we need to get you warmed up."
Staying close to her side Bela assists her sister where she can, barking at a maid as they pass to fetch a warm blanket and some fresh blood. Turning away from the human, she looks over Daniela again as though searching for anymore wounds she might have missed. It is when the blanket and cup of blood is finally delivered does she finally bring up the question that had been burning a hole in her head ever since seeing her dear sister in this state.
Annoying as she may find her siblings on a daily basis, never did she wish any harm came to them.
So, with yellow eyes simmering with anger she speaks.
" Who did this to you Daniela?" She lifts the bits of arrow she pulled out for her to see. " Once the storm passes, I will personally see to this pests extermination."
@sora-roi asked:
“What happened? Are you hurt?” 👀
"C-c-cold..." Daniela stammered as stood in the Entrance Hall, completely soaked to the skin from the storm that had hit about an hour before. "C-could you...T-there's something in my b-back..." She let out a shuddering sigh. There was an arrow stuck between her shoulder blades. "C-can't reach it."
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sora-roi · 2 years
“Not really, I was simply doing you a favor, dear sister. You’re slower than Cassandra, you would not be able to keep up with me.” Daniela stuck out her tongue playfully and grinned. Annoying her eldest sister never got boring. “And for your information, I am not acting cute!” She huffed. “Maybe you should stop acting like a smart ass. You would know what I’m good at if you would actually spend some time with me, instead of ignoring me all the time.” She was obviously still mad at Bela for not showing up to afternoon tea. “Well, Lady Perfect, what do you want me to do?”
“ A proclaimed speedster are we? And yet I recall you were last to show up the last time either I or Cass caught prey.”
Hovering over closer to Daniela with her flies replacing her lower legs Bela flicks Daniela on the forehead. “ If you aren’t acting cute then what are you doing? Hosting tea parties with any maid off the clock?”
She frowns at the mention of her not spending enough time with her younger sister. Being a heiress was not an easy role to play and yet sometimes Bela wonders why she has such responsibility stacked on her shoulders when she knew mother was too strong to take down.
“ I know how much time you spend in the Library and I was thinking that maybe it should be your responsibility, that way you’d know where every one of your favorite novels were without needing to take your anger out on the nearest maid for moving them.”
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sora-roi · 2 years
“Maybe if you weren’t such a lazy pain in the ass, and… you know… actually contributed to things like a regular hunt, you wouldn’t have to resort to stealing in order to impress mother.” Her words had started out as teasing, but they soon descended into her usual tone of subtle accusatory sarcasm. 
Cassandra had never truly been a fan of Bela’s antics, especially when it came to her wrongfully claiming kills. But, the middle child could only do so much, as she was well aware how much her mother favored her sisters. Bela was the perfect one, destined for greatness, and Daniela was the baby who could never be blamed for anything, no matter how crazy she made things. That simply left Cassandra as the quiet workhorse that would occasionally lash out in order to garner some sort of attention.
She frowned upon seeing the flies cleaning their little faces and limbs. “Wow. Really? I guess that’s the last tie I ever show you affection. Tell me, do you do that when anyone else kisses you, or just me?” Would Bela give any indication she has a secret sweetheart or had a one-night stand in the castle? There was a bit of doubt in Cassandra’s mind. After all, what sane person would be foolish enough to give out that sort of information freely?
“I’m well aware of how bad things can get if mother joined in all of the time. Hence why it’s only every so often that she’s involved. As for the furniture breaking? That was completely on you and Daniela. I know how to maneuver around the castle. You two clearly don’t.”
Cassandra caught the scent of blood almost as soon as Bela did, her eyes going wide as her sister turned on her. “One of mine? Why couldn’t it be one of yours, Daniela’s or even mother’s? Why must it always be me that’s to blame?” she sneered. “Oh, or maybe? Maaaaybe, it’s one of the villagers come to seek revenge for something or attempting to free a maid?” She offered a shrug with that guess. “I’m not always to blame, okay?”
“ Shhhhhhhhhhhh!” Waving a hand in her sisters face, Bela hopes to stop whatever tirade or rant she was about to go off on. She didn’t mean to immediately assume it was one of Cassandra’s but it was also hard not to considering it was part of her speciality that even Bela loathed to be involved with from time to time when she’d rather keep her hands clean for other neater tasks.
This time however, the blood smelled differently from all the little sweet things running along the halls just waiting for their day to hang over a barrel and be drained for the bottle their Mother prided over.
“ Fine you aren’t always to blame okay? You’re usually the one handling bodies and prisoners so can you blame me? This time is different though, I can’t recognize this scent belonging to anyone we’ve had in the castle recently.”
That could mean one of two things. Someone broke into the castle for either revenge or to break one of the maids out, or a lycan had gone wild and broke in somewhere.
Bela didn’t like the idea of it being a lycan considering how a normal one would stay well clear of any of the Lord’s territories for their power and prestige over the village alone. To possibly have one on the loose and harming the staff was both a startling yet invigorating thought. A lycan would certainly prove a worthier prey than some foolish man-thing.
Turning away from Cassandra, Bela was already dissolving into enough flies to hover herself over to the next floor where the scent led to. Half formed as she was she could not help but pose a challenge down to the middle child.
“ Dinner can wait, maybe this is just what we need to settle a score or two.”
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sora-roi · 2 years
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Jean-Paul Sartre, The Selected Essays
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sora-roi · 2 years
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The Misses Dimitrescu, c.1900
Keep reading
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sora-roi · 2 years
Eyes were rolled at that pitiful little bow. It was an unnecessary gesture meant to tick her off, but she restrained herself.
" At least you know when it's good to quit... And yet, I don't know what else you're good at besides acting cute."
@dani-dimitrescu​ said: O.O Shit…responsibility. *runs*
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“There is no point in running sweet little sister. For I know all of your favorite hiding spots!”
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sora-roi · 2 years
@dani-dimitrescu​ said: O.O Shit...responsibility. *runs*
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“There is no point in running sweet little sister. For I know all of your favorite hiding spots!”
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sora-roi · 2 years
The snappy response was unexpected and, were Magda to be honest, unnecessary, but she knew better than to state anything as such. Let the eldest think they are in the right. That was better than to make this whole thing erupt into something out of control. After all, she shouldn’t have involved herself in this, but Daniela had invited her to tea in Bela’s absence.
“I understand completely, Bela. She is your sister, though. She may not be burdened with responsibilities like yourself, but… perhaps that is the problem. Would giving her a bit of responsibility help her and her mindset? Nothing incredibly important, but something that would make her feel more of an adult?”
Magda knew it was a slim chance that her suggestion would even be considered, but perhaps.. if the stars aligned perfectly… and Bela was in a giving and considering mood it would work.
“Would you be willing to work with her?”
So the seamstress wasn’t going to just turn tail and run huh? That was fine, she could handle a mere servant of the house in some form or fashion playing messenger for her own baby sister. She was the sister that touted the most self-control was she not? It wouldn’t do to threaten the poor woman just for having a sour mood.
She couldn’t help but be a tad frustrated with all the responsibilities she held in the Dimitrescu hierarchy whilst Daniela got to simply sit pretty and have mother fawning over her so quickly. Even she could admit that Cassandra did more than her and so when such a question was poised on a similar topic she grasped at the chance of at least giving her younger sister a better reason to be the favorite.
“ Actually, I agree. Daniela does have plenty of time to host these parties does she not? Responsibility would probably do her some good... Though Mother is usually the one dolling that out. Maybe there is an exception to that.”
At this point, Bela was thinking aloud to herself, beginning to drift away from the Seamstress as she continued.
“ But what could she do? Cassandra does slaughtering and cellar duties while I help with paperwork and run the castle when Mother leaves for those Lord meetings... Aha!”
Snapping her fingers she turns sharply back at Magda with a look of certainty.
“ I guess I’ll consider working with her, but if I do, I’m thinking that the Library could be apart of Daniela’s responsibility. I see her there so often, it’d be the perfect fit to start don’t you think?”
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sora-roi · 2 years
Go into my inbox and tell me a situation you’d love to see my muse go through.
Curious how my muse would handle heartbreak? Want to see my muse in a perilous plot? Perhaps you just want to see them in a specific setting? Toss all the ideas at me! I might get inspired!
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sora-roi · 2 years
A happy family 🥺
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