sopppppphaaaee · 2 years
Good boy
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Summary: Kazuha comes home after hanging out at inazuma city all day. You help him unwind.
Reader x Kazuha
You were patiently waiting on the couch for your lover, Kazuha, to return home from going out with his friends in Inazuma city on his day off. Although, when your poor baby gets home he’ll probably be exhausted. So you ran a hot bath for him.
Soon enough you heard 2 gentle knocks on the front door. You lit up with excitement that he was finally home. “It’s unlocked!” You yelled towards the direction of the door. It opened slowly and in came a very exhausted, as you expected, looking Kazuha. You pushed yourself up off the couch and walked toward him.
You placed your arms around his neck, he returned the favor by putting his hands on your waist. “I ran a hot bath for you”. He smiled fondly and wrapped you into a tight hug. “Thank you” he muttered, but it got muffled by your neck. You kissed his cheek.
“Go get in the bath and I’ll be right there.” You whispered in his ear. He nodded and made his way toward the bathroom. You quickly grabbed a towel for when he gets out and also, made your way toward the bathroom. Surprisingly…he was already in the tub relaxing. How quick.
Rolling up your sleeves you walked over to the tub and crouched down in front of it. “You must be so tired..” you teased while pouting your bottom lip slightly. He looked at you with his eyebrows knitted together. Giggling, you gently caressed his face and kissed his forehead.
His shoulders were very tense, he always had a hard time letting loose after an energy filled day. “Just relax..” your voice was smooth and soft. Immediately, his shoulders dropped down and his lips parted, a small breath of relaxation was released. “Good boy.” You praised. He hummed in acknowledgment letting you know he appreciates the praising.
You slid the band holding his hair into a tight ponytail off. Wearing that all day probably hurts his head. You grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured a good amount on his head before getting to work. You massaged his head while rubbing the shampoo in.
After a few minutes of scrubbing you realized he was dozing off. “Sweetie..you need to stay awake for this.” You said while grabbing his chin to make him look you in the eyes. “Be a good boy and stay awake for me, just until I wash your body.” He whined quietly, he was unable to un-blur his tired eyes, let alone keep them open for to long. Wanting to hurry the process up a bit, you rinsed the shampoo out with haste.
Since you were done with hair, you moved to a different position where you have more access to his body to be able to wash it. “Are yous washin ma body now?” He was so tired he couldn’t even form words. You giggled at that. “Yes, I need you to sit up. I’m gonna wash your face with cold water.” He whined again, just wanting to be in his comfy bed. But..he still obliged.
You quickly splashed the water on his face and dried it off. It would at least wake him up enough so he can form some actual words. You grabbed the body wash and poured a generous amount in the palm of your hand. “It’s gonna be cold” you warned. His body tensed up and he prepared himself for it.
Once the cold liquid made contact with his skin his body jolted slightly. That was it. “You’re being so good and cooperative for me..you know that?” You kept praising. Quickly, you began to wash his body. After a while, you weren’t sure when it started but at some point in time he began to grit his teeth whenever you got near his stomach or thighs. “Maybe he’s ticklish” you thought to yourself.
The last thing you had to wash was his genital area, but you weren’t gonna do that without permission. “Do you want me to wash this part?” You asked, not having to directly name what you’re talking about for him to understand. “I-…you can do it, I guess..”
You nodded and slowly put your hand around his length when you realized you need body wash so you took your hand off and got some. But when you put your hand back down there, it was a lot harder than you remembered ”Are you— aroused?” You questioned. Was it from the touching? You weren’t sure. He whimpered and covered his flushed face with both hands. “I’m sorry—it’s just because of all the attention and praising! Plus we haven’t done something that involves physical touch in so long and I was craving it..I guess I was just sensitive”
You giggled at his outburst of a rant. He looked up at you with tears rimming his eyes and eyebrows knitted out of pure humiliation, this shouldn’t have of happened. “Kazuha, it’s okay. Did you really miss my touch that much though? I don’t think you really need it” You teased. He looked adorable.
“Y/n..please. I need it so badly!—I haven’t felt It in weeks.” He begged. You dipped your hand in the water and hovered right above his erection. He was expecting you to skip the teasing and get on with it but apparently that’s not the case. He was growing impatient waiting and tried bucking up his hips to meet your hand.
You pulled your hand away quickly, flinging a few droplets of water everywhere. “That’s not how you act. I thought you were a good boy. I guess I have been mistaken” you wagged your finger in his face. “Please! I’ll be super good this time, I promise— I’ll even wait patiently!” Kazuha begged while holding your wrist trying to bring it back to where he wants..no, needs it the most.
“Hmm” you pretended to contemplate it. “I suppose I’ll give you one last chance” you said smugly while smirking. You lowered your hand back down at a slow agonizing pace. He whined before you even touched him. “Be good this time.” You demanded. He nodded. Finally your palm brushed against the tip. He squirmed underneath the water, splashing some out.
You sighed in disappointment. “I’m sorry y/n—I didn’t mean too!” he cried out. You moved your hand down farther and stroked his shaft, he whimpered. You were showing you weren’t gonna stop even if it was annoying he spilled water everywhere. You tried to find a rhythm that worked for you and him. Finally you found one. Taking turns stroking his shaft and rubbing his tip with the palm of your hand. Carefully and gently, you brought him to the edge.
His squirming was getting frantic and his whimpers were getting louder. He was almost there, almost to the end! Until you stopped. He whined at the loss of friction, your hand was just holding him. Not moving it, not stroking it, nothing. “Why’d you stop! I was so close—please…” he tilted his head back and whimpered. “Please…”
“I don’t think you deserved it” You scoffed teasingly, he did deserve it. But you wouldn’t tell him that. You brought your hand back down and used the pre-cum at his slit as lube. He moaned in response. You kept jerking him off until finally, he came un-done, whimpering loudly. You pet his head comfortably while he relaxed. “Ready to dry off” you questioned. He nodded
Finally you guys were both in bed. Pajamas on and everything. You had him lying half on you and half off. His face was shoved in your neck. You had your hand on his back rubbing gently with the other one on your side. You kissed his forehead and you felt him smile against your neck.
“Was I a good boy?..” he had enough energy left to ask. “You were a good boy” you rethought your words right when he was about to drift off to sleep. “My good boy”. He hugged you tighter. And soon, he was off to bed, happy he was able to cuddle with you. Because he was your good boy.
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sopppppphaaaee · 2 years
Just a little while longer.
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Summary: Gorou is a very needy person, to say the least. So you give him what he wants.
Reader x Gorou
There isn’t really any smut in this
You awake from your slumber in you and Gorou’s shared bed. Today you have work to do, like meeting up with Ayaka for a chat and some tea. Which you were looking forward to. You guys haven’t seen each other in a long while.
Although you are being hugged very tightly, you manage to escape the death grip Gorou had on you. Sighing, you push yourself up off the bed and make your way towards the kitchen.
You brew up some tea and head back toward the bedroom where you had left Gorou. But when you got in there, he was already awake looking at you. “Why’d you get up?” He asked, pouting his bottom lip like a kid.
You walk over to the bed and sit down next to him. Running your fingers through his hair. You honestly felt bad but everyday you’d always stay in bed with him all day and get nothing done, he wouldn’t get anything done either, and that needs to change.
“Sorry hun, I’m busy today” you said while pulling away from his hair, but before you could do that he grabbed your wrist in protest. “can you—pet my ears? Please..”
You sighed and stared at him while contemplating it. He knows that you have never touched his ears before and has always wanted too. “I’ll stay for a bit longer, I suppose”. His tail wagged happily in response. Right when your fingers made contact with his ears he melted into your touch and relaxed. Maybe even a little bit too relaxed, because surely that whimper he let slip was not on purpose.
His face quickly flushed red and he hid it in the pillow, maybe the bed would swallow him alive. “Oh?” you said quietly while failing to hide your smirk of amusement. “Perhaps my work is done here?” you teased.
He lifted his face out from the pillow with haste and met your gaze. “Can you please continue—just for a few more minutes?..” he asked softly. You were probably gonna be a bit late meeting Ayaka, but what kind of monster would you be to say no? So again, you pet his ears, he was making these weird whining noises from holding back any other sounds that may slip out. Was he supposed to react like this, you questioned in your head.
“A-agh—…please let go!” he whined. He was panting heavily with his lips slightly parted..did you hurt him?! “Gorou sweetie, what’s wrong?” You asked. He looks down the best he can while lying down. So you follow his gaze, meeting an—erection?? You look back up at him and his face is burning with shame.
You smirked in amusement. Was he that aroused just from some playful ear rubbing?? That’s honestly kinda cute though. You reach your hand down slowly and grope him through his trousers. He groans softly before looking up at you with his eyebrows knitted together.
Unfortunately you let go right after. If you continue this you’re gonna be really late for Ayaka, you’re already 10 minutes late. He whined at the loss of friction and looked up at you in confusion. You tucked some hair behind your ear before leaning down and kissing him on the forehead.
“I’d hate to leave you here with that” you laughed while pointing to his erection. his face heated up in shame at the reminder. Then you continued, “but I have business to attend to with Ayaka.” You got up and hurried out the front door. Gorou couldn’t even get off, he had to leave for work in 5 minutes. Every step he took caused his boxers to create friction and rub against him.
Hopefully he doesn’t humiliate himself during work, or dirty his pants. He just wishes you guys could stay at home for just a little while longer.
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