sophiralorhan · 2 years
“Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every day is a fresh start.”
— Unknown
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sophiralorhan · 2 years
“Those who are heartless once cared too much.”
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sophiralorhan · 2 years
Yesterday we were celebrating Chinese New Year, but February is also Black History Month. We always regret that due to copyrights we can't feature as many Black artists as we would like (we can feature only artists who died before 1952, which is why we don't have much contemporary art in general). Anyways, this February we will focus on as many Black artists as we can. Let's start with Horace Pippin. 
Horace Pippin was a self-taught American artist who painted a range of themes, including scenes inspired by his service in World War I, landscapes, portraits, and Biblical subjects. Some of his best-known works address the U.S. history of slavery and racial segregation.
After World War I, Pippin, who had no formal art training, wrote and illustrated memoirs of his combat experience in which his right arm had been permanently disabled. By the 1930s he was burning designs into wood panels and making paintings that found a ready audience in an art world then keen on self-taught painters. By his death in 1946, he had mounted solo shows in Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, and Chicago; won prizes in important contemporary art annuals; garnered attention in the national and international press; and sold most of his 130 or so paintings, wood panels, and drawings to museums and influential collectors across the country.
As we can see, this self-portrait is a monumental statement of self-confidence. The figure’s props, skin color, and confidence identify him as a serious painter of African descent, a cohort then receiving a measure of overdue attention in the realm of contemporary art.
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
There is a lot of unfairness in life that we can face. As in how some people are naturally better than others in terms of physical, intellectual, and mental abilities. This does not imply that we can dismiss others based solely on their flaws. Life is far more meaningful than simply comparing ourselves to others. I believe it should only be "me vs. myself," which means I should only compare myself to my previous self, and drastic improvement will bring me genuine happiness and contentment. So should what others do because comparing breeds envy, and the more we do it, the more we close our doors and treat others coldly, even if you're not aware that you're already doing so. Explainsbelittling someone, so be careful what you do. If I had the ability to change the way the world works, I would change it so that everyone understands each other without anyone demeaning anyone. For the time being, all I can do is work on improving my character and personality so that I never treat anyone negatively with such disparaging judgment.
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
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Juliette Drouet, from a letter to Victor Hugo, written on 1833
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
helping others is the only thing that I live for
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
Healing the wounds of trauma takes much longer than I expected —.
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
I'm terrified of making a mistake and being judged by strangers, and I'm slowly losing my true identity in the process of striving to be perfect.
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
Have you ever had the feeling that everyone around you dislikes you?
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
The elimination diet: Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame and worry. Then watch your health, and life, improve.
Charles Glassman
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Arthur Somers Roche
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
The house you live in is your personality and the world you are involved in.
Oh Yoon Hee
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
There is always a way to save yourself. The mess you make can always be cleaned up
Choi Ban Do from Go Back Couple (Epsiode 4) - Telivision Series
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
3 types of friends Friend for a reason. Friends for a season. Friends for a lifetime.
I make every effort to ensure that all of my friendships last a lifetime because I believe that my friends are incomparable to anything, but unfortunately, some people change and leave you once they are done with you. What can I do? Some people are simply not worth my time and effort.
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
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Stop comparing yourself to others and start living your life. Your success is entirely your own. Everyone has their own moment in the spotlight; yours may not be now, but it will undoubtedly come. Simply appreciate the process of that adversity since it is there that you will learn your life lesson. It's unfortunate that most of us learn from our errors and misery, but it's a gift of life since it makes us stronger. You may be feeling hopeless right now, but everything will be well in the end. Learn to ask for support and not to keep your pain to yourself because we are all relational creatures who require assistance from others.
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sophiralorhan · 3 years
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The virtue of endurance, patience, attentiveness, and discipline is emphasized in Confucius' famous saying. Because perseverance is tied to personal growth, it is an important quality to nurture in life. You will improve if you can learn from your mistakes and move on.
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