SOPHIA DAO'S playlist
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sophiadao360 · 3 months ago
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sophiadao360 · 6 months ago
Christopher Cross - Sailing (Remastered) (Official Lyric Video)
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sophiadao360 · 6 months ago
The secret to Elon Musk's productivity | Walter Isaacson and Lex Fridman
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sophiadao360 · 9 months ago
FILM LOVE - A Story About Life
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sophiadao360 · 10 months ago
Avicii's Wake Me Up Performed By One Voice Children's Choir
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sophiadao360 · 10 months ago
Christian Löffler - When Everything Was New (Official Video)
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sophiadao360 · 10 months ago
Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic, has left behind a wealth of inspirational and thought-provoking quotes. Here are 10 of his most famous quotes:
1. "Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth."
2. "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."
3. "The wound is the place where the Light enters you."
4. "Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."
5. "Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along."
6. "Do not be a lone wolf. Sip some wine with your friends. Be like spring, that constantly gives itself away."
7. "Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?"
8. "Let yourself become living poetry."
9. "You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?"
10. "What you seek is seeking you."
These quotes reflect Rumi's profound wisdom and his focus on love, spirituality, and self-discovery.
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sophiadao360 · 11 months ago
Back in 2016, Pharrell Williams visited an N.Y.U. music production class to critique student songs.
After he listened to a song called 'Alaska' by a student named Maggie Rogers, Pharrell said: 'Wow. I have zero, zero, zero notes for that. And I'll tell you why...'
You're doing your own thing. It's singular. It's like when the Wu-Tang Clan came out—no one could really judge it. You either liked it or you didn't, but you couldn't compare it to anything else.
And that is such a special quality, and all of us possess that ability.”
The key lesson to take from this?
Our individuality is our MOST powerful asset: Self-comparison is the thief of innovation and true fulfilment - that's where your superpower lies.
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sophiadao360 · 11 months ago
Meet the all-new, fully electric Audi Q6 e-tron
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sophiadao360 · 11 months ago
"Dear Stranger, You don’t know me but I hear you are going through a tough time, and I would like to help you. I want to be open and honest with you, and let you know that happiness isn’t something just afforded to a special few. It can be yours, if you take the time to let it grow. It’s OK to be stressed, scared and sad, I certainly have been throughout my 66 years. I’ve confronted my biggest fears time and time again. I’ve cheated death on many adventures, seen loved ones pass away, failed in business, minced my words in front of tough audiences, and had my heart broken. I know I’m fortunate to live an extraordinary life, and that most people would assume my business success, and the wealth that comes with it, have brought me happiness. But they haven’t; in fact it’s the reverse. I am successful, wealthy and connected because I am happy. So many people get caught up in doing what they think will make them happy but, in my opinion, this is where they fail. Happiness is not about doing, it’s about being. In order to be happy, you need to think consciously about it. Don’t forget the to-do list, but remember to write a to-be list too. Kids are often asked: ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ The world expects grandiose aspirations: ‘I want to be a writer, a doctor, the prime minister.’ They’re told: go to school, go to college, get a job, get married, and then you’ll be happy. But that’s all about doing, not being – and while doing will bring you moments of joy, it won’t necessarily reward you with lasting happiness. Stop and breathe. Be healthy. Be around your friends and family. Be there for someone, and let someone be there for you. Be bold. Just be for a minute. If you allow yourself to be in the moment, and appreciate the moment, happiness will follow. I speak from experience. We’ve built a business empire, joined conversations about the future of our planet, attended many memorable parties and met many unforgettable people. And while these things have brought me great joy, it’s the moments that I stopped just to be, rather than do, that have given me true happiness. Why? Because allowing yourself just to be, puts things into perspective. Try it. Be still. Be present. For me, it’s watching the flamingos fly across Necker Island at dusk. It’s holding my new grandchild's tiny hands. It’s looking up at the stars and dreaming of seeing them up close one day. It’s listening to my family’s dinner-time debates. It’s the smile on a stranger’s face, the smell of rain, the ripple of a wave, the wind across the sand. It’s the first snow fall of winter, and the last storm of summer. It’s sunrise and sunset. There’s a reason we’re called human beings and not human doings. As human beings we have the ability to think, move and communicate in a heightened way. We can cooperate, understand, reconcile and love, that’s what sets us apart from most other species. Don’t waste your human talents by stressing about nominal things, or that which you cannot change. If you take the time simply to be and appreciate the fruits of life, your stresses will begin to dissolve, and you will be happier. But don’t just seek happiness when you’re down. Happiness shouldn’t be a goal, it should be a habit. Take the focus off doing, and start being every day. Be loving, be grateful, be helpful, and be a spectator to your own thoughts. Allow yourself to be in the moment, and appreciate the moment. Take the focus off everything you think you need to do, and start being – I promise you, happiness will follow. Happy regards, Richard Branson
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sophiadao360 · 1 year ago
NEOM | Treyam - Where exhilaration meets relaxation
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sophiadao360 · 2 years ago
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sophiadao360 · 2 years ago
Inside OpenAI, the Architect of ChatGPT | The Circuit
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sophiadao360 · 2 years ago
This video might be the single most important display of the power of individuality I’ve ever seen. In 2016, Pharrell Williams visited an N.Y.U. music production class to critique student songs. After he listened to a song called “Alaska” by a student named Maggie Rogers, Pharrell said: “Wow. I have zero, zero, zero notes for that. And I'll tell you why… You're doing your own thing. It's singular. It's like when the Wu-Tang Clan came out—no one could really judge it. You either liked it or you didn't, but you couldn't compare it to anything else. And that is such a special quality, and all of us possess that ability.” The key lessons: ✅ Our individuality is our MOST powerful asset: Self-comparison is the thief of innovation and true fulfilment. ✅The only healthy and worthwhile comparison is you yesterday vs you today. Focus on that. ✅ Authenticity is paramount: Originality is not something you can replicate. The more you aspire to be like an original thinker, creator or artist, the less chance you have of ever becoming an original thinker, creator or artist. It begins where replication ends. We are incredibly multifaceted, uniquely complex, ever-evolving beings. We’re constructed from 7 billion atoms, 37 trillion cells and millions of intimate individual experiences, viewing the world through two unique eyes with one completely individual perspective. That is your superpower. Inspired by Billy Oppenheimer on Twitter
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sophiadao360 · 2 years ago
Immersive Awareness-Boosting Soundscape. Meditation + Binaural Beats (19...
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sophiadao360 · 3 years ago
How to enter ‘flow state’ on command | Steven Kotler for Big Think
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sophiadao360 · 3 years ago
Samba – vision string quartet (Official Video)
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