"pretty trash"
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
Pathetic (M)
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(I did not edit this picture. Weverse literally just dropped it and I’m so lazy)
Title: Pathetic
When your best friend Jeongyeon drags you to a frat party, you aren’t expecting much. Certainly not to be fucked dumb by notorious man whore Yoon Jeonghan, but hey, what happens at a frat party, stays at a frat party.
Simplified tags: 6k words, Porn with Plot, frat boy!Jeonghan, college student!y/n, best friend!Jeongyeon, soft!dom to hard!dom Jeonghan, mean!Jeonghan (and y/n loves it), submissive!y/n, female!y/n (sorry gender-neutral friends), heavy degradation, light masochist!y/n, sadist!Jeonghan, mild pain kink, vaginal fingering, creampie, spitting, slapping, big dick!Jeonghan, blowjob, mentions of aftercare but I don’t write it happening he just says what he’ll do
Warnings: This fic is filthy, dub con (I personally think that the consent is explicit enough but I’m tagging it this way just to be careful since it is intense), Jeonghan is a fiend. There is spitting, a creampie, degredation, like Jeonghan calls you pathetic. You thank him for him treating you like trash. There is after care but there is also light slapping, I’m serious this is literally the filthiest thing I have ever written. I’m embarrassed to have written it, and I hope that the five people who like things like this enjoy it. Jeonghan starts off as a soft!dom, but quickly turns to a hard!dom
I have this… secret blog that I wrote one story on cause I was embarrassed by it and didn’t want it to be on this blog and on that blog I asked if anyone wanted this kind of fic and I had like twelve people like the post so here we go.
“Really Jeonghan? Another fling that you just dropped for no reason?” Seungcheol asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Jeonghan hummed as he placed another lego block together, glancing over at the instructions for the house that he was building.
“Just not a good fit.”
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
i hope there's an english version of this 🙏
muito velho pra isso?
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contém: dilf!wonwoo e professora!reader; age gap (23/35); filho!lee chan (porque todo mundo sabe que o dino é o dongsaeng favorito do wonwoo); smut: manhadling, dirty talk, spit kink, sexo em um ambiente publico (banheiro); sexo sem preservativo (não façam isso em casa, crianças); apelido (docinho); degradação e rough sex; mirror sex.
contagem de palavras: 3,5k
nota da autora: pensando nesse dilf 24 horas por dia 7 dias por semana. espero que vocês gostem e que tenha valido a pena a espera. 💖
Era impossível um homem usando óculos de grau, terno e camisa branca ser tão atraente. Era ainda mais improvável que ele fosse também o que você deduzia ser um bom pai, que estava a pelo menos dez minutos ponderando sobre qual dos bonecos militares ele deveria levar de brinde junto do iogurte. Ele aparentava estar na casa dos trinta, talvez final dos trinta, e era alto, esguio, com uma aparência geral austera, mas um olhar gentil em direção às figuras de ação na mão e um biquinho nos lábios em sinal de frustração. Enquanto selecionava seus tomates, você o viu desistir e colocar várias bandejas do líquido dentro do carrinho de supermercado. “Sem chance” você riu, desacreditada e talvez pensando demais com seus ovários. 
Vocês se encontraram de novo no caixa e dessa vez foi pega encarando a quantidade ilógica de bebida de morango. O homem sorriu, meio sem graça e coçou a nuca.
“Eu não consegui escolher qual boneco levar.”
“Nessa quantidade, se você não consumir logo, pode estragar. A não ser que você tenha um time de futebol em casa.” 
Ele riu e balançou a cabeça positivamente, se dando conta que você estava redondamente certa. “Não. Só um mesmo.”
Você apontou para o boneco vestido de vermelho com uma bandeira na mão. “As crianças adoram esse hoje em dia. Pelo menos os meus alunos são malucos por ele.” o homem disse um “ah” quase silencioso junto com uma expressão meio surpresa.
“Acho que você escuta isso todo dia, mas…  Você é bem jovem pra ser professora.” seu riso de resposta foi um misto de vergonha e indignação.
“E você é bem jovem pra ser pai.” a risada rouca te pegou desprevenida.
“Eu não sou tão jovem quanto pareço.” ele coçou a barba que crescia e você não viu nenhuma aliança.
“Nem eu.” você umedeceu os lábios e o encarou, esperando que tivesse ficado claro que nesse caso, então, vocês não tinham um problema. Ele te encarou de volta, por cima dos óculos agora, e suas entranhas se retorceram.
“Vou confiar em você, então. Sobre o personagem.” e começou a descartar parte dos iogurtes. 
“Pode confiar. Eu sou boa no meu trabalho.”
As crianças, com suas mãozinhas gordinhas e testas suadas, balançavam as cinturas no ritmo da música dos bichinhos da floresta e dos bichinhos da fazenda pela décima vez na última meia hora. Era difícil controlá-los quando ficavam obcecados por algum tema, mas ao mesmo tempo exigia deles um gasto de energia muito útil enquanto você esperava que o período acabasse e principalmente enquanto terminava de organizar cada uma das agendas para os pais. Quando a música terminou mais uma vez, e pela janelinha da porta você viu alguns familiares se movimentarem do lado de fora da sala, você desligou o aparelho e pediu que guardassem os materiais na mochila.
Todos já tinham ido embora quando você percebeu Chan no fundo da sala, sentado no tapete feito de quebra-cabeças coloridos, observando os pontinhos com sementes que vocês haviam plantado mais cedo. 
“Quem vem te buscar hoje, Chan?” você se ajoelhou perto dele, olhando também para a terra recém regada.
Concentrado, ele demorou para responder, mas quando entendeu a pergunta a resposta veio rápida e com um sorriso genuíno. “Meu pai.”
“Sério? Que legal, meu amor!” você arrumou o cabelo dele enquanto dividia a alegria. Chan tinha se transferido para a escolha faziam alguns meses e você ainda não tinha conhecido nenhum dos pais, apesar disso o menino parecia receber bastante atenção em casa e as mensagens enviadas diariamente sobre como ele havia se comportado eram respondidas sem falta. Ele era uma criança mais introvertida, então mesmo depois de algumas sondagens foi difícil conseguir alguma informação sobre quem cuidava dele. Vocês brincavam com a casinha de madeira quando alguém bateu na porta e a abriu, Chan se levantou em um pulo e correu em direção à pessoa.
O homem riu e o pegou no colo, o abraçando com força, e escondendo o rosto na curva do pescoço do filho. Você se levantou, esticando o avental e entrando no modo profissional que você usava sempre precisava interagir com um responsável, que foi para o ralo quando você percebeu quem era o pai de Chan.
“Você…” ele riu sem graça, tentando processar sua presença.
“Você!” Era o cara dos trezentos iogurtes. Melhor, o pai dos trezentos iogurtes. “Que coincidência, não?”
“Eu não acredito em coincidências.” disse arrumando o peso do menino ainda pendurado em seus ombros e se segurando para que o sorriso de satisfação não ficasse ainda maior. Você só conseguia pensar em como ele também lembrava de você e como isso era perfeito.
“Tá…” você sorriu estranhamente tímida pela situação, pelo modo como ele tinha dito o que disse, pelo olhar pesado sob você.
“Prô.” Chan te chamou.
“Oi, meu amor.” 
“Eu… Esqueci de guardar o meu material.” o olhar do menino, preocupado, se revezava em analisar as suas feições e as do pai.
“Tudo bem, querido, você pode guardar agora. Vai lá.” Chan desceu do colo do homem e correu para a mesa no fundo da sala.
“Wonwoo. Meu nome é Wonwoo.” ele limpou a garganta com um tossindo e escutou você dizer o seu, com a expressão mais serena. Ele vestia um casaco pesado de veludo marrom que cobria boa parte do tronco e ia até os joelhos, e todas as outras peças de roupas, camisa, calça e sapato eram pretas. Os óculos que te lembram o jeito como ele te olhou na última vez, hoje combinavam com todo o resto e dava a ele um semblante íntegro e bastante maduro que fazia você querer ignorar seu dever de respeitá-lo como um pai. Wonwoo, por algum motivo, despertava em você um desejo peralta de arrancar uma reação desinibida dele, de ver como ele ficaria se você o tirasse do sério.
“Fico feliz em conhecer você. Digo, conhecer o pai do Chan.” 
Ele te olhou atentamente com um sorriso crescente de desconfiança. “Mudei de emprego recentemente pra conseguir passar mais tempo com ele. Vou buscá-lo a partir de agora.” você assentiu em silêncio, olhando o garoto procurar pelo tênis nos cantos do cômodo e voltando a encará-lo. 
“Ele é a sua cara. A mãe deve ficar com ciúmes." comentou despretensiosamente, mas investigando as circunstâncias. 
“Ela não convive com ele.” você confirmou com um “entendi” baixo, da mesma forma que ele tinha feito dias atrás quando descobriu sua profissão. 
Chan apareceu com a mochila nas costas e segurou a mão de Wonwoo, em silêncio. “Vamos?” o pai perguntou e ele assentiu, animado. “Até segunda.”
Confusa, você se questionou se tinha escutado corretamente. Ele te veria segunda? “Eles têm aula normal na segunda, né?”
Você riu, sem graça por sua imaginação ser tão fértil. “Sim, eles têm. Até segunda, Chan.” ele balançou os dedinhos na sua direção e puxou o pai porta a fora. Estática, você os assistiu percorrer o corredor e se perguntou qual era o dia do mês e quanto faltava para o seu próximo ciclo. 
“Dilf? É assim que vocês chamam hoje em dia?” você riu do comentário inocente e inesperado da sua ex-colega de trabalho. “Você sabe, quando um homem é mais velho, mas ainda tem aquilo.”
“Por aí.” você a ofereceu sua expressão de ouvinte, a incentivando a falar mais sobre o cara com quem ela pretendia te juntar. As pessoas conversavam em um tom ameno enquanto ouviam a música ambiente do jantar em comemoração aos 30 anos de casamento da sua ex-coordenadora e amiga de longa data. 
“Então. Ótima pessoa também. Meu marido conhece ele há bastante tempo, eles têm uma relação parecida com a nossa.” 
“Uma relação parecida do tipo ‘seu marido forneceu o primeiro porre dele e depois o levou em uma boate com homens seminus?’” ela riu alto, vivenciando novamente as lembranças daquela noite e de te deu um tapa no ombro.
“Mais ou menos isso. Você vai gostar dele, faz seu tipo.”
“Quando eu disse que gostava de caras mais velhos você sabe que eu não ‘tava falando de senhores, né?.” 
Sua amiga balançou a cabeça, o rosto sem acreditar na sua falta de confiança nela. “Ele não é tão velho assim.” você contraiu os ombros, se justificando pelo excesso de cuidado. “Opa, ele chegou. Nossa, como ele tá lindo, acho que vou roubar pra mim.” disse com melancolia enquanto olhava na direção da porta para qual você estava de costas.
“Pelo amor de Deus, essa é literalmente a festa do seu aniversário de-” e quando seu rosto foi para o mesmo sentido você gargalhou. Com uma blusa preta de gola V aberta até metade do peito, os cabelos em um textura molhada e a porcaria daqueles óculos, Wonwoo cumprimentava o marido da sua amiga. Ele sorria, acanhado com algum comentário embaraçoso do mais velho e vinha de encontro a você. Quando seus olhares se encontraram e ele te reconheceu, vocês trocaram alguns segundos de uma cumplicidade divertida e instigadora e o que aconteceria a partir de agora seria um show de horrores. No bom sentido, claro.
“O quê? Eu casei, mas não tô morta. Oi, querido, como você tá?” sua amiga o cumprimentou com um abraço rápido e ele devolveu o gesto com carinho.
“Bem, muito bem.” ele não parava de te olhar, como se quisesse terminar esse diálogo o mais rápido possível e continuar de onde vocês tinham parado. “A cada vez que te vejo você parece mais nova e mais bonita.” as palavras saíram sem alvo. Elas eram para você ou para sua amiga? Talvez para as duas. 
“Oh, não seja tão charmoso, vou acabar ficando vermelha.” o risinho afetado e o tapinha na mão dele te surpreendeu. Então ele tinha o mesmo efeito em todas. Você devia ter imaginado. “Essa é minha amiga de quem te falei. Ela não é tão bonita quanto eu te disse?”
Vocês apertaram as mãos, ambos tentando conter uma crise de riso e ao mesmo tempo não deixar escapar a quase ligação que vocês já tinham. “Muito mais.” você desviou o olhar, sentindo suas orelhas esquentarem mais pela dúvida do que eles haviam conversado na sua ausência do que pelo elogio espontâneo. 
“Vou buscar uma bebida pra você, querido.” ela anunciou quando o marido apareceu com um copo para Wonwoo. “Então vou buscar uma pra mim! Fiquem à vontade, viu?” e saiu de braço dado com o companheiro.
“Então…” ele se sentou ao seu lado no sofá, descansando um dos cotovelos no encosto. “Você encontra os pais dos seus alunos com essa frequência fora da escola ou…”
“Ah, não. Aparentemente só com que são bem gostosos.” seu comentário com o tom natural como se falasse do clima o fez engasgar com o whisky. “E olha, não são muitos.” 
“Ok. Sem perder tempo.” o corpo dele se aproximou mais do seu, o braço que antes estava encostado agora se posicionou ao redor da sua nuca, mas sem te tocar. O perfume masculino te alcançou e todo o resto do mundo parecia ter o cheiro dele e o jeito que ele te olhava, como se você fosse dele, te fazia acreditar que era mesmo. 
“O quê? Você achou que eu ia ser do tipo tímida ou insegura só por que sou mais nova que você?”
“Eu não sou tão velho assim, não me trata desse jeito.” ele pediu, abaixando a guarda por um segundo.
Você fez um biquinho, fingindo chateação. “Poxa, mas eu quero tanto.” o sorriso sacana dele em resposta fez o centro das suas pernas arder em ansiedade.
Wonwoo entendeu. As posições de cada um no jogo te excitava, você queria o pacote completo da experiência e ele ficaria feliz em te dar. “Então você é do tipo que gosta de tomar bronca quando é atrevida.” disse molhando os lábios na bebida.
“Eu sou do tipo que não fecho minha boca e preciso de uma boa bronca.” disse encarando os dedos dele enrolados no copo. Wonwoo respirou fundo, olhando o ambiente e sentiu um alívio passageiro quando percebeu que ninguém se importava com vocês.
“E o que a gente tá esperando?”
“Você eu não sei, mas eu tô esperando que o destino me dê alguns sinais mais claros, porque diferente de você eu acredito em coincidências. Ainda mais quando elas parecem que podem calar a minha boca do jeito que eu gosto.” você tomou o copo da mão dele e deu uma golada.
A boca dele se abriu como se algo fosse sair, mas em vez disso ele a aproximou da sua orelha, com o sangue frio como gelo. “Mais claro do que isso só se eu levantar essa sua saia e te comer no meio dessa sala.” um arrepio gostoso provocado pelo hálito quente dele na sua pele levantou todos os pelos da sua nuca, te dando uma sensação de um derretimento prazeroso sem ainda nem ter tocado. Imagina quando tocasse.
Você posicionou o vidro na mesa de centro a sua frente e se levantou, puxando a saia de linho para baixo. 
“Onde você vai?” 
“Ah tá.”
“Isso não é um aviso, Wonwoo. É um convite." 
Você limpava a maquiagem acumulada no canto do olho, torcendo para que ela estivesse completamente arruinada dentro de alguns minutos, quando Wonwoo trancou a porta atrás de você. Segurou seu pulso e te girou na direção dele, encostando a cintura na sua e te empurrando contra a pia de mármore.
“Droga, tô achando que eu nunca vou me recuperar disso." sussurrou, sentindo ele te apertar ainda mais por cima da manga da blusa e seu corpo ganhar a consistência de uma geleia.  
“Você realmente não cala a boca.” com a outra mão segurou seu queixo com força, os dedos afundando a pele do seu rosto, e seu pulso acelerou em resposta. 
“Não, é só com você mesmo. Essa sua cara de que nunca faria nada de errado com alguém como eu me dá vontade de bagunçar esse seu cabelo engomadinho.” Wonwoo riu, ainda sem acreditar que a vida tinha colocado alguém tão canalha no caminho dele.
“Olha, garota…”
“Caralho, não me chama assim se não eu gozo.” e rosnou antes de tomar sua boca em um beijo agressivo, com dentes se chocando, os lábios um do outro sendo mordidos e chupados enquanto joelho dele silenciosamente se posicionava entre as suas pernas, roçando a pele por cima do tecido. Você se segurou na cintura dele, enfiando as mãos por dentro da blusa, sentindo a pele fervendo e em seguida desafivelou o cinto dele, com pressa. Wonwoo te observava, se divertindo com a cena enquanto juntava seu cabelo em um punhado, puxando sem pena sua cabeça para trás e te ouvindo gemer indecente. 
“Você tá tão ansiosa assim pra ser fodida, hum?” a outra não foi na sua coxa, um tapa estalado e depois um afago no mesmo local, segurando a pele nua entre as unhas. “Pra eu acabar com essa buceta?” você ri só de imaginar, beija o pescoço dele, completamente alucinada pelo toque dele, pelo cheiro, pelo figura muito mais alta e de ombros extensos eclipsando completamente a sua e te dando uma sensação de desaparecimento quando enrolou os braços longos ao redor da sua cintura e colocou sentada em cima da pia, levantando sua saia até quase a altura do tórax e apoiando seus pés na beirada, as pernas excessivamente separadas uma da outra.
Wonwoo apalpou sua calcinha e sentiu o líquido atravessar o tecido e molhar os dedos. Os levou para dentro da sua boca, te fazendo provar seu próprio sabor e puxou a peça para o lado, descobrindo sua entrada brilhando em um visão molhada, esperando por ele. Você o olhava, sem conseguir prever o que ele faria em seguida e o sentimento de estar tão à mercê da vontade dele era atordoante. Ele te colocaria de joelho e te faria chupa-lo até que você implorasse pra ser fodida? Você faria isso a noite toda se ele quisesse.
O que Wonwoo fez por fim te deixou ainda mais alucinada: puxando ainda mais sua calcinha em direção a coxa, juntou os lábios em um biquinho e escorregou uma fina gota de saliva na sua intimidade, puxando depois o tecido para cima com força, mais força do que você gostaria de admitir que gostava, pressionando seu clitóris e te fazendo quase chorar de tesão. Você se segurou do pescoço dele, tentando ao mesmo tempo se equilibrar e não tremer em êxtase quando ele fez de novo, com mais vigor.
“Bem suja, como eu imaginava.” Wonwoo soltou dois tapinhas na sua bochecha, tentando te trazer de volta para a realidade e te fazendo focar nele. Terminou de abrir a própria calça, puxando o pau para fora, e sem aviso se enfiou dentro de você, te dilatando e te atingindo tão fundo para a primeira estocada que você quase não acreditou.
“Wonwoo-” antes que você terminasse de dizer qualquer coisa ele enfiou novamente dois dedos dentro da sua boca, agora quase atingindo o começo da sua garganta, e usou a posição para segurar seu maxilar enquanto separava ainda mais sua pernas e te impedia de cair do móvel com outro braço. 
“Olha, docinho, eu vou calar a sua boca como você pediu, tá bom? Então fica bem quietinha pra eu te foder antes que alguém venha atrás da gente.” e seguiu te estufando, com um ritmo aumentando gradativamente, sua boca incapaz de produzir qualquer som que não fosse um chiado abafado, que demonstrasse a quantidade de prazer que você sentia toda vez que a glande te roçava por dentro. Você se limitava a observar o rosto dele e achar graça que, mesmo nesse momento, o máximo de expressão que você conseguia arrancar da feição controlada dele eram algumas rugas na testa suada e um lábio preso entre os dentes. Quando Wonwoo te sentiu sufocá-lo com mais força, em uma reação rápida te desceu e virou sua bunda para ele, afastando seus pés um chute fraco e te fazendo empinar ainda mais.
“Não finja que não tá gostando de me usar assim.” você olhou para ele através do reflexo, seu corpo inteiro sentido o impacto de cada estocada enérgica que ele te dava. Segurou seu cabelo novamente, apoiando sua testa no espelho e encontrando equilíbrio para ser ainda mais bruto. Você chiou, puxando o ar entre os dentes, aproveitando o ardor prazeroso do seu canal se expandindo pouco a pouco antes de dizer “Eu sei que você tá doido pra me xingar. Vai, não fica na vontade.”
“Eu mandei você calar a boca. Vagabunda.” disse antes de prender os dentes na sua nunca e encontrar seu clitóris como os dedos, brincando com o músculo e empurrando sua cintura em choques curtos contra a ele. Você involuntariamente o espremeu com mais força e sentiu um seu peito entrar em ebulição, suas pernas pararam de responder, tentava chamar o nome dele, mas tudo que saia da sua boca eram sons sem qualquer sentido.
“Você mal consegue falar… Só goza pra mim uma vez, vai, quero ver esse rostinho bonito todo bagunçado.” ordenou com a voz ofegante no seu ouvido e você obedeceu com tanta agilidade que ele quase te elogiou. Segurando na borda na pia, você sentiu o corpo tremer ao ser atingida por uma longa e profunda onda de prazer e quase simultaneamente de relaxamento.  Wonwoo te segurou com os dois braços, te ajudando a inclinar sob o gabinete, e depois de te meter mais algumas vezes, colocou o membro para fora e se despejou nas suas costas. O grunhindo arrastado e quase dolorido dele enquanto fazia isso embalou a história e fez seus olhinhos brilharem. 
Ele se sentou na privada atrás de vocês enquanto te assistia buscar por folhas de papel higiênico para se limpar, respirava pesado como se tivesse acabado de subir vários lances de escada.
“Muito velho pra isso?” você provocou.
Ele agarrou sua perna e te puxou para sentar no colo dele. “Velho não, experiente.” 
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
"how about we kiss?" / taehyun
rating: explicit
an: gender neutral reader to the best of my ability but taehyun does "top" so if ur uncomfy with that pls don't read!! barebacking, tummy bulging (a little), etc etc., lol
you flip to your stomach, cheek smushed into your pillow. you can't get comfortable. you've spent thirty minutes lying here in a dozen different positions, and your body feels lit up from the inside out.
taehyun is lying next to you. he isn't asleep; after nearly a year of dating, you've memorized what his breathing sounds like when he's conscious versus not. he's started sighing each time you fidget, and you're sure he's going to snap any moment now but you just can't help it. you're feeling restless– the prospect of him leaving for japan in just a few days looms over your head, and sleep can't seem to find you.
you just keep thinking about him, which is– it isn't new; he's always on your mind. but now, this time, you miss him before he's even left.
your leg twitches, foot tapping against the mattress. next come your hands, fingers digging into the sheet. finally, you flip to your right side, your back to taehyun, and he groans aloud.
"for the love of god," he starts, and you immediately feel bad because he sounds tired. "what's wrong with you tonight?"
"don't know," you huff. his arm slinks over your waist, tugging you closer to him, you ass flush to his hips. you relax a little beneath his touch, some of the tension seeping out of you. "just have a lot on my mind, i guess."
he presses his lips to your shoulder, soft. "you wanna talk about it?"
"no," you say, quick. and then, "maybe? i don't know." you twist around in his arms, facing him now. his hand comes up to sweep across your cheekbone. "i think i just miss you."
he looks surprised. his eyes widen a little, whites catching the moon's beams in the dark as his brows lift up, up.
"do i seem like i'm being distant?" he asks. and there it is– the attentiveness. he's constantly trying to be the best he can be for you. asks you what he can do better all the time, and never stops trying to learn more about you no matter how much time passes.
"no, you're perfect as usual," you sigh, and when he opens his mouth to disagree, you rush out your words to cut him off. "i just– you're leaving for tour soon. seems like you just got home. i guess 'm just gonna miss sleeping next to you."
his eyes go soft, brown irises deep and warm as his mouth twists into a small smile. "baby," he leans in to press a kiss to your forehead, chin, nose. "baby, baby," he rolls you over so that you're on your back, his elbows boxing you in as he leans over you. "we've still got a few more days together, and i'm gonna call you all the time when i'm gone. you're gonna be so annoyed."
"no," you pout, gently punching his shoulder. "you could never annoy me."
he tucks his nose into your neck, lips trailing up the column of your throat as he breathes you in, chest expanding. you rest your hands on his shoulders, before sliding your palms down to the small of his back. he's big and strong and toned, but he's lean, too, and sometimes he feels so small against you.
"i could...try and tire you out?" he murmurs against the shell of your ear. his hot breath against your skin makes you shiver, and you involuntarily tug him closer. his hips press against yours.
"and how would you do that?" you ask, intrigued. the other boys are home, but they're all asleep most likely, and you and taehyun know how to keep quiet. most of the time.
"well," he leaves a chaste kiss to the center of your lips, his cheeks a little flushed. "if you can't sleep, how about we kiss?"
things always start so innocently with him. it's not that he's innocent– he's proven to you a million and one ways (and in about six different positions) over the last year that he isn't. but he's so delicate in the way that he goes about it; he still blushes bright pink when you take your clothes off for him, and your kisses get him hard in a matter of moments. he is easy to please simply because he loves you, and you find his adoration so charming.
"i couldn't say no to you, even if i wanted to," you tell him, and there's a flash of a smile on his face, mouth slightly upturned, before you're tugging him down for a real kiss.
from here, it's almost too easy.
he is sweet in the way that he opens up for you the moment you twine your fingers in his hair. his body curls towards you like a flower seeking out the sun, chest pressed to yours, elbows shaking as he holds himself up. his lips are soft, plush against your own, and he's content to let you take the lead but will try and steal it back from you if you're not careful. your fingers tug soft at his hair, smoothing their way down his scalp, and he exhales through his nose.
when his lips part for you, mouth opening as it slots with yours, he tastes and smells of mint toothpaste. you go slow with him, always slow, tongue sweeping across his bottom lip before carefully sliding into his mouth. he presses back against you, wet and wanton, tiny whine bubbling in his throat as you lick across his teeth. he falls apart in moments, seconds when it comes to you, and his eagerness is so, so hot.
you gently push at his shoulder, and he reluctantly pulls away from you to fall onto his back. you climb into his lap, legs spread as you get settled, and god, god he's already hard against you, leaking through his boxers. though you've hardly even started making out yet, you know how the night is going to end; neither of you can help yourselves around each other, and he's all smooth, lean arms peeking through a white muscle tank, and gray briefs stained dark with precome.
you kiss down his jaw, tongue lapping at the sensitive curve of his ear before your teeth gently tug at his lobe. he's breathing hard now– you're well aware of how much he likes to be kissed here, and his breathy little whimpers paint the air fiery red.
your hands shuck his shirt up, revealing his toned tummy. his abs twitch beneath your touch, and you lean back to really take him in. he's tanned recently, pretty and golden, and you curl your fingers as you rake your nails down his skin just to see the pink marks they leave behind.
"oh," he breathes, hips bucking beneath you of their own volition, nearly throwing you off balance. "what are you-" you roll your hips down against his cock, and his head falls back, hair splayed across his pillow like a halo. "fuck– 'm supposed to be tiring you out, not the other way around."
"you'll have plenty of time to tire me out when you're fucking me," you say, shrugging easily.
he positively moans at that, and you feel his cock twitch against you as he squeezes his eyes shut tight.
"you can't just say stuff like that," he complains, though there's no real malice in it. "you have no idea what you're doing to me."
"you sure?" you tease, fingertips trailing over the head of his cock through his boxers. he exhales sharply. "god, hyunnie, i don't– how are you so hard already?"
"it's you," he says fast. his hands come up to rest on your waist, fingertips sliding beneath your t-shirt. "'s always you. something about you just...i can't help it. i always want you so bad."
you smile a little, cheeks warm. you push his shirt up further, nipples hardening the moment they're exposed to the cool air, and you watch as his mouth falls open as your thumb sweeps across one of them. he's so sensitive to touch, whether it be a fleeting kiss or his cock sliding into you– he always reacts strongly. you bend forward, taking one of the little nubs between your teeth as your fingers pinch at the other. his hips jerk, tummy tensing beneath you as he whines, high-pitched and needy.
after a moment, he slides a hand through your hair, gently pulling you off. you leave a trail of saliva behind, and he catches it with his thumb.
"want you now, please," he says, polite and sweet and quiet. your heart flutters in your chest. "it's been so long since i- since we, i mean-"
"since you were inside of me?" you finish for him, cocking your head to the side. he nods, once, tips of his ears burning red, and you know he's right. between preparations for the japanese leg of their current tour and general livestreams, school, and dance practices, he's been busier than you've ever seen him. the most you've done in weeks is some frottage here, and some oral there. you like getting on your knees for him just before he passes out from exhaustion, but you've admittedly missed the intimacy of full-blown sex.
"sorry," he says, and you frown, unsure as to what he's even apologizing for. he continues before you're able to ask. "i don't want to push you. i know i'm being needy tonight, i just– you never stop being amazing to me, and i've missed you. truthfully, i'm exhausted, but i really just need to be close to you."
"baby, shh," you cup his face between your hands, squishing his cheeks. "you have nothing to apologize for. i want you too, okay? just as bad."
"really?" he asks, slightly distorted as you squeeze his cheeks a little harder.
you grin, leaning down to kiss him. "really."
he is quiet for a moment, just looking at you, and your hands fall away from his face. his brown eyes shine, lips curled into a smile, and he finally says, "just wanna be close to you tonight."
"alright," you nod. you climb off of his lap, lying on your back. with your fist curled in his t-shirt, you tug him on top of you once more. "so be close to me, then. take what you need."
his face cools into something blank, eyes dark, and he murmurs lowly, "darling, you don't mean that."
you swallow, steeling yourself. "i do. i want– i just want to give you everything, hyunnie. so...take what you need."
he is swift when he wants something, fingers working fast against the tie of your pajama pants. they're tugged down past your knees before you're even able to blink, your underwear going next. the air is so cold, goosebumps breaking out across your thighs, but his hands are there, on you, so warm as they smooth over your skin. he fumbles around haphazardly in his bedside drawer, bottle of lube secured between his fingers. he likes to be extra careful with you, prepared to the fullest, as he always wants to make sure that you're comfortable.
"we've gotta be quiet, okay?" he says, slicking his long fingers up. your eyes go fuzzy as you stare at them. "because of the others."
"i know," you manage to get out, throat suddenly dry. it clicks as you swallow, and his fingers prod against your entrance, careful.
"ready?" he asks, and you nudge him with your knee, urging him on. you wish he'd stop talking, wish he'd fill you up, and he brushes his fingers against your slick opening without actually pushing them inside. "i asked you a question, sweetheart."
"yeah," you nod fast, a tad breathless. your heart feels like it's going to explode. "'m ready, please, just– hurry, hyunnie."
and, well. he's always been a sucker for a little bit of begging. you know it as well as he does, and it works like a charm. he slides two fingers into you right away, curling up, up, pushing deep as he scissors you open. your back arches, spine bowing as you gasp, loud, and he uses his free hand to pin your hips to the mattress.
"lie still," he tsks, shaking his head.
he slowly pulls his fingers out of you almost all the way before shoving them back in, fast. he spreads them as he works, making sure to stretch you properly, and when he adds a third, you shove your knuckles between your teeth to muffle the noises that you're making.
"god," he sighs, dreamy and low, "you're so tight. it's been too long. wanna be inside you now."
he's never usually impatient; likes to take his time with you despite how much he whines and whimpers, but you see the way his cock twitches beneath his boxers each time you squeeze around his fingers, and you're aching to be filled just as much as he's yearning to fill you. you reach out, fingers curling at his waistband, tugging his boxers down just enough to let his cock spring free. you don't have the patience to wrestle them off of him, and it seems that he doesn't either. he slides his fingers out of you, wiping them on the bedsheets, and just as quick, he's lining the head of his cock up with your entrance.
"i really wanted to go slow with you," he whispers, airy, "but i don't have the patience tonight. hope that's okay with you."
you chuckle, chest filling with warmth as you card your fingers through his hair. he is so pretty, so kind, and you're so deeply in love with him that it almost hurts.
"so long as you're inside of me, like, now," you say, "i don't mind that you don't go slow."
he wastes no more time, one hand holding himself up with the other curled around his cock. he guides himself into you, and you hold your breath as he slides in, nice and slick, until you feel him in your tummy. he bottoms out at a gradual pace, careful not to hurt you, and you reach down to prod at your abdomen, pressing at the head of his cock through your belly.
"shit, don't," he snatches your wrist, pinning your hand to the bed. "i'll come," he says, strained.
"so fast?" you say through a smile, only teasing him. he fixes you with a glare, but it's mostly harmless. "baby can't control himself when he's inside of me, huh?"
you've never seen his face get so red in all the time you've known him. he slaps a hand over your mouth, brows furrowed, and drills into you deep enough that you go sliding up the bed with a moan.
"stop talking," he utters, voice pitched. "you're so– 'm gonna make you shut up. just keep still and let me fuck you, okay?"
you don't even have the chance to think of something smart to say. the moment he pulls his hand away from your mouth, his cock drags nearly all the way out of you before he jerks forward, fucking into you hard. the rhythm he sets is smooth, relentless, and his knees dig into the mattress as he grabs hold of your hip, fucking in, out, in, out; consistent and quick and sharp. he never falters, never stops, perfection seeping into everything that he does. he is a try-hard except he doesn't even really try, and he knows exactly how to angle his cock to send you reeling each and every time.
you'd told him to take what he needed, had been earnest about it, and he seems to be forgoing inhibitions and actually doing it. he doesn't stop to voice his worries about hurting you as he so often does when the two of you do this, maybe partially because he knows he isn't, but also because you'd told him to take, and he's listening. he fucks into you fast, hips jerking, cock twitching as he fills you up, and he's making these heady little whimpers, whining high in the back of his throat. you can't get enough of them. he hardly stops to catch a breath, solely focused on the way that his cock slides into you and seems to fit so right.
"i like you like this," you tell him, hardly able to speak as your stomach curls with pleasure, but you just have to tell him. he needs to know. "love seeing you be a little bit selfish. i want you to feel good, hyunnie. want you to take and take until your satisfied, okay?"
he nods fast, jerky, hair flopping against his forehead. he's beyond words now; you know it simply by looking at him, all creased brows, mouth falling open as he moans. you're not going to last long at this pace; have never been one to come from his cock alone, but tonight is going to be different. your tummy twists with each thrust, and you peek down to watch as your stomach positively bulges with his cock.
you pull him down for a kiss, all teeth and tongue, his canines sharp as you lap at them. he shudders against you, biting at your bottom lip as his rhythm falters just a bit, just for a second. he thrusts into you once, twice, three times in quick succession, crying out into your mouth each and every time. your body jerks with his movements, limp against the mattress, fingernails digging into the sheets.
"tell me," you breathe, half delirious, nipping at taehyun's throat. "come on, baby. you have to– need you to tell me."
he doesn't ask what you're talking about. just takes one look at you, and he knows.
"i love you," he manages to get out, hardly above a whisper. he sounds broken, fucked, and you bite down hard at the base of his neck, teeth pinching and sharp. "god, fuck, i love you. you drive me crazy."
"me too," you tell him. you pull him back by his hair so that you can meet his gaze. his eyes are big and wild. "love you, too. 'm gonna miss you."
"no," he shakes his head, and his hips buck forward pathetically, cock twitching inside of you. "you're not allowed. 'm not gonna give you the chance to miss me. i'm gonna fill you up with my come, gonna bruise your pretty hips so that you'll always be thinking of me."
"christ," you breathe, stuttered.
taehyun is precise in the way that he drills into you again, again, again, tenacious and unrelenting. his hips meet yours hard, and he holds you in place so that you're unable to squirm away. there will certainly be bruises; the kinds of marks you'll press your fingertips to when he's gone, dildo buried up to the hilt as you think about him. he uses one hand to grab your wrist, twining your fingers together, and when he presses the back of your hand into the mattress, you let him use you as leverage to fuck into you faster.
in an impressive show of strength (a little bit show-offey if you do say so yourself), he uses his other arm to sweep under the small of your back, lifting you so that your hips are floating slightly above the mattress. the angle sends him impossibly deep faster than you're able to keep up with, and his cock pierces into you once, twice, before your back bows, and you're coming all over his length, and the sheets.
he's so good about it, slowing down while you ride it out so as not to overstimulate you. you can't seem to stop, shockwaves of pleasure burning bright in your stomach, all the way down to your toes as you come and come.
"you can keep going," you tell him, not fully recovered yet, words shaky around the edges.
he doesn't ask you if you're sure; is far too gone for that. he pushes your knees to your chest, the stretch uncomfortable but bearable as his cock works into your hole fast. his hips have lost their rhythm enough so that you're able to tell that he's close, and you want to get him there. want him to fill you up so much so that his come spills out of you the moment his cock isn't pushing it in anymore.
your teeth work at his ear, jaw, his neck– wherever you can reach. you're careful not to leave marks, but you know he likes a little bit of pain. you bite when you can get away with it, relishing in the way the sting makes his cock twitch, weeping precome inside of you.
it's a tug to his hair the same moment you nip at his ear that really does him in. you see the moment it happens, plateau reached. his mouth goes slack, popped open enough to reveal a cherry red tongue, little incisors on show. his stomach tenses, flexing, and he trembles against you as his cock slides into you so fucking smooth, so easy.
"oh," he whimpers, and then, "oh, i can't– baby, i'm-"
he doesn't need to finish his sentence. you know he's close as his cock seems to swell impossibly further inside of you. he drops to his elbows, nose nudging your temple as his hips buck frantically, desperate.
"baby," he whimpers into your ear, broken, "baby, baby, oh-"
he comes with a moan so loud your eyes go wide. you scramble to slap your hand over his mouth, but that doesn't deter him. he cries out, high and shaky, cock jerking as he pumps into you a handful of times, filling you up. you feel it each time it spurts from his length, hot and thick, painting your insides. he rocks into you all of the way, hips flushed to your ass, before he drops. he's careful not to put all of his weight on you, but he's clearly tired, and the little whimpers he makes as his spent cock spreads his come around inside of you have you flushing down to your chest.
you could fall asleep like this, you think, him pressed to your chest like a weighted blanket. you feel sticky and sweaty but full, and the thought of him pulling out of you is even less appealing than him going on tour.
he must feel the same way because he nuzzles into you, sleepy and yawning, eyelashes tickling your neck. his arms curl around your waist, your hands sweeping through his messy hair, and his little breaths puff hot against your throat not even a full minute later.
and if you wake up in the morning feeling fully-rested to a group text from the other members, all complaining about the noise, well. taehyun's sheepish smile and pretty eyes are enough to stave off the embarrassment.
an: not betad as usual. my first taehyun fic! yay :D
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
playground crush
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+18 content read at your own discretion, please scroll if you’re uncomfortable with. [MDNI]
🏀 pairing: basketball player!neighbor!Heeseung × neighbor!afab!reader
🏀 genre: smut, strangers to lovers
🏀 summary: here
🏀 word count: 13.8k
🏀 warnings: hard dom!Heeseung, sub!reader, Jake is an asshole I’m sorry, explicit smut, reader is a creep (she watches him masturbate without him knowing), masturbating (male + female), voyeurism, daddy kink, fingering, oral sex (male+female), bdsm, cum play, slapping kink, bulging kink (sort of), unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, multiple rounds of sex, rough sex, breeding kink, semi-public and public sex, usage of pet names, mentions of food, proofread but there can be typos so I’m sorry if there are any, let me know if there’s something I missed
🏀 a/n: Hi hello luvlies, I hope everyone’s doing good <3 I am finally here with the fiction that my dear 🍓 anon inspired me to write, so a huge shout out to them! This is my first over 10k+ words work, so to speak honestly, I’m a little nervous :’) I got carried away while writing and this turned out to be a lot wilder than I thought, so I hope you guys will enjoy reading it, I advise you to sit down before you do 👍🏻 as always all types of feedbacks are highly appreciated, whether it’s a comment, an ask, like or especially reblogs with your cute comments !! Since it’s my first time writing something considerably long, I will be waiting for your feedbacks on this with four eyes 🥺 thank you for always being so supportive, I love you all, see you on the next fic 💖
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
like hot summer (l. hs, s. jy)
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pairing. heeseung x female reader x jake
genre. summer loving with a broken air conditioner, explicit smut, pwp, they’re all just horny, M/F
warnings. profanity, pervert Heeseung and Jake, jealousy(minimal), masturbation, unprotected sex, oral, degradation/praise, double penetration(both holes), threesome, cum swapping, wet and messy. minors DNI.
wc. 9900
IB. Disturbia(minus the serial killer neighbor)
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Stranger Things. All Of Us Are Dead. Squid Game.
Heeseung grumbles, clicking through the list of options on screen. at this rate not sleeping paired with binge watching any popular show available to stream would not play out well with nowhere to go besides upstairs.
the television power cuts off just as he contemplates switching to Hulu to start a new show, settling a wrinkle between his eyebrows and a rising whine from his chest.
“mom! the circuit breakers acting up again!” he bemoans, punching the remote down into a pillow.
“notice how nothing else has turned off.” she scoffs at him, waving a power cord mid-air with a snarky expression.
“mom, what the hell??”
ignoring her son’s complaints, she passes by toward the kitchen, warning him to beware of his language.
“sweetie, make yourself useful and go check the mail, would you?”
Heeseung’s mother lightly smacks the back of his head as she passes by the couch with her cellphone lodged between her shoulder and cheek.
“first week of house arrest and he’s sitting on the couch burning through anything available to stream on Netflix.” she shares with whomever listens on the opposite line. 
standing up, Heeseung mutters to himself about how he really should make an effort to avoid hanging out in the living room on her days off. 
it’s not as if he enjoys hearing about what a fuck up he is, or his mother recounting the story of the mistake that ruined all of his summer plans.
“drinking and driving without a license, can you believe it? after I dropped a month’s mortgage for him to travel through Europe this summer!” she complains into the phone as he steps outside. 
Heeseung sighs, stretching his arms high above until the tips of his fingers graze along the porch’s rooftop. shaking the weight of the bracelet that blinks a glowing green on his ankle before stepping into a pair of sandals. 
it's only his first week under house arrest, and the highlight of his day is stepping out to grab the mail.
mail time means time to catch up on the daily duties around the neighborhood. Mrs. Fawn across the street waters her garden, smiling joyfully at the sight of her tulips finally blooming. Mr. Eldridge at the end of the block pulls into his driveway, parking and hauling ass inside while stringing along a young woman who looks nothing like his wife; most likely his secretary. 
the bratty boys from two houses down spit jeers as they pass by on their bikes, flipping off Heeseung and laughing while blowing their tongues at him because he can’t step more than 100 feet away from his home. 
“sniveling little..” he mutters between clenched teeth, waving them away with a returned middle finger. “you count your lucky days! wait until the end of summer when I get your ass!”
“big talk for a loser who can’t even leave his house!” they high five, pedaling away in a fit of accomplished laughter. 
“a loser..” he repeats, toying with the raised flag on the side of the mailbox. a loser, that stings more than he’d like to admit. staring down at his sock clad feet shoved into a pair of sandals, he kisses the backs of his teeth nodding, watching the bracelet around his ankle blink up at him in a taunting manner.
“yeah. I’m a loser.”
before a state of melancholic ‘not young enough to act this dumb anymore, but not old enough to even purchase my own beer’ can settle, the sound of a wooden door ricocheting open distracts him from the oncoming blackhole of thoughts.
a door that hasn’t been opened in weeks, moving trucks occupy the driveway next door’s spaces catching Heeseung’s attention. 
new neighbors, he thinks, shifting onto the tips of his toes to sneak a look. no one had lived next door for a few months now. the resident next door had been unoccupied ever since the Jong family moved to a new town. so much for his plans of late night pool dips in their yard now.
nice tv, expensive furniture, too many boxes labeled ‘extremely fragile!’, a man directing movers with a stressed out expression.. the new owner of the house most likely.
and you.
the sight of you hits him harder than a vehicle speeding light years above the speed limit.
the beginning of summer days already has you opting for less clothing, showing more skin than usual since you’re home. moving into your new home meant dripping in sweat. evident by the thick sheen of perspire cascading down your throat.
Heeseung notices the trickles of sweat instantly, following a particular bead down until he lands between your breasts barely contained in a flimsy tank top. driblets of sweat pass like slow motion, opening his mouth slowly in hopes of catching a droplet to moisten his drying throat. 
it’s been a long time since he’s seen an attractive girl. 
two weeks, 15 days, 7 hours, and 42 minutes to be exact. 
since the last day of university when he finally got to experience a so-called ‘rager’. a great end of the year party that ended up with a senior clinging to his arm midway into the festivities. tapping his nose while hiccuping between her drunken compliments, cooing and calling him cute.
cute enough to take home as she threw her keys at him and dragged him out in search of her car parked a few blocks away. 
as much as his dick screamed at him to get laid- ‘it’s been weeks! you’re a virgin again at this point!’ that's what the aching throb between his thighs would shout at him if it could; Heeseung couldn’t help but sigh when her glazed over eyes rolled back. drooped in the passenger seat pathetically giggling and burping, groaning that she drank too much.
he sighs, apologizing to his crotch before adjusting himself beneath his belt, as if to say ‘shut it, it’s not happening tonight’.
“you live at the sorority on the other side of campus right?” he asks, not receiving much of an answer beyond a few gurgled words. 
Heeseung hadn’t drank much, a couple beers that had gone flat and stale from nursing them more than actually drinking. 
but he drank enough to get pulled over and fail a breathalyzer test. completely fucked without a license, that’s how he ended up in court 4 days later attempting to appeal a DUI.
no more coming of age self discovery trip to Europe for the summer. no chance of even hanging out by the pool or beach flirting with girls on vacation. no opportunity to get laid or party, get drunk and high with his friends.
not that Jake’s even home for the month, having headed back to Australia the minute summer hit to visit family. 
but as your intrigued gaze meets his, Heeseung can feel the corner of his lip twitch.
maybe this summer wouldn’t be a complete loss afterall.
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“you canceled my nintendo subscription?”
“indeed, I did.” Heeseung’s mother snaps, chucking a wad of clothing at his face. “I have an overnight shift at the hospital. it’s time for you to make use of all this free time and clean up around here. I am not your maid.”
laundry, clean up around here, make use of your free time.
everyday had turned into the same speech. no more streaming services, no access to online games, even jerking off had become a task. 
“asking me to tidy up is like asking for a preempted disaster.” Heeseung mutters, shoving in a much too large load of clothes to wash that hasn’t been properly separated. what harm would a blue sock do to these white silk dress shirts anyway.
“what’s even the difference between laundry softener and detergent, do I need both?”
worrying his bottom lip while eyeing between Snuggles and Tide feels redundant, drawing a sigh out of his chest while ultimately deciding to pour in both.
‘today’s episode of the exciting adventures of a stay-at-home son..’ he thinks, stepping out of the laundry room while shaking his ankle. itchy and annoying, nothing but a nuisance this thing had become.
even the taste of food had lost it’s usual momentary serotonin high, bland and dry on his tongue as he munched on a bag of chips. stale, much like the air floating around him running from different vents throughout the house with a lack of chill.
Heeseung furrows his eyebrows, reaching high above near a vent without much struggle. dry gusts of air tickles between his digits missing the familiar cool breeze that should reach past his skin to satiate overbearing warmth deep within his muscle.
“there’s no way..” 
sad realization that the air’s been set at 68 degrees to keep house chilly from floor to ceiling settles in. the fucking air conditioning wasn’t working, height of summer and no type of indoor peace from the unbearable heat burning down onto the cement pavement surrounded outside.
“my mom wouldn’t skip paying the bill just to punish me more right?!” Heeseung speaks to himself, pacing before the controller screen in disbelief. “no.. that has to be punishable by law somewhere around the world.”
“God, fuck me.” he grunts, finding himself seated by an open window that conveniently faces your bedroom from across the way. “yeah.. fuck me..”
he wonders if this is the lowest low of desperation one can reach, toying with the cord that controls the blinds as he takes in your side profile. nose buried in a book without a care in the world, no concern or worry that anyone could be watching you, completely unaware of your neighbor under house arrest sweating against a leather office chair concentrating much too hard on your face.
he sighs, leaning back with a lifted brow when you start to shift about, dragging fingers through your scalp while laughing at whatever page you’ve just finished reading.
even the breeze barely flowing through the window screen feels hot, boiling his skin faster, or maybe it’s the way your figure melts into your bed. breasts squished together in a thin tank-top giving him the full front on view of hardened peaks poking through the flimsy material. it’s almost like you turned toward him on purpose.. as if you wanted him to see your chest on the verge of spilling out.
don’t think about it, that’s what he keeps repeating to himself. there’s no way you know he’s watching you. there’s no way you’d stretch out on your bed enough for your top to ride up, exposing more and more smooth flesh, pajamas riding low on your hips. no way you would do any of that on purpose. 
“fuck. it’s hot.” 
hot air incinerates through his lungs with each deep breath, smoothing bangs off his forehead that clump together with sweat. trying to convince himself it’s the humid thick air blowing down his back from the vent above that’s stirring heat up his stomach. it has nothing to do with the way you start to tickle up and down the center of your chest while you read with your bottom lip tucked tightly between your teeth. it has nothing to do with how easy it’s become to imagine you beneath him, panting out ragged breaths, desperately whining at him to let you cum..
finding enough decency to finally look away, he clears his throat, mentally cursing at himself to go take a freezing cold shower. it has to be the over 100 degree weather getting to him, that’s what’s making his shorts tighten around his groin. that’s what has sweat dripping between his legs down to the crevice of his ass.
“yeah, I should definitely shower.” he says to himself, sparing a sniff to the t-shirt he’s had on for three days. just as he decides that’s for the best, his eyes scan through the window once more, catching his breath at the visual of your bare backside with a towel draped over your chest, held up only by one arm as you slip into a pair of sandals.
words evade him when you slowly turn, gaze finding his in an instant, taking your time to stride out of your bedroom without looking away, most likely to take a shower.
Heeseung doesn’t think about it, reiterating over and over that there was no way you could tell he’d been watching you…the blinds weren’t fully open..there was just no way.
even with his palm gripped around his length, holding back whimpers under the showerhead, he can’t stop thinking about the way you stared back at him.
if he could see you clearly, why wouldn’t you be able to see him?
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“Jake!!” Heeseung shouts while throwing long arms around his friends shoulders. a tub of Vegemite drops from the others hold, clutching at a packet of bread now squished between them. “you’re back!”
“surprise!” his friend gets out between a wheeze and deep breath. “I brought you a snack from the homeland to try too.”
he shakes the bag of sliced white bread, eyebrows wiggling with excitement as they head to the kitchen together. “one of my favorites.”
Heeseung’s nose twitches, crushing his lips together while his friend uses a butter knife to spread brown jam-like goo around with a large smile. “looks like…clumpy soy sauce..”
“hey! you can’t knock it until you try it.” his friend claps, finishing with a ‘ta-da!’ as if he’s presenting a 5 star meal. 
“my stomach’s sensitive today..” Heeseung grimaces, poking and sniffing around the crust. 
“stop being a baby and try it!”
“fine! fine!” 
salt, pure bitter salt turned to mush hits his tastebuds. the twitch in his nose forming into a full on scowl, chewing only to hold back a gag as his friend bursts into a boisterous laugh, hunched over clutching at his stomach.
“God, your face!” Jake squeaks, letting out an escalating giggle while smacking at the kitchen counter. “I guess it really takes a true Aussie to enjoy such a delicacy.”
Heeseung swallows, disgusted, rolling his eyes but smiling nonetheless. “I’m happy you’re back.”
“yeah, now I can log you into my accounts and save you from this perdition.”
“and maybe.. hang out with me everyday?” the older of the two says, dragging his best friend to his bedroom. “until this punishment’s over?”
“yeah, of course dude, I’ve got your back!” Jake smiles, patting his friends back, halting as they enter Heeseung’s bedroom. “oh this is bad, you’ve created the tower of Twinkies..”
“you try staying home for weeks with no contact to the outside world. Elmer’s glue and stale snacks will become more appealing craft tools than you’d think.” 
music blasts, the familiar tune of top 40’s radio pop blaring from an old speaker, jerking Jake’s attention away from the tower of Twinkies in the direction of the noise.
“what was that?”
Heeseung grins, pointing his chin toward the extended corner in his bedroom where sunlight beams in from. “the best part of my day.”
“look, don’t judge me for this, but I have a new neighbor.” he explains, walking over to the window that faces your backyard direct on. “and she’s..”
“yeah, she’s..” Heeseung clears his throat, raising an eyebrow at his friend. “well, see for yourself.”
Jake eyes him suspiciously, pushing open the blinds enough to fully capture your body backstroking through the clear blue chlorine water. bikini clad breasts float above, round and perky, leading up to a gorgeous face with your eyes shut allowing him plenty of time to absorb each of your features. 
“right?” his friend nods by his side, lowering his neck to peer through the same slit as you stand up in the pool, throwing your head back to drain water from your ears. 
“who is she??” Jake asks, jaw dropping open letting out mild sounds of pain from the back of his throat when you step out. zooming in on your fingers fixing the bikini bottoms that have begun to ride up your ass.
Heeseung sighs, nodding again while leaning against the wall. he chews at his lip, the two of them glancing down to the bracelet on his ankle. “don’t know..”
Jake sighs, patting his friend on the arm. “man, this fucking sucks! we planned so much for this summer..”
“trust me, I’m beating myself up everyday over it.” Heeseung laments, tapping his forehead against the wall. “I was supposed to be backpacking through Europe, get laid every night. I was supposed to finally have a threesome!”
Jake laughs, nodding along. “if it’s any consolation, my nasty little porn threesome didn’t happen while visiting back home either. actually, I only managed to get it in one time. my parents really laid out every activity and family get together possible, wasn’t exactly the forearm deep in pussy summer vacation of my dreams.”
“do you have to say it like that?”
“hey!” Jake chuckles, nudging into the tallers side. “who’s the one jerking it to their hot neighbor, huh?”
“I don’t do that.” Heeseung scowls, returning to watch you rub body oil up and down your legs. “that would be..”
“that would be something I would do.” Jake says, cocking a groomed eyebrow at his friend. “especially with no chance to get laid.. I mean, do you even remember what it feels like?” he finishes with a laugh, the two playfully hitting each other.
“my hand will never compare to the real thing.”
“the real thing is about 400 feet away..” Jake peers between the blinds again. “and she’s just turned over..those bikini bottoms are holding on for dear life.”
Heeseung nearly jumps to get a look, expelling a groan from the back of his throat upon seeing your waist dip in; further pushing your perky butt up for the sun to kiss. 
“believe me dude, those girls you could have been fucking in Europe wouldn’t come close.” his friend reassures. “you gotta talk to her somehow.”
“I know, but..” 
Jake fixes him with a knowing look, nudging his chin toward his friend’s lower half. “you can ‘but’ all you want— your dick definitely has another idea in mind.”
he snorts, picking up binoculars he spots hidden under a throw pillow on the floor. “my ass you haven’t been jerking it, bet these give you a great close up shot.”
Jake holds up the magnified lenses, inching closer between the blinds while lightening the mood with gasps, ‘oooohh’ and ‘ahhh’ passing between breathy laughs.
“imagine what she sounds like moaning, ohhhh Heeseung! you dick’s sooo big!”
he chuckles, accidentally slamming the binoculars into the window with a shocked shout.
“crap! shit!” Jake hisses out curses. the two swiftly collapsing down to their knees painted with mortified expressions.
sharing a concerned look, Jake hits his forehead with the binoculars in a repetitive motion. “fuck!”
“God you freaking idiot!” Heeseung inches back to the window ledge, motioning for his friend to do the same. both sharing a pale look of fear when they aren’t met with your figure laid out, or anywhere to be found.
the front door bell rings out, sending their jaws to the floor letting out a unison “no!”
“there’s no way!”
Heeseung pinches at the sweaty tufts of hair gathered at his nape, pacing back and forth before the door as you knock again, asking another ‘hello?’
“this is all your fault!” he hisses, sucking down a deep breath before reaching a trembling hand to twist open the door.
“hi” you greet with a wave of your hand, standing with your hip cocked to one side. a thin t-shirt thrown over the red bikini they know you have on beneath.
“I got locked out of my house.” you smile bashfully. “mind if I hang out until my parents get back?”
“uhh..” Heeseung dry swallows a gulp, sensing shame written all over his face; as if the beads of sweat on his forehead give away what they had just been up to.
“yeah, we were just playing..” Jake stutters, choking back a laugh. “uh..Monopoly.”
“like, the boardgame?” you ask, wrinkling between your eyebrows.
“the one and only.” he continues to huff laughter awkwardly, prodding his friend’s side with his elbow. “Heeseung’s a pro at Monopoly, kicks my ass each time. I don’t know why I keep placing bets to win.”
“oh right!” Jake speaks up again, noticing his friend’s gone speechless. “this is Heeseung, and I’m Jake.”
“Heeseung, the Monopoly king, apparently, and Jake..the Australian?” you smirk, strutting past the two without missing the opportunity to bodily graze against your neighbor as you share your name with them.
“wow, it’s hot in here.” you say, fanning your face, skin still aflame from sitting out under the sun for the past hour. 
“air conditioner’s broken.” Heeseung finally speaks again, averting his gaze to the ground. “repair guy can’t make it out until next week. a lot of..uh, heat waves caused rolling blackouts to happen.”
“soo..” you spin on the balls of your feet back to face them, taking in your surroundings. “Monopoly, huh? I like to play.”
Jake can’t control his lips from lifting at the corners, coughing over another laugh while burying his elbow deeper into Heeseung’s side. “bet you do.” 
he nods up the stairs toward his friend’s bedroom, leading you into a messy boy’s room that tastes as musty as it looks. 
“wow..” you say, toeing at a pile of clothing near the entrance. the occupant of the bedroom spluttering while racing around to chuck everything behind his closet. he smiles, painfully, glaring at Jake’s amused face behind your back. 
“can’t believe you live right next door and we haven’t properly met until now..” you wander toward the window, picking up the discarded binoculars left on the floor as clear evidence, covered in fresh sweaty fingerprints.
“yeah, Heeseung’s on house arrest..he’s innocent though!” Jake jokes, defenselessly with a palm held up. too busy draping a towel over the tower of Twinkie’s with his free hand to notice when you look through the binoculars and get a clear visual into your bedroom.
“house arrest?” you turn to face them, dangling the incriminating object in your hand. “maybe for spying on your neighbors?”
Heeseung’s face drops, standing up straight with his mouth agape.
“oh crap, my dad’s calling..texting uh, he needs uh, help with that..that thing.” Jake nods rapidly, covered in sweat from scattering around to hide a pile of naughty magazines and hentai DVDs under his friend’s bed. “nice meeting you!” 
he clasps Heeseung’s shoulder on his way out, leaning close to whisper. “don’t fuck this up, Monopoly king.”
before the other can get a word out, the front door slams shut, leaving the two of you alone still letting the binocular string hang from your fingers with a questioning gaze.
“uhm,” Heeseung grimaces, scratching at the back of his head. “I was supposed to travel through Europe this summer.”
removing the binoculars from your hold, he forces a smile. “sightseeing, bird watching.. hiking and stuff.”
“wow from Europe to..” you look around again, cringing as you spot a pile of failed foil ball attempts. “to this. that’s pretty depressing, not gonna lie.”
he shrugs, stuffing the binoculars inside a desk drawer. “do you really want to play Monopoly?”
“way too hot in here to play anything.” you complain, plopping down onto his bed to strip the shirt you threw on only to walk over. “how do you live like this?”
“I don’t.” Heeseung shrugs, sitting at a corner on his bed nervously. 
“I can tell. must get really boring, trapped at home, nothing to do..” 
his head lifts, glancing over your bare flesh out of his peripheral vision. silently nodding as he fidgets with his hands and hem of his shorts.
“I’d invite you over, but you probably can’t go very far with that thing.” you stretch to the side, plugging your phone into charge on his bedside table. fussing with it long enough for his gaze to travel further.
Heeseung watches your actions, starting from your painted toenails wiggling against his bedding. legs still glistening from the oil you had applied earlier, the tied strings on your bikini lifting off your skin when your hip turns more. it should be easy to look away, but you’re the first girl he’s had in his bed.. ever.
“Heeseung,” you turn back to face him, propping your elbows against the pillow behind you. “I’m hot.”
“yeah..” he nods dumbly, continuing to admire your waist dipping in; breasts nestled together like they were while you laid on your bed reading the many nights he’d admired you from afar.
“maybe I should take my top off to cool down?” you ask out loud, playing with the spandex strings holding your chest together securely. 
Heeseung nods, blinking slowly, mesmerized and lost in a trance until you break into a fit of giggles, ruining the fantasy that had begun to unfold.
“you really think I’m gonna take my top off that easily?” you snicker, toeing at his forearm. “why would I do that? when you could just take it off for me?”
he sits up straight, unconvinced by your mischievous smile that you aren’t just taking advantage of his current weakened horny loser demeanor. “are you fucking with me?”
“not yet” you turn, propping up on one elbow just as you had the day you noticed wide doe eyes watching you from the house next door. 
Heeseung scoots closer to you, leaning in enough to fully inhale the scent of cherry blossom and chlorine clinging to your warm skin. he’s even prettier up close, not making much of an appearance outside since the day you moved in, other than the few times you’ve caught him watching you from the window without the binoculars in the way hiding his delicate features.
“I’m good at games too.” you push closer, throwing a thigh over his hip to lay him flat beneath you. his throat bobs, unsure of what to do with his hands other than cloak your waist. 
soft, supple and soft, and so so smooth. smooth enough that he can’t stop roaming, touching and feeling at the skin covering your back and abdomen. the rough tips of his fingers dig in, squeezing the meat on your hips, passing over the strings keeping your bottoms held in place.
“do you wanna play with me?” 
Heeseung sucks in a deep breath, disbelief striking his chest as he stares above in awe. this had to be a dream, he probably fell asleep mid-jerk off. he’ll wake up, sat before the window with his cock in hand coated in sweat. it doesn’t matter, because he can’t stop his hips from rolling up, budging a space between your thighs to press against the damp seat of your bottoms.
“you’re so hard,” you grin, chewing at your bottom lip. “why are you so hard? was the sightseeing that good for you today?”
Heeseung can’t even process anything you’re saying anymore. he’s panting, sticky hot and nasty. sweat rapidly pouring out of his pores enough to have his shirt melting into his skin. he jerks up to sit, wet lips hover yours, sharing warm gusts of air from your mouth to his.
“can I kiss you?” the words spill out of him, dizzy and numb to what he’s just asked. Heeseung’s positive this is a dream, or a heat stroke, more delirious and empty headed with each brush of your bite-stung lips passing each other. 
your quiet nod gives him the okay, crashing against your mouth feverishly, he licks, kisses, sucks, bites. he kisses as if it’s his first and last time, clinking your teeth together, pushing his tongue between your wanton lips. rolling against the roof of your mouth with an expert massage that draws needy groans from your throat. 
every breath, movement, pathetic little whine rising out of both of you feels heavier. asserting more effort just to grind your hips together as the heat surrounding your bodies grows higher. thick and smoggy air locks your chests closer, clutching and scratching at the back of his wet shirt to push your core against him with fortified vigor.
Heeseung can feel his eyes roll back, desperately rutting up between your thighs like a dog in heat. biting down a hiss, he drops his face to your shoulder, whining when he thinks he might cum, because it’s too soon. he needs more, he needs more of your pretty sounds. little sad broken noises to rewind over and over again the next time he jerks off while picturing the way you look at him, when you’re not supposed to see him.
thick palms slap down on your hips holding you still so that he can catch his breath, regain some strength to take the lead and place you on your back with his lower half slotted between your spread open legs.
“fuck, how is this real.” he whispers, wheezing and huffing as he grips your bottoms. swollen folds push out, spilling around your bikini, slick and shiny, covered in arousal that begs to get fucked. 
he thinks about it, a flash of thought racing past his mind almost too fast, screaming and kicking at him to pull out his cock and stuff you raw to the brim. that’s what you want, sucking on two of your fingers while staring at him pliantly, waiting for whatever he gives you next.
what he wants to give you vs what his hand leads him to do— pulling out his length enough to breathe, smearing pre-cum collected at the slit under your navel. positioning against your center, he rolls down, whimpering as he shoves his size at your bikini bottoms. 
“fuckfuck, I’m go-gonna..”
Heeseung grinds faster, your free hand trailing up to his long arched back neck, thumb pushing against the round pronounced bone vibrating under your touch with each moan that drips from his tongue. 
he feels stupid, empty headed, focused on nothing but the way you bounce deeper into his bed. breasts so close to toppling free from your triangular top with each slam after slam of his hips. the first peak of nipple paired with your nails scratching at his throat jolts shivers down his spine, hunching forward more to chase the incessant desire to fuck you.
“Heeseung—“ you whine, shoving your spit slick fingers between your pressed lower halves to grip onto him, adjusting his next thrust to glide underneath your bikini. the sopping wet smear of arousal pulls a scream out of his chest, baring his teeth and gripping at the blanket surrounding your head as the tip of his length spills, dripping on your mound, confined by the heat between your bodies. confined by your ruined bikini bottoms covering half of his cock pulsing, making a filthy mess inside.
“fuck..” breathlessly, you fall back, a proud smile pinching at your lips. “you owe me a new swimsuit, convict.”
Heeseung can’t catch his breath fast enough, having enough sense available to fall off to your side. he slaps at his face, ripping chunks of sweaty wet hair while groaning and shaking his head. “did that seriously just happen?”
the obnoxious snort you let out says enough. 
“good timing” you motion to your phone charging on his bedside table, noting a car door slamming shut outside. “my mom’s home.” 
pulling back on the t-shirt you came in with, you tap the tip of his nose, winking as you head out. “maybe we can actually play Monopoly next time?”
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Jake: ran into your neighbor at the grocery store earlier, she’s having a party tonight.
Heeseung: I can’t go that far without setting off the bracelet.
Jake: oh yeah..
Heeseung: you want to go, right?
Jake: everyone else is going..
Heeseung sighs, peering out of the window to see you unloading the trunk of your parent’s car, full of snacks and drinks. smiting the bracelet that glows back at him more and more angry with each blink.
Heeseung: have fun.
he turns off his phone, lunging onto his bed to bury his face in a pillow and scream. 
of course everyone’s going, why were you having a party anyway? who could you possibly even know to invite?!
“Jake, that’s who.” he says, kicking at his bed annoyed.
Jake, who stands by a table decorated with red solo cups, filled up with an assortment of cranberry and orange vodka, colorful jello shots and gummy bears to add a festiveness to it all.
Heeseung grumbles, stuffing his face with the half-empty bag of chips in his lap as he watches his friend chat up different girls. something they could both be doing if not for this stupid DUI.
“ohhh, it’s the Aussie.” you voice loudly, approaching the familiar face you met the other day.
Jake swallows down the drink he’s been boredly whooshing around in his mouth, eyes perked up as he takes in the barely there skin-tight dress perfectly hugging your curves. “woah..”
“I clean up nicely, right?” giving him a twirl, he catches your dress lifting up from the breeze enough to see the tops of your thighs, where your ass meets and rounds out. landing back on your toes with a wink, aware that many eyes at the party and nearby were currently on you. 
“very..very nice..” Jake whispers, glancing over his shoulder toward Heeseung’s house. a small pang of guilt pinching at his chest, quickly forgotten when your hand wraps around one of his biceps.
“wanna dance?” you ask, wide-eyed, hopeful. making it impossible for him to come up with an excuse fast enough, not that he intended to.
“of course.”
Jake knows his best friend must be watching, but that’s not enough to stop him from rolling his hips against yours. he doesn’t catch your eyes shooting toward Heeseung’s window, nor the malevolent behavior you’ve kept up all night while purposely dragging yours fingers down different guys chest; giggling demurely with your hand over your mouth as you sneak another look toward the shadow behind the glass.
“you left too fast the other day.” you say, adding a sweet flirtatiousness to your tone.
“did I?” one of his hands slips lower, tickling the visible skin peeking out on the slits tracing up to the tops of your thighs. “I’m sure you two found something to do without me.”
“I’m sure we could have found something else, better suited for 3..” 
Jake doesn’t miss how you slot one of your thighs between his, strategically nudging the top of your knee against the rough fabric of his jeans lining his crotch.
Heeseung sitting alone sulking in his bedroom crosses his mind, licking at his lower lip annoyed that he can’t help but think about his best friend. he sighs, gripping onto your hips with more strength to stop you from rubbing against him.
“maybe we..”
“Jake..” minty licks of breath pass from your mouth to his, mixing with fruity bitter alcohol lingering on his tongue. the tip of his nose grazes against your upper lip, head slowly inching closer, eyelids growing heavier with heat condensation as he takes a deep breath, readying himself to capture your mouth..
a bolt of aggressively loud music jolts your bodies apart, crazed and shocked by the sudden blast of sound that shouts out from speakers placed on the balcony of the house beside yours. an ugly sound of screeching accompanying the off-putting beats and tunes that ring out. the complete opposite to the chill summer playlist you’d worked hard on curating last night.
“ugh!” you groan out. forgetting about Jake in favor of charging across to where your backyard meets the house next doors. easily finding the visual of Heeseung laughing to himself from behind the window with the same binoculars in hand as he searches for your annoyed face, scanning from Jake to the rest of your confused partygoers glancing around.
a slam of hard sole protected feet hitting the balcony near his bed shifts his attention, spotting you trudging into his opened window, ripping the power cords of his speakers out until the music completely cuts. 
“hey hey!” he runs over, binoculars dropping to his feet to grasp your wrists instead. “that was expensive!”
“so is my party!” you argue, whining for him to let go of you.
“yeah, well you looked bored.” he retorts, holding your arms by your sides. “more focused on me than your stupid party.”
“so you were watching me.” you say accusingly, shoving your chest forward to add intimidation. 
“I—“ Heeseung stutters, letting go of your arms and stepping back. “was just, checking in..”
“yeah?” you continue to walk toward him, coercing him to step backward until the backs of his knees meet the edge of his bed. “for how long now? days? weeks? how long have you just been checking in?”
nervously gulping, he shakes his head. “it’s not like that, I swear! I just..”
“spit it out Heeseung!” 
“I like you!” he glowers, fumbling with his hands anxiously. “I’m not just..watching you like some pervert.”
he meets your less than convinced expression, sighing and nodding. “of course that’s part of it! you’re hot, okay?! but..”
Heeseung stands straight, motioning toward the window. “it’s like going to class for example— there’s a new girl, she’s pretty. she’s really fucking pretty. everyone gets caught up in their routines, studying, sharing daily gossip, rushing to finish their assignments for the next period. but I’m just watching you, wondering what you’re like. what your hobbies are, what you hate.. if you’d hate me..”
he huffs, ignoring the harsh expression continuing to twist your eyebrows together. “sometimes you look like you’re trapped, and I wonder what’s stopping you from going out. I wonder why you stay home and hang out by yourself so much. I watch you unpackage new books with a smile on your face, spending hours reading through one, and I wish I could do the same. I think about going over, hanging out with you, I don’t know, maybe we’d be friends... I’m just watching you.”
tension leaves your face, returning your features to their usual softness. shoulders falling back into a relaxed position, taking a step forward until your knees meet his. 
“that’s either..the sweetest, or creepiest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Heeseung prepares to apologize, caught off guard by your lips smacking into his. instinctively gripping onto your waist to deepen the kiss, lured deeper in by the cool mint swirling around your tongue. 
moans you have memorized play prettily, pouring out between each wet lap of his tongue exploring through your mouth. sitting down, he helps you straddle onto his lap with ease. catching his breath while complimenting how good you look.
“you always look good.” he adds, feeling up the material of your dress attached to your skin by pools of sweat. 
Jake stumbles onto the balcony as you had minutes ago, clinging to the ledge in a way he has for many years when sneaking out with the excuse of having a sleepover at Heeseung’s house to cover his ass.
“Jake!” his best friend’s voice echoes, tinged with shock.
it’s likely the incriminating position he finds the two of you in can only mean one thing, with your legs spread open around Heeseung’s hips and ass planted against a noticeable bulge tenting up from his basketball shorts. deducing that you hadn’t fallen and landed like this coincidentally by the look of sheer guilt flashing across your face.
“what are the two of you doing?” he hiccups, smearing the back of his hand against heavy eyelids. warmth and buzz from alcohol continues to rise heat up from his chest to the expanse of his throat, speckled with a flush of reds and pinks. the shades only intensified by the amount of thick heat filling his friend’s bedroom, most of it radiating from your connected bodies.
“it’s..” Heeseung squints, squeezing your waist. “we..”
“we’re having fun.” you interrupt, adding a coy look his way with hidden meaning. “no reason we can’t all have fun together, right?”
fun. fun together.
Jake’s head tilts in question, noting the difference in size between you and Heeseung, from his hands nearly belting your waist to long legs stretched open beneath you, comfortably adjusted to sit pretty on his lap.
thoughts reel much too fast all at once, scatterbrained and just coherent enough to understand your cocked brow intends more suggestion than playing some console game.
“fun?” he takes a few steps forward, the tips of his fingers tickling up from your bare shoulder blade to the back of your neck. “what exactly did you have in mind?”
Jake’s hold turns rough as he ends the question, trailing up to bunch your hair in a tight fist. he yanks and tugs your head side to side, smoothing the tip of his tongue across his dry upper lip to leave it red, shiny and tempting.
Heeseung catches on to the dynamic the two of you have clearly fallen into, dragging one of his hands upward, brushing past your chest to cup the front of your throat. “think you can go around fucking everyone you want?”
the lock around your neck makes it harder to breathe, harshly huffing in hot air that collects sweat on your upper lip easily, with hooded eyes you weakly nod, pushing against the girth pressed up against your ass. 
“that’s so slutty,” Jake sneers, ripping at your scalp with another rough pull. “that’s what you want though, isn’t it?”
“walking around all summer in nothing but the tiniest bikinis..” Heeseung mumbles, pressing closer to lick across your collarbone. “you knew we were watching you. you did it on purpose, and you still want more?”
“you perverts were the ones jerking off together.” you manage to get out, attempting to catch your breath when Heeseung’s fingers loosen around your neck. “disgusting little boys that don’t know how to control their hormones.”
“you still let me cum on you,” Heeseung whispers, tracing your chin with a pattern of kisses.
“only on? and here I thought that good little whore’s always swallow.” Jake sneers, a little perturbed by how quick you were to run off to argue with Heeseung, only to find you in a compromising position.
“we do. you want me to swallow?” you ask, hazily watching his face from upside down with your head pulled back. “then show me why you deserve it.”
Jake’s tongue pokes from the corner of his lip, fascinated and amused by your assertiveness. he pulls harder at your hair until you follow his arm and land on your bottom onto Heeseung’s bed. 
“that little twirl you gave me earlier..” he falls to his knees, prying your thighs open in front of his face. the smallest cloth, poor excuse for underwear covers your cunt. soaked through, wetness smeared on your inner thighs. he huffs a laugh, observing your contorted features, the way you tremble beneath his touch. “showing off this dress that barely covers your ass.”
Heeseung helps by gathering your dress up, lifting it to slowly unveil your stomach convulsing; twitching with anticipation and excite. using his other hand to cup the back of your head, he lifts you, straining your spine to watch how his best friend peels off your drenched stringy panties. 
“so wet for us,” Jake says, pleased by how your thighs stay open. 
the bridge of his nose drags between your folds, slick pours free, dribbling down to his mouth where the tip of his tongue lavs up the driblets. “so fucking good.”
his face drops, lips pursed as he greedily slurps your folds clean. the ridges of his mouth tickling against your smooth flesh, awakening nerves desperate for a touch. your legs tense up, clenching and unclenching anticipating what he’ll do next. building up tormenting waves of pleasure with precise strokes of his pout grazing up and down nastily, covering his chin and nose in slick arousal.
breathing becomes more difficult, chest erratically lifting under Heeseung’s hands that have found their way to your breasts, aiding in overstimulating your senses, a heavy palm cups and squeezes at the fat mounds between his fingers, leaving your dress to slip down around your waist. 
the backs of your thighs strain, hoisted up for Jake to glide in even deeper. tongue pushing past your entrance with a strong wiggle. lewd sounds draw up, expelling more and more wetness to stream down his chest. the mixture of heady sweat and arousal landing on his neck like a coat of gloss.
he latches onto your clit, grazing his teeth along the bundle of nerves until your toes pat the backs of his shoulders, delivering little kicks that grow stronger with each repeated suck he gives. 
Jake pushes at the pits of your knees more, crunching your stomach muscles to collapse together as he takes in your rim, fluttering too pretty for him to ignore. the visual more than enough to bury his face between your ass, rolling his tongue around, collecting spit from the back of his throat to dangle. pushing it in when your hole gives, relaxing around the muscle allowing him to further lick in.
“ugh!” Heeseung knows that’s a different type of moan, high and loud, flushing down your chest with humiliation. ashamed by how much you’re enjoying a tongue in your ass, he grins wolfishly, pinching your nipple harshly for extra torture.
“cum—I—I’m..ahh, p-please—“
Jake’s nose grazes back up, peppering kisses on your pulsating hole, two fingers circle your rim. tongue seething back inside, gently working up to a faster motion that has you screaming. punching and gripping at your sides as you shake your head. “n-no-no! need, need to!”
Heeseung can’t help but notice how your eyes won’t stop rolling back, thighs clamped around Jake’s head ferociously. drawing his jaw to snap open as much as he can and sink his tongue to push deeper between you velvety walls.
he knows you’ll cum soon, egging you on by prodding his nose into your cheek. he nods, jerking the back of your neck as he tells you to watch. 
“look at him eating your pussy like it’s all he knows how to do.” he lilts, lowly rattling from his chest, exposing your throat for his teeth to bury into. demanding you keep watching.
“think you deserve to cum?” his taunting questions laced with mockery. nipping your chin, he moves behind you, choking around your throat to bend you closer, fully trained on the tip of Jake’s nose incessantly brushing your clit.
“please please!” you start to sing like a broken record, bursting into tears. toes curled, corded muscles in your calves aching from how tightly locked you are. climax ready to race through your veins, fisting at the bed topper wrinkled by your hips. the tongue inside of you curls up, just right, applying the perfect amount of pressure..
“Jake, stop.” Heeseung commands in a stern tone. shifting his eyes from your lower half to your pleading face. a twinkling gaze admires your distraught wrecked appearance. disheveled hair, swollen bit lips, tracks of tears and sweat rolling down your cheeks. 
he bends closer to your face, dragging two fingers across your blubbering mouth. “you wanna cum?”
all you can do is blink, spiraling down from your lost orgasm, twitching on the bed painfully. 
“I asked you a question.” wet fingers tap at your cheek, jerking your eyes to open wide and look at him. soft edges of his face harder under dim light; fooling you to believe his usual delicate looks could never change. 
“yes..please please.” 
Heeseung’s sitting you up, distracting you with kisses as sounds explode around you. clothing ripped off to land strewn on the floor, bodies moving about, repositioning with Jake laid out, eagerly stretching his arms above his head.
“how do you want it?” fingers trace down your spine, dipping between your buttcheeks to circle your wet rim. he pokes in just enough to feel a stretch, to hear you whimper, nodding your head maniacally. “all at once?”
“please, please Hee..”
sticky skin pulls apart like velcro detaching, settling your weight on top of Jake with Heeseung’s hot soaked chest pressed to your back, motioning for you to get comfortable how you want. 
Jake’s cock feels thick in your hold, gliding the tip between your folds. gasping and sighing with each catch of his slit against your entrance.
lining up to your entrance, Jake buries inside of you first. thick girth stretching your slicked up walls to fit his size easily. relief stricken as you settle, opening and shutting your hands into balled up fist when Heeseung brings two spit-coated fingers down to circle your rim.
pain curls up your spine before he can even push the tip of his cock through. the width making your hole flutter nervously.
“relax..” he says softly, popping inside your ass with fingers wrapped at the base of his length. losing his cool stature the more you grip and squeeze at him. “just like that, you’re doing so good.”
Heeseung’s breath feels like flames burning from your nape to the column of your throat, incinerating your whines before they can even fully escape. he’s so deep, jutting his front against your ass only to let you feel how good he stretches you out. 
“too much?” it’s lower than a whisper along the back of your ear, asked with concern. nibbling along your earlobe when you shake ‘no’.
“more more,” you nod with speed, whining through clenched teeth when Heeseung’s thick fingers graze your chest. pinching and tweaking your hardened nipples the more you beg. 
“why should we let you cum?” Heeseung asks, louder, loud enough for Jake to hear. easily turning the tables to have you shivering, shaking your head with clenched fists.
“please, please d-don’t..”
“we could just keep you like this..” his palms smooth lower, dipping the tips of his thumbs into your navel, cupping at the bulge extending your lower stomach out in this position. he presses in, pushing against the shape earning grunt from his friend below, a cracked wail out of you. manipulating the lower part of your stomach that meets your mound to rub and jerk off the length protruding.
“you like to play, right?” Heeseung blinks away droplets of sweat raining down his forehead. vision blurring further each time you clamp around him, your back vibrating against his chest tremor after tremor. 
“why should I let you cum?” his nose traces from your damp nape to the top of your jaw, collecting sweat along the way with a drag of his tongue. “only good girls get to cum, are you a good girl?”
the sound of anguish and pleasure you let out has Jake’s eyes rolling back. his digits buried in your hips deep enough to leave marks of fingerprints. he can’t take it anymore, whining, losing control with a roll of his hips. 
“I am! I am!” you plead, sniveling like a brat. knowing you pushed and teased Heeseung for weeks in hopes of this moment. “I’m a good girl.”
he grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him as he glides out to the tip, pupils blown wide and dark, filling the whites of his eyes. “you know what good girls do best? they get fucked.”
pelvic bone slaps against your bottom, sending you to hunch forward, toppling over completely if not for Heeseung’s arms circling your waist. he bucks up, burying the entirety of his length back inside. struggling to thrust faster because of how tight you feel, suffocating his size with immense heat and suction. 
“feel good?” he says, panting breathlessly, swallowing sweat that won’t stop pouring from down your face to your jawline.
“yesyesyesyes!” coherency evades your head, surged by a flood of heat. stimulated from both ends by the body pressed to your back working you up and down both of their cocks. the pressure of Jake’s length hitting hard with each grind against him. they feel too good, too good in different ways.
“I’ll work for it,” you start to spew, flattening your palms on Jake’s chest for some type of balance. rocking your lower half against theirs with more weight to drive them mad. the two cursing and groaning, Heeseung’s tone dropping with his face hiding in your neck. “anything, anything..”
“yeah?” Heeseung sounds broken, voice cracking, trying to stave off how good you feel around him. how tight, wet and hot you grip onto him. how good you take it, begging and begging for more. “make him cum first.”
pleading eyes glancing back at him do nothing to help you, Heeseung tethers your arms behind your back, wrists clamped together in one of his hands. taking a hold of your shoulder to push you down on Jake’s cock faster.
he chants for you to take take take, bounced up and down by the force applied on your limbs. the two working in unison to chase their highs. 
pushing at your back, he forces your face to land between Jake’s chest. panting breathlessly, sucking in salty sweat that's pooled in the divots of his pecs. hip bones pound against your ass, pummeling you to fuck both of them harder with each hit. 
“fuck!” your cry gets muffled, Jake’s arms thrown around your neck pressing your nose deeper into the dollops of sweat. he thrusts harshly, using his hug on your figure to leverage his lower half, grunting as he tries to catch his breath. 
“sofuckinggood, pussy so fucking good for me.” 
Heeseung’s mostly gone still, letting Jake take free reign to fuck you how he needs, cock splitting in and out of you. pushing more and more slick to splash and heat a pathway down to his balls with the absurd amount of sweat that won’t stop dripping.
“so messy, big fucking mess you’ve made.” he keens, doing his best to quill the orgasm itching down his gut, churning up his chest at a higher speed the more you clench around him. 
“please!! please cum, please!” your sobbing cries rush through him spine to balls. slamming your body down in a frantic sloppy motion to ride his cock faster. brutally thrusting up faster and faster, pushing whimpered moans from your mouth between choked coughs and wails. 
“f-fuck..” he grits, lowering his palms to your ass. clapping back onto Heeseung’s cock still filling you from the back. he’s so so fucking close, burying all the way inside of you with one more thrust. his back arches, waist lifting up from the bed painfully. cumming hard enough to empty his lungs as he coughs and wheezes for air. 
Heeseung doesn’t wait, hooking the backs of your arms together. he hauls you up again, pressed to his chest to fully take his size. muttering a reminder that you don’t get to cum until he does.
his initial thrusts have your body freezing up, overstimulated and sensitive from being edged for so long now. reaching between your thighs, he slaps your core, making you squeal and gush tears. 
“ask for it, what do you want?” hot breath fans your cheek, jerked to fuck back on his length by his arm trapping you, working your ass to fully take him.
“c-cum..wa-want cum.” shattered little cracks sound between your begging, completely fucked out. willing to do anything to feel a white wash of heat empty your brain.
“fuck your ass, taking my cock like this?” he bites out. hips canting fiercely into your backside, nibbling up your jaw to mutter against your earlobe. “so fucking nasty, begging me to fuck your ass full of cum.”
eyes roll to the back of your head, nodding dumbly to everything he says. bounced against the pistoning slam of his hips that won’t stop until he gets what he wants.
“Hee…need it, need you! need to fe—“ your pathetic begging pushes him over the edge. growling as he delivers three more pointed rough thrusts.
“fuck, oh fuck” deep grunts break into moans, face falling to your shoulder, cock pressed deep in your ass; releasing long strings of white cum as he whimpers and moans into your ear. going on and on about how good you take it, how amazing you feel, words jumbled together making no type of sense.
“Hee, please! I c-can’t!”
a palm slaps on your pussy, snickering about how much you whine. good girls know how to control themselves.
his fingers rub exactly where you need, side to side against your swollen clit, playing you like a toy. “this is what you wanted? this what you waited for?”
“yes! yes!” your legs quiver, lifting your hips up as you writhe in his hold. fingers viscously rub at your clit, drawing your orgasm up with heightened speed. “oh fuckk!”
a hot gush of liquid spills out from behind Heeseung’s palm. spraying out a mess of slick arousal and remnants of cum all over Jake’s stomach. drops of release reaching high enough to hit his chest and chin. reduced down to a snotty sobbing mess as you lock around the wrist continuing to flick between your legs. “c-can’t!”
Heeseung murmurs something inaudible to your foggy ears, teething at your neck as he glides a messy drenched hand up your stomach. smoothing the excess release up and down your chest and sides.
“clean it up.” Heeseung orders with a nod to the mess you’ve made. digging his fingers deep into your hair, he scratches against your scalp as he lowers your mouth to the slop of cum decorating the etched lines of Jake’s abdomen. “ a good girl.”
whatever he says doesn’t matter anymore, too fucked out to process or care, your tongue loll’s out like a thirsty animal. lapping up your juices mixed with white sticky release. Jake whimpers, sucking air between his teeth, unable to help the twitch his length gives while watching you suck and slurp up everything. nasty, absolutely filthy. sweating down on his bare chest with his best friend’s cock still lodged deep in your ass.
“fuck.” he sighs, defeteaed and strung out. head turning side to side in disbelief of what just happened.
“come here,” Heeseung says, softer now, without releasing your hair as he maneuvers you to sit back up. pinching your chin to face him, muttering for you to show him the sloppy mess still coating your tongue. 
hooded eyes sink deep into his skin, landing forehead to forehead with you before shoving his tongue against yours. the entire act obscene, absolutely depraved, licking your mouth clean. swallowing down each drop of saliva and cum that spills past your parted lips. inhaling the guttural moans you let out despite how much you tighten up around him.
he keeps kissing you for a moment longer, finishing with a peck on your Cupid’s bow before asking if it’s okay to move now. cum bubbles from your rim as he glides free, taking time to ease the discomfort for you, littering wet kisses on your shoulder. 
“Hee..” whispering, you peek at him shyly, almost fearfully.
“good girl, the best.” he says with a proud smile, helping you lower to lay between him and Jake. brushing soaked hair away from your face, he sighs, chuckling softly at the music still drifting through the window from your party.
“this is crazy.” you let out an exhilarated laugh, sweat drenched and exhausted.
“hmm?” Heeseung mumbles. “what is?”
“really wanted to fuck two guys this summer, at the same time.”
Jake lets out a huge scoff, lifting his head enough to fix you with an offended look. “you used us?!”
“absolutely not.” you correct, lips quirking side to side. “maybe.”
Heeseung swallows, breaking into an uncontrollable laugh. “you know, this wasn’t what I had in mind for my first threesome, but I think I’d do it all over again.”
“I mean,” you turn to face him, trailing up his stomach muscles to his chest. “I’m ready to go again whenever you are.”
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fic taglist: @muffinminnie @deobitifull @aalwaysreading @gobighee @zerasari @axartia @kaleidosai @neo-weareone @krealxrl @sweetiewolfie @laffatae @skzenhalove @heeseungsslutsworld
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
I’m clumsy and I know it
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Pairing: Lee Heessung × afab!Reader
Genre: Smut, really filthy smut, crack
Warnings: Heeseung gets a minor injury, hard dom Heeseung, sub reader, oral sex, fingering, degradation kink, strength kink, spanking, cursing, unprotected sex, pulling out, multiple rounds of sex, mirror sex, cum play (sort of), mentions of bathtub sex, mentions of food, overstimulation (sort of)
A/n: Hello hello lomls, I hope everyone’s doing okay <3 I’m back with a hee fic that i wrote after a convo i had with lovely @jainandan :3 we were talking about how cute it is to see Heeseung clumsy but honestly, even that side of him turns me on 🤚🏼 so here is a smut with cracky plot suggested by her, I hope you enjoy reading it <3 as always, all types if feedback is very appreciated, whether it’s a comment, ask, like or especially a reblog with those cute tags! It makes me giggle and hop out of joy when I see your reactions so go on, don’t be shy :3 I wish everyone a very pleasant day/night, see you next time!
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
Players : Wonwoo
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⇢ Synopsis: When Wonwoo’s group of streamers started interacting with another team, Wonwoo never expected to meet his match with a gamer by the name of FaeDaddy. Competitive to a fault, the two clash heads as Fae gets more engrained with the group. She’s used to being ‘Daddy’ and having an army of simps behind her, but what happens when she decides it might be fun to tease the only guy who hasn’t wanted to simp for her.
⇢ Pairing: Wonwoo x Original Character  ⇢ Genre: smut, slow burn  ⇢ Warnings: switchblade play, use of toys/vibrators, pet names, daddy, sir, power dynamics, power bottom/brat oc, spanking, degradation and mean pet names but it’s Wonwoo, unprotected sex, choking, 69-ing, oral (f/m recieving) size kink, man handling, a lot of pushing oc into the bed with his entire body, mean wonwoo, phone sex, sex in public, marking, quickies, multiple sex scenes, etc…  ⇢ Word Count: 19.7k ⇢ Tropes/AU’s: gamer/streamer au, enemies to lovers, tsundre!Wonwoo, slow burn, hard/mean dom! Wonwoo, fuck buddies to lovers, lets be fuckbuddy enemies and not tell anyone we’re fucking, secret relationship, etc…
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Chapter 1
It was a close game. Wonwoo couldn’t remember the last time he and his team mates had come face to- well, twitch stream, with another group of players who could actually stand a chance against the thirteen member friend group who had been playing together since they were children.
“Shit, I found the sniper.” Hoshi gasped in Wonwoo’s ear, causing one of the last surviving members to groan loudly, smashing his thumb into the controller to run away because Hoshi hadn’t found the sniper.
The sniper had found Hoshi. And it had killed him. 
“What’s their gamer tag?” Another teammate asked in Wonwoo’s ear, but he was only half listening as he ran from the location where Hoshi had died, not wanting to be next on the sniper’s chopping block.
“Wait, no way. It’s fucking FaeDaddy.” Mingyu’s voice always received more attention from Wonwoo than others, and he perked up, flexing his shoulders as he jabbed his thumb against the joystick.
“Who’s FaeDaddy?” Wonwoo asked- just as he took a bullet to the head, ending the game with a loss for his team. His eyes immediately went to the chat on the twitch stream, which had exploded, much like his brain.
A few guys laughed through the coms, and it was Jeonghan who answered. “Only one of the fucking coolest new streamers on Twitch. You really have been living under a rock for the past week.”
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
went from hoshi to minghao to dk and now wonwoo bias PLS I THINK HE IS THE ONE FOR ME i am attracted to his cold expression face and his little cat smile kdmekdoajwnwkskwkw
all of my bias are gamers and introverts (beomgyu, heeseung, wonwoo)
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
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Pairing: virgin pervert heeseung x pervert fem reader!
Warnings: smut, cum eating, fingering, oral fem receiving, oral male receiving, nipple sucking, male masturbation, public masturbation, use of sex toys, voyeurism, stalking, peeping, oral bathroom sex, squirting, public oral sex, teasing, crying.
WC : 5,121
Hi, I’m back. Sorry I’ve been so inactive. I’ve just been really busy, but I have some time off and decided to post this for you alI. I hope you all enjoy it!
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For most people going to school was the most dreaded part of the day. But for the nerdy boy heeseung, it was the exact opposite.
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
bussy CLENCHING so hard 😨😨😨😨
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
take the dive (18+) — MINORS DNI
enhypen hyung line smut
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warnings: y/n has a vulva, she/her pronouns used. fivesome (y/n centric); sub!y/n, needy soft dom!heeseung, possessive soft dom!jay, hard dom!sunghoon, jake is just happy to be here; mentions of slight pain and discomfort in regards to taking dick (all consensual and y/n enjoys some pain with her pleasure in this); oral (m receiving); fingering (y/n receiving); praise (“good girl” etc.), some degradation (one mention of the words “dummy” and “slut”); y/n gets passed around; orgasm denial; multiple orgasms; overstimulation; ass slaps and pussy spanking; spitroasting; vaginal double penetration; mentions of anal play; unprotected sex; creampies; squirting; jay is kinda on his no homo shit for a second but this is just me attempting to be funny.
word count: 7.6k
read the drabble that prequels this story first.
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it’s a lucky coincidence that jay, heeseung, jake and sunghoon are all free to reap their winnings on friday of the same week.
on most days you like to complain about how quickly time seems to be running through your fingers these days, weeks passing in a blink of an eye while your hookups with jay are rare between his hectic schedule and your busy life - you usually want time to slow down.
but now friday can’t come fast enough.
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with the younger members all preoccupied with their own schedules for the evening there is no one that could disrupt your plans you have with jay, heeseung, jake and sunghoon for the evening.
you’re excited, just the thought alone - the challenge of taking all four of them at once - has you shaking in anticipation for them all the way from your apartment to their shared dorm.
however heeseung seems to be the only one home when he lets opens the front door for you, mumbling something about taking different cars and offering you a glass of water.
admittedly it’s a bit awkward, sitting side by side on the couch in the living area - not because you don’t know heeseung or don’t know how to talk to him, but because of the tension palpable in the air from the knowledge that both of you share: only minutes from now, heeseung and his friends are going to have you, jay’s fuckbuddy who’s secretly been craving all of them.
and you’re ready for it, were ready for it even before jay strong armed you into this ridiculous, unwinnable bet. you have been fucking around with jay for a while now and it works, this playful, risky dynamic you have with each other. but it would be a lie to say you had never fantasized about the other members. especially heeseung, those thoughts come back to you know as you watch him watch you nervously sip on your water - thoughts about how his sweetness and cockiness might translate in the bedroom, wondering what it would be like to ride his thighs and how his pretty voice would sound when you’d make him cum.
heeseung seems to have had similar thoughts throughout your mutual silence because as soon as you finish your glass of water, he takes it from your hand and sets it on the floor next to the couch, scooting closer until his thighs are touching yours. then he’s turning his body, leaning into your space and crowding you in, his sparkly eyes almost begging even when he confidently breathes “if i asked you to suck me off right now, would you?”
you hesitate for a moment.
“we probably should wait for the others,” you hum, not able to take your eyes off the way heeseung’s tongue wets his lower lip. you don’t want to wait.
heeseung must sense it in your timid response. “i mean, first come first serve, right?” he insists, leaning in further until his nose almost touches yours. with anyone else it might be strange to talk like that, but with heeseung it only serves to make his next words more intimate. “we’re all going to fuck you, you know. please. i’m going to go crazy soon if i don’t finally feel those lips on me.”
the slight shift in his tone, the neediness, the implication that he was yearning for you just the way you’ve been yearning for him - it’s enough to make you press your thighs together when your arousal makes itself noticeable again with a dull pulse of your cunt. you want to suck him off right now, there’s no denying it. and you fear heeseung knows it too by the way his lips pull into a smirk while he watches your expression change. fuck. he’s got you.
as soon as you nod, heeseung’s right hand comes up to rest at your shoulder. for a second you think he’ll pull you in for a kiss, but you quickly realize that he’s applying the slightest amount of pressure to guide you away from his face and onto the floor infront of him. you happily oblige, not at all deterred by the lack of romance - by now you’re already desperate for a taste.
heeseung wastes no time ridding himself of his jeans and boxers, sitting back down on the couch with his heavy cock starting to fill out between his wide spread thighs just from watching you settle onto your knees between his legs with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
you take a second to appreciate what you have in front of you too, touching his thighs, his clenched abdomen, gently playing with with his heavy sack before you wrap a hand around him and lick the very tip of his hardening cock. he feels nice in your hand, warm and heavy. heeseung seems to like the feeling too, letting out a sigh when your tongue passes over him again. when you peek up at him to gauge his reactions, you’re met with his dark, heavy lidded eyes watching you slowly feed the first couple of inches of him into your mouth with a satisfied smirk and resting his hands behind his head - the definition of cocky and relaxed.
he’s so hot and you feel sticky wetness pool between your legs, but you ignore the sensation and put your free hand on heeseung’s firm thigh for leverage as you start bobbing your head. you go up and down a couple of times, getting used to the sensation until your lips meet the ring of your fingers at the base of his cock. “yeah, just like that,” heeseung breathes. “take it deeper.” you obey, taking him into your throat with a wet sound, your hand trailing down from his thigh to play with his heavy balls. pulling your head back a bit you focus your lips and tongue on the upper half of his erection while your hands work the rest and pulling small appreciative hums from heeseung.
“oh shit, you’re even better at this than i imagined. no wonder jay likes bragging about you, fuck.”
heeseung basically melts into the couch when you suction your mouth around his thick cock, letting out a deep sigh for you that winds up into a gasp when you renew your efforts, drooling all over his girth, then slurping him back inside the depths of your mouth until you can’t help but gag.
you missed the front door opening, but just when you try to pull back a bit to catch your breath you hear the others pile into the room. when you try to pull away and turn around to greet them, heeseung quickly keeps you in place between his thighs with one hand at the back of your head though, causing you to choke around his cock in surprise. you push through it, trying to ignore the burning in your nose and the back of your throat as tears threaten to spill. the wetness between your thighs becomes almost unbearable now that you know you’re being watched, cunt throbbing dully every time heeseung’s fingers shift in your hair and he applies more gentle pressure at the back of your head.
“oh, what the fuck,” jay groans, voice gravelly with half annoyance half arousal. “we were supposed to— she is my— why would you—“
“i’m the oldest, i get to go first,” heeseung responds to jay’s spluttered complaint. “oh, now he suddenly cares about his status,” sunghoon snorts. heeseung just grunts in lieu of an answer when you take him deeper all by yourself again. “good girl,” he directs at you and you feel the pulse between your thighs pick up speed, an insistent, maddening knocking. “you make me feel so fucking good. it’s like you’re made for sucking cock, fuck.” there’s another breathy moan that forces itself from his throat and heeseung doesn’t even try to surpress it, not deterred in the slightest by the younger members now watching you service him.
“i can’t believe how much you’re enjoying yourself,” sunghoon teases. “ah, heeseung, the faces you make are fucking weird.”
“then look away,” heeseung breathes, clearly unfazed. you open your bleary eyes a bit, just to find that heeseung has his closed, head tilted back against the headrest and mouth hanging open with the gasps that have his chest heaving in the rhythm of your mouth moving up and down his cock.
“sh-shit,” heeseung grunts when you’re halfway down his cock again, struggling to keep your cheeks hollowed for his pleasure “don’t move, stay just like that, let me take over.”
dead set on being good you still obediently, relaxing your throat in anticipation and mentally preparing yourself to hold your breath.
heeseung still has one hand holding your head in place when he start lifting his hips up to meet your face, lodging his cock deeper than you have ever taken him, his thighs spread wide and feet firmly planted on the ground as he starts fucking your throat in earnest, nothing on his mind but chasing his release.
it doesn’t take long until heeseung’s other hand joins his first one at the back of your head, holding you down with a vice grip he cums, cutting off your airflow as your nose pressed is against is abdomen. you feel his whole body go rigid beneath you when the first spurt of cum coats the back of your tongue and you fight not to choke while he moans out your name, the prettiest sound that makes you soak through your panties in an instant.
once heeseung has made sure you’ve swallowed every drop of his cum he relewses you, pulling his boxers and jeans back up and waiting until you’ve wiped your face and caught your breath. then he pats the couch next to him and you scramble to sit down, hyperaware of your arousal sticking your underwear to your cunt when your thighs brush his again.
suddenly too shy to meet heeseung’s eye you opt for looking at the other guys. you see that jake is already palming himself over his shorts, teeth sunken into his bottom lip in concetration, almost looking ready to bust. when he notices you staring at him he releases his poor lip to suggest: “do you guys want to make a circle around her and whoever comes last-“
“boo,” sunghoon interrupts flatly. “yeah, boo! why are you so uncreative?” heeseung adds. “it’s not about being creative, it’s about having fun,” jake pouts. “i’ve never been done any of this before.”
“we’re going to fuck her properly,” jay decides, “one after the other.” “or are you already too desperate to do that?” sunghoon throws in, teasing. “no, no i’m good,” jake insists, color rushing to his face. “i can totally wait, no worries.”
jay nods and sits down on the other side of you on the couch. you’re already used to jay’s foreplay, but you still shiver when he noses along the column of your throat, lips latching underneath your jaw as he quickly rids you of your bottoms and they all stare at a string of your wetness stretching from your hole to the bottom of your panties before snapping soiling the couch in an embarrassing sticky trail.
“you like sucking dick that much?” sunghoon asks, grinning when you nod timidly, flustered. “fucking perfect,” jake mumbles. heeseung just smiles but you see him adjusting his spent cock seconds later.
jay uses two fingers to part your folds, opening your wet hole up for jake and sunghoon to see. your hands curl into the material of the couch when you clench hard around nothing, a new dribble of arousal leaking from your entrance down onto the furniture below your bare ass. you suck in a sharp breath when jay suddenly starts curling his fingers inside of you, only to release the air with a shaky whine when heeseung leans over to rub gentle circles against your clit engorged clit. you knew you had gotten riled up just from sucking heeseung off and being watched by the other members, but the unexpected intensity of their touches on your sensitive cunt still send shockwaves of pleasure through your body. “don’t cum yet,” jay hisses against your neck before reattaching his lips onto your skin again, biting all the way down to your collar bones and pulling the skin between his teeth until it stings. jake is back to palming himself, watching your lips part with desperate moans while you writhe between heeseung and jay. meanwhile sunghoon’s eyes are fixed inbetween your obscenely spread legs, focusing on the place where your sopping hole clenches around three of jay’s fingers, sucking his digits back in with an embarrassing squelching sound whenever he pulls them back out before hooking them back up into your warm walls until you feel the pleasure steadily building towards something more beneath jay and heeseung’s talented hands.
“since heeseung already got off, jay has been fucking her for way too long anyways and jake can wait… i call dibs on being first to take her cunt,” sunghoon says. despite some annoyed huffs, the others can’t really argue with his logic.
heeseung stops rubbing your clit in favor of getting you out of your top too, fingers dwindling around your nipples until they harden under his touch. jay spreads his fingers wide - stretching you out for sunghoon’s cock now - then pistons them in and out at a faster speed, smirking against your neck when your hips start meeting his hand while he’s showing off how pliant your pussy gets for him.
“she’s ready,” sunghoon decides and you whine your consent, stretching your arms towards sunghoon when all other touches levae you.
to your surprise sunghoon kisses you - quick and dirty, with his hands cupping your cheeks and his tongue shoved into your mouth - but then it’s over as quicklu as it started when he swiftly pulls you up from where youmre sitting bends your naked body over the armrest of the couch, fumbling with his belt and zipper while he keeps you waiting in place with a firm hand on the small of your back. you aren’t even comfortably situated, slightly rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet in an attempt to find a better position, when sunghoon sneaks one arm around your throat from behind and puts you into what only can be described as a headlock. he pushes into you from behind with one quick, punishing stroke, the bulging muscles of his armkeeping you in place. you didn’t even get to see his cock you realize when he bumps deep inside of your quivering walls, so nothing could have prepared you for how huge sunghoon feels inside of you. you’re overwhelmed by the fullness of him. the way he’s nudging against the deepest parts of you has you squirming your hips - into him, away from him, you’re not sure - but it doesn’t stop sunghoon from bottomig out inside of your wet hole, his hip bones meeting your ass with a loud smacking sound a d his heavy balls almost touching your clit with the force of his movements. sunghoon pulls back immediately, pausing just a second - not to give you time to adjust but to drop a glob of spit right where your cunt is stretched open by just the tip of him, then pushing back in with a low groan. your arms fold on the couch as you don’t even try to find purchase when sunghoon immediately builds up a bruising pace, fucking you into the armrest with almost brutal snaps of his hips. you feel so full, so dizzy from the pleasure and limited airflow, your pussy burning in the best way as sunghoon uses you without holding back. when be snakes one hand between your legs, bringing his palm down over your clit carelessly with harsh, quick rubs just to feel your cunt ripple around him and you mewl his name.
“fuck,” sunghoon hisses back. “why have you been hiding this from us? only sneaking around with jay all the time. feel like i need to punish you.”
sunghoon releases you from his headlock, his arm now pressing you down by your middle as he uses his other hand to land a heavy slap on your ass. he does it again and a third time, chuckling at you when you squeak from the impact of each hit. it stings, but it only hightens the intensity of sunghoon’s ruthless fucking and your body acts on its own, trying to fuck yourself back onto his thick cock when he slows down his thrusts to admire the way your ass fits against his hand.
“you’re so fucking needy,” sunghoon whispers, more to himself than anyone else. “was jay ever enough for you?” he spanks you one more time then soothes the sting with his palm, soft caresses on the tender skin of your bottom while his hips still bruise your ass with every harsh thrust.
your head is spinning from all of it, you feel yourself getting overwhelmed and lost in the sensations already, you might actually cum, you might—
“oh, someone’s jealous,” sunghoon’s laugh disrupts your spiraling.
sunghoon lifts your upper body up and you see jay kneeling on the couch infront if you.
it’s easy to forget just how possessive jay gets sometimes, but he makes sure to remind you now, undeniably trying to own you with the way he fucks your mouth. with one hand cupping your aching jaw - still tender from heeseung’s earlier desperation - gently rubbing his thumb over your cheek where his cock sometimes bulges out the skin while he brutally pumps his hips in contrast. from his loud groans it’s obvious that he’s not holding back the way he usually does when he’s scared of getting caught. you love it. you’re used to jay’s size, comfortable with the way he lies heavy on your tongue, leaving smears of familiar tasting precum over your lips. you love giving head on any given day and now you’re exceptionally glad you can focus on sucking jay’s cock - letting it ground you, muffling your desperate moans - while sunghoon still destroys you from behind.
you hear can hear jake and heeseung talking in the distance, you can barely understand anything they’re saying but the words you can make out - “finally…so fucking long…” “pretty…like a wet dream…” - are enough to make you renew your efforts, moving between jay and sunghoon not only for their pleasure, but to put on a show.
jay pulls out of your mouth, gripping the base of his cock with a veiny hand and you chase after him with a pathetic whine, tongue out and a string of spit still connecting your bottom lip to the tip of his flushed cock. just then sunghoon pulls you back against him with force as he rams into you from behind and you squeal. your spit drips from your outstretched tongue onto the couch as your eyes don’t leave jay’s cock, precum beading at the slit even now as he’s just watching you get fucked - you know you must look insane, cock-hungry and crazed, but you just wish jay would take your mouth again. you feel half delirious with need, despite everything you’ve already been given you just wish they would ruin you completely. the image of yourself overstimulated and covered in cum crosses your mind for a moment and you have to fight the urge to touch your pulsing clit and bring yourself over the edge - you wouldn’t need much with sunghoon’s ruthless thrusts, but you haven’t earned permission to orgasm just yet.
“god, you’re leaking everywhere,” sunghoon groans, making you hyperaware of the way your pussy squelches every time he forces his thick cock in and out of you again. “i can’t believe you love being fucked like slut. you’d probably let us do you whenever we want it, huh? be our little fleshlight whenever we need you.”
“please,” you whimper, “please, use me.” sunghoon groans like he’s in pain, spanks your ass again and then stills suddenly as he cums deep inside you, leaving his cock nestled between your fluttering walls as he pumps you full of his cum.
in your blurry vision you see jay’s cock still hard and heavy in front of you when sunghoon slowly pulls out.
“you didn’t cum yet,” you pout at jay, reaching for his cock. “come here then,” jay orders. “help me out properly.”
it takes a bit of maneuvering and some help from both sunghoon and jake, but in the end you’re finally sitting in jay’s lap, your nose almost touching his as you try to take in every reaction of his to your sloppy cunt around his shaft.
jay is sweeter now that he has you for himself. he wipes the sweat from your forehead as you slowly impale yourself on his erection. the glide is almost too easy, you’re positively soaking in your own arousal and sunghoon’s warm load, but jay still lets you take your time to take him to the hilt. he softly kisses your mouth, your neck and fondles your tits with gentle hands, making you melt in his lap as you let yourself get lost in the pleasure of being filled again. “don’t cum,” he whispers. his cock feels so good, familiar, perfectly curved. you rock down against him in short aborted motions, enjoying the closeness and chasing the sparks of pleasure. “fuck, you’re so needy. can’t even think anymore, hm? my little dummy, going all cockhungry for me and my friends.”
“i can’t believe you said: MaYbE i ShOuLd PuNiSh YoU,” you faintly register heeseung mocking sunghoon behind you. “but i’m the one who’s being weird, right?” “it seemed to do it for her,” sunghoon chuckles. “felt her sucking my cock right back into that needy cunt after i said it.” heeseung groans at that description and jake joins in - both of them clearly jealous that haven’t felt your pussy yet. jake says something, his voice high and needy, but you can’t hear him properly because jay distracts you with his teeth sinking into your shoulder.
“focus on me,” he groans against your neck, sucking almost painfully just beneath your jaw, one hand guiding your hips and the other still fondling your tits. “you can finally be loud for me now, everyone who could have heard you is already here. let me hear how much you like it.”
he sneaks one hand to your clit, rubbing torturously slow as you roll your hips into his more desperately, chasing the steady pleasure that keeps rising with every movement. it feels so fucking good, your swear you can feel your heartbeat in your cunt with how your pulsating now, the sensation of jay’s fingers on your clit is just right.
“jay,” you whine at the onslaught of stimulation, trembling against him. “aaah, feels s-so good, jay. love your cock, ‘s s’good.”
“fuck, you feel so good for me too, baby. but don’t cum yet.”
jay stills your hips with a firm grip, abandoning your clit to put both hands on your waist and guiding you to a new pace - less grinding and more of a steady up and down - that makes him knock his head back with a groan of pleasure but takes you away from the stimulation against your sweet spots.
you want to complain about the loss of delicious friction, but you get distracted when you see heeseung standing next to the couch, his thick cock in his hand, hard and ready again. you let your tongue fall out of your mouth without thinking, bending your neck awkwardly to let heeseung shallowly fuck the tip of his cock into your aching mouth while he’s fisting at the rest of it, his eyes not leaving your lips that are stretching around his tip.
you try to simultaneously suck off heeseung and keep up with the pace jay is setting for you, thighs burning and head spinning as you try to please both of them the best you can. it all goes out of the window when you hear jake softly call your name and feel him crowd into your space right behind you. jay stills your movements when you feel a cold, wet finger circle the rim of your sloppy hole, right where your cunt is stretched open and swallowing the base of jay’s cock. you let heeseung’s cock fall from your mouth in surprise, subconsciously tensing up at the cold sensation against your searing skin.
“relax,” jay mumbles against your neck, hands moving from your hips down to your ass to spread you open a bit, pulling you apart for jake who slowly presses the finger into your pussy right besides jay’s hard cock. you and jay both groan in unison at the wet slide of jake’s digit. you didn’t expect to be able to enjoy the new intrusion so quickly, but it genuinely feels amazing, jake’s long finger pressing jay’s cock deeper against your sensitive walls and right up against your sweet spot.
“oh fuck,” jay grunts as the space inside of your cunt gets more crowded. “so full,” you whine, “jake, please”.
you’re already addicted to the feeling of them stretching you out and you need more. luckily jake slowly adds another finger and starts moving them in and out at a careful pace. “so warm,” he muses. you see jay clenching his jaw at the foreign sensation of jake’s wiggling his fingers alongside his hard cock, pursing his lips like he always does when he’s trying not to blow his load too soon. you want to call him out for it, but you’re distracted by the feeling of another one of jakes digits prodding at your cunt, then there’s three of them and jay’s girth stretching you open, gently working up a push and pull to make it easier for you, until you’re truly ready for both of them, until you feel like you’ll burst at the seams if you don’t get to cum soon. deep shivers of arousal are traveling up and down your spine every time jake’s hand moves a different way, your head swimming with the need to know what it’s like to finally have jake’s cock lodged next to jay’s, to have them completely fill you to the brim.
“i’m ready,” you pant. “i’m ready, i’m ready, jake, please.”
his fingers slowly leave you. you hear the lube bottle click one last time, then jake lines himself up.
“no way that’s gonna fit,” sunghoon snorts. “you’re gonna ruin her.”
you force yourself to relax. sunghoon’s words don’t scare you - you know he’s just being a cruel tease. if anything he only turns you on more. you imagine yourself all fucked out, hanging off of jake and jay’s cocks like a ragdoll, leaking both of their and sunghoon’s cum from your used hole. you don’t know if it’s possible for you to get even needier or wetter, but you’re sure these thoughts do just that.
the initial stretch of jake’s cock breaching your hole still burns despite all the prep, a dull and addicting ache that reminds you of the first time you ever took dick. you’ve come to enjoy a bit of pain with your pleasure now, right in the beginning when you can’t be patient enough to wait before taking it all, when every type of stimulation makes you gag for more - everything too much and not enough all at once.
you will yourself to take jake’s cock just how he gives it, not forcing yourself back onto him despite your desperation and not wiggling away from the anxiety of not being able to handle the size either.
you know you can do it. you’re so wet - slippery even - both from your own arousal, the remnants of sunghoon’s cum and jake’s thorough prepping - and you want this to happen badly, so you obediently sit still, sucking in a shallow gulp of air through your teeth before going completely still in anticipation.
jay’s fingers find your clit again, slowly soothing over your engorged bud as jake pushes the first part of himself, just beyond the mushroom tip of his cock, inside of your sticky hole with a grunt. as jay rubs heavy circles against your bundle of nerves, the return of thick pleasure sets your whole body alight and makes you squeeze your eyes shut, clenching your teeth from all of the overwhelming sensations you’re made to feel between the both of them.
“breathe,” jay whispers. with the way his voice breaks, wrecked and airy, it sounds more like a plea than a command. you release the air you been holding with a wanton whine.
you hear some rustling as jake frantically smears more lube over the rest of his cock despite the sticky substance already running over your thighs and dripping onto the couch, but appreciate it nevertheless.
impatient, jake pushes in a bit quicker this time, burying two more inches inside of you with a quick flick of his hips and both you and jay twitch at the sensation.
“oh gosh,” jake moans against your ear the same moment a high whine gets punched out of you from the feeling of him nestling himself deeper inside of you. his voice is wet and strained. “it’s so tight.”
“more,” you demand with a whimper. you appreciate jake’s restraint, the way he’s taking breaks and being so careful to make sure not to hurt you, but a part of you wishes he would just push in all the way, get it over with this slow, slightly uncomfortable progression in favor of letting you feel as full as you want to feel, desregarding any pain.
you’re already shaking with anticipation just at the promise of soon being stuffed to the hilt with both jake and jay’s cock, fully leaning against jay’s chest for support now and only keeping your teary eyes open to watch the way his expression changes when more of jake’s cock rubs against his inside of your trembling walls.
jay is still thumbing at your clit with lazy intent when one of jake’s hands comes up front to cup your breast before absently trailing lower to gently soothe over your abdomen. “almost there,” he chokes out as he forces another inch of his hard cock inside of you, slightly bending down to start lapping apologetic kisses against your sweaty neck when the added stretch makes you whine.
for a second you’re not if you want to escape the overwhelming sensation or push back on it. you just need to feel jake fill you up completely, but you truly don’t know if you can handle this slow approach anotjer second, especially now when your head is spinning and your cunt is aching, not just from the stretch inside, but from the way it’s craving another rough pounding like sunghoon gave you earlier - but just then jake takes the decision from you.
“oh shit, oh gosh, i’m- fuuuck,“ he blabbers while he pushes in the rest of his cock until his trembling thighs meet the back of yours. you and jay both yelp in surprise as he carves out his spot deep inside of you, your relaxed walls easily giving way to the force of him despite the added stretch.
“sorry,” jake groans against your neck. “fuck, i’m so sorry, it feels so fucking good, but i shouldn’t have, i really shouldn’t have, i- are you okay?”
you are.
jake fills you up so good, both of them do. despite the inital surprise and the slight discomfort you were ready, relaxed, fucked open by jay and sunghoon’s cocks and almost overprepared with enough lube. “yeah,” you whimper, trying not to float away and focusing on grounding yourself right here between the bodies of both the panting men are trapping you. “feels so good, jake. just give me a minute.”
in your messy heap you all catch your breaths. sunghoon makes an offhand comment about how he should have filmed it and from your peripheral vision you see that heeseung is slowly teasing his cock next you, watching your concentrated face - but you don’t focus on them for now. you rest against jay’s chest, letting him kiss your face while you let yourself truly feel the sensations, taking in everything that’s happening and loving it.
“i’m ready,” you decide shortly after, when you feel less overwhelmed. you’re more aware of the way jake’s breath tickles your ear, how jay’s hands smooth over your waist, how your sweat has started drying uncomfortably from the break you’ve been granted. but you’re especially aware of how badly you want to get fucked. “give it to me.”
“fuck,” jake mumbles wholeheartedly, sounding more playful and less out of it than before. “yeah, okay, let’s go.”
jake adjust his position behind you, crowding in closer to hook his chin over your shoulder. jay groans, annoyed.
“don’t look at me like that, dude.”
you feel jake’s head move a bit, presumably wiggling his eyebrows or making a face and jay hisses: “stop it, you’re making it weird.”
“you’re making it weird,” jake deadpans. “we’re literally touching dicks right now, man.”
“yeah, inside pussy!” jay whines. you can’t surpress a soft laugh and it makes you clench down around their cocks, forcing a groan from both of them.
“right,” jake says, hands tightening on your hips. “okay.”
he slowly starts moving.
it’s uncoordinated and awkward at first, but you’re all a panting, moaning mess in a matter of minutes, euphoric and almost overwhelmed with the way every part of you rubs up against their bodies - your chest against jay’s, jake’s front against your back, jay’s teeth against your jaw, jake’s lips on your neck, jay’s hands around your middle, jake’s fingers roaming over your hips and ass, both of their cocks inside of your greedy hole, creating the most delicious friction whenever they move back and forth with an obscene squelching sound.
your efforts to keep up with them, to pull your own weight by trying to ride them the way they deserve fall short when jay’s thumb finds your clit again, slowly pushing the digit over your sensitive, stiffened bud and making you squeal.
jake turns your head and uses the opportunity to push his tongue into your open mouth in a quick, messy kiss, then he moves to lick over your chin and neck, trailing lower before resting his forehead against your back, his hips naturally picking up the pace and fucking you into harder as he starts chasing his own release. jay captures your jaw in one hand, possesively licking over where jake left a shiny trail of saliva before pressing his lips to yours too.
you’re starting to build a rhythm together, jake’s hips rhythmically smacking against your backside and jay bucking up into you from below. they’re almost too deep, wedged firmly between your greedy walls in an unbelievable sensation you’ve never felt before.
jake can’t stop playing with your body while he desperately humps you down into jay. you expect his hands everywhere but you still jump when you feel him spitting a string of saliva onto your clenched asshole, rubbing over the tight rose with his thumb in time with his thrusts. he doesn’t put the finger in despite the experimental push of the tip of the broad digit against your hot resistance - and despite the arousal shooting up your spine at the thought of them using you there too, you’re glad jake doesn’t try to open up your ass. you don’t think you’d be able to take it.
at one point you reach for heeseung’s cock again when you see it in your line of vision but you falter quickly, letting heeseung hold your hand still as he thrusts into your losse first. you see sunghoon adjusting himself over his pants on the other side of you, his quick touch turning into a firm rubbing in time with you being bounced between three cocks.
“don’t cum,” jay warns when your moans of pleasure turn to loud mewls, but you can’t help it anymore when he builds the pressure of his thumb, meanly moving from left to right while their cocks stretch you just right.
your orgasm hits you hard and sudden, making you convulse between the two sweaty bodies. your pulsating walls push jake’s cock out of you completely as he slightly pulls back and you faintly registered his wounded whine, but you can’t focus on it as your high rips through your body with unexpected force. you buck up, away from jay’s cock as well and rise up onto shaking thighs, squirting all over jay’s lap while he continues to rub at your clit, guiding you trough it with firm hands. you hear the telltale sounds of jake jerking himself off behind you to the visual until he finishes with a groan, his tacky release spraying over your sweaty back.
jay is still hard beneath you, his erection digs into your stomach when you collapse in his lap with your face resting against his chest, ramrod straight and unyielding where it throbs against the skin of your abdomen.
“you’re not tapping out now, let me use your pussy until i cum,” jay says. it’s a demand, but you hear the question, slowly nodding your heavy head against his chest.
you let them adjust your limbs just the way he needs, body too tired to be anything but useful at the moment. it almost feels like a punishment, the way jake holds your thighs open, lifting you up a bit while jay pumps into you from below. you can barely hold on to his shoulders, as he’s fucking you well into overstimulation until he finally cums with a strained groan, lodging his load deep inside of you before letting his hips drop back down on the couch. his cock falls onto his lower stomach with a wet thud, strings of your wetness, jay’s fresh cum and the remnants of lube and sunghoon’s runny release follow suit when your needy hole clenches around nothing after being used to the continuous stretch and stimulation.
they lay you down in a mess of sweat and cum on the couch, all of staring at your ruined hole. you feel new desire punch through you at their hungry gazes, you could swear there’s a fresh glob of wetness forming between your legs and running down your crack. you clench your thighs together to stop them from noticing, but to no avail.
“are you still not satisfied?” jay chuckles.
“open your legs again,” sunghoon says slowly.
you peer up at him, fearful and excited.
“don’t make me spread them for you,” sunghoon threatens.
you obediently pull your legs apart and sunghoon lands his palm on your clit with a a smack. you jerk and whine but keep your thighs spread obediently, perfectly presenting your throbbing cunt to heeseung who slaps your sensitive skin too, then jake, then jay with several small taps that make you writhe as you feel yourself building from the stinging sensation, bucking your hips up and clenching around nothing, smearing your arousal over jay’s palm.
“inside, inside,” you whimper, needing to feel stretched out again now that you’re already close to another mind-blowing high.
jay stills his hand. “anyone up to go again?”
“fuck yes,” heeseung groans, shucking off his clothes again until he’s just as bare as you are.
heeseung didn’t kiss you earlier but he’s making up for it now, quickly looming over you on tbe couch and pressing his naked body flush against yours to give you a proper makeout, devouring you with his hot mouth and gently prodding tongue.
you’re sure there are comments from the others but you’re too lost in the sensations of heeseung’s tongue invading your mouth and his cock pulsing against your stomach. you spread your legs for him more, arching yourself up against him, your nipples rubbing against his chest and your sticky cunt grinding over his thigh. your neediness makes heeseung laugh, but he gets to it right then, slowly sliding into your wet heat and fucking you just like that, in the missionary position. he’s gentle at first watching you hiss from sensitivity when he stretches out your used hole agaib, but then he quickly gets more and more ruthless, thrusting himself cock into you almost desperately and chasing his own second orgasm. you whimper when heeseung’s heavily grinding up into you hard and deep until you feel like he’s touching your cervix, sobbing almost and clinging to heeseung’s shoulders while he coos at you, praising your perfect, slutty pussy while he fucks you with heavy, self-indulgent thrusts. it’s almost disgusting how well your cunt makes room for every punch of his cock, letting him fuck the remnants of sunghoon’s and jay’s cum impossibly deeper into you until you swear you can feel it in your tummy.
under the other three members’ watchful eyes heeseung starts building you up again and again, but not letting you finish, slowing down every time you start locking up around him.
“please,” you finally beg. “please, fill me up, want your cum inside, heeseung, please.”
heeseung slots his lips over your again, panting soft praises against your open mouth as you whine and beg for him to make you cum too while he adds his seed to the throbbing mess of your cunt in long, heavy spurts.
you positively wailing at the loss of stimulation when heeseung pulls his softening cock out of you, just to release a high pitched moan when he doesn’t waste any time to curl three of his finger into you, pistoning them in and out of your rippling cunt with perfectly timed flicks of his wrist, rubbing at your used walls just right and making you clench down hard around the smaller intrusions after being stretched around much thick cock.
while heeseung keeps moving his pretty fingers inside of you, sunghoon moves to the other side of the couch, holding your hands down by your wrist so you can’t squirm away as jake stands beside the couch to play with your tits, pinching and squeezing at you just right. with nowhere to edcape their combined assault your pleasure mounts like a tidal wave, but you only keep looking at jay now who is staring back at you with an eyebrow raised and his jaw clenched. he shakes his head at you and you know what he means, something he often tells you when you fuck around: “no, this is mine”. this one is for him, his orgasm. not yours.
you try to hold on, but it only takes minutes until you can’t take it anymore and you start begging for jay, a string of incromprehensible whines and whinpers, but jay knows what you want - of yourse he does. when he mouths “cum” your eyes roll back and you immediately squirt all over heeseung’s fingers and arm while you thrash under sunghoon and jake, body clenching tight and releasing with every new wave of pleasure until you’re completely spent.
you’re still disoriented when sunghoon suddenly grabs your chin, running his hard dick over your cheek with a rut of his hips, missing your panting mouth to keep rubbing himself from your chin to your forehead until droplets of precum leak into your hair and smear over the bridge of your nose, defiling your tear stained face just a little more for his pleasure. you barely have time to really feel the humiliation of it all. your cunt clenches around nothing once in a weak punch of arousal that makes your tired body shiver, but sunghoon is already cumming on your face without a word, biting his bottom lip so hard you fear his canine might pierce the sensitive flesh when you use your last energy to open your mouth and catch strings of his release on your tongue. you keep your lips parted even when your eyes slowly flutter shut, basking in the afterglow.
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there’s a moment of silence, filled only with the sounds of you and sunghoon trying to catch your breaths.
“swallow,” you hear someone say. you’re not sure who it is because your eyes are still closed, but when you let sunghoon’s salty release run down your throat with an eager gulp you hear all four of them coo at you. it makes you happy to know that you’ve satisfied them all. you’re happy with the way they fucked you too, railing within an inch of your life and almost making you forget everything besides them for a while. you feel like you could fall asleep right now, float away, if it weren’t for the sticky mess pooling between your legs and drying on your face and cooling sweat prickling at your nape uncomfortably now that you’re slowly coming down.
you feel your head get tilted to the side with gentle fingers, a cool, wet cloth patting over your eyebrows and the heated skin of your forehead. you relax at the sensation, tilting your face towards it as you let yourself get taken care of.
“good girl,” jay hums softly, swift fingers moving to wipe sunghoon’s cum from your chin. “you did so well for us, baby. good, good fucking girl.”
you let yourself relax under jay’s gentle touch and reassuring words. you don’t open your eyes yet but you know jay is fondly returning the smile that’s spreading on your face.
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not much later, when jay takes you to the bathroom to clean you up, heeseung, sunghoon and jake are left to deal with the mess you made of their couch.
“how many times do you think he’ll make her cum in the bathtub?” sunghoon asks.
“three,” heeseung suggests immediately.
“nah, no fucking way,” jake exclaims. “zero. she’s too tired.”
heeseung raises his eyebrows in challenge, just as a muffled moan unmistakably travels through the hallway.
“do you want to bet on it?”
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taglist: @aerinaga ; @amu1 ; @axartia ; @azulupori5 ; @babygguk98 ; @enhasengene ; @enhasolace ; @deobitifull ; @heegay ; @hiwhateva ; @hooniewife ; @ixcwxn; @jagyuuar ; @jeondolly ; @justjj97 ; @lix-freckle3 ; @muselin ; @prettybastard ; @seuomo
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
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PAIRING. supervisor!heeseung x afab!intern!reader
GENRE. smut, office!au, unprotected sex, degradation, humiliation, choking, biting, marking, slapping, spitting, name calling, fingering, grinding, enemies to fuck buddies type of scene
WORDS. 2,722
WARNINGS. heeseung's an asshole. reader's pushing his buttons on purpose. they're stuck in a cramped storeroom. kinda an intense read so please read at your own discretion. 18+ content, minors do not interact, i am not responsible for your media consumption.
SYNOPSIS. after accidentally locking yourself inside a store room with your arrogant supervisor heeseung, you find yourself passing the time by pushing his buttons, so much so that he gives in to your desires and decides to show you your place.
A/N. firstly, thanks for 1.3k followers! i really appreciate the support. secondly, i absolutely love this trope. it is a bit toxic but i just think it's so hot and i had to write something about it. this is common for all my works but this does not represent the real heeseung in any way, shape or form. we all know he's nothing like this and it indeed the sweetest angel ever lmao. reblogs and feedback are more than appreciated. please don't be shy to do either. requests are open in case you would like to read something similar (or different). thank you for taking the time to read this fic and i hope you like it!
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"sometimes i wonder why my boss assigns me to you of all people and-why are you smiling?"
if you were to answer heeseung's frustrated question truthfully, you would tell him it was because you both were locked inside a cramped storeroom together. but you had a feeling saying that would only piss him off even more.
"all you had to do was hold the fucking door open. how hard is it for you to stay in one damn place for five minutes?" even in the dark you could see the steam rising off his head. his brows and mouth were lamented in a frown, a sight that made your knees weak.
heeseung was always cross with you, so this was nothing new. he always acted like you were a burden and hated when he had to supervise you. he was pretty mean to the other interns too, but the others confirmed that you got it worse than any of them, and no one had a single clue why.
"i can't believe this cheap ass company can't even afford a proper doorknob or working lights. i wouldn't have to deal with this shit if they stopped pinching pennies all the fucking time."
heeseung seemed extra irritated today, and as much as you liked it, for the first time, you were a little startled. he flung the stack of papers he had been in pursuit of to the side, letting them cascade to the ground. hands balled into fists at his side, he kicked away the plastic container that had toppled off one of the shelves while he was looking for the papers.
"can we not call someone to come help us?" you asked, speaking as cautiously as you possibly could. heeseung shot you a glare regardless, applauding you sarcastically with a scoff. "there's no fucking reception in here shit head. do you think i'm stupid not to have done that?"
your phone was back on your desk, so you wouldn't have known. his words stung but you liked it. he was always such an asshole to you, and you loved it. heeseung was convinced you got under his nerves on purpose, and there may have been some truth to that assumption.
"what should we do then?" you asked, not really minding being holed up in the room with your latest crush. "shut up," heeseung deadpanned, not in the mood to entertain your curiosity.
"i was just asking," you defended, not because you were offended, but really because you wanted to mess with him. heeseung scoffed, staring at you with a fake smile. "look around, if you can even see two feet in front of yourself, and tell me what the fuck we can do other than wait for someone to find us in here."
you couldn't help but snicker at the way he ultimately answered your question. heeseung didn't seem to like that. "you think this is fucking funny? i have better shit to do right now but i can't because you're a fucking klutz." scowling in irritancy, he loosened his tie and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows.
the air inside the storeroom was staring to get stuffy. there wasn't really any ventilation inside, which was odd considering there were so many important papers stored there.
your heart was hammering in your chest for all the wrong reasons. heeseung was pissed off and you were getting turned on by it. pushing his buttons was such a bad idea, but there was really nothing else for you to do while you waited.
"you seem like you have a lot of pent up frustration. have you ever tried yoga or meditation? i feel like that could help you be less...grouchy."
"you're the problem here y/n. my pent up frustration is all because of you and your tendency to fuck shit up wherever you go. have you ever considered acting your fucking age? i can't let you out of my sight for two fucking seconds before you go and create more inconveniences for me." heeseung wasn't having it. he was cribbing as if he hadn't had enough time to jack off before coming to work. it was amusing.
"that's a shame. i really look up to you mr. lee. i was hoping i could join your team after i graduate." you tried to hide your mischievous smile from him, but it was useless. heeseung cracked his knuckles, poking his cheek with his tongue before sauntering up to you. "what did you call me?" he sneered, knowing he had instructed you and the other interns specifically not to address him by his last name like that. he didn't consider any of you his colleagues and hence forbid you from referring to him as such.
you looked at him from behind your lashes, knowing your fingers were now actively ticking his buttons. "isn't that what i'll call you when we start working together full time?"
heeseung grabbed your chin, tugging your face inches away from his. "what the fuck makes a worthless, useless, klutz like you think you're good enough to work with me? i suggest you rethink your shitty little goals and dream smaller." heeseung didn't care that he was going against his task of inspiring you to be a hard worker and getting into this company. he knew he would be better off without you around to mess something up every other minute.
"because i think you're scared of competition and that's why you pretend to hate me so much." in all honesty, you had pulled that straight out of your ass. there was no way you were anywhere near competition for heeseung. you both knew he was a million times more skilled than you could even be, and that wasn't just because he had a few years worth of experience over you.
heeseung snickered condescendingly. "the stupid little lamb likes to joke eh? you will aways be beneath me. so you better know your fucking place, or i'll just have to fuck it into that hollow skull of yours."
you bit your lip, nearly moaning at his words. "what a sadistic slut. you like it when i treat you like shit, don't you?" heeseung could see right through you. he grabbed your cheeks between his thumb and fingers, catching the corners of your lips in the midst of a smile. pushing you up against the wall, he tore your blouse open with his other hand, tugging your bra down so he could slap your tits to humiliate you. "what a dirty, dirty, dirty, whore you are y/n. you're skin's fucking burning to the touch. i bet you're just a pool of slick down there, no?"
you pressed your hands flat against the wall, watching your fantasies unravel before you. heeseung crashed his lips onto yours, giving you no time to kiss him back before tugging your bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled away. "take off your pants. let me see just how horny you are."
you fumbled with the buttons on your trousers, hands jittering with excitement and adrenaline. you pushed them down to your knees, but were too late to get to your panties. heeseung grabbed a fistful of the cotton fabric and tore it straight off your body, letting the ruined garment fall just like the papers he had strewn across the room.
two calloused fingers dipped straight into your folds and returned completely coated in thick, sticky arousal. heeseung rubbed the fluid between his fingers, wrapping his hand around your throat instead. he pressed the slick covered digits against your lips, prompting you to part them. you did as he wanted and moaned as he wiped his fingers clean on your tongue.
"disgusting bitch," he muttered under his breath, spitting on his digits before shoving them inside your walls. given how wet you were plus the lifetime's worth of fingering you had done (courtesy of heeseung making you horny day after day) his fingers slid in like butter. his thumb began massaging your clit as he pumped his digits within you. you threw your head back against the wall, feeling his grip around your neck tighten as you let out strained moans.
"i'm getting my hands dirty because of you, klutz," he spat, biting your earlobe. you wanted to touch him, but the second you laid hands on him, he barked at you to keep them to yourself. "don't think i'm doing this for my own enjoyment you little cocksucker. i just don't want you panting like a bitch in heat while we wait for someone to come rescue us because of your stupidity."
your walls clenched around his fingers, loving the way he degraded you. heeseung released your neck and struck you clean across the cheek before you could regain your composure. for a second, you went completely limp, absolutely stunned by the realization that he had just slapped you. the sting hurt more than his brutal insults, but you enjoyed it nonetheless.
"i can't believe this is the shit you dream about every time you come to work. you're never gonna be anything more than a dumb office whore that everyone's gonna use when they need a break from working. you're nothing but a set of holes and it's all you'll ever be good for, klutz." heeseung's nails dug into your tits, pinching your nipples hard enough to leave small crescents in your skin.
heeseung stepped away from you, taking a minute to slide his belt out of his trousers. he looped the thick leather around his palm and unzipped his pants to pull his cock out. "if you don't get me hard in the next minute, i'm choking you with this," he warned, waving his belt while stepping back towards you. you really wanted to suck him off. but you pussy was throbbing so loud you felt like it was summoning his cock between your legs to relieve it.
you had to stand on your toes so you could rub his cock against your folds. you held his shaft, grinding your warm cunt down on it to create the most delicious friction ever. heeseung was seething at the pleasure, hating how wanted to be stuffed balls deep inside you now.
he didn't even wait the full minute. pushing you back up against the wall, he unravelled his belt and loosely tied it around your neck even though he was hard as a rock. "here's a little leash for you since you're such a slutty bitch."
you gripped the leather, staring at him with glossed over eyes. heeseung pulled an empty rolling shelf towards you and made you get on it so that he didn't have to hold you up to fuck you. he spread your legs and slapped your inner thighs repeatedly until you stopped shutting them closed. "that's right you klutz. don't hide that filthy pussy from me."
he tapped his dick against your pussy, feeling your walls clench desperately around nothing. "you don't even deserve this," he said, dipping his cockhead in and out of you teasingly. "i can't believe you're saying all this shit but still willingly settling for less. you seem more desperate than i am," you jabbed back at the one moment where you could actually think coherently.
heeseung tugged the belt tighter around your neck as if to reprimand you for the snarky comment. "yeah but then you made my dick hard, didn't ya?" he replied, pulling your hips forward so he slide into you with ease.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he entered you. heeseung's cock felt like everything you had ever imagined and more. his length had a slight curve to it which poked just the right spot when he filled you all the way. his balls weren't the heaviest, but they still felt nice pressed up against your ass.
"i'm gonna ruin that pussy. make it filthier than it's ever been," he whispered, slowly grinding his cock in and out of you. pursing your lips, you stared straight into his eyes so that he knew you could take whatever he gave you. you were up for any challenge at this point because there was nothing he could do that wouldn't feel good.
"well i highly doubt you're gonna get there if you keep fucking me like a little bitch," you taunted, earning another slap across the face. "what did i tell you about knowing your fucking place, klutz?" his voice was bitter and loathing. he pulled the belt around your neck so tight that you couldn't talk anymore, and started snapping his hips into you.
the cart you were seated on was so unstable, you felt like it was going to tip over if he fucked you any harder. heeseung let go of the belt and held your legs wide open, sending you spiraling into a coughing fit before you could suck in a deep breath of air. angry grunts left his gritted teeth as he fucked all his frustration out on you. you wondered if his demeanor would change even slightly once he was done using you.
"keep them fucking spread," he demanded, letting of your legs so he could play with your nipples. he pinched and rubbed them, tugging at them to make your clit tingle. you reached a hand between your legs and started rubbing yourself as he fucked you, needing to take care of the unbearable pounding in your clit.
"give my cock a bath in all your dirty juices you klutz. that's the only thing you're good for," he said, sending a ball of spit gliding down your cunt. it only made things extra slippery. heeseung lost control of his speed, going faster than he wanted to. the cart's wheels stumbled backward, ramming your shoulder into the wall. heeseung snickered somewhat apologetically, giving you the first and probably only sliver of sympathy he possessed.
the belt around your neck had loosened up significantly, setting your moans free. your jaw hung open, a jukebox of cries and whines that heeseung's dick was operating. he bent down to send another ball of spit onto your tongue, watching intently as you nearly choked while swallowing it.
"holy fuck, heeseung- i'm gonna cum," you screamed, squirming over his dick. heeseung pushed your knees up to your chest, pounding his cock deeper and deeper into you. you could feel him all the way in your gut, the pleasure of which was too overwhelming.
you were rubbing yourself furiously fast, about ready to squirt on his shirt. heeseung bent down to roll your nipple between his tongue, pushing you to your orgasm.
slamming his cock into you, heeseung gave your climax a warm welcome. face screwed in pleasure, you patted your clit, taming the intensity of your orgasm as heeseung rode it out for you.
he gradually slowed his thrusts, slipping his cock out of your drenched cunt once you had come down from your high. "what about you?" you asked, breathless and shaken up. "as long as you know your fucking place now, i'm fine," he chastised, pulling his pants back up as if his cock wasn't just harder than a rock. you were baffled by his sudden composure, but you said nothing further. you had finally fucked the man of your dreams, and there was nothing much you really wanted besides that.
you slipped your tattered underwear off your legs and pulled your pants up over your swollen pussy. you assessed the damage heeseung had down to your blows, a bit disappointed since it was one of the more expensive ones you owned. perhaps this was the price of hooking up with your crush. after all, the universe didn't just hand out free favors.
"you lost control with me today, didn't you?" you teased him after you were done tidying up. heeseung eyed you up and down. "you really ticked me off. couldn't just let you get away with it now, could i?"
you grinned triumphantly. even if heeseung felt like he had successfully proved his point, it was clear that you had been the real winner here. no matter what names he called you or how much he claimed to resent you, now you both knew that you had a handle on him, and you were never letting go.
☾ - vernonluvs 2022 | tumblr
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
Ms. Secretary II || K.TH
⚠️ warning(s): taehyun x reader, ceo!taehyun, secretary!reader, dom!tyun, sub!reader, nipple play, multiple orgasm, dirty talk, passionate sex, hidden relationship, fluff, domestic couple
🗒: part two to 'Ms. Secretary' (requested! hope you will like this!)
💌: part one
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You were busy typing down a draft for a new paperwork when a co-worker came into your office, a stack of folders in her hands. As you looked up, you inwardly sighed as she entered.
"Hey, Y/n. These came out just an hour ago," She said while placing the folder on your desk.
"Thanks." You replied before dismissing her. 
Not even thirty minutes later, more files and papers came in and you had no choice but to accept them. 
One thing you remembered was that even if you're Taehyun's girlfriend, you still had to be a real secretary and accept these heavy tasks like any other employee in his building. Taehyun himself was also handling bigger situations and problems so he'd be able to ensure the progress of the company.
You missed him a lot since you haven't seen him that much this week and the previous week. You rarely saw him these days because he was always out, dealing with potential business partners and paying a visit to the construction of his new building. 
You admire him for being serious with his work, but sometimes you miss him so much that you dreamed of throwing both of your work away and just spent the day laying on the bed with him. 
The last time you saw him was three days ago, when he asked if you'd finished rearranging some papers for the new land he bought.
You sighed once again and with slumped shoulders, you continued your work.
Some minutes later, someone knocked and you jumped on your seat in shock. "Come in!" You managed to say while rubbing your eyes.
Your heart dropped to your stomach when you realized who it was. 
"Good evening, babe." Taehyun softly smiled. Your eyes were wide and your lips were parted as you stared at him. "Shifts ended two hours ago, why are you still here?"
You finally composed yourself and managed to answer, "Wanted to be a good secretary and finish my remaining tasks."
Taehyun chuckled and you watched him walk towards you. The deprivation drained you that you didn't get to stop yourself from standing up and hugging your boyfriend.
"I missed you," You mumbled onto the crook of his neck. 
"I missed you too," He replied while wrapping his hands around your waist. "That's enough work for today. Come home with me."
You quickly pulled away, "I thought I'm only going with you on Saturdays and Sundays? It's only Friday and your maids and gardeners will see me."
"I sent them off for an early day off." Taehyun pouted. You squished his cheeks in response. He looked so cute like this and so you stood on your tiptoes to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.
When you both entered his home, you took turns taking a shower and after that, Taehyun prepared a late dinner for you.
"You didn't have to." You told him.
"I saw how stressed out you look when I entered your office. You've been doing so much work for me, now let me serve you, babe." He lazily smirked as he placed a plate of your favourite dish in front of you before sitting on your side. 
You happily ate while Taehyun watched you with a smile. You offered some of the food and used your own spoon to feed him. Your heart fluttered at how domestic you both looked like this. 
After that, you both washed up and prepared to go to bed. You both cuddled under the sheets, basking in each other's warmth as you shared passionate kisses together. 
But those kisses always escalated too quickly. Having Taehyun as your boyfriend, you must know how high his libido was. 
You were already drifting off to sleep when you felt Taehyun's hand trailing down on your thighs and his kisses went lower to your neck. You softly gasped as he pinned you down on the bed, your eyes half-closed as you already felt high with just his kisses.
"Taehyun," You moaned when he sucked on the column of your neck before he pulled away. 
He sat up and you watched with an open mouth as he took off his clothes, nearly drooling at the tempting body that you missed seeing. He smirked devilishly at your reaction.
"Cat got your tongue, eh?" He commented while gently pulling you to stand up. You loved it when he took command of your body, allowing him to undress you. 
"Moments like this with you always gave me wild dreams." You pouted and he quickly leaned in to kiss you.
"I can make them wilder," He grinned as he unclasped your bra and playfully tossed you back on the king-sized bed.
"Ah! Kang Taehyun–" You were about to complain but he already had you under him. You gulped as he gave you that dark gaze, it always had been a signal to tell you that he's gonna fuck you into oblivion.
"Let's put that mouth of yours into good use." He said.
"I wanna suck you off," You bravely replied.
Taehyun chuckled sexily. "No, baby. Tonight is all about you."
You were about to complain again but you turned wordless when Taehyun tapped his fingers on your bottom lip. You quickly cave in and opened your mouth wide as he dipped his index finger and middle finger in your mouth, coating them with your saliva.
You hummed in pleasure as you sucked his fingers while looking up at him with sultry eyes. You knew damn well how to arouse your own boyfriend even more. 
"Fuck, you're so pretty that I wanna ruin you down there." He whispered and you instinctively moaned at that, just in time as he pulled his fingers out of your mouth.
You waited for that feeling, hands clasping Taehyun's biceps. Your eyes widened and your back arched as he rimmed you and quickly pushed in. He grinned, loving your reaction as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you, the pace was already sending you to the edge. 
You felt your own wetness making the slide of his fingers go smooth and your mouth hung open in pleasure. He thrusted them faster and you could feel his knuckles burying on your entrance as his long fingers found your spot. 
"Ahh!" You moaned out loud, signalling him that you're near.
You whimpered and he leaned down to kiss your chest, slightly distracting you. "Come on, baby." He whispered and you rolled your hips against his fingers, meeting every push.
"Fuck!" You finally released, missing the feeling so much. 
"Very good, Ms. Secretary," Taehyun chuckled and you swiftly hit his chest.
"Just fuck me already, please." You whined and Taehyun snorted but obliged anyway. He used your own cum to lubricate his shaft, your eyes widening again at how hard he was. 
"Spread your legs wide for me, babe." He commanded while positioning himself on your entrance. You did as told and your hole that was still dripping, made Taehyun lick his lips as he hovered over you. 
His elbows were bracketing on each side of your head, feeling the warmth from his body enveloping you. He slowly pushed in, but all at once. You moaned in bliss, feeling how his massive cock stretched you wide. 
Taehyun groaned as he started thrusting in and out. His pace went from gradual to very fast, shocking you at the abrupt change of speed. 
"Wait- ah! Fuck, babe!" You rambled as you threw your head against the pillows, watching him with half-lidded eyes as he created a distance, fucking you while he sat. His knees were digging into the mattress as he gripped and pinned you into place by holding your hips down.
He muttered curses as he looked down at how your breasts were bouncing along with the hard thrusts he did, making him even hornier. His skin was slapping against yours as he pistoned deep inside you, burying his cock to your sweet spot before suddenly pulling out.
You looked up, about to ask him what's wrong, but he quickly slammed his cock back in, surprising the fuck out of you. The squelching noise of your fluid made you blush as he gave you short and quick pumps, making your entire body jolt on the bed. His cock was throbbing hard as he moved his hips around, filling your entire hole.
You softly moaned, feeling the build up in your stomach. Taehyun thrusted more and you messily pulled him down to catch his lips with yours and he gladly gave in. Your moans were muffled as he locked your tongue with his. 
He then pulled away, deepening his thrust as he dipped his head lower and clasped your breasts, making them perk up for him to suck.
"Babe," You cried out as he lapped onto your left breast, swirling his tongue around before sucking hard on your bud. You moaned at the thought that your boyfriend had the control of your entire body, his cock deep in your hole, his hands and lips marking you everywhere.
He moved on to your right breast, grazing his teeth against the nipple before sucking it. Your body arched up once again, asking for more and Taehyun quickly grabbed your other breast, massaging it with pleasure.
You were so near when he decided to combine everything and make you lose yourself under him. His lips locking with yours, muffling your whines once again, his big hands clasping your breasts, his stomach pressed against yours as he pounded into you, his cock twitching inside you due to sensitivity. 
"Cum now, babe." He mumbled in between your kiss as he pulled out once again and mercilessly pushed hard and deep in you, breaking the knot as you came. You moaned his name out loud as he gently grinded into you. He came inside your hole, releasing what felt like cups of his cum. He had to push in again as he kept on cumming and you squealed in ecstasy. 
You felt so slimy as you both made a mess on the sheets, chuckling to yourselves as you finally came down from your high.
"That was amazing," You gasped for dear air as Taehyun kissed your cheek. 
"Round two?" He softly whispered and you looked at him with wide eyes. 
"Please, Y/n?" He pouted, playfully thrusting his hips to remind you that he's still inside you. You yelped at that, chuckling nervously as you spoke, "For someone who has worked the entire day, you seem to be still energetic."
Your heart fluttered when you saw how Taehyun's cheeks were suddenly dusted in pink, "I just missed you so much. Wanna fuck you until dawn."
It was your turn to blush this time, knowing to yourself that you could make Taehyun horny any time of the day and crave for more.
You softly pecked his lips, smiling as you said. "Fuck me hard then."
Taehyun had a wide smile after hearing that, his natural fangs showing and before you could even reach up to kiss him again, you nearly screamed when he suddenly pulled out and flipped you on the bed. 
"Since you charmed me again, how about I take you on a date tomorrow?" 
"And how did I charm you, Sir? I haven't even seen you that much," You sulked.
"By simply being you," He smiled as he trailed kisses on your back. "And as for my absence, I'm sorry, baby. But I'll make it up to you."
"You can start now by actually fucking me until dawn, make me chase my breath, make it–"
You cut your own words when Taehyun slammed all the way in, his hips pressing against your ass. You moaned in shock, mouth hanging open as Taehyun grabbed you by the waist, his fingers squeezing your skin as he pulled you closer, making the distance between your body and his cock disappear. 
You wanted to lean up and feel his toned chest against your back but Taehyun guided you down, pressing on the pillows. Your face was sideways as he gripped your hair, the position you're both currently in was making you lose your mind. 
He pounded from the back, whispering how sexy and hot you were under him. Sweat trickled down and made both of your bodies glisten. You feel so wrecked as you moaned his name over and over again, tears flowed down from your eyes as he grabbed your hair.
You feel how sensitive you were as the knot started to form in your stomach once again. You screamed in pleasure as Taehyun pulled you close to him while he continued to fuck you from behind.
"Such a pretty face," He grunted as he wrapped an arm around your waist, his hand going up directly to play with your nipples. Your body arched perfectly for Taehyun to admire as he continued to feel every curve and inch of you.
"Maybe next time I can fuck you on your desk at work, yeah?" He whispered lowly, his hot breath fanning on your ear before he grabbed your hair again and made you face him.
"Fuck, yes! Yes!" You moaned loudly, mouth still hanging open as you rambled through the bliss and feeling of having Taehyun inside you.
"Okay, baby." He chuckled as he thrusted more, his free hand reaching around your thighs to rub down on your clit. You threw your head against Taehyun's shoulder at the pleasure, your eyes shut close as you let him manhandle you.
You pushed your ass against his pelvis, meeting every hard and skillful thrust he gave you. Your moans gradually turned into screams as you desperately held Taehyun's neck from behind.
"That's right, be a good girl and cum for me." He panted sexily as his thrusts turned sloppy but he managed to send you all over again to the edge of insanity, making you want nothing but that high that only Taehyun could give.
He felt your legs wobbling against the mattress and so he hurriedly slammed again. He thrusted hard, his skin slapping against yours and making them burn in red. You moaned as Taehyun clenched his hand on your breast, teased your clit, and came again deep inside you, popping strings of cum as he continued to thrust with good speed.
You came after him, squirting and adding a mess onto the sheets while some of it dribbled down your thighs. You kept your eyes closed as you sighed in relief, loving the feeling of aftersex as Taehyun guided your body to lay down with him. 
You were still blissed out as you closed your eyes, letting Taehyun pamper you with soft kisses all over your face and wrapping around you for a warm hug. He gently pressed his lips on the new lovebites painting your smooth skin while tracing his fingertips on your hips. 
"You're prettier with my marks," He stated before trailing his lips up to kiss your hair. You giggled in his arms as he pulled the duvet to cover both of your naked bodies. 
"I love you." Taehyun whispered, pulling you closer to his chest. You could practically hear his heart beating loudly for you and so you swore to yourself that even if you're dating him behind closed doors, you'd still do your best to give him the love he truly deserved.
"I love you more." You replied whole-heartedly and you saw a pretty smile bloomed on Taehyun's face. 
Soon, the both of you fell in slumber.
note: thank you for reading! mafia boss!beomgyu coming up next!
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
i've written about gamer!hueningkai awhile back, however i wasn't completely satisfied with it. here's my redemption. i hope 🐧 anon sees this.
warnings: small arguements and unprotected sex.
summary: hueningkai asked you to come over so you could hangout, but you've been there a few hours. all he could excuse was "just one more game". you threw a hissy fit about it.
"kai, how much longer?" you asked him. peeking at his screen. he moved his head away from your making you pout more.
"just one more game y/n," he told you. giving you a small smile, hut not entirely looking at you. his hands busy fidgeting with his keyboard instead of fidgeting with you. "just busy yourself for a little while."
"i've been busying myself for hours!" you told him. unexpectedly raising your voice out of frustration. making him roll his eyes, and bite his lip in frustration. "you called me over, but instead you decided to game all day!"
"y/n, i'm almost done." he told you. tapping furiously at his keyboard. which made you roll you eyes at his action. knowing too well that after this, they'd be another one.
"and another, right?" you asked him. you turned towards his bed to grab your belongings. not wanting to spend anymore time with him. "i'll just leave. enjoy your fucking game."
you walked towards his door, but before you could even walk passed him. he wrapped his arms around your waist. effectively pulling you to his lap.
"don't be selfish," you told him. trying to tug on his arms but he was too strong. you can't slide down to walk away nor could you stand up because he was pressing you against the desk.
"don't fuck dare y/n," he scolded you. just when you're about to slam his keyboard. his sudden voice change made you shiver. not used to the tone he was using with you. "just a few more minutes."
when his screen announces his victory, kai relaxed a little. even reclining his seat back. though you have a small chance with getting out of his room. you'd take the chances of being off his lap.
you cautiously stood up, before walking fast towards his door. hyuka pulled back on your shirt making you shriek out of surprise. the shock allowed hyuka to pull you towards his bed. being able to climb on top of you.
his hand firmly grasped your jaw. kai lowered himself enough to kiss down your neck. nibbling on the exposed skin. he slowly reach towards the area below your ear. sucking gently, making your body unintentionally react to his ministrations.
"let's play your game," he told you. his face now inches away from you. you tried looking elsewhere but his. feeling your body heat up under his gaze. "do you think i'd have fun?"
he pulled your shirt up. allowing him to expose your skin. he reached beneath you to unclasp it. tugging on the hooks in front, so the he could pull it off without removing your shirt.
"hyuka," you said softly. gaze following the movement of his hand from your stomach. the cold air in his room is making your nipples harden. maybe it was him, but your mind is now fogging.
his hand gently grasp both breasts. playing on your nipples like he would with his mouse. pressing and rolling them like he does when he plays.
"i don't think friends does this," you whispered. making him look up to you while he tug on the sweatpants that you're wearing. followed by your underwear soon after.
"friends don't get this wet from being scolded," he told you. watching your cunt glisten under the light. he looked at your through his lashes. two fingers moving up and down your slit. "friends don't moan like you do."
he gathered your slick. spreading them on your clit as he gently massaged them. his other hand spreading your thigh open. laying his head on it to prevent you from closing them.
"do you still want to leave?" he asked you. hand busy rubbing circles on your clit. he was looking at you with soft eyes. one that he uses when he asked you to treat him for food or what not.
"no," you whimpered. hyuka lift his head from your thigh. now face-to-face with your cunt. your heart hammering in your chest while you watch him look at you like you're some kind of sweets he adore.
"what do you want?" he asked you. kissing on your inner thighs.
"want your fingers," you whispered. hips rolling to let his press on your clit harder. making you whine while you crave for more. "please."
"where?" he asked you. deliberately teasing you. the tip of his fingers dipping inside you before rubbing on your clit once more.
"inside me, on my clit, everywhere." you whined. mouth gasping for air. feeling lightheaded over his small movements.
"i thought you want to leave?" he asked you. both hands now caressing your thighs as he sat up. looking directly at you. a smirk painting his face. "should i hail you a cab?"
"no," you told him. grabbing his wrist to touch your cunt, but he wasn't budging closer to it. hovering on it, making you feel the warmth of it, but not near it. "please?"
"what do you say?"he asked you. face now hovering yours. his other arm beside your body. holding his weight there by his elbow. "what should you say?"
"play with me kai," you whispered to his lips. head raising to chase his lips for a kiss. but hyuka just sat up. going back to his previous position in front of your cunt.
he glanced at you. using his thumb to rub on your clit. the other hand busy slipping two fingers inside you. moving them in scissoring motions. before moving in wave-like motions.
"hyuka," you moaned. moving your hips with his fingers. eyes closed and your lips slightly parted. kai couldn't help himself bite his lip. making him look at you with hungry eyes, but you can't see that.
he lowered himself. kissing your thighs, your abdomen, your stomach all the way to your chest. where he blew on your nipples. making your body jump towards him. eyes opening to look at him.
"close?" he whispered to your face. eyes trailing towards your lips. as if he wants to kiss you but can't. you nod your head at him. "cum."
you rolled your hips at him. his fingers helping you ride out your high. you moaned his name like prayers. making kai smirk from where he's watching you come undone. before pulling his fingers off you.
"what?" you asked him softly, confused. watching him stand from the bed. you grasp his wrist making him turn to you. "where are you going?"
"you got what you want," he told you simply. grabbing the tissues from his desk to wipe you off. "were you expecting more?"
"i was expecting that you'd fuck me," you told him. making him look at you with a confused look.
"friends don't fuck," he told you.
"let me ride you?" you asked him. tugging him beside you. his back on his headboard. you look at him for signs of not wanting to go further, but he just look intrigued. even helping you remove his pants and underwear.
you look at his hard cock. trying your best not to look awe struck as if you've been fantasising about it. looking at him before rubbing his precum all over his head.
you pump on it, spitting down to lubricate it further. you were about to put it inside your mouth when he pulled your hair. making you look at him.
"ride me," he told you. pulling your body so that you'd be able to ride him. you reach from behind you to align his dick at your entrance. "y/n."
you sink on him slowly. moving up and down as you sink lower. allowing you to take his size and getting used to it without much problem.
his hand grasp your waist as you ride him. helping you find the rhythm that would work for the both of you. when you found it, you lowered yourself to kiss him.
"friends don't kiss," he reminds you. eagerly responding back on your kisses. his brow furrows as he thrust his hips with you. all while busy sucking on your tongue.
you grabbed his shoulder. letting yourself meet his thrust as you ride him. you moved your hips in circular motions. earning a low moan from kai. so you kept going. alternating between circular and moving front and back to keep the pleasure build up.
"friends don't also fuck raw," you told him. cradling his head while he pushed your body slightly backwards to suck on your nipples. your other hand is behind you to support your weight. "i'm gonna cum."
"a little more," he asked you. thrusting on you to reach you deeper. both your hands now behind you to support yourself and not collapse as he thrust inside you. "where?"
"inside please," you ask him. head thrown backwards trying to navigate yourself to not cum too fast. kai looking at you like you're the most beautiful person alive.
"y/n," he moaned. hands pressing on your hips. the pressure triggering you to cum undone. you lie on your back. with him still trusting inside you. "friends don't cum inside other friends."
"whatever friends mean," you told him. you looked at him fondly. "cum hyuka."
and he did. bending backwards. hips husy bucking on your cunt. head meeting his headboard. his lips slightly parted. and you watch him. looking at his reddening skin. clenching around his dick as he does.
"lie comfortably," he told you as he watch you lie on his pillows beside him. he tugged one of the pillow sheets off. grabbing your wrist together. tying them on his headboard with the pillowcase.
"i have to pee," you remind him. but he just grabbed a few tissues to clean you off before doing the same. you look at him shocked. watching him put his sweatpants on. gently tying your shirt up so that you're fully exposed.
"one more game, and i'll play another round with you." he told you. giving you a peck before sitting down his chair. putting his headphones on. he looked at you and gave you a wink before typing away. "it'll be quick. i'd be inside you before you know it."
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
better than him - sjy
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prompt. “i bet i fuck better than him, don’t i?” (requested by anon) + kinktober day 1: mirror sex (for @jojayke​ bff i hope u like this zoefjisdq) pairing. best friend!jake x fem!reader (+ mentioned ex!jay) word count. 5722 genre. smut (mdni), angst and fluff it’s all there warnings. mentions of cheating, food, jay is a bad bf, jake is a simp, he’s also a sex god don’t mind me this is lowkey very unrealistic but its okay lol thats what smut is for / smut (overstim lowkey, oral f receiving, fingering, mirror sex thats the prompt, dirty talk, this is like tame and dirty at the same time idk …), not proofread sorryyyy im too tired but lmk if there’s a mistake pls <3 author’s note. shes back! and as always she loves combining requests so this is both a smut prompt list request and a kinktober request (yes in august shush) bc ur girl is lazy and wants to make things easier for herself !!! anyways maybe its bc i havent written pwp in a while (who am i kidding i literally just wrote sex on the beach) but this feels different than usual … im not sure whether i like it or not ….. hmmmm … so tell me what u think !!!! hope u guys enjoy this one !!!!! also wtf …. thank u for 2000…… forgot to make a post cause i’m stupid but it made me so so happy to hit such a big milestone, so thank you to all of you guys sm for all the love n support !! permanent taglist. @skzenhalove @wntrsgf @duolingofanaccount @bunhoons @lhsng @hyunjinsr @pshchives @jojayke @simeonswhore @donghoonie-3 @drunkjaked​ (send an ask to be added!)
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JAKE ISN’T SURE whether he should cry, laugh, punch a hole into the wall, or hug you and never let go. He’ll probably end up doing all of the above, but right now, as you look up at him with big teary eyes and quivering lips, all he can do is stand there and feel his heart breaking. He hates seeing the way you sit on the couch, holding your knees close to your chest as if trying to make yourself as small as physically possible. 
This isn’t the first time he sees you like this - broken, with pain in your eyes. Looking up at him like there’s nothing he could do to fix it, to fix you, but you would still ask him and he would still try anyway. Maybe he should be fed up with you, the way you almost only go to him when things get bad and you need someone to make everything better as if by magic, only to go back to the person that made things bad in the first place. But he could never be mad at you. He can only be mad at that person, that person that hurts you time and time again but that you somehow could not get away from. He understands, though, because in a way, you are that person to him. All his friends tell him he’d be better off cutting you from his life, but he could never bring himself to do it.
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
god is a woman | m ; f
“Aphrodite’s son should know more than simply what sex is — what a relief that you exist to teach him just that.”
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greek god! au | historical! au | smut, fluff | 23.8k words
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s u m m a r y : despite being a child of the embodiment of love and desire, heeseung never experienced such emotions, opting instead to throw himself in literature of his gods and goddesses. however, after one encouter with you, notorious elite escort, all logic and sense abandons him. as tense meetings and feverish conversations turn lustrous, heeseung experiences what it truly means to be the son of aphrodite — what it truly means to crave not for knowledge, but for you.
c o n t e n t s : son of aphrodite! heeseung, escort! reader, heeseung is a stupid loser virgin at the start, reader is most definitely not, son of hades! jay, son of hermes! sunghoon, jay and sunghoon are full-time bullies of heeseung, this is basically a bullying campaign for heeseung im so sorry, fluff because no good relationship exists without fluff, mc teasing heeseung, heeseung will undergo character development (basically meaning he will finally know where the clit is) a lot of sexual tension but that’s mostly because i am incapable of getting to the smut,  mature content ↠  making out, dirty talk, oral (m. and f.), handjob, unprotected sex (stay safe!!) heeseung kinda becomes a dirty horny mf 
t a g l i s t : @hyuckworld​ @axartia​ @lhsng​ @aizzon​ @defxciii​ @shmooooo​ @skzenhalove​ @hwaluvx​ @sjakewrld​ @jjhenluv @garamdoll @nyanggk​ @jiawji​ @duolingofanaccount​ @taekbokki​ @kpoplover718 @wntrsgf​ @sd211​ @artgukk @22222222claieze @yongboksfreckles12cards @anunconditionallylover​ @liliansun​ @rawrszh @danyxthirstae01​ @jaylaxies​ @3nh4luvr​ @ashrocker123​ @hyukiebb @jkmonica​ @cruelfever​ @missharubear​ @sweetjaemss​ @yngwife​ @kelly-fushiguro345​ @cyuuupid​ @trimebruhh @stealercore​ @sensiblebutch​ @soobmint​ (send an ask if you would like to be added <3)
p l a y l i s t : here!
a u t h o r ’ s  n o t e : it’s here it’s finally fucking here i’m so sorry for taking so long but she’s here thank you to lysol for pushing me thank you @hyuckworld​ you horny incredibly bitch ily for forcing me to write this every waking second and thank you kim mingyu of svt for your role in all of this you know what you did… anyway!! do enjoy this unedited version yikes <//3
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That was a certainty he could not shake, no matter how much he wished it otherwise. His elders had warned him, his instincts threatened him, yet his mind was a mess which seemed unable to be put into order.
What did not help were his good friends, encouraging in this behaviour. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” One of them drawled, clearly speaking for himself as he dragged Heeseung along the lush streets of Corinth, mocking salutes to every woman who eyed his lean figure. 
“You know Jay always spouts tomfoolery, but this time even I agree with him!” Another one of your friends chimed in, holding onto his arm. “Think of it as another one of your silly lessons.”
“Shut your ugly pig-eaten face, Sunghoon.”
“But I was agreeing with you!”
Of course, Heeseung thought, preferring to ignore his rather idiotic companions, gazing ahead as he entered the higher section of the mountain, into Upper Corinth. He should not have been surprised at the sheer vibrance of the environment, markets bustling in the streets carved from the mountain, every merchant offering possessions from all corners of the Greek world. 
He wished he could be anywhere but here.
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soobbunny · 2 years ago
Patience kitten
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Warnings - smut (minors dni), pet play (kitten), collars, ears, spanking, cum play?, oral, fingering, pet names, degrading, praise, dom hee sub reader, swearing
Authors note- as always I haven’t proofread and it’s a lil short but hopefully the person this was written for likes it
2k words
Your day had been long. Waking at 5am was still ungodly to you, and after 3 weeks at your new job your body clock was still not adapting. Trudging into your apartment at 6pm, you sluggishly slipped your shoes off, almost ready to crash when you saw the small brown box laid by your front door. The parcel you’d been waiting months for had finally arrived.
After shipping delays and missing deliveries, you’re items had finally made it to you and you could barely contain your excitement. Rushing to the sofa, you ripped open the box, carefully moving aside tissue paper and thank you notes to reveal the softest, baby pink cat ears. Beneath the perfectly brushed fur ears lay a matching collar, baby pink leather perfectly accented by a small pink bell. You lifted the ears carefully out of the box, placing them gently on the small coffee table in front of you before reaching once more into the box, the smooth leather of the collar soft against your fingertips. You pulled it out and turned it over in your hands, admiring the high quality of the finish as well as the little jingles coming from the bell with each movement.
Hurriedly, you rushed toward the mirror, checking your hair before perfectly positioning the ears on your head, and carefully securing the collar. You’d had a lot of experience with collars. It was something you and your boyfriend heeseung had experimented a lot with, and so you knew exactly how to secure it, how loose it needed to be, and how to release it in case of an emergency. You had always felt more at ease with a collar, the familiar weight around your neck bringing comfort and safety. With a sense of calm surrounding you once the collar was secure, you looked once more in the mirror to finally properly admire the baby pink fur adorning your head. The fluffy ears were perfectly situated on your crown, and you couldn’t tear your eyes away.
Finally getting your fill of your own reflection, you moved back toward the sofa, cleaning up the parcels packaging before sitting down to relax, a sense of calm enveloping your body as you finally rested. You intended to sit for 5 minutes before rising to make dinner, but within 5 minutes you had fallen asleep, head laid on the plush sofa and feet gently tucked in. The collar hung loosely around you neck to not restrict any breathing, and your ears were perched on your head to the point you looked just like a kitten, curled on the sofa for your cat nap.
And that was the first thought that crossed heeseungs mind as he entered the room, eyes full of love for you as he took in the sight before him. In your sleep, your pleated skirt had risen, showing off your beautiful thighs, and you released a cute little sigh as you adjusted your position, changing into a more comfortable one.
‘She’s so precious’ he thought to himself.
Noticing your new collar and matching ears, he moved closer to where your sleeping figure lay. Admiring them closer, he could see a small ‘H’ engraved on the bell of your collar. The small sign of ownership went straight to his dick, and he was blushing at how cute you were. He stood slowly and moved to sit beside you, lifting your head gently to lay on his lap. He stayed there, your head on his thighs, for what felt like hours.
When he finally felt you stirring below him, he looked down to see your eyes fluttering open, face snuggling further into his thighs below. ‘Morning kitten’ he whispered lowly as you woke, the sound of his voice pulling you quicker from your sleep. You turned more on your back as you lay, and his bright eyes looking down at you made your heart skip a beat. Looking up at him from this angle you looked so innocent and pure, the kitten ears still snugly resting in your hair, collar loose around your neck. He looked at you with adoration, a gentle hand stroking over your cheek as you became more awake.
With your head on his thighs, your kitten ears perched on your head and your pink leather collar loose around your throat, you were his fever dream. ‘Hi hee’ you chuckled out as he continued to stroke your cheek absentmindedly. ‘Long day kitten?’ he questioned, his metal rimmed glasses slipping down his nose as he did. You giggled at his cuteness as you pushed them up the bridge of his nose, brushing your thumb against his lips as you did and earning a sweet kiss against your thumb.
‘It was long but good. Just really tired’ you replied, getting easily distracted by the uneven hoodie strings dangling above you. You batted them playfully while telling your boyfriend of your stressful day, completely unaware of how captivated he was by you. Enticed by every word that left you lips, he interrupted your rambling with a small kiss on you nose, smiling at how flushed and flustered you became. ‘You’re so cute kitten’ he said, giggling as you continued to play with his hoodie strings, tugging and pulling them gently as you spoke.
As you continued to lay cuddled up with heeseung, you hadn’t notice your skirt slowly riding up your thighs higher and higher. The extra skin exposed wasn’t unnoticed by heeseung though, as he tried to contain himself and distract his eyes from your flawless thighs. Your cute wiggles in his lap wasn’t helping him contain himself, and before he knew it he was beginning to strain obviously against the front of his jeans. With where your head was laid, he was panicking more and more about how obvious his arousal would be. You turned your head toward him and felt the strain beneath you, giggling at heeseungs blush as he too realised.
‘Need kitten to help you baby?’ You chuckled, shifting to change your position. Within seconds you were on your front, heeseungs jeans around his knees as you placed soft kisses against his tip, teasing. Without warning, you took his whole length down your throat, bobbing at a brutal pace as he flung his head back. Head back and eyes closed, his hand went fraught to your hair, stroking your hair and tugging on the strands as your mouth worked magic on him. ‘Fuck kitten so good. My pretty fucking kitten oh my god fuck.’ His praise only spurred you on, paying more attention to his tip as he twitched beneath you. ‘Fuck kitten gonna cum fuck.’ He released into your mouth as you swallowed around him, placing kisses over his length as you cleaned every drop from him.
‘Fuck kitten so perfect for me’ he said as he pulled your face up towards his own, capturing your lips with his. Your kiss deepens as you moved to straddle his lap, arms around his neck. He lifts you into his arms before placing you back on your sofa, now hovering over you as he covers your face and jaw with sloppy kisses and small praises. His hands roamed from your face, down your sides and over your thighs as he lifted the hem of your skirt higher, exposing more of you.
Kissing his way down your neck, he placed a kiss on your collar, admiring the material before continuing downward. Lingering over your chest he left small red marks, creating a pattern with his movements. He suckled on your skin with such precision as you gasped and moaned beneath him, purring as he left the larger, deeper red marks. He worked his way across your stomach, teasing his way to your core. By the time his lips kissed the inside of your thighs, you were begging for him. ‘Please hee need you please’ your begging made him stop to look at you, admiring how desperate you were for him.
‘So pretty when you beg kitten’ he said before licking a stripe up your core, your mewling spurring him on as he began to lap at your entrance. You were moaning and whimpering beneath him in a matter of minutes, and before long he was sliding one finger into your entrance, feeling how you clenched around him. He slowly worked you open, adding another finger once he knew you could take it while continuing to suck your clit, your moans heavenly in his ears. ‘Fuck heeseung ‘m close so close’ your breathy warning did little to slow your boyfriend, as he continued to work his magic
‘Cum for me kitten’ he said into your skin as you fell apart beneath him. You clenched around his fingers as your legs began to shake . He continued his ministrations on your body until you were through your high, and began kissing up your stomach once again once he was finished, still worshipping every inch of you. He captured your lips with his again, the taste of your own cum on his turning you on again. You could feel heeseungs arousal against your thigh, and as you lifted your hips to meet his you were caught by surprise when he tugged on your collar. ‘So impatient kitten. Guess I need to fill you up. Make you less of a greedy kitty.’
He lifted his entire weight off of you, moving to stand as you squirmed your hips on the sofa, still needy. You sat up before heeseung manhandled you, setting you on your feet with your hands on the back of the sofa, bent over for him. With your skirt still round your hips and dripping core pointed at him, ears sticking up from your head, you were perfection. He lined his length up to your core and without warning bottomed out, every inch of his length filling you deliciously.
The second his large hands made contact with the skin on your ass you helped out, the sting unexpected yet perfect. He began moving at a quick pace, sending more spanks between thrusts until his hand was imprinted on your flesh. You were a mess beneath him, moans and curses falling out of your mouth unfinished as you came close to your high once more. You fell over the edge when heeseung grabbed your collar from behind, using it to pull your body towards his. The pressure against your throat felt incredible, and the soft bell contrasting your deep moans sent you over the edge, clenching once more around your boyfriend.
‘Pretty kitten cumming so good for me. Get on your knees pretty’ he demanded, pulling out of your slick entrance. You positioned yourself on your knees infront of you while he jerked himself, hips stuttering as he came over your face, your open mouth catching most of his release. Once he finished, he caught the cum from over your cheeks on his fingers and fed it to you, your tongue leaving kitten licks over his fingers. You sucked his fingers clean and swallowed every drop you could, desperate to be a good kitten for him. Heeseung left you on your knees for a second, returning with a damp cloth to clean your face of any stickiness. With a clean face he lifted you from your knees, and went to remove your ears and collar.
‘Want to keep them on hee’ you pouted, not wanting to remove them just yet. ‘I know kitten but you can’t wear them in the shower they’ll get damaged. And you need to shower come on.’ Still pouting you allowed him to take the ears and collar off you, carefully placing them on the coffee table before walking with you to the bathroom. Running the water for a few seconds, you both stepped in and washed each other’s bodies, the warm water flowing over you both cleaning the suds.
You stepped out into heeseungs arms, the fluffy towel he was holding for you wrapped around you tightly as you moved to your bedroom, drying off and putting on fresh pajamas before snuggling under the covers. You started to get comfortable when heeseung left your side, returning a moment later with your collar from the other room. He lifted you to sit up before loosely securing it around your neck. Feeling safe and secure, you laid back down, heeseungs arms over your waist as you drifted off to sleep.
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