sonntagskind92 · 29 days
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The Beautiful French Paperback Covers for the A Song of Ice and Fire Novels
Le Trône de Fer (The Iron Throne)
Le Donjon Rouge (The Red Keep)
La Bataille des Rois (The Battle of the Kings)
L’Ombre Maléfique (The Evil Shadow)
L’Invincible Forteresse (The Invincible Fortress)
Intrigues à Port-Réal (Intrigues of King’s Landing)
L'Épée de Feu (The Sword of Fire) 
Les Noces Pourpres (The Purple Wedding)
La Loi du Régicide (The Law of Regicide)
Le Chaos (The Chaos)
Les Sables de Dorne (The Sands of Dorne)
Un Festin Pour Le Corbeaux (A Feast for Crows)
Le Bûcher d'un Roi (The Pyre of a King)
Les Dragons de Meereen (The Dragons of Meereen)
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sonntagskind92 · 4 months
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sonntagskind92 · 1 year
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sonntagskind92 · 1 year
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(2021 / 2022) cred: sousa
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sonntagskind92 · 1 year
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EDM vs. LAK | 05.08.22
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sonntagskind92 · 1 year
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it’s maf appreciation hours
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sonntagskind92 · 1 year
Rant: In my opinion, this whole thing could have been avoided if Provorov stood strong enough in his religious beliefs to stay home and not play in the game but because he wanted to serve money instead of God, he willingly drove to the Wells Fargo Center on Tuesday. He double downed on it by not participating in warmups as a method to prove to himself that he’s still honoring God and still collected a paycheck. (I’m convinced that if he said “I’m not playing tonight for personal reasons”, he still would have gotten paid. Due to the fact that players are entitled to a level of privacy as much as any other person, I don’t the league would have investigated him choosing not to play). He knew that Pride Night was happening in advance, it’s not like the Flyers just made it up on the spot. He knew what he was doing when he didn’t put on the jersey (some of his teammates did wear the jersey but no pride tape), he didn’t have to say anything but he knew that there was going to be backlash for him (even if he thought that people wouldn’t come for him and it would blow over easily).
Also, I don’t think he should of been scratched or fined for it (The only reason why he wasn’t punished for it is because he could claim that he was punished for religious beliefs and the NHLPA could rightfully argue that it’s religious discrimination) but I do think that he should of made the conscious decision himself (not Torts or management or the league) to not play. It’s not Pride warmup, it’s Pride Night so there’s going to be constant reminders that promote something you disagree with. Pride Nights and other theme nights serve as a safe space to show others that they are welcomed and respected in sport. To me, if you have strong negative feelings/beliefs towards something, don’t participate in it at all, even if you’re getting paid for it.
I do believe in the concept that your religious beliefs should be respected but I also believe that doesn’t shield you from criticism from others. (Also, just because someone criticizes your religious beliefs, that doesn’t mean you’re being persecuted against. To me, persecution means that there’s laws and other things in place to eliminate you existing because of your religious beliefs). (I also cannot stand when Christians are like “I’m strongly and publicly against these sins but I’m okay with others”. The “I’m holier than thou because I’m not worldly” attitude that some Christians have is so elitist. Jesus teaches us to humble ourselves towards others).
(This rant thread is my opinion and applies to all players who have personal beliefs that contradict whatever theme nights from their teams and still choose to show up & play, especially those performative activists & fake allies who participate in things but their beliefs don’t match it at all).
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sonntagskind92 · 1 year
the oldest married couple
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
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I'm fucking weeping rn
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
(We’re taking a calculus final. The TA is a well-known Lord of the Rings fan, and we’ve had running LotR jokes all semester.)
TA: “Okay, guys, everyone look at me. We’ve been over the rules, but just in case: no notes, pencil your answers in on the scantron sheet, and graphing calculators only – no more ‘can I just used my cell phone’ nonsense.”
Student: “[TA’s name], my calculator batteries just died! What should I do?”
TA: “Here, I’ve got a big box of spares.”
Student: *struggling* “I can’t get this packaging open…”
Student 2: “Here, I’ve got a pocket knife.”
TA: “And I’ve got a pair of scissors if you need them.”
Student 3: *from the back of the room* “OR MY AXE!”
(Everyone starts laughing.)
TA: “The only axes allowed on the exam are in the graph section.”
(Everyone groans.)
TA: “Oh, come on, you’re in a math class. Deal with the math jokes.”
(The professor enters with a stack of exams. With him are two exam proctors.)
Professor: “Tolkien jokes already, [TA’s name]?”
TA: “Hey, I didn’t start it.”
(The professor starts handing stacks of exams to the TA and proctors.)
Professor: “But I’m about to finish it. [TA], take these exams down the left flank. [Proctor 1], follow the desks down the center. [Proctor 2], take your exams right, along the wall.”
(At this point, many of the students have realized where this is going: Theoden’s lines from ‘Return of the King.’)
Professor: “Forth, and fear no problems! Solve! Solve, students of calculus! Points shall be taken, scores shall be splintered! A pencil day! A red-ink day! Until three thirty!”
(The professor pulls out a pencil, holding it out like a sword, and runs down the first row holding it out. Students hold up their pencils, hitting his as he passes.)
Professor: “Solve now! Solve now! Solve to good grades and the class ending! MAAATH!”
Entire Class: “MAAATH!”
Professor: “MAAAAATH!”
Entire Class: “MAAAAAATH!”
Professor: “Forth, exam-takers!”
(The entire class rises to their feet and gives him a standing ovation. A week later, we get an email from the professor.)
Professor: *at the end of the email* “PS: I appreciate all of you who wrote in their evaluations that I was the one professor to rule them all, but the best one yet was the student who called me ‘Mathrandir.’”
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
i’m crying they really had britlaren doing anything
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
Honestly, being dropped by McLaren is probably good for Daniel. He gets to walk away 15 mil richer and gets a fresh start at a different team. Could McLaren have handled this better? Yes, but I don’t think they wanted things to end this way either. From the initial terms of their contract, it’s pretty clear both parties wanted and expected this partnership to work out. McLaren is a company; it should not be surprising that they dropped Daniel for underperforming or that they tried to hide the Piastri deal in the hopes Daniel would choose not to extend and they wouldn’t have to do the payout.
Y’all are really acting like Danny is stupid or something. Rumors about his seat have been floating around forever. I’m sure he prepared for this scenario and has been exploring his options all season, and declaring his intent to stay with McLaren helps him with contract negotiations with other teams and to ensure he gets his payout. I’m not saying his messages were calculated or anything, but people should really trust Daniel and his team more. This is 100% not the end of his career.
Let’s be real, Daniel + McLaren was just really toxic. F1 teams always treat underperforming drivers like shit, and mentally, being stuck in the 2nd driver role is really tough. The Danny Ric situation isn’t that unique; it’s just another Checo 2020 or Pierre 2019 (and Checo was straight up overperforming). Ferrari even forced Kimi to leave F1 after he had won them a championship just a couple years earlier. The issue isn’t McLaren; it’s the culture of F1 & competition & motorsport politics. But just like Checo and Pierre got another chance to show their talent, I’m sure Daniel will get one too.
So not only is Daniel richer, he gets to avoid another year of getting beaten by Lando, being constantly criticized by the media, and having his achievements disrespected/undervalued. He gets a chance to reset mentally and hopefully ends up with a car he feels more comfortable with. Plus, there are a ton of open seats for 2023 so the market is better than it most likely will be for 2024. I really think that getting dropped is going to be a good thing for him.
Also, what is up with the Lando and Oscar hate? They are literally just doing their jobs. Lando is driving to the best of his ability and Oscar just wants to get the best seat/contract available. Totally do not blame him for ditching Alpine after they failed to get him a seat for 2022 + didn’t even intend to give him a seat at Alpine this year before the Alonso move happened + tried to force him into driving for them using social media. Pretty obvious Alpine hasn’t been kind to their drivers/academy members either. 
Anyway, I know this post is kind of harsh; Danny girlies don’t kill me; y’all are doomposting, but I really think things will work out. Trying to spread some positive vibes for y’all.
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
sebastian announces that he's retiring from f1 at the end of the 2022 season leaving a vacant seat at aston martin so alonso signs a contract with aston martin and that leaves alpine with a vacant seat that would go to oscar piastri if only he didn't have a pre agreement with mclaren but piastri can't go to mclaren because his contract with alpine says that he's legally bound to take the seat alpine is offering him so alpine and piastri could enter a legal battle and who's winning it all out of this? mark webber who's piastri's agent. it all comes down to sebastian vettel and mark webber in this sport in this essay i will
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
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Toto and Jack fighting at the 2022 Austrian Grand Prix.
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
Ok then, I saw someone asking for an in-depth Carlos and Lando friendship analysis earlier so since I’m here from the beginning in 2019, this is my rent that I had ready in my phone notes for a while. When I see Carlos and Lando relationship compared with others I have to laugh bc I know there’s so much people who never lived the carlando teammates era and can’t even remotely understand the bond they had (and still have). The evenings spent at Carlos’ place, the Christmas shopping with Isa, the way their rooms in the motorhome were practically two in one bc Carlos was ALWAYS in Lando’s. The way they were sharing the same plate of food even when Covid was around, the nights watching films together (with the video projector and the deck chairs stolen from outside during Austria 2020), THAT night in Mexico 2019 when they were dancing together behind the dj console. The secret mini golf in each other hotel rooms bc they couldn’t stay in the same room during the pandemic. The days after Carlos’ first podium, when they shared every fucking day after Brasil GP together bc Carlos brought Lando with him EVERYWHERE, even at his personal trainer’s place at dinner. The Carlos’ birthday spent playing golf just the two of them. The week of Lando’s 22nd birthday spent in the same holiday home in Brasil. The fact that Lando Norris is the only fucking face appearing on Carlos’ nightstand in his bedroom in Madrid. The fact that Carlos girlfriend only follows Carlos and Lando as drivers. The fact that Carlos’ mum hugged lando like he was his son after Abu Dhabi 2021. I can’t even put into words what they have lived together. They were not just two teammates getting along or being fun in the team challenges. They were two people sharing their lives and wanting to spend their free time together (in an healthy environment bc McLaren had nothing and nothing to lose). And you can hardly or impossibly replicate that.
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sonntagskind92 · 2 years
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