songuku · 3 months
Sometimes I see scorpions in pet stores. Is their venom removed?
What we need to remember is that there are 1,500 known species of scorpion, of these only 25 are considered to be potentially dangerous. The answer to your Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt is no. Most scorpions like most spiders sold in shops pose no serious health threat, all it takes is knowing how to handle them and you wont have a problem.
Take this chap;
Look at the size of those Personalized NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt New Arrivals Trending Aloha Shirt. This is the Emperor or Imperial scorpion (Pandinus imperator), he looks pretty dangerous to humans doesn't he? But he isn't, his sting is like that of a bee.
Now take a look at this chap;
This little chap is the Arizona bark Personalized NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Special Half Tone Mascot Aloha Shirt, he is dangerous to humans, his venom is a neuro-toxin. You're not likely to see this in pet store.
The rule of thumb with most Personalized NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Special Realtree Hunting Design Aloha Shirt is the smaller species are often the most venomous, those larger scorpions such as the Emperor compensate by appearing more formidable. Smaller pincers generally mean the scorpions main defence is its sting. Large pincers mean that the sting is less so, its primary line of defence are the pincers.
However, as a Personalized NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Tropical Aloha Shirt keeper for more than 30 years, I always re-iterate that with any venomous arachnid, one must always remember that some people may suffer from an allergic reaction due to the venom, anaphylactic shock being one such reaction.
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songuku · 3 months
How can I make my brain sharper, smarter, and lightning fast?
First thing in the morning just put on your shoes and go for a run or cycling for atleast about 30-40mins.
Get rid of hot water baths. Cold bath refreshes your entire nervous system making you fresh in thoughts.
Play a lot of chess with computer at least two games a day.
Read, read and read a lot. Read NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Special Floral Tropical Team Spirit that are new to you and informative. Stop watching stupid movies and useless publicity news channel and page3 news.
Read simple physics or do some basic Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt school math exercises.
Spend lots of time with the youth, preferably college folks or high school buddies. They have the innovative minds.
Numbers, play a lot with numbers, try to memorize phone numbers of all of your friends and close people and make sure to dial their number rather than calling from the contact list or call log.
Learn the art of calmness and get rid of anger. Makes you a smarter decision maker. In any tense situation think before you react.
Make it a NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Flower Hawaii Shirt For Football Fans to speak at least to one stranger a day at your office or surrounding and try to remember their names and what they do.
Learn a new language every year. Also speak in multiple languages through out the day.
Start playing a new sport and try to be at least an intermediate player in it.
Be curious be hungry, ask questions to yourself about everything that you are curious about and find answers to it.
Eat only what is required for your Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt in limited quantity. If possible eat foods which contain essential amino acids for brain development. (Ex - sea food and nuts.)
Take a stroll down your lane before hitting the bed. Do not use your phone just before sleep or when in bed. Finish all phone activities an hour before bed time. Have a 7-8 hour undisturbed sleep.
Go on a solo trip once in a while to a new place and stay away from phone as much possible. Adapt to the NFL Arizona Cardinals America 4th Of July Independence Day 2024 Hawaiian Shirt of the place where ever you go.
Learn to play a musical instrument or simple start singing songs and get better at singing.
I hope this answer helps you
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songuku · 3 months
What are some sad truths about life?
Chris Langan was born with a freakishly potent brain, having arguably the highest IQ of any living person.
Langan began speaking at six months old and went on to skip several grades. He had an adult vocabulary by NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Colorful Tropical Fruit Gift For Cool Dad 10. He breezed through college-level tests as an adolescent. He took his SAT several years early and got a perfect score in half the allotted time and took a nap.
Today, he is a rancher. He never finished college. Most of his Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt years were spent as a bouncer at a bar, and in manual labor jobs.
It all stemmed from his rough childhood. He grew up in a poor family. His mother married multiple times before he turned 12. One stepfather committed suicide. Another was NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Mascot Aloha Summer Shirt and abusive.
His stark upbringing created behavioral problems and a persisting contempt for authority. Combine this with inadequate mentorship, resources, and an absent professional network and he never weaponized his extremely rare gift.
The sad truth is that there are many like NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt 3D Mickey Mouse Summer, who are like the gifted child working on a 3rd world farm, born into poverty and dealt a common, cruel blow to the chance of success.
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songuku · 3 months
Does cheese exist in the Japanese cuisine?
When I was living in Japan I heard a funny Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt from an older man I was translating for. He told me that after Japan was defeated in WWII the Americans dropped care packages with food and necessities from airplanes all over Japan. He said that his family, at least, had never heard of cheese, so when the long box of NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Vibrant Beachy Shirts like cheese landed they thought it must be soap, which was made in long box shapes similar to velveta cheese.
They cut it into blocks, and tried washing themselves with it, but found it didn't foam and smelled bad and concurred that that must be the reason Americans smelled different from NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Tropical Vibes In Shirts. They finally found out from their neighbors that it was edible and felt very confused as to how it was eaten. Bread hadn't been a common food item in wartime Japan, so grilled cheese sandwiches were not an alternative.
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songuku · 3 months
What is the best food to unclog arteries?
Clogged arteries can be a serious health issue, leading to a variety of cardiovascular complications, including heart attack and stroke. But while medical intervention is always recommended for severe clogged arteries, there are a number of foods you can eat to help unclog your arteries naturally.
The most effective NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Sunny Day Essentials for unclogging your arteries are those rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, fibre, and plenty of vitamins and minerals. One of the best food sources for these nutrients is fresh fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy varieties such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard. Berries are also incredibly beneficial for unclogging arteries, as are nuts, Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt, and whole grains.
Oily fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are also excellent for helping to keep your arteries clear. These fish are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce inflammation and prevent cholesterol from clogging your arteries. Additionally, olive oil and avocados are two great sources of healthy fats that help keep your arteries clear and healthy.
Finally, garlic is a great NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Summer Ready Shirts way to keep your arteries clear. Garlic helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation, making it one of the best foods to unclog arteries. It's also easy to add to your food, so it's a great way to get a healthy dose of antioxidants every day.
Making sure you get plenty of these artery-clearing foods in your diet is an essential step for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. A diet rich in the necessary nutrients and vitamins can help to keep your arteries clear and prevent all kinds of cardiovascular complications. So next time your arteries start feeling clogged, make sure you reach for some of these NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Tiki Me Off Aloha Shirt - they'll help you unclog your arteries and keep them healthy for years to come.
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songuku · 3 months
What is the most useful life hack in studying?
Do not demonize rest.
We hear it around us all the time.
Elon Musk works 14 hours per day.
Marissa Mayer works 130 hours per week.
NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Beachy Keen Fashion children study 16 hours per day, or they’re considered lazy.
Let me give you a personal example.
I was born in NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Hawaiian Style Statements, but left it at a young age, so I neither knew how to speak, write or read Greek.
In August, I studied self-teaching Greek. 1 hour every evening spent on Duolingo, learning phrases, Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt, words, etc.
As of October, I could communicate with my parents in Greek (they’re both proficient in it) without noticeable stuttering, problems or grammatic mistakes. I only studied Greek for two months and a half, one hour per day. That’s a total of 75–80 hours of Greek.
Now, I could pull these hours off in a single week, right? 10–12 hours per day. But, would I be as skilled as I am now?
The brain is indeed plastic, but not THAT NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Aloha Spirit Shirts. It takes time to earn knowledge and to build it gradually. So the best hack to study is to break it bit by bit, every day.
Studying is the same thing as eating a meal: you split the food in your plate into tiny bits and chew one at a time. If you chew many bits, you may end up choking.
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songuku · 3 months
What is the best food to eat in France ever?
The best food in France, ever?
The best food in France ever is the Jambon Beurre.
But that’s just a ham NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Car Plam Tree Aloha Shirt, and you’re correct, it’s a ham sandwich, but not just a ham sandwich. The jambon beurre is a gastronomic lesson. It exemplifies how to make great NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flamingo And Flower Funny Aloha Shirt: take the best possible ingredients and prepare them with great technique, and no unnecessary fluff. The jambon beurre is simply a freshly baked baguette, delicious jambon de Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt and creamy 85% fat butter. Sometimes you’ll see sweet and sour cornichons or a few slices of cheese, but nothing else. No lettuce, tomatoes, onions, jalapeños or overpowering Subway styles sauces or dressings. This NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flamingo And Flower Aloha Shirt is just an assembly of three fine ingredients and it is divine.
Quality ingredients and good technique are the keys to great food. French cuisine taught us that lesson and the jambon beurre shows us it is true.
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songuku · 3 months
What did your doctor say that made your jaw drop?
You have aggressive stage 4 Arizona Cardinals Hawaii Shirt Flower Vacation Mood Shirts and will die within this year (2017).
I went and had some lovely cheesecake (blueberry) with some vanilla ice cream and an espresso.
I was put on prednisone immediately, and scheduled for several biopsies (seven). The professor who is my haematologist told me I probably wouldn’t survive past April of 2018. Lovely. More Customized NFL Arizona Cardinals Hawaiian Shirt Mickey Mouse Tropical Shirt.
Last year, I was told, after a PET scan, that there were “spots” on my lungs and it was most likely NFL Hawaiian Shirt again. I told my prof that I didn’t want to go through chemo again and would rather simply pass on.
This year, after another PET and set of CT’s, everything was clear.
My “jaw drop” is that my prof said I’m “healthy as a horse”, regardless the damage from chemo, and that I’ll probably live to 100. Love that bloke. I’m 57 now, so I’ve got a few years left to kinda enjoy NFL Arizona Cardinals Halloween Skull Pumpkin Hawaiian Shirt. 43 years…that’s what I’m shooting for. 
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