somnum-nyxtibius · 4 months
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Gift from a faithful friends
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somnum-nyxtibius · 5 months
@d-d-disgusting Count X
One would see it unnerving to hold a kill in front of a beast whose gaze can chill a soul in the place, whose stance can contradict the soul and urge it to run. But not for Onna'ril, while it does make the griffon disheartened to know it took them being this low to indulge in things like this. But it's because of this is why they are her spar partner, there are no resignations, no hesitations, there is no more giving. All there's left is to take and render flesh and ichor that mocks flesh! This semi-wilted sunflower feels like they're one of her fogmates at this point, she doesn't mind teasing a hungry beast! Once Vincent crouched down on all fours she twirlled around, letting the wind engulf her small form to grow in size. No bigger than a jackal for her trickster mood! She sports no wings, there's no need to keep to the air when both of them can jump and climb trees.~ And where she wanna run, it may just get in the way.
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She lets out a rapid couple of squeaks, mimicking chuckles that trailed off into a defensive growl. Poofing up reaaal big before making a break for it, into the forest! If... All goes to plan there may be something else in store for the winner of this chase.
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somnum-nyxtibius · 5 months
@revunant X
The cooing in return was the final thing she needed to comfortably loaf up and relax. Especially when he himself relaxes too, even if it's just a less tense grip on his gun. It perplexes her, however, is why'd Havok would want to brave the cold like this without making a fort. She shuffles and wiggles in place to make sure she's settled there before letting out a big birdy sigh.
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Onna may have an idea on how to combat the numbing chill of the air, thankfully! While she's not magically inclined in the fire aspect to help warm him, another trick may do! Any cold wind that came their way was redirected elsewhere to keep the wind off of him. She tried to conceal the magics to hide that she was doing it, unsure how'd Havok might react. Though... She will pull this.~ "Brrr!" Onna'rill spoke up, like a mixture of a raven's voice and a budge's deep tones, it's clear a bird is talking given that inhuman cadence. Though it still sounds... unnatural even to mundane talking birds. This probably adds to the notion that other birds might not want to stick around her. "Buddy borb! Buddy buddy!" she squeaks coos before going to preen his head, "Buddy cold!"
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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Strange Cats
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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Knoxonk tidbit!!
If a knoxonk trusts you enough you can ask to borrow one of their floating eyes as a scrying object.~ it has its uses from seeing things from their perspective to projecting a semi-corporeal form near the knoxonk or near another floating eye. Normally the eye can be adorned in jewelry like rings, tiaras, crowns, necklaces, and earrings. But another option, and usually more concealing( in Barborous' case), is to replace one's eye with theirs. There's no need to remove an eye for this process, though it'll feel a slight discomforting pressure on the chosen eye socket.
Thankfully, this won't have any ill effects on the user or won't count as possession. But keep advised that unsavory knoxonks like Rethalan may use this against the holder if crossed. An eye held or owned makes it easy for the knoxonk to hard stare and brand said user.
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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Bengal Tigers Lying in Bantey Srei temple, Cambodia
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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One for onna too because she loves possessing birds too~
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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The Twisted Trees of Slope Point, New Zealand
Slope Point is at the southernmost point of the South Island of New Zealand. The air streams loop the ocean, unobstructed for 2000 miles, until they reach Slope Point causing incredibly strong winds. In fact, the winds are so strong and persistent here that they perpetually warp and twist the trees into these crooked, wind-swept shapes. 
Slope Point is generally uninhabited, except for the herds of sheep that graze the land. There are no roads leading here, however backpackers regularly make the short 20-minute walk to see the fascinating tree formations that only Mother Nature could create. However there is no public access during the lambing season from September to November.
sources 1, 2, 3, 4
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒌 𝒀𝒂𝒊 ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴜɢʟᴇʀ’ꜱ “ᴀʟɪᴇɴ ʜʏᴘᴇʀꜱᴇɴꜱᴇ"
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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Potoo Bird
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
That’s SO cool to see it explained
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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This is the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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by Furdi De Rivera
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
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Panther in the rain.
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somnum-nyxtibius · 6 months
[ me not being able to stick to my own canon?? correct! ]
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