for the love of all that is holy can someone who does parallels please put up a parallel with the buddie shooting scene and the scene with willow and tara (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and tara getting shot. am i the only person that thought it was a little sus how the shooting scene was SO SIMILAR to that of a CANONICALLY LGBTQ+ SHIP??? HELP???? 
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you couldn’t trust strangers. not back home, and apparently not in a place like this, either. not all strangers, anyway. some of them turned out to be all right, but some of them, you wanted to keep your distance from. she’d been heading into town, and she just happened to be going the same direction as the man who was now talking to her. well, talking seemed to be putting it nicely. threatening was more like it. still, she scoffed. “do it,” she said, knowing that she had her knife, and if she could maybe think quickly, she had half a chance against the stranger. the scar on her cheek was visible proof that she’d survived worse than some stranger trying to threaten her. “honestly, just do it. maybe if i die here, i go back home.” or maybe i see my daddy, mama, and shawn again. that dark thought remained inside of her head, untouched. the fact was, though, if she begged this man not to hurt her, maybe that was exactly what he wanted to hear, so he could do just that. perhaps if his threat was boldly welcomed, he’d leave well enough alone because that wasn’t what he’d been expecting. her heart hammered in her chest, but this wasn’t her first brush with death, and with how things were going lately, beth rather doubted it would be her last. 
               open : ( + 2 ) max . ( @zertheastarters​ ) 
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    witches . it had to be the witches . niklaus could find no other explanation as to why he was experiencing scattered memories along with untimely hallucinations . this world was but a semblance of what was and truth be told , he was aching to go back home — to be given answers as to what all of this meant for the fate of his family . it seemed as if his supernatural abilities as the original hybrid had remained intact . however , despite his superhuman speed , he could no longer outrun the looming figures of darkness that pursued him . he could hear voices , almost as if they were taunting him . he had always been a mad man but to feel so powerless was driving him over the edge . niklaus had disappeared with the wind , steps slowing only when he reached the side of what seemed to be an empty building . this land was dry , almost humid and as his senses were heightened , so were his emotions . in a violent rage , he picked up on the first sign of life trailing him , mistaking them for the reason for these demons that chased him . “ you have two seconds to convince me not to end you right here , right now . “ he warned , taking the initiative to advance towards them . 
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favorite character meme [8/8] quotes
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[twd. emily kinney. 25. cis female. ] bright light fading away BETH GREENE has found themselves in a new unrecognized land. the last thing SHE remembers before she was taken was TYREESE, SASHA, RICK, AND DARYL COMING TO THE HOSPITAL. they say back in those times they were known to be +OPTIMISTIC, however, also have their moments when they could be -DISTANT and was always best recognized by A WORN OUT JOURNAL, A SOFT SOPRANO VOICE, A KNIFE IN HER BELT. 
full name: Beth Greene
age: 25 
sexuality: bisexual 
species: human
occupation:  none yet
positive traits: optimistic, caring, 
negative traits: distant, stubborn, reckless
PAST –––
https://the-walking-dead-tvseries.fandom.com/wiki/Beth_Greene Minus the dying part. 
Beth is not pleased to have woken up in Zerthea. Just when she and Noah were about to leave the hospital for good with her people, she was whisked away to this new place. Logically speaking, she should be pleased. This place was pristine. Untouched by walkers. She would be safe here. But what was safety without her family? Adjusting to this new place, she can’t help but hope to stumble upon a familiar face. Of all the people to randomly wind up safe in a walker free space, she can’t help but wonder why her? 
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underappreciated beth greene
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