sometimesitsfine · 3 years
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
“We are a culture of people who’ve bought into the idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives won’t catch up with us.”
— Brené Brown (via quotemadness)
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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My favorite part of our marriage...we made our own family. 🖤 miss you stef.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
It doesn’t matter the size or finishes of the house. If the people inside are broken it will never be a home.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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HBD🖤 The sun doesn’t shine as bright without you Stef.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
“This is a thing many people outside your grief cannot understand: that you have not simply lost one person, at one point in time. You have lost their presence in every aspect of your life. Your future has changed as well as your “now”.”
— Megan Devine, refugeingrief.com
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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Thank you for your service 🖤
Miss you Stef 🖤
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
“Learn to be ok with people not knowing your side of the story. You have nothing to prove to anyone.”
— Unknown
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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One of my favorite photos. Please watch over each other in heaven. 🖤
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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You both saved me. Each of you were sent to me when I needed you most. My loves.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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Grief hits at the worst times. Like when you’re loading groceries and realize the carrier is sitting in the trunk without purpose anymore. Clipper, you saved me in life. It was you and I against the world. Thanks for the best 8.5 years I could’ve asked for. 🖤
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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Keep this guy in your prayers. Sean Blesedell was my old squad leader and a very good friend of mine. He attempted suicide but by some luck his attempt failed. He’s in the ICU recovering and we’re all hoping for a fast recovery. 22 veterans a day commit suicide. The military trains them to go to war, but no one trains them to come home. Help out a veteran and give them a chance by just listening to them. Usually, all they want is to get their stories heard and to be reminded that people still care about you.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
Kurt Cobain didn’t die to become a cute tank top at Urban Outfitters
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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“I thought about now, then thought about forever
I thought about fire and how we walked through it
The times I got it right, the times I blew it
I thought about real, I thought about good, I thought about true
And I thought about you”
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
What is it like to have a decent family?!? Bc I sure as hell wouldn’t know.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
People speak the truth. Believe them. Have ears to hear the truth rather than blinders to avoid it.
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sometimesitsfine · 4 years
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And I am stuck again.
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