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Feliz cumpleaños, Hange
Despertó, gracias al ruido de las olas, una fresca brisa chocaba contra su cuerpo desde la ventana del oscuro camarote en el que se encontraba, miró hacia la misma, había caído la noche, lo cual le hizo recordar que llevaban varias horas embarcados. Hange le había informado que, probablemente, llegarían a Odiha al amanecer, Suspiró, todavía le quedaban un par de horas de descanso, ¿verdad? Estaba a punto de volver a conciliar el sueño cuando repentinamente lo notó, el lugar estaba silencioso, demasiado silencioso.
¿Dónde diablos está Hange? Pensó, Levi era consciente de que los únicos capaces de poder dormir más de dos horas seguidas en aquellas circunstancias eran esa mujer barbuda, la cual nunca se callaba por culpa de sus delirios febriles, y sorprendentemente, el. Pero incluso teniendo eso en cuenta, consiguió persuadir a su comandante para que se recostara un tiempo, porque, supuestamente, lo necesitaba, o eso era lo que había creído, ya que no había señales de ella aquel silencioso camarote.
Tenía que buscarla y traerla de nuevo a la cama, pensó, así que intento levantarse, pero un dolor punzante en el cuerpo, como recordatorio, lo detuvo.
—Maldita seas Hange… —susurró.
Sus heridas seguían doliendo como el demonio, apenas si podía respirar con normalidad, pero eso no importa, pensó, sentía que si seguía así, durmiendo como un maldito viejo, se olvidarían de él.
De alguna forma, logró ponerse en pie y dar unos errantes y temblorosos pasos, apoyándose en lo que podía para no caer, con esfuerzo, pudo salir del camarote, hasta el pasillo, no sin maldecirla pisada a pisada por no poder quedarse quieta un par de horas, ¿era tanto pedir? Momentos como este le hacían extrañar un poco a aquel joven Moblit.
Finalmente, después de unos largos y dolorosos minutos, pudo reconocerla a través de la ventanilla de un camarote cercano, que suerte, no tendría mucho viaje de vuelta a su cama, en caso de tener que arrastrarla a ella.
Se encontraba sentada en un escritorio, a espaldas de la puerta, la única fuente de luz de ese pequeño camarote era una vela casi extinta cerca de ella, parecía estar esforzándose demasiado para no ser encontrada o interrumpida.
Sin dudarlo un segundo, se acercó y abrió la puerta, causando un chirrido, al mismo tiempo que notó como Hange, que hasta el momento parecía muy concentrada en lo que estaba haciendo, se tensaba al oír aquel ruido, dándole una pausa a su actividad, volteando lenta y nerviosamente hacia él.
—¡Levi! Eres tu —al reconocerlo, se calmó con un suspiro. —Realmente vas a matarme un día de estos…—rió. —¿Necesitas algo?
—No exageres Hange. Y si, necesito algo, que vuelvas a la cama ¿Qué demonios estás haciendo ahora? —regañó.
El la miró, notó como doblaba y trataba de ocultar un papel con una de sus manos mientras sostenía un bolígrafo con la otra, por más que intentase taparlo con risitas cómplices, parecía nerviosa, como si la hubiese encontrado cometiendo alguna falta, claramente se veía que había estado mordiéndose los labios y Levi lo notó, ¿había llorado? Se había quitado el parche y sus ojos se veían húmedos. ¿Debería decir algo? Pensó.
Cuando abrió la boca para hacerlo, Hange lo interrumpió.
—¡Lo siento! sé que querías que descansara para estar preparada mañana pero… —hizo una pausa, suspirando y dedicándole una mirada algo adormecida. —¿Sabes que, Levi? Realmente no he podido pegar un ojo y…
—Aún esta oscuro afuera, —interrumpió, acercándose a ella y posando su mano sana en el hombro de ella, realmente le preocupaba, se veía muy nerviosa. —realmente deberías intentar dormir un poco antes de llegar a Odiha, tienes tiempo.
—Sí, lo sé, —desvió la mirada. —solo necesito terminar de escribir algo.
Levi no dudó en preguntar
—¿Qué es lo que escribes? —intento observar aquel papel doblado en su mano.
Con una pequeña risa y un movimiento de su mano, escondió el papel detrás de sí, como si jugase, pero claramente nerviosa. Él, respondió a aquella acción frunciendo el ceño ¿Qué era lo que ocultaba? escondida aquí, escribiendo vaya a saber qué a altas horas de la noche, al borde de las lágrimas ¿Qué le ocurría? Y el hecho de que ella estuviese tan empeñada en no dejar que él lo sepa no ayudaba para nada.
—Puedes terminarlo en la mañana, Hange, tendrás tiempo. —dijo, tirándola suavemente por una de las manga de su camisa, intentando que se levantase.
Luego de eso, ella tomo su mano, dándole un suave apretón.
—Sí, Levi, sí —rio. —Lo tengo claro, además… —lo miro divertidamente.—¿No eres tú realmente el que debería estar descansando?
Carajo, tenía razón, recordó como el dolor lo estaba golpeando a oleadas constantemente, cualquiera podía notarlo. Se retorció un poco como respuesta mientras asentía.
—Bueno, volveré a la cama, pero no me hagas venir a buscarte de nuevo.
Intentó encaminarse hacia la puerta pero no pudo, trastabilló, con una expresión de dolor en su rostro se recostó en una de las paredes del camarote, y antes de darse cuenta, Hange lo sostenía por los hombros, ayudándolo a no caer, con una cálida mirada en su rostro, ¿se había calmado?
—Vaya, Levi, tu nunca cambias eh… —bromeó.—¿Quieres que te ayude a volver a tu cama?
Volvió a asentir, sintiéndose avergonzado por la escena y por su estado, ni siquiera podía caminar bien por su cuenta, parecía un maldito bebé, pensó. Pero, aun así, era Hange, lo había curado y cuidado en su estado más vulnerable, esta situación no era algo nuevo para ninguno de los dos a decir verdad, así que no dudó en apoyarse en ella. Luego de eso, la comandante y su herido capitán se abrieron paso hacia el camarote que ambos compartían.
Tardaron varios minutos en llegar, Levi estaba seguro de que hubiesen sido muchos menos si Hange no se hubiese empeñado en esperar a que se le pasase el dolor cada dos o tres pasos, no sin decirle que aparentemente se estaba volviendo un anciano en cada una de sus paradas, obviamente.
Lo acompañó hasta la cama, lo ayudó a recostarse, lo arropó como a un niño y bromeó respecto a ello. Al terminar, Hange se dispuso dar las buenas noches y levantarse, pero la mano de Levi ya la había tomado de una de las mangas de su camisa.
—Hange, ven a dormir.
—Tranquilo, —sonrió. —volveré antes de que te des cuenta, realmente debo terminar esto, tú descansa, ¿sí?—terminó, dándole una dulce mirada mientras sostenía delicadamente su vendada mano.
Levi la miró unos segundos, su mirada denotaba preocupación por ella, estos ciertamente deben haber sido los días más difíciles de toda su carrera como comandante, o mejor dicho, de su vida, y aun así se negaba a permanecer quieta, suspiró, era totalmente un caso perdido. Miró los alrededores de aquella oscura habitación en la que ambos se encontraban, hasta que su ojo se topó con el reloj de pared colgado frente a él, sorprendido, lo recordó, estaba a punto de decir algo al respecto, de repente pero la vio, parada, su cara daba a la puerta, estaba a punto de irse, ¿Tan rápida era?
—Oye, Hange, espera. —la llamó, en un tono más fuerte que el habitual, lo que sorprendió a ambos.
Ella lo miro, boquiabierta, su cabeza estaba ladeada, sus ojos volvían a estar algo húmedos, con una diferencia, su parche había vuelto.
—¿Necesitas algo más?—Dijo confundida.
—Feliz cumpleaños, Lentes.
Notó como Hange se tensaba, apretando el perillo, acomodó sus anteojos, bajo la mirada, pero luego, lo miró, devolviéndole una significativa sonrisa al capitán.
—Levi, gracias.
El solo asintió.
Así, como si de un espectro se tratase, se deslizo por la puerta, cerrándola tras ella.
La noche pasó, ella no volvió.
Y Levi no durmió.
Mi primer one-shot, terminado hoy a las 6am, quería publicarlo en ao3 pero eso de las invitaciones me arruinó :c no tiene chiste subirlo otro día, tampoco se cuanta comunidad hispanohablante hay por acá u.u pero espero que si alguien lo lee que le guste (? es mi regalito para Hange <3
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TW: Dementia
This is going to be super angsty and kind of dark but hear me out if you want to suffer a little.
A couple of days ago I listened to the full six shells of "Eveywhere at the end of time" (six albums that attempt to "simulate" the different stages of dementia) and gee... it touched me in a way I can't describe.
There is a song called "heartaches" or "a burning memory" on the album, which keeps playing within the six albums, increasingly unrecognizable. Many people have theorized that it represents a very important memory, and the patient trying not to forget it.
Here's the thing, I had to make it levihan, imagine Levi, getting older, going through this, forgetting, and forgetting Hange without realizing it, but having a part of him trying to remember them, failing a little more every day, until there is nothing. Until he doesn't even remember forgetting them. Having Onyankopon, Falco and Gabi dealing with this.
(I can't go on any longer, it's too sad, but I wanted to explain the idea)
I have to admit this album broke me a little bit, it's quite a journey, I really recommend it if you are in a good state of mind, it really changes you.
I'm going to leave a video with the song in question, even its lyrics can be associated to Levi and Hange, that's why I made this crazy association.
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Oh my, this is my first time being tagged on something, thank you so much!! 🥺💖
I couldn’t stop myself from making Levi and I HAHAHA (I literally can kiss him on the forehead)
Tags: oh eh @everyone, this is new for me so... feel free to do it if you want! owo
Tag and reblog game :)

Me and my mans 😽
Try it with me if you like :) ♥️
Tagging: @jadore-fabulosity @monstraa @ihaveaterribleheadache @luma-ro @q-the-rockaholic @gojosbby @thequestioning-maiden
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A couple of days ago I saw someone in tiktok saying something like “me searching for a Levihan fanfic whitout having Levi and hange calling each other four eyes and clean freak 🙄”
Bro what do you want a fucking crackfic or what? Lmao
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When I had the balls to tell my friends that I shipped Levihan they were like “I never seen it that way... but damn it makes sense.” Even one that ships eruri told me so, when we head canon together she always say that they would live together, even as just friends, cause that’s how it is, they have to be together by common sense hehe, that’s the power Levihan has
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Levi is such an angel, I’m sure Kuchel would be very proud of the man he has become
Oh ): ❤️❤️

I just really love how she hugged him and cried + at the same time Kenny was saying that everyone is a slave to something and he said “ children “.
This is just so precious.
You can imagine how much she loved Levi.
My heart hurts when I remember that she died and he did go through this hell.
Also, Levi never forgot his mother. Never.

So yes. My heart hurts.
Levi Ackerman, how precious.
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Let’s talk about the life of a Titan from Shingeki no Kyojin
(Found on the Facebook page L’Attaque des Titans France)
Since the chapter 87, readers know that Titans are in fact humans from a special ethnic group : the Eldians, who are deported and turned into monsters by Marleyans. But why ?
Eldians are born in a world traumatised by centuries of Eldia’s domination. So they have to pay all their life for mistakes they didn’t comit. They carry a cursed legacy which causes them hatred and mistreatments. They bear poverty, discriminations, violences. They have no right to protest. They deal with propaganda which learns them to hate themselves and their ancestry, so they don’t even have the right to be proud or to have self-esteem.
And what if they try to rebel ? They are arrested, tortured, humiliated and finally deported, which means they are turned into titans, without any hope to be human again one day. So it’s a choice to make : bear your wretched life or beware…
And as titans, they even lose their bodily integrity, because they cannot control themselves anymore. They are only starving monsters unable to talk, to think, they’re always naked, they lose their genitals, it’s basically regression in all the fields of a civilization. All they can do is wander and eat humans from Survey Corps, who consequently see them as monsters and oppressors. Some of those cursed people are killed under their titan form after a tragic life, it’s so pointless.
And the worst part of this horror is that they may still remain conscious. From what Ymir said to Bertholt, she was feeling like she was stuck into a never-ending nightmare. And we still have the exemple from the titan who ate Ilse Langner : this titan was from Ymir’s cult, and when it found Ilse, who looks like Ymir, this titan resists to the need to eat her and bows to her, just like he did when he was human. It seems it still has memories from its past.
So, maybe it depends on the individual. But we may guess that titans still have a consciousness unable to control their body, still have memories from their poor life, and see themselves trying to eat humans. They were considered as monsters in the continent, and they are in deed monsters on Paradise Island.
And now, let’s think about two little guys : Sawney and Bean
We don’t know the story of the humans they were before their deportation, but we have no reason to think they had another fate than the one we just described. But even though they are experience subjects, just keep in mind that they were probably partially conscious when Hanji :
Talked to them just as we talk to humans…
…gave them a name (and names are proper to society, civilization, so it renders them more human)…
… shook hands with them (another way to humanize them)…
…and cried when she hurted them (showing empathy to them).
Back then, we and other characters were all thinking the same thing : “Haha, Hanji’s a weirdo, she’s treating this monsters better than humans like Moblit”, and it made us laugh. But man !
Sawney and Bean are not their true name, but somewhere inside this titans, there is two anonymous Eldians who spent their life being hated by the world, maybe hating themselves, or struggling for basic rights. And they both ended being arrested, deported and turned into monsters. Never in all their life they got neither respect nor kindness, and then, there’s this weirdo…

… who appears from nowhere and gives them name while they’re trying to eat her and her comrades !!
Hanji has been the first one and the last one in all their life who actually treated them as persons, who gave them a chance, who did not judge them, and this, while they were man-eating monsters.
And while we were all thinking Isayama was creating an odd comic relief, he was already showing how good and kind and open-hearted and visionary Hanji was ! She foresaw, maybe unconsciously, that titans weren’t only monsters, and she gave them what they needed all their life : basic consideration.
And this is another proof that Hanji isn’t only a mad scientist, but that Isayama wanted her, since day one, to embody values like pure kindness, tolerance, selfless interest, curiosity, abnegation, protection of the weak ones, love, this character is pure love, she was written to be pure love, never forget this ! When she’s fighting, she’s fighting people who freely made choices to take freedom away from weaker ones, like Military Police, Kenny’s men, warriors shifters, jaegerists ! She just wants everyone to have the chance to make choices, to be judged by what they intentionally did, not who they are. And this is maybe the best thing we can wish to anyone : to be free to make your own choices without being limited by your random and meaningless birth’s conditions. This was what the Survey Corps was fighting for.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Hanji Zoe.
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I just watched the show today with my friends and YES THEY ARE AAAAAAAAAAAA
The Way of The House Husband but make it ✨Levihan✨
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About that scene in 126.
I’ve seen some people analyzing this again! And I wanted to tell ya’ll my thought about it too!
I personally never thought that Levi rejected hange tbh, in that scene we can clearly see that she was talking to herself, and there are lots of things that obviously didn’t appeared on the manga cause that would ve unnecessary. I think that hange, at some point of her monologue, would have mention that prhase “what’s left if we run and hide like this?” Cause we all know that hange wouldn’t left humanity to be killed, and she already started to build a cart, she knew her duty.
That’s when they start talking again and hange says “you must be full of regret, but for now...”
And Levi responds “What’s left if we run and hide like this.”
“What, you could hear my soliloquy, huh.”
It seems to me that he responded her with something she already said, he didn’t rejected her at all.
Also, after that, levi says that he knows her and that she can’t stay out of the action. So why would levi reject her? That doesn’t make any sense, but maybe I’m wrong, I never seen someone thinking like this about that scene. 🤔
I’m pretty sure I’m overthinking it 🤡🤡🤡 👉🏻👈🏻 but I needed to tell someone my thoughts about this “controversial” scene. What do you think?
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Now that we are making some Hamilton x SNK post... should I finish that levihan “one/two shot” that I had sleeping in my folder for almost a month now? 👀👀👀👀
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Can we all stop this war that’s been going on here since 139 came out?
Neither of them, Erwin or Hange, can hold hands with Levi cause guess what? THEY ARE BOTH DEAD, DEAD, FUCKING DEAD FOR GODS SAKE

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The dude literally abandoned him in the underground (he didn’t even have the balls to take him out of there before leaving poor little Levi alone) and yet we are headcanoning him like a loving and protecting uncle whaaat
i keep seeing fanarts of kenny and levi as a kid and kenny being the caring uncle also i have this little head canon of mine that kenny is very careful with levi cuz he reminds him of kuchel and i would just burst out crying T°T
I don't think he was careful with him at all. I think Levi suffered A lot in his "care".
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