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I’ve been debating about this for a little while now, because I know so many of you still enjoy and are active in this group, which I so appreciate, as everything was totally beyond my expectations, and I love you all for it. However, I’ve been struggling with my own muse here, and I’ve made the decision to leave the group. I debated on whether or not to hand the group off to one of you guys, but I decided I’m not really comfortable with that, so from here on out, Something Special HQ’s main is closed. You guys are more than free to continue with the group, but I won’t be updating the main or anything like that. If you want to add new characters, you can just sort of discuss it in the Discord chat and things can go on a first come, first serve sort of basis - really, whatever you want to do with it is fine be me. You can even create a new main, and have one or two of you admin that, if you wish. I didn’t want to shut this down fully, because I know that a lot of you are enjoying yourselves, and I’ll be keeping up the server, so you can all continue to chat there. Thank you all for a lovely couple months, for those of you who stay, I hope you enjoy yourselves! 
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Now that we are at member capacity, I’ve decided that applications will be accepted daily! After an app count post is made, members will have about 24 hours to either send in a competing application, or ask for an extension, if they’re also interested in applying for that character, but need a little more time for their app. 
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full name: Brittany Susan Pierce. age: 17. grade: Senior. gender identity: Female. pronouns: She/Her. sexual & romantic orientation: Openly Bisexual. family members of importance: Whitney Pierce (Mom), Pierce Pierce (Dad). Lord Tubbington (Cat, evil mastermind)  clubs/teams (if any): Cheerios, Glee Club, Troubletones positive traits: Imaginative, Kind Hearted, Loyal, Humorous, Supportive. negative traits: Carefree, Gullible, Flirtatious, Impractical, Naive.
Brittany Susan Pierce entered this world on April 16, 1994, but her birth was a little more unique. While on the road looking for electric fireplaces, the Pierce’s had to pull over and what Whitney thought was bad indigestion, turned into something more special and appealing. You could imagine the shock on her fathers face when her mother returned, still attached like an old phone line to this baby, quickly rushing to the nearest hospital.
Brittany’s life was eccentric to say the least, her parents weren’t strict, they were very loving and always supported her in whatever she decided to do. Dance classes, cheerleading, the family were always in the front row watching their little girl perform, knowing one day she’d become a star.
School was tough for Brittany, she wasn’t the smartest person and even though she was a part of the ‘popular’ squad in middle school, the girls were mean and always called her stupid and dumb, but when it came to moving her body, she was a genius at that, plus she had her cat to turn to, Lord Tubbington always understood her.
High School was a whole different world for her, she was recruited onto the Cheerios in the first few weeks and making friends was easy. Joining the Glee club was the last thing on her mind, she was the one who always defaced their pictures in the yearbooks, she became somewhat of a bully to those she didn’t understand and when she grew to love Glee club, she dropped the spying act for Sue and stayed because she wanted to and nobody judged her for being a little odd, everyone was different.
Brittany is very open about her sexuality, everyone in the school has made out with her at some point and she doesn’t care, bisexual, bicurious or a bicorn? She likes the guys and the girls and it’s fun to be with both.
Now in her senior year, her grades are really bad, even though she tries her best, she doesn’t know if she’ll ever graduate. Senior class president is at the top of her list and she’s hopeful that her tactics work and she could hold a title like that, something she’d be proud of.
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brittany pierce
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full name: jesse isaac st. james age: 20 grade: n/a gender identity: cismale pronouns: he + him sexual & romantic orientation: pansexual panromantic family members of importance: jacob st. james - father, amelia st. james - mother, jeremiah st. james - uncle, lima resident, jaiden st. james - brother, jessica st. james - sister clubs/teams: vocal adrenaline - coach + choreographer positive traits: talented, impulsive, supportive, persuasive, decisive negative traits: intense, tactless, over dramatic, ambitious, dismissive
Growing up Jesse always knew that he was destined for far greater things than Ohio could provide. Growing up Jesse was both the youngest and the favorite of the St. James children. In school Jesse was never as interested in the more academic subjects like math and English as he was with music. Math and English required more work than he was usually prepared to do, resulting in less than stellar grades. A fact that both of his parents were never quite okay with, doing all that they could to get Jesse to work harder, usually to no avail.
Then in middle school Jesse’s English teacher suggested that he try out for the school play, and despite having some reservations about it he decided to audition for it; fully expecting not to get cast. Then against all odds he was and Jesse was pretty much instantly pulled out of his shell. He’d finally found that thing that he was actually good at, aside from music class. Jesse’s parents used this new found passion to their advantage, warning Jesse that if his grades dipped below a B average they wouldn’t let him continue with the acting. While it didn’t make Jesse any more interested in the academic side of school it did force him to pay attention and work harder.
In high school Jesse gained more confidence as he continued to come out of his shell due to his passion for drama. As his senior year rolled around he’d developed something of an ego when it came to the performing arts. Academically speaking he was actually doing better. he was by no means at the top of his class, but he wasn’t struggling as badly as he had been previously. While he would have hated to admit it he was actually enjoying classes that weren’t drama. In the spring semester of his senior year Jesse received his acceptance letter to UCLA [ it’s in Los Angeles…].
UCLA was a was, and he managed to flunk out in record time, something that his parents weren’t thrilled about but Jesse was relatively unbothered by as being an actor didn’t require a four year degree. That said, flunking out of UCLA and having been rejected from NYADA years previous put a bigger dent in his ego than he would have ever admitting, forcing him to turn to his alma mater, Carmel High to take over direction of Vocal Adrenaline while he rebuilds his plan for the future. The fact that it paid enough for him to move out of his parents house was a nice added bonus
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WELCOME TO SOMETHING SPECIAL HQ! Please complete the new member checklist within 24 hours to keep your character(s)!
Stacey as Brittany Pierce
And with that, our last member spot is filled! 
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jesse st. james
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WELCOME TO SOMETHING SPECIAL HQ! Please complete the new member checklist within 24 hours to keep your character(s)!
Monte as Jesse St. James
The role of Brittany Pierce is on reserve, and will be reviewed once sent in. 
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Acceptance will be in an hour and 15 minutes, at 10 PM EST, so if you’d like to join us, there’s plenty of time left to fill out your application!
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jesse st. james
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full name: Santana Maria Lopez age: 17 Grade: Senior gender identity: Female Pronouns: She/Her sexual & romantic orientation: Closeted Lesbian family members of importance: Dr. Benjamin Lopez (father), Maribel Lopez (mother), Alma Lopez (grandmother) clubs/teams (if any): cheerleading, glee club, positive traits: honest, protective, ambitious, passionate, intelligent negative traits: insecure, judgmental, oversensitive, impulsive, jealous
As an only child, Santana grew up thinking she could run the world around her. She was showered with attention and love, always being given what she wanted. This was only magnified when she was 12 and her parents divorced. Her mom moved out to live with her abuela in Lima Heights Adjacent and it wasn’t like she was even given a choice. She was packed up and moved with her, leaving behind the house and life she had always known. Since her father was always working and didn’t seem to have time to spend with her, he just showered her with gifts and money. She began to use that to her advantage as she was angry all the time at her parents and the messiness that was involved in the divorce - as is seen by the fact that she convinced her father to pay for her breast implants the summer before junior year. She found that she had always had crushes - her first unofficial boyfriend being in kindergarten when she kissed a boy behind the slide on the playground. She was 13 when she had her first kiss with a girl and it was like the sky opened up and heaven rained down. She had already been dealing with the idea of having a crush on the other girl but when they kissed at a birthday party, it just felt right. Nothing came of anything with that kiss but it made her realize over the next year that those secret feelings she had been holding mean something. That was the beginning of the biggest secret she had ever held. Her family would never approve of her sexuality and she knew that if she were to ever come out, it would cause hell. When she started high school, she immediately gravitated to the Cheerios. Her mother had been cheerleading captain in high school and she just always wanted to make her parents proud of her. Being on the Cheerios and at the top of the social ladder meant it was easier to hide behind a sneer and the pompoms than show her thoughts. It also meant that when it came to her sexuality, she could hide behind the parties because hooking up with girls while drunk didn’t actually mean she was a lesbian - or she pretends to believe.
Being told she was constantly special combined with the parental issues definitely impacted the way she saw the world around and how she treated people. What she’d never tell people is that she was constantly second guessing herself and her decisions. She just wanted to be able to be open with the world but she was scared that it would never happen. It was one of the reasons she secretly loved the Glee club because when she was in that music room with those people, she didn’t always feel like she didn’t belong. She knew she could be happy without anyone judging her - even if she did tend to be judgmental of them. She was never the nicest person, always throwing an insult before a compliment. It was easier to make other people feel bad about themselves before they could make her feel bad about herself.
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santana lopez
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WELCOME TO SOMETHING SPECIAL HQ! Please complete the new member checklist within 24 hours to keep your character(s)!
Ariel as Santana Lopez
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(+1/1) application(s)
santana lopez
Acceptance will be at 8:00 PM EST tonight!
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Brianne over at sshq is one of the best Rachel’s I’ve ever had the opportunity to play against. I can’t believe how well they portray their character and I look forward to interacting with them in the future!            
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full name: Joseph Adam Hart age: 17 grade: Junior gender identity: Male pronouns: He/him sexual & romantic orientation: Pansexual biromantic family members of importance: Rebecca Hart (mother), Samuel Hart (father) clubs/teams (if any): Glee Club, God Squad positive traits: Compassionate, patient, honest, humble, upbeat negative traits: Gullible, inexperienced, scatterbrained, indecisive, timid
Where many children grew up listening to nursery rhymes and fairytales, Joe Hart was raised on hymns and Bible verses. His father was a traveling Bible salesman and his mother was a Sunday school teacher, so they never had very much money – but that didn’t matter. Growing up in the church, they always had plenty one way or another, and they were surrounded by a community of people who loved and supported them. Joe had friends in the other children whose parents attended the same church, attending the Sunday school his mother taught, going to church picnics and trips, and becoming more and more active in youth group as he got older. He was taught at home by his mother, and the two of them were always close.
As Joe grew up, a second love began to form in his life, blooming from his faith like a flower pushing up through the vibrant, healthy soil. His favorite part of church was undoubtedly the music; he found more peace and happiness in the lyrics of his favorite hymns or Christian rock songs than anything else. When his youth pastor suggested that he join the church band, Joe leapt at the chance, initially starting out as a background singer. Then the band’s guitarist began to teach him to play, and Joe often joined him, or even began to play by himself. It came as a bit of a shock to him when he started to receive more attention from girls around this point, especially as he had no idea how to respond. Being homeschooled has a lot of benefits, but he was starting to realize that socializing wasn’t one of them.
Even with his friends in church group, Joe was starting to realize that if he was going to make his own way in the world someday, he would have to start branching out socially. He couldn’t spend his entire life with people who were just like him. And truth be told, he didn’t want to do that. Joe wanted to experience as much of this gift of life that he had been given as he possibly could, and he knew that meant breaking away from his mother and from home. He was seventeen years old, and soon it would be time for him to leave home, to go to college, to begin a new chapter in his life where he was the writer instead of a character.
So he begged his parents to allow him to enter mainstream school. Joe was sure they weren’t going to be open to it, but to his surprise, his parents agreed readily. His mother told him that she was more than happy to continue his education at home, but she also understood that it was time for him to spread his wings. At the beginning of the 2018 school year, his parents enrolled him at McKinley High. Joe was surprised to discover that there was already a club at McKinley for Christian students (and it didn’t hurt that one of the members, Quinn, was very pretty). They introduced him to the Glee club, allowing him to pursue both his love of God and his love of music.
This is his junior year, but his first year ever in mainstream school. Now that the year is almost over, Joe feels a little more comfortable attending school, and it helps that he has the God Squad and the Glee club to lean on. Still, this is clearly a year where he’s going to find himself, and this journey of self-discovery is important to him. He doesn’t want to be the same Joe he was when he first entered McKinley. He wants to grow in faith, in music, and in himself.
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joe hart
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