something-127 · 7 months
“I know I’ve told this story before, but my abusive ex refused to let me take birth control. I was on the pill until he found them in my purse. I went to the Student Health Center—they were completely unhelpful, choosing to lecture me about the importance of safe sex (recommending condoms) instead of actually listening to my problem. Then I went to Planned Parenthood. The Nurse Practitioner took one look at my fading bruises and stopped the exam. She called in the doctor. The doctor came in and simply asked me: “Are you ready to leave him?” When I denied that I was being abused, she didn’t argue with me. She just asked me what I needed. I said I need a birth control method that my boyfriend couldn’t detect. She recommended a few options and we decided on Depo. When I told her that my boyfriend read my emails and listened to my phone messages and was known to follow me, she suggested to do the Depo injections at off hours when the clinic was normally closed. She made a note in my chart and instructed the front desk never to leave messages for me—instead, she programmed her personal cell phone number into my phone under the name “Nora”. She told me she would call me to schedule my appointments; she wouldn’t leave a message, but I should call her back when I was able to. And that was it. No judgment. No lecture. She walked me to the door and told me to call her day or night if I needed anything. That she lived 5 blocks from campus and would come get me. That I wasn’t alone. That she just wanted me to be safe. I never called her to come to my rescue. But I have no doubt that she would have come if I had called. She kept me on Depo for a year, giving me those monthly injections in secret, helping me prevent a desperately unwanted pregnancy. I cannot thank Planned Parenthood enough for the work they do.”
Curious Georgiana (via grrrlstudies)
I know I’ve reblogged this before, but it bears re-reblogging (?).  This is how you respond to abuse, this is how you give people control over their bodies/uteruses, this is how you act as a generally non-judgmental and compassionate person.  I love this story so fucking much.
(via coffeewithants)
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something-127 · 7 months
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something-127 · 7 months
today was single handedly the best day of my life. i caught a cop stealing from the store i work at
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something-127 · 9 months
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something-127 · 9 months
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I love everything about this
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something-127 · 9 months
u ever read a fanfic so good that you want. fanfic of the fanfic
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something-127 · 9 months
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something-127 · 9 months
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something-127 · 10 months
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Rest in Peace, Andre Braugher.
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something-127 · 10 months
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something-127 · 10 months
Something deeply painful is the fact that seasons, especially fall, dont feel the same. Not because of individual maturity but because climate change has impacted the weather patterns so so so much that we cant even experience the same annual shifts that our ancestors have for centuries
I feel displaced, i yearn for the spring, summer, fall, and winter that i can barely remember experiencing
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something-127 · 10 months
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It's been 55 days and 75 years
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something-127 · 10 months
watching this without context, you'd think he came back from fighting Thanos... this is, by far, is a jarring example of how deeply pervasive and perverse indoctrination is for Israelis since their own births and the cognitive dissonance is just so alarming.
meanwhile how many Palestinian women (in the thousands, to be precise) are still not able to give birth with adequate medical aid and care in the coming months safely... i'm livid
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something-127 · 10 months
This youth from Palestine here, was called after finding his friend's house got bombed. They asked him to call his friend in order to determine his exact location so they can start digging.
Remember that in gaza there are no resources to dig people up from underneath the rubble, so civilians from the neighborhood have to use their own hands and be very careful because of the bodies underneath. I can't even imagine the trauma he's experiencing, his shaking voice and hands. I would never bear witnessing my best friend in such conditions and having to call them bc I'm not even sure they're alive.
How would anyone heal from this? And yet all are we asking for is just a ceasefire. This genocide should stop.
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something-127 · 10 months
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"Every time someone steps up and says who they are the world becomes a better, more interesting place." 🫶🏳️‍🌈
My tribute to Andre Braugher, thank you for Captain Raymond Holt ❤️✨
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something-127 · 10 months
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something-127 · 10 months
Shouldn't have put the new year in the middle of winter cause then everyone expects you to get your shit together in january. Of all times
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