somesundryequipment · 7 years
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somesundryequipment · 7 years
Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be. Sometimes you’ll put up a good fight and lose. Sometimes you’ll hold on really hard and realize there is no choice but to let go. Acceptance is a small, quiet room.
Cheryl Strayed, 
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
(via uselessatheart)
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somesundryequipment · 7 years
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
pen pals with benefits
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
If nothing else, you must remember that you’re still breathing
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
Solid and Strong // Kimya Dawson
our trunks will be solid and strong…
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
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Today in Cool Stuff in the Mail, a delightful coloring book that perhaps has a little too much personal resonance for me (and yes, that is my own Tenth Doctor figure in that last photo).
I haven’t been able to get that much into the adult coloring book trend (I find them weirdly stressful, which I suspect means I’m missing the point) but this one … this one I can get behind.
Also, it made me go back to my bookshelf for this classic read …
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Image via Amazon
… and any reason to re-read Daniel Pinkwater is a good one (seriously people, Fat Men from Space is amazing, but if you haven’t read Alan Mendelssohn, the Boy From Mars, go get it RIGHT NOW).
– Petra
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice.
T.S. Eliot, from “Little Gidding” (via theclassicsreader)
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
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i am resurrecting this meme. it’s time.
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
We all do this, right? We fumble, we ask friends for help, we hope for the best. Unlike cooking, which can often be fiddled with along the way, checked and rechecked and iterated, baking involves precision and a kind of prayer: it’s in the oven; there’s nothing you can do. You are hoping for success, and in its absence, you are hoping for support. What emerges over the course of the show is that it doesn’t only have a style; it has an ethic. Mary and Paul do not fall victim to the misdirection of small but spectacular-looking mistakes. If the custard in the middle of whatever you’re making doesn’t quite set, the entire thing may collapse and run all over the counter, but they’ll taste it anyway! And they’ll tell you that your custard not setting isn’t necessarily a bigger mistake than anything else; it just looks worse. If you can’t get your cake put together, they’ll still taste the layers. You may not be out. Do not lose heart. Do not lose heart. Don’t laugh, but this is life, in a way, as we all hope for it to be. You screw up, but not entirely. You see your hoped-for result dashed on the counter in a pile of goop, but someone says, “I see what you put into this; I see what you intended.” Someone you trust who is better than you are at whatever you’re trying to do says, “We both see what you did wrong; I can help you identify what you did right.” You still might lose. You still might go home crying with disappointment. But someone will have said, “Next time, take it out of the oven five minutes sooner and you’ll really have something.” It’s a show of such…hope. Hoping everybody else is going to be willing to try the imperfect layers of your particular not-quite-put-together cake is often the only way to get through the day, after all.
The Bun Also Rises: ‘Why We Love The Great British Baking Show’, Linda Holmes (via aquamirage)
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
I love so many things about this ‪#‎NoBillNoBreak‬ sit-in, but the thing I love the most is John Lewis’ facial expression. He has Resting Protest Face. He doesn’t give a shit about your guns, or your parliamentary procedures, or your C-SPAN cameras. He’s heard you want to put him on Periscope but he’s not sure he gives a shit about that either. He’s like “Did you see Selma? You remember the John Lewis character? That was me. John ‘I asked for and received an apology from the Klan’ Lewis.” He is the human personification of the expression “You tried it.” He most definitely doesn’t give a shit about Paul Ryan. When asked for comment about how Paul Ryan compared to political foes he’s encountered in the past, Lewis thought for a second and replied “He doesn’t have the range.” John “Freedom Rider” Lewis has an honorary doctorate in sitting. Don’t come for him unless he sends for you.
R. Eric Thomas - I love so many things about this #NoBillNoBreak…
My favorite: “He is the human personification of the expression ‘You tried it.’”
(via jasmined)
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
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The X Files, 1993-2002
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page.
Annie Proulx (via poetsandwriters)
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
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somesundryequipment · 8 years
#this is it this is american television
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