Make a Splash  ~~  Open
Mitte had slipped into the life of a transient with total ease. She’d left the halfway home at eighteen and lived on the go ever since. The world around her moved and she had gone with it, but now she might as well have been stone. Cool to the touch, immovable, sleepless, sharp edged. God she missed being effected by the elements. It had to be a warm day, she could smell sweat over blood and people were in shorts, but the heat of the sun didn’t sink into her bones the way it would have once. There had been a time lying back on a stone wall and soaking up the suns rays would’ve solved almost any ache or pain she had, just for a while, but stretched out on one of Anthony’s balconys nothing happened.
Resolving to find a patch of sun somewhere that would make her feel something Mitte grabbed her hip flask and filled it with that bagged blood Ant always had on deck- he grumbled at her for drinking so much of it because he thought the stale taste was awful, but Mitte was well used to poor quality food- throwing on a pair of big sunglasses as she headed out the door.
They didn’t change anything, the world was just tinted a little darker. She could still count blades of grass. Mitte supressed a groan and headed off towards the lake, because that was just where she went when she didn’t know where else to go. She toed off her sandals and sat at the edge- she didnt care if mud got on her shorts- letting her legs dangle in the water. She could feel that at least, the strange texture of it swirling about her skin, the little trapped air bubbles.
Mitte flopped onto her back and stared up at the sun, waiting to feel some warmth or her retinas burning out her skull. Nothing happened and after a few- hours? Minutes? She honestly had no idea- she sat back up with a huff, but the sour mood dissolved when she noticed the body drifting closer. Naomi, now, there was a woman she hadn’t tried to charm in a while. Mitte kicked up her foot to splash some water at her and laughed at her reaction, “I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to surprise you.” Mitte explained between giggles. “It’s the only right way to get someones attention when they’re in the water.”
Naomi automatically felt her shoulders tense when she saw Mitte sitting on the dock, but she’d been too well-trained to show any other sign of her unease. Despite the fact that she’d done nothing with the information, Mitte was still one of the people outside of her patched-together family to know the truth about what she was, and that always made her a little tense. 
“Not many can, enjoy this once in a lifetime achievement,” Naomi drawled, swimming closer until she could reach the dock. She easily pulled herself up from the water, not bothering to come all the way out and instead resting on her elbows and shaking out her hair to splash Mitte back at least a little. She cocked her head curiously. Did Mitte always make her hair rise a little or was that new? People she’d met first in in Swynlake dreams always hit a little different, even once the dream had long since faded.
“Long time no see. How you been?” she asked.
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Make a Splash  ~~  Open
Marzel with summer weather found himself at the lake more often, even if sometimes the amount of people around was too much for him. It was still worth it when Marzel could dip his legs into the lake and feel open water again.
As Naomi drifted toward him Marzel offered a hello and when she didn’t react Marzel raised an eyebrow trying a few more times before he reached out to splash some water to her. It wasn’t the intent to get on her face he had just been trying to get her body but it is what it was.
“I have been trying to get your attention for quite some time but it looked as if you were dead to the world.”
Realizing it was just Marzel, Naomi sunk back into the water until it was up to her chest, smiling wryly. “I wish,” she joked. “I’m catching up on my sleep before there’s two newborns in the apartment with me.” And two frazzled new parents. And a frazzled new college student / aunt. And an entire clan of touchy gargoyles.
Yeah, Naomi was going to miss the quiet.
“You gonna come in or just stand there lookin’ pretty?” she teased, pushing her back a little further in the water with a graceful push of her arms. “It’s not the bay, but it’s also not a bathtub, so I’ll take it.”
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Make a Splash  ~~  Open
Eric had not been near the lake that was in town since he had arrived. He had looked at it from the safety of grassed covered ground as the smell of the water brushed passed him on the spring breeze because he couldn’t have stomached it in the winter. He had felt like a complete sham the first time he had put his head under the spray of the shower head in the room Mr. Moon had put him up in. Shoving himself out of the way to breathe as if the light rush had been drowning him. 
It was summer now, so the water would be warm and not frigid like last time. And this wasn’t even the ocean. He would take it slow! Just get his feet wet– he didn’t have the funds to be buying something like swim trunks anyways.
Staying toward the shore had gotten recruited as the goalie to a game of football, hosted by a group of kids about half his age. One of the girls had kicked the ball a bit too hard and sent it off into the water, so Eric volunteered to fetch it for them. 
“Sorry about that!” He was about shin deep into the water, and pointed to the ball that was floating out passed the woman. Who had somehow gotten upset at getting wet. While she was in water. “Do you think you can catch that before it takes a lap?” 
Naomi followed the man’s finger and saw the football that was making its grand escape attempt into the lake, and snorted with a small smile. Ah, memories. Olaball was more popular in Avalor, but playing any sport in a port town usually ended the same for Naomi; swimming out to retrieve rogue balls. “Ay, I’ve got it,” she replied, easily diving under the water and swimming under it. Her hands snapped up, catching the ball in her secure grip before the rest of her followed. 
Once her feet were back under her, Naomi tossed up the ball and bounced it against her head once before hitting it towards the man who’d caught her attention. “Heads up!” she called with a grin.
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Make a Splash  ~~  Open
Naomi was not a bathtub kind of merm. You’d think she’d get used to it after spending so much time in Swynlake, restricted to soaking in places that were safe instead of roomy, but she never did. She was a saltwater girl through and through, and she missed the ocean every damn day.
So she’d learned to make do with what she had. 
Summer time meant the lake was open to swimmers, and Naomi made sure to take advantage of that even if she couldn’t fully let out her tail while surrounded by families and other swimmers. Instead, she came by when the sun was highest in the sky, stripped down to her swim suit, and dove straight in. She made sure not to stay down too long, to not let her skin turn rough and camouflaged like she desperately wanted to. Instead she just did brief laps along an imaginary lane before turning onto her back and just floating along; soaking in the sun’s rays and letting herself unwind. It was a nice reprieve from the chaos the apartment had turned into with Elena’s due date getting closer and closer. Naomi didn’t even know when she’d find time for swims like this when the Royal Pups came into the world-
Naomi’s thoughts were quickly interrupted when water was splashed on her face and she spluttered a bit, unprepared. She shot upright, stumbling a bit when her feet hit the sandy bottom of the lake; she hadn’t realized she’d drifted so close to shore. “Really!?” she asked the air, wiping the lake water from her eyes with an irritated frown. Mermaid or not, no one liked being splashed unexpectedly. “Can I help you?” Naomi bit out as she spotted the perpetrator, flipping her hair out of her eyes with an annoyed huff and a flick of her wrist.
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If Not For Me || Elaomi
“One hundred million dollars.” Elena deadpanned, hopping on Naomi’s bed and pouting when the position she landed in wasn’t at all comfortable for her and her massive belly. Being pregnant was getting real exhausting.
Elena looked down at Naomi and chuckled, before humming out a sound like a sad cartoon animal sidekick. 
She should probably offer to help but that was an offer she wasn’t sure she could deliver.
“I’d help you, but then we’d both be stuck on the floor.” Elena said, patting her much too round belly.
“Darn, left all my gold bars in Avalor,” Naomi deadpanned, not lifting her arm until her heartrate was back to normal. Once it was, she sat up carefully and began the slow process of untangling herself from her project. At least it was still shapeless enough that it wasn’t obvious that it was for the babies.
She’d mostly finished the main motif; careful knots making out designs like shells and waves curling around a starfish. The colors were a little wonky thanks to her scavenged supplies - far from the sun-bleached ropes and braided kelp she was used to, but it was still pretty.
“How’re the pups?” Naomi asked as she untangled herself, glancing up at Elena and her very round stomach. Unlike basically everyone else in their household - and some outside of it, Goliath and Co, - Naomi wasn’t super touchy with the bump that would somehow turn into Two Whole People. She let Elena drag her hands to the taut skin whenever one of the twins had the hiccups or was kicking, but she didn’t initiate. Instead, she hummed at them, cooing at them from across the room in a lolling, shifting melody that had no shape and that never got a reply. 
But that was alright. They could hear her and that was the important part.
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If Not For Me || Elaomi
Right, so Naomi wasn’t exactly the easiest to catch off guard, even before her time spent in Avalor during the civil war and the hyper-vigilance that came from that. Elena used to make trying to sneak up on her a game, when they were children, and would laugh when Naomi turned the tables and tackled her into the lake, pool, or ocean instead, or whirled around on her heel and shouted “Gotcha!” to make Elena shriek. She knew better than to ever try making a game of it now of course, and she’d noticed that even sneaking up on her accidentally didn’t happen. 
Naomi was always ten times as aware of her surroundings than before, which made Naomi’s tumble to the floor really goddamn hilarious.
“You know, I tried to make a joke about knots and bondage but it’s just not coming to my head.”
“Please don’t,” Naomi whined, falling back dramatically until she was laid out on the floor. She was gonna have to untangle herself sooner rather than later, but first, she would strive to keep her poor heart from failing in her chest. 
Jeeze, how long has it been since she felt safe enough to be startled like that? Literally years, by her most generous estimate.
“How much for you to turn around and pretend like you didn’t see any of this?” Naomi asked from the floor, dropping one arm over her eyes in defeat.
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If Not For Me  ||  Elaomi
Naomi had never really thought about kids.
She got along with them fine, sure. She’d liked her younger cousins well enough and helped watch them before she and her parents had left the colony. Even in Avalor, Naomi had never minded watching over the smaller children who lived by the docks; teaching them knots and little songs while their parents finished their work.
She just. Never really thought about having her own.
Even before Shuriki, Naomi had just never wanted to be a mom. She should - the literal survival of her species depended on her one day finding a nice merman and having a flotilla of babies to make up for the massive death rates. But even if her sexuality wasn’t essentially a hand wiggle, shrug, and an ‘Eh?’, she just... She didn’t want it. Not the way she should. Not the way she was told she would.
But that hadn’t stopped her from watching and learning how to be one. How her aunts would wrap their young ones in woven and knotted slings to keep them close as they swam through the tropic waters of their home, or how they’d play and coo and sing to them as their tails flopped around uselessly for the first few days.
So when everyone had started pitching in to get Elena and Mateo all they needed for the incoming twins, Naomi had gathered as many old t-shirts and sheets and towels and fabric anythings that no one used or would miss and began to cut them into long strips. She worked quietly at night, away from prying eyes as she tried to recall the exact knots to use. She could probably ask Mari or her brother, but it felt almost like sacrilege. These were the knots her family used, the history of Anacapa and the mothers and the children there.
That was what she wanted to give Elena and Mateo.
It was late one night and Naomi had lost herself in the repetitious movements, braiding and knotting and weaving. Her scavenged ‘ropes’ were soft and gentle on her fingers, and she was more than a little proud of how the sling was already worn in and perfect for protecting the little royals. She was so lost in her work, in fact, that she didn’t even notice the door to her room opening until a knock on the doorframe made her shriek and fumble out of her desk chair; long tails of her project trailing after her.
Naomi looked up with wide eyes, flushing in embarrassment when she saw Elena watching her. “Oh- uh. Hi, Lena,” she said with a little embarrassed laugh, attempting to wave but stopping when she realized her fingers were still caught in a knot. “Shit, um. Surprise?” 
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you flicker like a florescent light || elaomi
Word Count: 1996
Date: uhh like a couple days before she told Mateo she’s pregnant
tl;dr: Welp. The gargoyles were right. Elena’s very much pregnant, despite her refusal.
TW: discussion of abortion
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Mateo did, in fact, remember how she’d cried after cutting her hair short. He’d offered to give it a proper send off with a burial and everything and he sat with her and patted her shoulder in the affectionately awkward way that was just so characteristic of him.
“Pfft,” he scoffed at her declaration, “If I wanted my hair to stick out from my head at weird angles, I could just stick my hand in a toaster. It might be less painful.” He stuck his tongue back out at her.
“Ouch!” he squawked, jumping away to dodge another kick. “No way!” he laughed, “Its true! Even Elena agrees! Who do you think made my hair that great? With all of those girly hair masks and treatments and stuff?”
Inspecting the ground herbs, he nodded, satisfied. “Yup, those look good. Ok, now I need you to help me move the couch from in front of the window. We need to put the coffee table where the couch is so the moonlight will hit it—and we need to hurry. We probably have less than half an hour before the moon goes behind the next building.”
Naomi simply snorted at him as she set the herbs down on the counter, tugging on a short curl near the base of his neck just hard enough that he could feel it, but not hard enough to sting. “I’m still just glad she realized you sit still long enough to do masks with so she doesn’t try to drag me in anymore,” she joked, heading into the living room. Naomi would let Elena put whatever goop she wanted on her hair and face while Naomi was soaking in a tub with her tail out, but when she was dry, all bets were off.
Rolling up her sleeves, Naomi stood by one end of the couch and waited for Mateo to stand at the other. “Make sure I don’t crash into anything,” she said, bending down to grab hold of her end before counting them both off and lifting. They didn’t have to lift it high, just high enough that it didn’t scrape up the floor and give their landlord a hernia. Naomi walked backwards, swinging herself around until the couch was properly out of the way. Once that was done, it only took a few moments to move the coffee table to the proper spot. 
“I don’t know about you, but I think it really opens up the space,” she joked.
Bad Hair Day || Nateo
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Mateo barked a laugh when she flipped him off because, of course she flipped him off. That was like Naomi speak for I love you, you idiot. 
Satisfied that she was making good progress on the paste, he pulled his beanie off and ran his hand through the short, curly mop of hair, sighing. “Well, thanks. Elena thinks so too. She can’t stop tugging on them and making them spring back into place every chance she gets.” He laughed, rolling his eyes, squeezing lemon juice into a bowl before straining the seeds and pulp from the liquid. 
“But—I miss my long hair. I figured you of all people would understand. Besides, I miss having you and Elena fight over who gets to braid my hair every movie night.” He sniffed, pretending to flip his non existent hair over his shoulder as he added. “It’s a terrible burden, having the best hair in the house, but it’s a burden I’m willing to bear.”
“Gross,” Naomi joked dryly, sticking out her tongue.
“Man, you do remember how long I cried after cutting my hair short, right? I totally get it,” she said, flicking a piece of her own shoulder length curls. Maybe she should grow her hair back out too... “Also, bold of you to assume I couldn’t still braid your hair at this length.” Naomi was a braiding master, and hoarded that title proudly.
She gasped dramatically, kicking out at his calf with a grin. “Take that back you bastard, or I’m telling Elena.” It was around this time that Naomi looked down at her work and saw the herbs had all been ground down smoothly, and she silently held out the bowl for inspection.
Bad Hair Day || Nateo
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Mateo snorted a laugh. Of course Elena had layers now, she always was the type to go big or go home. Why just cut a small lock from underneath where no one will see it when you could use it as an excuse to change up your whole look? Why indeed.
“You know I will,” he said, rolling his eyes. He never lost an opportunity to tell Elena how pretty she looked—regardless of how much she teased him for being a sap. She thrived on compliments like they were life itself. The trouble wasn’t that he couldn’t talk, it was more that he usually became distracted with more physical pursuits before he ever got far enough to speak his compliment.
Turning his attention back to the spell preparation, he looked over the components he’d gathered. He handed Naomi a mortar and pestle along with a single rosemary stem. “Here,” he said, “take this and crush it into a fine paste. Like super fine—use all of that pent up aggression I know you have in there to really go to town on this paste, ok?” he returned her playful hip bump and added more seriously, “Because if it’s too lumpy, it can cause problems with the spell.”
He then turned back to cut a slice from a lemon—he would have preferred a grapefruit, it tended to produce more consistent results but it seemed they were out of season, so a lemon would have to suffice.
“Ugh,” he muttered, half under his breath, “I really hope this works!”
“Just doing my best friend duties by reminding you,” Naomi said with a playful sniff. She knew he was going to say something sweet and then Elena - despite the doctors orders - was going to try and rail him against a counter for being sweet and then Naomi would have to give them another lecture about not having sex in shared spaces and make them clean the kitchen and-
All of this to say her best friends were gross and as soon as Isa turned 18, she was going to be formally invited to the drinking game Naomi and the other guards had going.
Naomi took the mortar and pestle in one hand and flicked Mateo off with the other, grinning. “Asshole,” she replied. Still, she began to grind down the herbs meticulously with even twists of her wrists and the mortar.
“I think the curls are cute,” she told him, “but I get why you want your hair back long.”
Bad Hair Day || Nateo
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If Naomi ever needed proof that most of Elena’s problems could lead back to being too trusting and open to other people, it was in the fact that she did, actually, have some of Elena’s hair. Hadn’t even had a chance to explain why she was asking for it; Elena had just grabbed the nearest pair of scissors and asked how much and mentioned something about wanting layers anyways. 
Naomi had stopped the whole interaction to make sure Elena knew that this was a Patently Bad Idea when it was anyone other than herself.
Elena was only more willing to hand it over when Naomi mentioned it was for Mateo, but she wasn’t sure if it was because she loved him or because she missed playing with his long hair. Naomi personally thought his messy post-surgery curls were adorable, but hair was their shared vanity so she understood. Lord knows she had cried for hours after the first time she had cut her hip-length hair to her shoulders when she was 14.
“Anytime,” she said in reply, deftly clipping back her own curls so her vision was unimpeded. “And I love how you thought it would be hard. By the way Elena has layers now, they’re very pretty and make sure you say so next time you see her if you can get your tongue unstuck long enough.” Naomi hipchecked Mateo gently as she came to stand next to him. 
“What first, your Royal Wizardness?”
Bad Hair Day || Nateo
Mateo was sick of waiting. The time had come to take matters into his own hands and be the master of his own destiny. 
Months of rehabilitation and following doctor and nurse and therapists advice had gotten him back on his feet and had given him back his independence. He was happy to be healthy and alive, really. But there was one thing still missing.
Yup You guessed it. His hair.
Six months of watching and waiting had gotten him nothing but a chaotic thatch of short, uneven messy hair that he kept hidden underneath a beanie most of the time. He realized he was a sorcerer and should act like one. If he had a problem that couldn’t be solved efficiently under normal circumstances, then it was up to him to tweak the circumstances with magic.
It wasn’t as if a hair growth spell was all that hard—not that he’d ever cast one before, but really, it looked pretty straightforward. How hard could it be? He had the components and the reagents. The moon was full AND he had the best assistant he could ask for.
“Thanks for agreeing to help me out, Nomes,” he glanced up with a grin from his spell book to where Naomi was standing across the island counter from him in the kitchen. “Did you manage to get that lock of hair from Elena?” 
The spell called for a freshly cut lock of healthy hair and Elena had the best hair out of all of them. Besides that, of the two of them, Naomi was more efficient at getting Elena to agree to their crazy schemes since Mateo usually ended up distracted like the lovesick fool he was.
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Marisa had been putting on the final touches of her makeup when she heard the knock at the dressing room door. She opened her mouth to say ‘but I’m not running late yet!’ only to snap it shut when she made eye contact with Naomi in the mirror.
Of all the people - and mermaids - that might show up at the Court, Marisa didn’t really suspect Naomi would be one of them.
She knew Naomi didn’t like to come here, its why she didn’t invite her to visit her at work even though it would be useful in Operation: Seduce Naomi Again. Marisa couldn’t help it, she was still a little into her even though a few years had passed since they were involved in Avalor.
Quickly, Marisa put away those thoughts so she could act like she wasn’t a disaster lesbian and rose from her seat in her dress for tonight.
“What are you doing here, California?” Marisa asked, pulling her into a big hug. “I haven’t seen you in forever, thought you ghosted again.”
Naomi noticed the dress, but only in her mental periphery. She didn’t take the time to really check it - or Marisa - out like she might have a few years prior. She felt too raw, too exposed. She wanted the door closed. She wanted the lights off. She wanted to float to the bottom of the ocean and curl up there until the moon was the only thing she could see. 
But the ocean was hours away, and her ocean was even further, so Naomi let herself be ushered into Marisa’s arms and hoped the residual smell of salt water under her perfume would be enough.
She flinched at Marisa’s observation, because she was absolutely right. Naomi had essentially disappeared. Again. At least this time she hadn’t blown up a boat and a mannequin in the process. “I’m sorry,” Naomi said quietly, clinging to Marisa’s shoulders. “I haven’t really... been suitable for company these past few weeks.”
The music out in the main building got louder and the crowd began to yell, and Naomi curled closer to Marisa like she could muffle the sound if she were just small enough.
Thank you, Ten  ~~  Royal Blood
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Thank you, Ten  ~~  Royal Blood
Naomi knew she had been neglecting Marisa.
In her defense, she was neglecting everyone that she didn’t live with, and even with them she had her moments. Ever since Elena and Mateo had come back from the hospital, Naomi had been nervous to leave for too long. Like if she did - if she looked away from her two best friends for more than a moment - disaster would strike again and she’d be left with the shrapnel. It was hard to get out of that mindset, to remind herself how to relax, and it had made Naomi a very dull person to hang out with. Felipe had told her so on multiple occasions, the dick.
But now Elena and Mateo were mostly recovered, and Naomi had been forced to admit that hiding in their apartment was not conductive to proving to concerned parties that she wasn’t in a depressive slump. So out into the world she went; huddled in her jacket to shield herself from the chill in the autumn air and trying not to see threats out of the corner of her eye at all times. 
It was late, and she knew the curfew would be in effect soon, but her feet just wouldn’t stop. She had no heading, so she bobbed and drifted through town on a current no one could see. Soon enough, that current brought her to a building she hadn’t stepped foot in in months. Not since Elena had quit.
As she looked up at the Court’s facade, Naomi was struck by a feeling of immense loneliness. She hadn’t talked to Marisa in weeks. She missed her friend.
Swallowing down the fear that came whenever she thought too long about the Court and its owner, Naomi swiftly and silently ducked inside. She presented her ID and paid the cover before walking nonchalantly into the main room, pulling on all of her experience from Pachamama to keep herself hidden in plain sight. Walking to the Employee’s Only area like she belonged there, Naomi tried to keep her bearings despite the new look to everything. Just like when Elena had worked there, there were several dressing rooms, and Naomi read the nameplate on each door to see who was housed inside for the night before she finally found Marisa. 
Shaking a little, Naomi knocked gently before opening the door just a crack. “Marisa?” she called tentatively.
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He was, but Naomi didn't like to talk about it to much. It would inflate his ego, and Naomi was nothing if not the Designated Humbler of Men in the royal palace. Maybe when they got home, she'd convince Elena to make it her official title.>
For now, she just tightened her hold on Elena to comfort her friend and let out a small snort. "Doesn't hurt that Shuriki can't see anything past her own ego, but yes, he is."
"Do my ears decieve me, or did I just recieve an actual compliment from you, Ms. Turner?"
"I have a list of your character flaws on standby, don't worry. Can't have you unable to sneak in and out of the palace due to your big head, can we?"
Caller Number One ~~ Elaomi
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Elena waited quietly as Naomi told her too, almost asking ‘what the hell are you doing’ twice but deciding to just wait and see after all. Naomi, when she was weird, had a good reason (usually). 
When a wall with peeling paint came onscreen Elena wasn’t sure what or who was operating the phone on the other end. Then Naomi said some weird coded sentence in Spanish that was much more proper than her natural Spanish, and there came an equally confusing reply that almost distracted Elena from realizing…wait. She knew that voice.
Elena get down from that tree! It used to say to her.
You can cry, Elenita, shh, stop talking. Just cry, I’ve got you. It said after her parents were assassinated.
Just run! I’ll stay in Avalor as your eyes and ears, prima. But you need to leave me behind. Was the last thing she heard it say in the flesh.
Stay safe, princess. It ended every call to her with.
“Estebi!” Elena exclaimed, grabbing the phone from Naomi’s hand as if she could hug him if she held the phone. She curled up to Naomi so they were both on screen and buried her face in Naomi’s shoulder to hide her watery eyes. God, she missed Esteban so much.
Her big cousin was old enough to be kind-of-young uncle, was always a cool big brother figure to her growing up, and when her parents died it was like he, her abuelo, and Goliath became one big paternal unit alongside her abuela’s soft, maternal energy to finish raising the princesses. Esteban was a part of her as much as Isa was, and being away from him for going on five years now killed her.
“Where are you!? How can you chance this call? Are you safe? Is it dangerous? Is Paloma still a thorn in Shuriki’s side?” The questions spilled from her mouth before her brain could put any on pause.
“Naomi, hand,” Esteban said, meaning ‘Naomi, slap a hand over Elena’s running mouth please.’
Naomi only sorta protested when Elena snatched her phone because really, she had expected it. Esteban was probably calling for Elena anyways. But Naomi still curled up with Elena, wrapping her arms around her friend’s waist and resting her cheek against Elena’s head and grinning at the screen.
Esteban had always been a pain in her ass; he spoke too proper and fast for her to understand most of the time and often got on her case about her manners. But he was her pain in the ass, and following Shuriki’s violent takeover of Avalor, Naomi had found herself in possession of a new older brother. 
(Were they using each other for an outlet of all their sibling energy they both had an excess of when Elena and Isa were out of the country? Survey says ‘yes’.)
She snorted at Elena’s babbling, reaching out and pressing her hand over Elena’s mouth so she and Esteban could get a word in. “Hey Esteban,” she greeted with a nod.
“Naomi,” he replied with a nod of his own, lip curling with amusement. “It’s good to see you’re both well. And yes, Elenita, it is perfectly safe for me to call you now.”
“We have a system,” Naomi said vaguely.
Caller Number One ~~ Elaomi
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Elena was fresh out of the shower, her comfy post shower lounging clothes on, her hair air-drying in loose curls around her shoulders, and she’d even just opened a new bottle of merlot. And then Naomi SHOUTED her name and Elena nearly spilled her wine all over her bed.
“Naomi!” She exclaimed, more in a ‘you scared me’ tone than a ‘look what you almost made me do’ tone, her heart pounding. “Dios mio, I’m awake now.”
“Scootch your shit,” Naomi said without preamble, barely waiting long enough for Elena to put her wine somewhere safe before she was jumping up onto the bed and scrambling to curl up next to her. The phone was still ringing, the number shown on screen having no name or contact info. But Naomi knew that number; she practically had it engraved on her heart.
She let it ring until the call dropped, holding a hand up to Elena in the universal sign for ‘Give it a minute’. Sure enough, exactly three minutes later, the phone rang again. This time it was a facechat, the preview image of a nondescript wall.
Barely breathing, Naomi answered.
“Cuando Mama Killa se pone...” she said in clear, proper Spanish. 
A beat. “Ahí es cuando sale Inti,” a familiar voice replied before the camera turned, revealing the beaming face of Esteban Penalosa Flores. 
Caller Number One ~~ Elaomi
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