Local Lonely Lesbian *in recovery*
289 posts
Documenting the strange phenomenon that is my life. Feel free to join in on the ride.(This blog is half dead and I’m very inconsistent)
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somehow-cathartic · 4 months ago
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somehow-cathartic · 5 months ago
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Prev tags said it perfect!
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somehow-cathartic · 5 months ago
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# Naps
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somehow-cathartic · 5 months ago
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somehow-cathartic · 5 months ago
There’s quite a lot going on here but I’d like to add a little side note that it’s just wild to me that the idea of hiring a maid is some sort of out-of-touch upper class thing to do. I worked with my mom and we cleaned houses for some side income a couple of years and while some of those houses were on the bigger side, plenty of them were below average size in below average condition. I think hiring maid services is a very typical way of spending disposable income even if there isn’t much disposable income to begin with. It’s sad to me that people associate home cleaning services with such a lavish life and it’s a great illustration of just how little disposable income most people have these days. Adding this little convenience to life seems so out of reach for a lot of people and even just less than a decade ago it was so normal for me and my mom to provide these services to ordinary non-upper middle class households. I think our generation doesn’t have an accurate concept of what “disposable income” actually looks like anymore
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somehow-cathartic · 8 months ago
This whole thing is both hilarious, terrifying, and amazing. This cybersecurity firm that makes a product that’s supposed to protect from ransomware just accidentally made their own “ransomware” that was SO catastrophic that hackers could only dream of making anything as disastrous as it. This also raises a LOT of questions and concerns about why we have allowed a company to embed software with KERNEL ACCESS into billions of computers worldwide. The negligence of a single company caused thousands of critical enterprise systems to completely fail.
The “fix” to the problem is for the IT department of every company and organization impacted to hop around from computer to computer and delete a file in the one and only SYSTEM32 folder in Windows (the file folder that holds the files that make up the Windows OS and requires admin access to open or modify) which means the customer has to fix the problem that Crowdstrike made for them!!
No apology from the CEO yet (that i know of), just a lukewarm statement that says “an incident occurred” and “contact your local IT department”. That’s the response from the company at fault for a global disaster outage.
From what I’ve heard, the bug involves memory access error (like a segmentation fault). This is a classic security vulnerability that can creep into any piece of software and what software testing and quality assurance is there to prevent AND this company literally advertises themselves as a service that prevents security vulnerabilities- something they just deployed to billions of computers worldwide at the same time.
A mega tech dumbass moment can be funny and the memes about this one are rich and plentiful but it’s eerie how dependent critical systems are on this one company and their product. Hot take but technology is TOO integrated now and that’s why everything breaks all the time. And I’m glad that people have been asking the big question about why we’re allowing third party software to directly insert itself into the OS kernel and have such elevated permissions on a device.
This is incredibly wild and Crowdstrike’s stock price is 6 feet under but I’m hoping there’s more investigation into this and accountability for the company and a discussion on how to better segment these tech dependencies!!!
idk if people on tumblr know about this but a cybersecurity software called crowdstrike just did what is probably the single biggest fuck up in any sector in the past 10 years. it's monumentally bad. literally the most horror-inducing nightmare scenario for a tech company.
some info, crowdstrike is essentially an antivirus software for enterprises. which means normal laypeople cant really get it, they're for businesses and organisations and important stuff.
so, on a friday evening (it of course wasnt friday everywhere but it was friday evening in oceania which is where it first started causing damage due to europe and na being asleep), crowdstrike pushed out an update to their windows users that caused a bug.
before i get into what the bug is, know that friday evening is the worst possible time to do this because people are going home. the weekend is starting. offices dont have people in them. this is just one of many perfectly placed failures in the rube goldburg machine of crowdstrike. there's a reason friday is called 'dont push to live friday' or more to the point 'dont fuck it up friday'
so, at 3pm at friday, an update comes rolling into crowdstrike users which is automatically implemented. this update immediately causes the computer to blue screen of death. very very bad. but it's not simply a 'you need to restart' crash, because the computer then gets stuck into a boot loop.
this is the worst possible thing because, in a boot loop state, a computer is never really able to get to a point where it can do anything. like download a fix. so there is nothing crowdstrike can do to remedy this death update anymore. it is now left to the end users.
it was pretty quickly identified what the problem was. you had to boot it in safe mode, and a very small file needed to be deleted. or you could just rename crowdstrike to something else so windows never attempts to use it.
it's a fairly easy fix in the grand scheme of things, but the issue is that it is effecting enterprises. which can have a looooot of computers. in many different locations. so an IT person would need to manually fix hundreds of computers, sometimes in whole other cities and perhaps even other countries if theyre big enough.
another fuck up crowdstrike did was they did not stagger the update, so they could catch any mistakes before they wrecked havoc. (and also how how HOW do you not catch this before deploying it. this isn't a code oopsie this is a complete failure of quality ensurance that probably permeates the whole company to not realise their update was an instant kill). they rolled it out to everyone of their clients in the world at the same time.
and this seems pretty hilarious on the surface. i was havin a good chuckle as eftpos went down in the store i was working at, chaos was definitely ensuring lmao. im in aus, and banking was literally down nationwide.
but then you start hearing about the entire country's planes being grounded because the airport's computers are bricked. and hospitals having no computers anymore. emergency call centres crashing. and you realised that, wow. crowdstrike just killed people probably. this is literally the worst thing possible for a company like this to do.
crowdstrike was kinda on the come up too, they were starting to become a big name in the tech world as a new face. but that has definitely vanished now. to fuck up at this many places, is almost extremely impressive. its hard to even think of a comparable fuckup.
a friday evening simultaneous rollout boot loop is a phrase that haunts IT people in their darkest hours. it's the monster that drags people down into the swamp. it's the big bag in the horror movie. it's the end of the road. and for crowdstrike, that reaper of souls just knocked on their doorstep.
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somehow-cathartic · 8 months ago
WHO tf keeping pads with no wings in production?? Put it in your draws and by the time you walk out the bathroom it’s down the street buying scratch offs at the corner store. Like girl
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somehow-cathartic · 9 months ago
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Saying "voting doesn't matter" might reach your younger peers online but it certainly hasn't reached Clangus Hargbarg who was part of the kkk in 1951 and still sends in his ballot. He hasn't missed a one.
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somehow-cathartic · 10 months ago
you ever get surprised by your own recurring issues. like come on man. I thought we were past this.
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somehow-cathartic · 11 months ago
This is such a mood. I remember getting into my tween years and all the adults were grumbling about “teens up to no good” and rules at our shopping mall changing to require more adult supervision. And i think that’s at the core of it: so much more adult supervision. All the boomers and gen X-ers boasted about all their childhood adventures and “playing outside all day until the streetlights turned on” and then chastised us for being lazy and not doing the same. I had a few moments where i could escape from everyone’s watchful eyes and walk across the train bridge to cross the creek on the edge of our neighborhood and almost get lost in the forest. My parents would be mad at me and scared because they didn’t know where i was and couldn’t contact me, but it’s one of my fondest childhood memories. Adults and parents have become so much more paranoid of their kids getting in danger or misbehaving that we were being put into little stencils of acceptable things to do and ways to be a kid. I feel like a very common heartache of being a kid these past few decades is that we were expected to be so mature and do All The Right Adult Decisions yet being told that we’re “just a kid” and adults know what you need better than you do yourself. Kids have been losing more and more and more of their autonomy, even as they grow older.
Maybe this is the wrong platform to pose this question given the average tumblr user but
Is it just me or did our generation (those of is who are currently 20-30 ish) just not get the opportunity to be young in the 'standard' sense?
Like, everyone I talk to who's over 40 has all their wild stories about their teens and 20s, being young and dumb, and then I talk to my friends and coworkers and classmates, and we just... dont.
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
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Garden Variety Dykes: Lesbian Traditions in Gardening, 1994
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
There’s a couple state senators who have been trying to get a high speed rail between Omaha and Lincoln and it sucks because they keep on being overridden by others who want a giant artificial lake built as an attempted dupe of lake Okaboji (probably spelled that wrong)
opinion on public transit
we need more of it out here 🤲 too much of a sprawl to not have something better
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
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i am the administrator
2. sure save in the fucking stinky folder whatever
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
We really do need to bring back the word "trolling" and warning ppl not to feed the trolls
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
Sometimes i feel like people encounter guardian angels in their sleep
I was sad, but a drag queen lent me her violin for a while, and I started playing it. I got quite good at it despite the fact that I didn’t really know exactly what I was doing, until I played it a little too hard and it broke. I cried, until she later came up to me and comforted me, saying something like, “All that matters is that you played,” and then I woke up.
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
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This just in
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somehow-cathartic · 1 year ago
Business Names in the 1800s: Primary Flour, Just Cement, Worldwide Copper, The Only Gasoline You Should Be Allowed To Buy
Business Names in the 1900s: Axiom, Artemis Manufacturing, Pinnacle Hygienics, Olympian Glue, Divine Yogurt, The Coolest Car Manufacturer With The Largest Hog In Town
Business Names in the 2000s: Gubi, Turna, Clooper, Jumbli, Dongr, Shnet, Pungu, Pooble, Weeeu
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