somedumb-kid · 14 days
I'm alone. I have nothing special or interesting about me. I wasn't meant to be here.
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somedumb-kid · 16 days
early stages of friendship are Soooo embarrassing like yea sorry....... it's me again............ i enjoy talking to you and spending time with you....... you can shoot me point blank if you want i dont mind
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somedumb-kid · 16 days
If I wasn't around, I think the longest people would be sad is a week
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somedumb-kid · 16 days
I don't think I'll ever stop hating the way I am and the way I look. Why is it so hard? Everything I try, it gets so hard, and I give up. Why do I have to be like this? Why do I have to look like this?"
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somedumb-kid · 5 months
I just feel so alone and like I don't have anyone. I know I do, but it's so hard to talk to anyone.
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somedumb-kid · 5 months
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somedumb-kid · 5 months
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somedumb-kid · 5 months
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this is literally me
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somedumb-kid · 5 months
I feel so alone and like none of my friends care or notice
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somedumb-kid · 10 months
I feel so alone, I think all my friends hate me and my job su ks
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somedumb-kid · 11 months
Nobody wants to save us
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somedumb-kid · 11 months
Maybe I should just take it all away
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somedumb-kid · 1 year
Hello. Hi. I know you want new music.
I want you to know that I am hard at work. There were some restrictions I was under, for a lot longer than it seemed, but they are no longer in the way. I’m sure you can fill in the blanks.
I’m always writing aimlessly and lawlessly as you know. But “album mode” is a whole other arena and the games are just beginning. I am working on some of my favorite stuff I’ve ever conjured. Wild to think that it hasn’t even been 2 years since IICHLIWP! I know it feels like so much longer. It does to me too. But there were 2 years and 7 months between HFK and Manic and honestly I think it was worth it. The time I took. And the growth that got me from that album to the next.
Thank you for having the patience and the faith.
It will pay off in the long run.
This feels like my debut all over again, in some ways.
Your love and support have carried me through a time where I thought maybe I only had a few albums left in me, but I know now that there are so many more than I could have ever dreamed.
Anyways, I love you.
Down the rabbit hole I go 🕳️
See you soon.
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somedumb-kid · 2 years
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By Hajime Kinoko
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somedumb-kid · 2 years
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47K notes · View notes
somedumb-kid · 2 years
Why is weight gain so easy and weightloss SO FUCKING HARD???!?!
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somedumb-kid · 2 years
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