somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
So uh, I never thought to share this here, but for anyone who’s interested, I now have an art/ask blog for Shadowy Figure.
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
So uh, I never thought to share this here, but for anyone who’s interested, I now have an art/ask blog for Shadowy Figure.
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Sup, fellow nerds. Will be reviving Mettaton, but on that blog instead of this one. If you want to interact with him, go over there and send an ask!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Sup, fellow nerds. Will be reviving Mettaton, but on that blog instead of this one. If you want to interact with him, go over there and send an ask!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Sup, fellow nerds. Will be reviving Mettaton, but on that blog instead of this one. If you want to interact with him, go over there and send an ask!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Sup, fellow nerds. Will be reviving Mettaton, but on that blog instead of this one. If you want to interact with him, go over there and send an ask!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Sup, fellow nerds. Will be reviving Mettaton, but on that blog instead of this one. If you want to interact with him, go over there and send an ask!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Sup, fellow nerds. Will be reviving Mettaton, but on that blog instead of this one. If you want to interact with him, go over there and send an ask!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
You should revive Mettaton! You... You were one of the reasons I made my little Napstablook rp blog and I wouldn't want to see you go... 0|0
oh my god, which Napsta are you, i wanna hug your Napsta now
“Revive him” seems to be the general consensus, so i’ll probs be doing that in the next few days
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
So, for my followers who haven’t left due to my inactivity: do you guys still want me to revive my Mettaton? Cause I’m thinking of doing so much to his displeasure
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
So, for my followers who haven’t left due to my inactivity: do you guys still want me to revive my Mettaton? Cause I’m thinking of doing so much to his displeasure
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
I sang.
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
Hurricane Irma
This hurricane has officially hit a category 5. To give you an idea of the strength of this storm:
Harvey was a category 4.
Katrina and Andrew were a category 5 and Irma is at the moment is stronger than both of them. This hurricane is going to cause absolute destruction when it hits. Puerto Rico (especially this beautiful isla)  Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Florida are all in it’s path. Here’s a checklist if you can afford these supplies.
Bottled Water- a week’s supply minimum (One gallon daily per person)
Non perishable items that don’t require cooking ( Tuna, nuts, fruit cups, Cereal bars, peanut butter, crackers, dried fruits, canned vegetables, chili)
Dry pet food 
Packaged juices 
Powdered or canned milk 
Manual can opener
Toilet paper 
Baby wipes ( this will make a great alternative for showers)
Batteries ( AAA, AA, 6V, C, and D)
Flash lights (if you have manual ones even better)
Battery powered radio 
Utility knife 
Waterproof matches 
5 gallons of gas
Tampons and pads 
Portable phone charger fully charged)
Sand bags (redirects water and debris flow)
First aid kit
Rain gear - Ponchos, boots. (avoid umbrellas)
Portable cooler
Documentation / Legal End
A closed water proof sealed container
Take pictures and send them to yourself in an email of the following: Drivers License, photo ID, social security numbers, medical insurance cards (of each person) 
Take photos of everything! Insurance companies are not your friends. Email everything to yourself. 
If you have young children and they are able to make sure they memorize your name, address, and phone number
Other tips: 
Before the hurricane hits fill up the bath tubs in your house (extra water for flushing the toilet) 
Bring any ornaments from outside inside 
Trim trees
Board your windows
Have a secure room that you an pile everyone ( has to have no windows) 
if you have any questions message me. Keep safe mi gente xx 
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
@ everyone in hurricane irma
if your house starts flooding high DO NOT GO UPSTAIRS OR INTO THE ATTIC!!! you will suffocate and drown!!!!! instead go onto the roof of your house and wait until rescue!!!! a family friend of mine recently did that in harvey and is currently recovering in the hospital. DO NOT GO THE SECOND STORY OF YOUR HOUSE!!
when you get rescued you can only take a handbag with you. dont take unimportant things and dont worry about clothing!
boiled eggs last a long time and are easy to make and store
ziploc bads are your best friends for sketchbooks and notebooks
chances are youll get evacuated to a church or shelter before a more long term place like a hotal room until the waters calm down. if you can, raise any furniture up or bring it upstairs.
any water that floods your house will be disgusting and dirty so be prepared
dont start your car until the engine dries completely out. if possible, get it professionally looked at
take advice from someone who lived so close to the flooding. do not go into your attic if your house floods!
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
I sang.
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
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the aforementioned vamp!mtts
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somber-fabbot-blog · 7 years
You know, I see a lot of interpretations where Frisk climbed Mt. Ebott because they were unsatisfied with life or they were abused, and I get the feeling it’s because most people focus on how when Asriel asks, why Frisk climbed the mountain, one of the reasons he proposes is this:
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But the prevalence of such sad Frisks makes me think most people ignore what he proposes right before that:
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So I say to you: a verse where Frisk is happy at home and climbs Mt. Ebott because they’re curious what’s in the mountain, or don’t believe the rumors.
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