som-nambulism · 7 years
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som-nambulism · 7 years
there is a light at the end of whatever darkness you are facing and it is warm and embracing and as nurturing as the sun
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som-nambulism · 7 years
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This is not who you are. You know who you are… Who you truly are.
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som-nambulism · 7 years
I know Taylor Swift lied about Kanye, but at the same time, he did make a nude wax model of her and use it in a music video. Which is so disgusting and misogynistic. So I do kinda take her side. I'd rather have a liar than someone who is gross sexually
Listen I never said Kanye West was perfect, I have huge issues with the sexism and the entire Kardashian family, to be honest. And the fact that he “endorsed” Trump, although he did check into a mental health clinic a few days after that so who the hell knows if that behavior wasn’t influenced by his mental illness. That being said Taylor Swift didn’t just lie. Putting it down to Taylor lying is a huge understatement of what she did.
Let’s look at what Taylor did, shall we? 
So Kanye West writes a song in which he mentions Taylor and making her famous. Now what does Kanye West do, he calls Taylor up told her about this song, she told him he was cool with it and at an award show, she would surprise everyone by saying she was in on it. Instead what she did was paint Kanye as this crazy, obsessed, evil black man. She denied ever getting a phone call from him. 
After Taylor got exposed by Kim Kardashian for being a lying snake, does Taylor apologize? Does she ever act regretful? No, what she does is release a bullshit statement about not wanting to be  “a part of this narrative” and how she didn’t know about the bitch part which makes her entire actions towards him okay. 
Now if Taylor didn’t know about the bitch line and was upset about that, fine she could have been, however, that’s not what Taylor went after Kanye West for. She painted the entire narrative as her being just attacked out of the blue by him. Not knowing at all anything that was going on. 
Fast forward to now, she has now had a song, all about Kanye entitled “Look what you made me do” a line many have pointed out is a word abuser’s use at their victims. The entire song gaslights Kanye West and again makes it appear as though she was his victim. Instead of owning up to her shit she is trying to yet again paint Kanye West as the evil black man coming after her. 
She is not only copying Kanye’s merchandise from his Life of Pablo album, but she also is copying Beyonce’s Lemonade, particular from the song Formation, which is a song about a black woman’s struggle in America. On top of that, she is releasing her album on the day Kanye West’s mother died. And I call bullshit that she didn’t know. If anyone follows any of this shit closely you know that Kanye’s mother’s death deeply impacted him, it’s speculated that it was part of the reason his mental illness was triggered. Taylor Swift knows this as it was talked about during the VMAs stuff, and she is obsessed with “getting” Kanye West back for interrupting her VMA’s speech, which yes was stupid of him, but Kanye had a point when he did that. Kanye was attempting to stand up for black women when he did that, he did it in an incredibly stupid way but his heart was in the right place. Taylor has never got over that moment and has set out to make Kanye West forever look like the black man who is bullying her. 
So no Taylor isn’t better than Kanye, Kanye may not be the best person on the planet, but you don’t need to be perfect in order to be a victim. And that’s what Kanye is right now, he is a victim of a white woman attempting to paint herself as this innocent, while he is an evil black man attacking her. 
Now let’s get into some history here which is deeply upset and most white people, especially white women, want to ignore. Historically white women have lied repeatedly about black men attacking them, usually sexually, and this has led to the violent, brutal, deaths of hundreds of black men. One of the most famous cases was of Emmett Till, who in the 1950s (a time period that people are still alive from) was lynched by a group of angry white men after a white woman lied (she’s admitted it now) about him whistling at her. 
These are the facts of this country, white women repeatedly lying about black men leading to them being murdered. So no Taylor Swift isn’t just lying about some random music bullshit, she is lying in a racially charged way. She is using systematic racism and white supremacy ideas to help her win this battle against Kanye. 
And as I’ve stated many times that yes Kanye has his issues, but Kanye can still be affected by racism, the same way Taylor can be subjected to sexism. Those two things shouldn’t be conflated. Two wrongs don’t ever make a right, Taylor coming for Kanye in a racially charged way shouldn’t sit well with anyone. Especially in our current political climate where we have the KKK/Neo-Nazis marching through the streets, killing people, where we have black men and women being killed disproportionately by police officers, for usually non-violent crimes. 
Taylor has a lot to answer for race-wise, her best friend is engaged to Jared Kushner’s brother. Breitbart News, home of the Alt Right Neo Nazi movement is praising her new song and using her lyrics over Pro-Nazi articles. She will not denounce Donald Trump, neither before or after the election. Isn’t it funny that “Feminist” Taylor Swift won’t denounce our “Grab them by the Pussy” President? Taylor uses feminism when it pleases her agenda but won’t stand for it when it would affect her fan base and ticket sales. 
And I call bullshit on anyone saying she doesn’t have to state political opinions. We don’t live in that world, anyone. That’s over. We are living in an era where our own President won’t condemn Neo Nazis after they murdered someone in the streets. We are in a critical and crucial time in American history, anyone who doesn’t see that is fooling themselves. If you’re a big name celebrity like Taylor, who has been political in the past, and your staying silent, that’s all we need to hear. Taylor’s silence on these matters speaks for her.
Taylor shouldn’t be given a free pass by anyone for using systematic racism, just because the man she’s using against isn’t perfect himself. That isn’t how victimhood works. We are under this false notion that in order to be a victim you have to be perfect. The same way Taylor Swift was a victim of sexual assault when a man groped her, Kanye West is a victim of racism by Taylor Swift. Her attempt to rewrite the narrative to make herself seem like a victim isn’t okay at all. Nobody should be supporting her in this at all. She is in the wrong here. 
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som-nambulism · 7 years
Suddenly you’re 21 and you’re screaming along in the car to all the songs you listened to when you were sad in middle school and everything is different but everything is good.
(via bl-ossomed)
apply for: faves | award w bambi| award w meg
(via planteh)
You’re beautiful x
(via excludeing)
1M notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 7 years
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217K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 7 years
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Blogging this tweet because this explains SO MUCH about the mindset of pretty much all the folks I’ve known who’re against single-payer, it’s not even funny…
162K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 7 years
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Spotted on a photographer’s shop. Va themetapicture.
4K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 7 years
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A stunning Maldivian girl with aqua blue eyes. 
106K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 7 years
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this is the best thing I’ve ever seen on twitter
336K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 7 years
a nursing home in ohio
shoutout to those random peacocks you find in places that are probably unsuitable for a peacock to inhabit in the first place
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som-nambulism · 8 years
we all have that movie we saw too young and probably scarred us for life.
179K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 8 years
PSA did you guys know there’s an equivalent to the word “phallic” ?? 
Yonic: resembling of vulva/labia/vagina 
Yonic, from from sanskrit word Yoni 
flowers are yonic, fruit is yonic, i’m so excited that this word exists i literally have only ever heard the word “phallic” until now. YONIC!!
112K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 8 years
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ku klux klan
91K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 8 years
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please get on this! Protect Black Girls! We as community have to look after each other. 
122K notes · View notes
som-nambulism · 8 years
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by Nivia Gonzalez
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som-nambulism · 8 years
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What was it like when you heard your name and you made your way up to that stage, inside?
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