Graphic Communication
185 posts
Student at Birmingham City University studying Graphic Communication Blog showing research, development and final outcomes
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Photoshop brief 
The brief set was to create promotional posters to showcase how Photoshop can “unleash your creativity”.
Instantly the word “unleash” reminds me of an exposing/ creating of something. I came across this background created by apple, , shown below The exploding as well as the bight colours reminds me of a bust of creativity. This is a design effect I could implement to showcase creativity being unleashed.
Instantly the word “unleash” reminds me of an exposing/ creating of something. I came across this background created by apple, figure 18. The exploding as well as the bight colours reminds me of a bust of creativity. This is a design effect I could implement to showcase creativity being unleashed.
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I then found example of typogpraghny created though powder/paint explosions, created by Side-by-Side design agency, figure 19. This turns typography into a piece of art breaking the boundaries of type. This effect reminds of creativity exploding through the boundaries. This effect could work well to again show creativity being unleashed.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
The Midnight Club
The Midnight Club are a creative marketing agency  based in London. Their belief is that every day starts at midnight, with all these hours what difference can you make?
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The work that the Midnight Club produce is very abstract and original creative many fast moving and creative videos and animations. One of  the Midnight clubs major campaign was for Adidas showcased on their website  
The interest I have with the Midnight club comes from an instagram post I found on their page. The post is a promo advert for their paid creator crash course called “be a prodigy”.
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This video has a very quick flashy design to it, with quick flashing images and text popping up on screen in time with the music.This video also has the effect of  taking the word “prodigy” and repeating it many times down the page and a fast. The whole design of this as inspired me to create something similar, very flashy, as your able to add a lot of information into a short time, as well as it being very visually pleasing.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
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IVY PARK is a fitness clothing brand, founded by Beyonce in 2016. The interest I have with IVY PARK is the design of their website.
IVY PARKS website involves quick flashing pieces of text/animations which alternates from black to white very fast, although this is vey intense, the text is still readable and the site is easily to navigate. The quick flashing animation provides quick simple informative info, in a more creative way rather then a simple text box, this design technique is taken throughout the brands promotion  This design I feel is very clean yet creative and visual pleasing, I feel if it matches the Hip Hop genre Beyonce is about.
From my research into the brand D’usse, they have a similar genre, hip hop and r&b with Jay-z share within the brand, as well as many high profile celebrate like Beyonce's  drinking dust and referencing them within their music.
Taking inspiration for IVY PARKS website I am going to try this design technique within my adverts for D’usse as it a very eye-catching and straight to the point way of communication.
Another example of this on the IVY PARK site is Beyonce's promotion for her collaboration with Adidas. The promotion is a short quick gift which alternates from the IVY PARK logo, Beyonce’s name and the Adidas logo. Again this provides very clear and quick information as a fast paste, which creates energy within the viewer when watching it, a clever technique to build up excitement
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
The D’usse Lounge
D’usse offer a service know as the “D’usse” Lounge. This is an exclusive areas for specific ticket holders at events to socialise, relax and enjoy food and rink provided by D’usse, as well as buying a specific ticket for the lounge, in some cases invitations are set, this more for high profile celebrities. The D’usse lounge is usually available at Roc Nation events for VIP ticket holders.
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The D’usse lounge is often themed specifically to the event associated with for example drinks name and food name after songs/ celebrities e.t.c, getting visitors in the mood and ready for the event ahead of them.
The D’usse lounge is a great way for promotion for the brand as visitors poster images of their experience within the lounge over social media showcasing the what D’usse has to offer, this acts a form of free promotion.
The logo for the D’usse lounge matches D’usse’s brand very well, using the iconic dagger above the word D’usse, with the word “Lounge” is a. San serif front, differentiating one another.
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Taking This Research Further
Researching into the d’usse lounge has not only developed my knowledge of the brand but has also helped develop new creative ideas which will help the development to my own campaign. An idea which has inspired me from researching into this is to create an exclusive club were people pay a monthly subscription to and receive fantastic benefits.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Existing Campaigns
D'USSE Cognac
New Product Launch
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This campaign from D’usse was their 1st campaign with the launch of their brand. This campaign involves a series of poster both online and outdoor with informative information of the brand such as the meaning, origins, cellar master and much more, creating much hype for the brand. The only thing this campaign lacks is a digital elements, this is something that much be considered within my campaign.
The face of the campaign was jay-z one of the parters of D’usse. Having a high profile celebrity not only creates much more hype for the campaign but also puts a face onto the brand, giving off the effect the brand is high profile and good enough for these high profile celebrities. This is why it is key for my campaign to showcase Jay-Z’s involvement with the brand.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Celebrity Involvement with D’usse
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Jay-Z is one of the worlds most well known and respected rappers. Married to Beyonce, Jay-z is a very high profile celebrity which has a huge influence on the public. 6 years ago, Jay-z visited Château in France and tasted many samples by Michel Casavecchia, this is how the partnership with Jay-z came about, and the birth of D’usse. Although D’usse is new brand, with Jay-Zs high profile promoting the drink through his music, record label and events the brand has been able to grown on a global scale, as well as giving the brand a more luxurious name to it. Jay-z has opened many doors for the brand giving it a well know name for itself.
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Jay-Z promotes D’usse throughout his careers. For example D’usse is an often sponsor for tours/events for JAY-Z- such a s his 444 tour and OTRII tour, giving fans the opportunity for VIP experience through the D’usse lounge with competently drinks, as well as photo shoots against D’usse backdrops as concerts. As well as this Jay-Z promotes D’usse through his record label Roc Nation, hosting private events for the label with D’usse as the main beverage. As mentioned previously Jay-Z has given the brand the opportunity to grown on a large public scale with many of his fans and followers supporting the brand, therefore it is key for me to include Jay-Z within my own campaign to engage with a wider audience. 
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
D’usse Brief
The Brief
D’usse is a relatively new form of Cognac, alcohol, within elf the founders being Jay-z. The brief set by D’usse is to create a campaign to mainly showcase the brand an d wanton they have to offer, creating more recognition to the brand, as well as their partnership with Jay-Z an d Roc Nation.
Design Technique
Within the brief it is clear they would preferably like an element of motion graphics within the campaign which they could use for places such as Youtube, Instagram, stories and Twitter. The campaign should be fairy social media based.  
Target Audience
The target audience for the campaigns should be mainly male 24-44, year olds, who live urban lifestyles, highly ambitious, enjoys the good life and perks, commands attention and who have a work hard, play hard mentality.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
D’usse Cognac 
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D’usse Cognac is a high end luxury brand of alcohol. D’usse originated in Chateau de Cognac, France, relating back to the name of the brand. The founder of the company Michel Casavecchia set out to create his own legacy through his company D’usse, which was successful and D’usse is now one of the world well know alcoholic drinks. His vision was to create a bold, yet smooth Cognac. D’usse was first carefully crafted within the Château de Cognac, one of the most oldest cognac houses in France. The Château de Cognac are created the world best spirits. D’usse is a very new brand but with partnership with Jay-Z the brand has had the opportunity to grown on a global. Cognac has been around for a long time, but D’usse Cognac was created to take a similar form to a cocktail yet still a brandy.
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D’usse has its iconic cross symbol within the logo, this symbol relates back to French history, with those who march carry the “Cross of Lorraine”, the cross symbolises courage, honour and perseverance. Using this symbol for the brand not only gives D’usse cultural meaning and connects it with it heritage but also gives the brand an identity of  courage, honour and perseverance, as well as this the cross represents the brand and its consumers to march forward and to create a new legacy.
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What is a Cognac?
A cognac is a form of brandy, as said previously named after, Chateau de Cognac, France. D’usse falls within this category of alcohol.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
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Mr Cup
Mr Cup is a French graphic designer who created very unique, original and eye-catching designs. He first started working under his own name and later set up a studio known as “Mr Cup”. Mr Cup specialises and is passionate for letterpress printing, which is visible from his very typogwprahic work. The style of work he produces has caught me eye as it relates to style of design I have been researching into.
The image below are a few examples of his work. As you can see all the designer are very typographic heavy. His works is backed up by bright vibrant colour as well as intricate patterns and designs, giving his work a sense ion personality. His typography ranges from san serifs and serifs, some times combining the two together, which is a technique I really like. His work also has a sense a vintage look to it, using specific imagery, colours, patterns  and overall design which could be associated with a past year, almost bringing that era back to life.
A piece of work that taught my eye was this “creative manifesto” deigned by Mr Cup. This is poster designed with the intention to motivate people and to push them to do what they love, designed for creatives. The design technique for this involves typography at different point sizes and angles to fill and entire rectangle, with lines breaking up each sentence/ quote. What I like about this design technique is the way certain words stand out the viewer as well as them having to look further into the design to read the smaller print as well as the work o at different angles. This design technique is a great way for showcasing information in a creative way, rather than a boring information leaflet. I am going to consider a similar technique within my own design ideas.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
The NYC Commuter Survival Kit
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The NYC commuter survival kit is a project created by Sam Parlato is all about surviving travelling within New York City. Within the packaging are products that could come in heady when traveling around NYC, such as tissues, headphones, maps, sanitisers e.t.c. Each product combines a short fun description of the product. This idea  is not only really fun and effective but is designed in a very visually pleasing manner.
The design of the packaging and products are very visually pleasing, The logo of the product is the name of the product allied is a sort of square shape. The logo has then been changed to a yellow (resemble new your taxis) and places many times, at different angles all around the packaging drinking typography into a visual design, against a black background, the typography pops, making it very visible.
The products have also been design in the same way, but the different is on products there is also a yellow/black box in which the information sits in order for it to be readable, with the logo design behind this yellow box ( a few of the products do not have the logo design on them, yet still keeping the colour scheme) There are small details which have been fadd on these information boxes, giving them a personality too.
Relation to my campaign
I have looking at similar designs for my own campaign, typographic designs, this had therefore given me more inspiration and ideas for my own designs, especially for designing the products within my starter kit as an issue I faced was creating everything to look too similar, researching into this project has helped me think of new creative Idas
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Crown Maple Syrup
From researching further into packaging design, I came across this packing from Crown Maple Syrup. What drew me towards the packaging was the use of typography. The packaging is designs pulley through typography as well as a few images to break up. The type. This technique not only gives users more information into the product but looks very visually pleasing. The typography not only acts as type but also transforms into an overall image. 
The typography on the packaging ranges from titles and headlines about the product, information regarding the product as well as reviews and history, this type is them broken up and backed up by logo designs. The packaging design has one neutral colour, black which makes everything look clean and organised, with an orange around the box, which gives users a break from the intense typography design
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This technique used for this packaging design is very visually pleasing yet also informative. It is a create way to add extra information without using excess material, making it more environmentally friendly. The information on the packaging is going to be the first thing user sees therefore giving them an insight into the product/brand without even opening the packaging.
I feel as if this technique is a great idea for my own packaging design as students do not want to be reading boring leaflets about the brand and travel, I am able to put all this info into the packaging design as well as making the packaging design more creative and visually pleasing 
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Cubitos Packaging 
Cubitos is a new brand of truffles sold with Europe. Designed by “Studio Alto” located in Melbourne. The packaging design uses the Bold typeface called ‘San Churro’s’ alongside a sort of retro design which gives it a brute and fun aesthetic.
What I like about this packaging design is the way the information about the product has been implemented into the packaging design, foe example the flaps, rescuing the amount of materials needed in insert an information card within the packaging, this is an idea I will take up on within my design process 
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Another creative idea that I like from Cubitos packaging design is way people are able to connect several boxes to great one big image. Because the product itself has been designed for the imagery and type to follow the shape of the box, if a group of boxes are place with different sides showing, they’re able to create a bigger image of packaging, which is a nice creative touch, it turns the packing into more of an insulation or artwork. This is another idea I could develop into my campaigns, as a way to bring people together.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
How does Hostelworld rebranding relate to my campaign and design?
The rebrand process for a business is a very important for designers. Because of the rebrand the business  will have a brand new set of brand guidelines which designs must follow. As a designer for Hostelworld, I must follow the new brand guidelines in order for my campaign to be correct and relevant for the business, I must research into the new 
Type face 
Colour scheme 
Logo positioning and colouring 
Tone of voice 
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Ways of connecting with the target audience  Students 
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Social Media 
Social media is a great to express, showcase and promote a campaign or service to almost any type of person. Focusing mainly on students, social media is a service that student use of a daily for many hours,  therefore meaning showcasing a campaign digitally would be ideal for catching their attention. An issue with social media’s that is it easy to  scroll past adverts or to get distracted by other content, yet social media and digital campaigns is a great to spread a message on a wide platform for many people to engage with weather it be a short or longer period of time
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Freshers Fair
Another great way to communicate with students directly and to spread a message on a large scale, would be through Universities student freshers fair. Freshers fairs are an annul event for students where they’re able to join societies, clubs and interact with new people. A huge part of freshers fair is  student friendly business are able to set up stands and give away free gifts, vouchers and competitions, promoting their services and showing their student friendly. In my opinion this is a great way to target a large number of the target audience at once 
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Outdoor Campus Advertisement 
Designing posters, billboards and flyers to be placed around university environment and posted through student mail boxes in another great way to target students. Students are constantly walking around campus, making the foot fall around these ads very high resulting in interaction.The only issue with this type of engagement is it isn’t as creative as exiting and students may easily forget about seeing the advert, yet implementing this idea into a bigger campaign could be a great way to promote and advertise the campaign  
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Competitor Research  
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Expedia is another travel platform were people are able to find and book flights, car higher, train tickets, holiday packages and overall cheap deals to popular destinations, all at the best prices. Expedia is the biggest online travel provider for the UK. Falling into a very similar category as Hostelworld, they aim to prove the best expertises for users and encourage them to travel with cheap and affordable fairs. 
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Expedia “Luggage Tags” Campaign 
A campaign from Expedia which I find very clever and creative is their “Luggage Tags” campaign. The campaign involves a series of posters with luggage tags photographed and edited onto the posters. The destination code on the luggage use airport codes to spell out a series of words , which acts as the main part of the poster. Although the poster lacks in text/information , the overall travel imagery clear represents what the poster and company are about, alongside a web address a clear example of how minimal design can be successful. The posters have got a very light hearted and fun feel to them due to funny code combinations on the tags , making them stand out from other travel l posters. With minimal design work but creative throughout behind, this campaign from Expedia is a very strong creative campaign which is eye catching and fun. 
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Taking the campaign further, Expedia teamed up with facebook to callow users to create their own travel tags. The facebook campaign enables users to type airport codes onto the usage tags to find the best combination of words. Users are then able to share their results over social media. The campaign also gets turned into a competition by winning a £2000 holiday if their tags are featured in Expeidas gallery.
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Competitor Research  
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Airbnb is app/website where people are able to offer or arrange lodging and tourism experiences. Although Airbnb offer difference services, they fall under the same category as Hostelworld.  Airbnb has always marketed their services to be a way to experience new cultures and services much like Hostelworld.
Campaigns From Airbnb
Instillation's (The floating house)
Areas Guides 
Online Animated Information
Airbnb have had many creative and successful campaigns in comparison to Hostelworld. 
Existing Campaigns 
A campaign from Airbnb which I find extremely original is their ‘Floating House’ Campaign. This campaign involved a full sized home floating down the river themes to celebrate a new law which enables Londoners to rent their homes for up to 90 days.  Airbnb gave one group of people the opportunity to stay in this floating  home. The campaign bought 73,00 people to the site, 28,000 of these people were new ti Airbnb. The campaign also peaked at 19m. 
This is a great example of how a very original, creative campaign idea can bring people together and bring more recognition of the brand. 
To spread the message even further of this campaign, airbnb documented the campaign experiences and created a YouTube video which showcase the concept and success of the campaign, the video has had over 35,000 views
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solomou-andreas-itvc · 6 years ago
Hostelworld Rebrand 
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In 2015 Hostelworld underwent a complete rebrand with the ideas to create 'spontaneous adventurers’. The first image shows their previous logo, using the letter ‘H” to symbolise a bed, with people laying between the bridge of the ‘H’. The rebranded logo (Botton image), is a more simple, minimal logo, reflecting on the experience of meeting new people with the arrows facing one another.
The idea behind  rebrand was to target and attract the millennials audience as they are the people who travel most, emoji new experience and meeting new people. Hostelworld's created their own new slog “Meet the World” to reflect on how hostels connect people together from differences cultures, making them talk and interact with one another . The new orange colour of rebrand, orange, reflects on enthusiasm, optimism and affordability.
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