solomadison-blog · 5 years
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
WhatsApp 📲Madison
RYDER: Madison? Are you okay?
MADISON: Huh, oh my god Ryder I'm so sorry I never saw this until just now.
MADISON: I've sort of been avoiding my phone for the past few days.
MADISON: You don't want to know how many messages my parents have left me.
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
text | liason
LIA: am i what?
LIA: no i'm fine.
MADISON: Are you having a concussion or something.
MADISON: You don't sound fine. tightness shouldn't happen.
MADISON: Granted you could just be scared but still
MADISON: I'm gonna come find you and we can look together
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
text | liason
LIA: explains why i'm a blind bitch too
LIA: ok
LIA: idk it hurts to breathe my chest is really tight. i'm hoping everyone is just in there dressing rooms
MADISON: no lia, that's carrots.
MADISON: ... oh god. are you--
MADISON: do i need to take you to the ER?
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
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There was so much commotion, everyone was yelling, running, scrambling to get out or get away or get to the person they were looking for in the crowd. Even the artists with their security had no idea what was happening. It was the biggest panic that Ripley had ever seen and she didn’t even know what happened. The tiniest wave of relief came over her when Madison answered her phone call which at least meant she was okay, “I’m okay babe, swear!” She replied over the noise. “I’ll help you find Mason. Meet me at his dressing room. I’m sure he’s fine.” The words came out clear but Ripley clearly didn’t know anything. All she knew in the moment was that Madison needed her to find Mason and that was enough.
“Can you make it here to stage two? Or-- fuck,” she curses under her breath. They need to find Ryder too. Wait they might have been together. “Wait, is Ry with you? Are-- Are you guys okay? If all four of us can start finding people I think we’ll be okay,” she commented, starting to pace as she attempted to push away the tears falling down her cheeks. This wasn’t the time to cry. What if Mason had gotten hurt? Now she was just opening random doors screaming her brother’s name into them. Where the hell was he?
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shock waves [madley ftf]
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
text | liason
LIA: why am i so fucking short
LIA: have you seen max or anna i haven't heard from them at all
LIA: i was supposed to leave but im not leaving without them
LIA: are you okay?
MADI: bc u didnt drink enough milk growing up is that really whats important here?
MADI: no i haven't seen max or anna.
MADI: im also not looking for him. i'll look for her tho.
MADI: my ears are ringing and i'm like.. full on panicked. mason and i are trying to find people
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
text | liason
MADI: hey are u safe idk if you are
MADI: please text me when you get this so i know you are
MADI: or i will have me and mason go to find you. strength in #s
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
Madison hadn’t known what was going on. She was watching Saint!California’s performance from the wings when suddenly the shot happened and the girl paused and looked around. Was... that a gun? Was that a part of their set? Suddenly, she realized the commotion from the audience had turned into excitement to absolute terror. Suddenly another one rung out and this time it was clear. Was it an echo? Did it actually happen? Guns?! She backed up and suddenly screamed for Mason and ran to the green room, trying to find her brother. “MASON!” she kept screaming out as she kept turning corners trying to locate her brother.  As her phone went off to hear Ripley’s ring tone, she froze in place. Oh god. Was Ripley okay?
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“Babe, please tell me everything’s okay--” she said as she picked up- her voice rushed and far too overthinking the entire thing. “I -- I can’t find Mason--” she put her hand over the phone speaker and yelled her brother’s name once more. She needed to maybe find his dressing room-- something. He had to be safe.
shock waves [madley ftf]
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Ripley was backstage still reeling from Due Hesitation’s opening performance when she heard the loud booming echo come seemingly out of nowhere in the middle of Saint!California’s set. Her heart dropped and despite how loud everything was it was like everything had gone silent. Her every instinct told her to stay and hide and the old Ripley would have been dying for a drink to suppress her emotions. But in this moment all she could think about was Madison — she needed to see Madison, make sure she was safe. She pulled out her phone to try calling her but couldn’t get an answer. She wasn’t on main stage yet, she knew that much, so she began to yell out. “Madison! Madison!” Hoping she could get an answer. 
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
Did you pet the retriever though? Or at least ask to? Because that’s major missed opportunities if not.
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Can I just say how good Peruvian food is? Lomo Saltado. Just had it for lunch and it’s fucking great. Also saw a cute-ass golden retriever on my way to the restaurant. On a sad note, I miss Egg terribly.
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
[text] i don’t care that we’re not in the same room but i’m allowed to say that i’m jealous of whomever is sharing the bed with you.
TEXT: You are the silliest person I know. I do miss snuggling though. Especially because I just want to snuggle right now. 
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
@MCTWIN1: [gif attachment: https://66.media.tumblr.com/7a054b7199452562e5ee680aecd43332/tumblr_osvy44zFgs1ukq7ljo3_500.gif]
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
RILEY: So in the event that we turn into a female recreation of The Hangover, I fully plan on being the "Alan." I'm not sure how but we need to find a tiger and a baby.
RILEY: For real though, i'm going to grab some alcohol to stock up the mini fridge. Any requests?
Madison: As long as I'm not the guy who always ends up being on the fucking roof or like the elevator shaft or somewhere obvious that they never seem to fucking check I'm good.
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
TWITTER FEED - @mctwin1
@MCTWIN1: I know I'm super late on this, but whoever's shaming Cordelia Wilde better get it in check immediately. That girl's been in the game for a long long time. If you can deal with me cursing finally, you can deal with Cordelia being sexual. #freethecordie
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
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solomadison-blog · 5 years
Get you a girl who’s down for 4am MARIO kart races
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