Would you be willing to describe what techniques or skills you use to shape your slaves mind, thoughts, and perspectives? It's amazing that you're able to do that and have turned him into the slave you want him to be.
Keep in mind, I have owned him for well over 15years and have been customizing him the entire time. I have had a long time to work on him.
My goal from the very beginning has been tohave complete control over a male human being, to use his raw materials tocreate the male I want and desire. WhenI first started, I saw this as a fantasy I would probably never reallyachieve. However, as I trained andmodified him, I found his desire to be controlled and his deep need forsubmission gave me something to build upon. I doubt I could have accomplished what I have if his desires and needswere not so deeply imbedded.
I am not so sure I have specific techniques orskills I can easily detail. However, Ido have some guidelines I can share.
1. Shaping his mind, his thoughts and his perspective takes along time and has to be focused on each factor/behavior/attitudeindividually. I have moved him fromsimply obeying to satisfy himself because he likes to obey, to obeying not forhimself but because he wants to please me, to accepting any changedbehavior/attitude as his new norm, to instilling pride in him for the change hehas undergone, to believing the change is part of what and who he is.
2. He never let him leave his slave mindset. No matter what we are doing together, he isalways treated as the inferior and he always treats me as the Superior. Even if we are arguing world events s if weare equals, he is likely naked or decorated with clothing I select, he is onthe floor while I am in a chair, he may have a dildo ion his anus, etc. At all times, he is submitting to andrecognizing my authority and power over him. This keeps his mind always malleable.
3. With each new behavior I wanted a change in his attitude andself-image. This means that the behavioris not all that needs to be reinforced, by how I talk about it, the behaviormodification methods I used (rewards most often but some discipline) and how I allowedhim to talk and think about it. I wantedthe new behavior to become a normal habit/activity for him with him seeing itas what he as my slave naturally does.
4. To change an attitude, I made sure my message to his brainabout what I wanted him to accept was constant, regular, and consistent. Starting and stopping would not have had thesame effect, I don’t think.
5. I always started a new behavior/attitude adjustment withwhere he at when I started. I acknowledgedand respected and worked with his fears and his disgust if they were there. I could build on this or needed to get himpast his initial reaction. He would obeyno matter what. But repressing hisreaction would not lead to accepting what he was becoming. Simply telling him to get past it was notenough. I taught him to want to get pastit and then to be proud of his achievement, no matter how loathsome ordisgusting that achievement might seem to others.
6. There was one overriding attitudinal change I started at thebeginning, have constantly worked on and still work on today. The lower he sinks into the abyss of slaveryand submission, the more he is living his true nature; the more truthful he isbeing with himself. By having this asthe baseline message he constantly receives and has come to believe makes therest of this easier to do.
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2/11/25 - 2152 - Once Chris enters the gates of Mademoiselle, one thing is assured- she will never be a boy again. Transitioning her name to Christine is just the appetizer to a full course of femininity.
Debuted 12/16/22 on Andy Latex. Thanks Andy and Christeen. Visit Andy at SMOOTHSLICKNSHINY.BLOGSPOT.COM.
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1/8/25 - 2506 - Your days of being considered a guy are numbered, Chris. Twin girls of your own and heels mark you as a Miss.
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