Sol Artz Jewelry
118 posts
Reiki Infused Handmade Healing Jewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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💙Sol Artz Black Lava Sterling Silver Healing Bracelet😀. #sold🤗 #getyours #whatsyourfav #whatsyourstack #dmme @solartzjewelry #handmadejewelry #handcrafted #artisanjewelry #wriststack #wristcandy #wristporn #lava #sterlingsilver
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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🌟Sol Artz Magnesite, Sterling Silver, Red Coral Healing Necklace. 👏🏽Photography by the talented @avaluna7878 💕#jotd #potd #dmme @solartzjewelry #healing #redcoral #magnesite#sterlingsilver #necklace #neckswag #nyc #nycfashion #artisanjewelry #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #popofcolor #sold🤗
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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💙Sol Artz Green Dragons Vein Agate Tear Drop Sterling Silver Earrings.🙏🏽 #sold #earrings #handmadejewelry #colorful #gemstonehealing #healing #powerful #dmme #potd#jotd @solartzjewelry .💖 Photography by the talented artist @avaluna7878 😃
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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🙌🏽Get you accessories in order people. 🙃The world can be sad that doesn't mean you need to act or look it😉! Enhance your fall outfits with a pop of colorful✨ handmade "💙Sol Artz Jewelry Reiki infused Healing Jewelry💙"!!!!😀 Howlite, Magnesite, and Coral Sol Artz Necklace photographed by the very talented artist @avaluna7878. #dmme for #currentinventory #sold #oneofakind #artisanjewelry #handmadejewelry #reikihealing #gemstones #gemstonejewelry #gemstonehealing #colorful #necklace #neckswag @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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💖Carnelian/ Hematite Happy Buddha 🕉Reiki charged Healing bracelet.🙏🏽#gemstonejewelry #gemstones #carnelian #hematite #buddha #reiki #reikihealing #potd #repost #dmmenow #forsale @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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🕉Sol Artz Reiki Infused Wood, Hematite , Suede Tassel Healing Bracelet.For Sale #dmmenow @solartzjewelry. 👏🏽 #freespirit #bohostyle #freepeople #flashesofdelight #bohemianjewelry #hippiestyle #hippielife #gypsystyle #hematite #fpme #gypset #festivalfashion #festivalstyle #boholife #oneofakind #tassels #woodbeads #hematite #gemstones #gemstonejewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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✌🏽️Sol Artz Reiki Infused Gemstone Healing Lapis & Hematite Bracelet. 👍🏽For Sale #dmme @solartzjewelry .🤓 #jewelry #artisan #artisanjewelry #jewelrystore #jewelrymaker ##bohemian #bohemianjewelry #uniquejewelry #handcraftedjewelry #jewelrymaking #jewelryaddict #gemstones #lapis #hematite #flashesofdelight
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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Sol Artz Reiki Infused Faceted Sodalite, Hematite, Black Agate Healing Bracelet. #dm #jotd #potd #happyoctober #repost #oneofakind #boho #reiki #reikihealing #magical #bracelet #whatsyourfav #stacks #getyousome #getyours #healing #healingjewelry #festivalstyle #nyc #nycdesigner #handmade #artisan #enlightenment #spiritual #spiritualgrowth #reikiattunedstone #forsale @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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👍🏽Sol Artz Reiki Healing Faceted Sodalite and Brass Bracelet. 🔱🎆Sodalite helps reduce negativity and enhance positivity, assisting in working through disagreements by putting a more positive light on the issue. Sodalite gemstones bring about a "glass half full" perspective to any situation.🌟 #sodalite #brass #gemstones #gemstone #bracelet #whatsyourstack #positive #healing #artisan #oneofakind #repost #potd #jotd #happyoctober @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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Sol Artz Fertility Gemstone Healing Bracelet. Moonstone, Labradorite, Carnelian, and Sterling Silver. #whatsyourstack #festivalstyle #bohochic #potd #reiki #healing #nycjewelry #nyc #artisan #repost #gypsysoul #gypsystyle #stacks #sold #dmme @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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🎆Chrysoprase is powerful stone. It is said to bring good fortune and 🌟prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression, courage, hope, and the ability to use them wisely. Hematite has an excellent grounding and balancing energy, as well as being a powerful aid to stimulate the mind. #dmme #oneofakind #nycstyle #necklace #neckswag #forsale #healing #reiki #potd #bohochic #festivalstyle @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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Sol Artz Amethyst, Moonstone, & Sterling Silver Gemstone Healing Bracelet. #forsale #feelingblessed #potd #powerstone #powerstack #femalepower #healing #oneofakind #dm #dmme @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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✨When you enjoy what you do life is sweet. 💙Thank you so much @cecilamado for your support and for being a pleasure to work with!💖 #mycustomersrock #mycustomer #femalepower #womensupportingwomen #potd #feelingblessed @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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Sol Artz Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Carnelian, and Sterling Silver Female Fertility Bracelet. #dmmenow #artisan #bohochic #wriststack #oneofakind #rosequartz #fertilitybracelet #sterlingsilver #amethyst #carnelian #femalepower #healthyfood #potd #dmme @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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😀Sol Artz Faceted Rose Quartz, Amethyst and Sterling Silver ✨Reiki Infused Healing Gemstone bracelet . #dmmenow @solartzjewelry #wristcandy #wriststack #healing #amethyst #sterlingsilver #rosequartz #fertilitybracelet #fertility #oneofakind #reikihealing #repost #potd
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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💕Love when Sol Artz Jewelry customers take fun and creative photos wearing their Sol Artz Jewelry! Thank you @_jessemorr you are rocking your Sol Artz Green Agate bracelet. #whatsyourstory #whatsyourstack #green #healing #wriststack #wristcandy #dmmenow @solartzjewelry
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solartzjewelry · 8 years ago
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Lovely Sol Artz Reiki Infused Fertility Healing Gemstone Bracelet. #moonstone #sterlingsilver #citrine #reiki #reikihealing #wristporn #wristcandy #oneofakind #wriststack #bohochic #artisan #dmmenow @solartzjewelry
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