solarthropod · 2 months
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solarthropod · 4 months
After a short break, the insect insights are back with a cute story about ant larvae :)
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solarthropod · 8 months
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I think I nailed the hopepunk/solarpunk design
I published my first solarpunk ttrpg on itch.io!
Close to the embers is a ttrpg/storytelling tool I designed to guide your imagination towards a hopeful and soft future.
You will be invited to think about community, how the old world isn't so impactful now, and where to go from now on.
I made this as a submission for the Hope Jam organized by the TTRPG Collective ✨
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solarthropod · 8 months
I published a scenario on itch.io!
It's for the TTRPG Mausritter, where you can play mice going on adventurous business.
In my scenario, you get to explore a strange settlement in which something happened...
Available in French and English!
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solarthropod · 8 months
I published my first solarpunk ttrpg on itch.io!
Close to the embers is a ttrpg/storytelling tool I designed to guide your imagination towards a hopeful and soft future.
You will be invited to think about community, how the old world isn't so impactful now, and where to go from now on.
I made this as a submission for the Hope Jam organized by the TTRPG Collective ✨
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solarthropod · 8 months
Reminder that fairy wasps can sometimes look like actual humanoid fairies when they hover
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solarthropod · 8 months
The sun may fade, but this will stay shiny even in the dark 🌌
In the waning glow of a sun's demise,
I beckon to thee, just once more,
A final plea, and silence lies,
Dost thou persist in life's encore?
Art thou yet among the quick,
And hast repentance found its way?
A spectral query, stark and thick,
Under the fading sun, my words shall sway.
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solarthropod · 8 months
I published my first solarpunk ttrpg on itch.io!
Close to the embers is a ttrpg/storytelling tool I designed to guide your imagination towards a hopeful and soft future.
You will be invited to think about community, how the old world isn't so impactful now, and where to go from now on.
I made this as a submission for the Hope Jam organized by the TTRPG Collective ✨
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solarthropod · 10 months
So I kinda want to talk about what I like
It's video games.
It's kind of Scary
I play a lot and I already talk about it a lot in real life, but it's only with my boyfriend and some friends. I wanted to share this, and I spent a lot of time wondering how.
A blog was definitly the way because it's accessible for a first time, but I wanted it to be perfect and... It won't be. Because I have to try to build it. I plain on doing full article on games or subjects but for now it'll only be some thoughs and opinion.
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solarthropod · 11 months
New podcast episode!
Learn about beetles navigating using the night sky and have a chill time 🌌
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solarthropod · 11 months
Hey, want to listen to some cool insect stories? I just started a new podcast project: the Insect Insights. It's a short form scientific communication podcast about entomology! In a chill meditative vibe, inviting you to put yourself through the daily life of an insect.
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solarthropod · 1 year
Mon premier documentaire, réalisé avec Ranmisnoop, est une introduction audio au mouvement solarpunk.
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solarthropod · 1 year
I both love and hate that Solarpunk is trending in the current times.
I hate it because it means we're past the time to give warning about the crisis. Cyberpunk and post-apo essentially failed as ''warning genres''. Ofc that's not all they are. I hate that we now have to face the current socio-climatological disaster.
But I love that we're gathering around this genre to imagine a cute cozy future. It feels so much better to share things based on hope, communities, and brighter times.
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solarthropod · 1 year
Leafminer bouquet
So nice to come back from a date (I went to the park alone) with a flower bouquet (I picked leafs that had leaf miners in the and I want to see them hatch)
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solarthropod · 1 year
this post was brought to you by the Scytodoidea against other spiders syndicate
Unpopular opinion: we really don’t need more than like 6 eyes
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solarthropod · 1 year
As a Science & Science-fiction writer, I like to get inspiration from natural science to draw story. At the moment, I'm working on a story based on the ecological phenomenon of Eutrophication, which is a way small water bodies can be negatively impacted by pollution! The story is for a very cool ecopunk ttrpg, Ecomofos!!
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solarthropod · 1 year
It wasn't easy at first, accommodating for all the "monsters". First we dropped the term, as it didn't really sound flattering. But then they actually kept using it in a funny way, so we ended up keeping it.
At some point, "we" dropped the kingdom bit, simply becoming an horizontal community. And the ones of us that didn't consider ourselves monsters figured out we had a lot in common with them. We also had been treated like monsters before in some neighboring kingdoms... And that's basically what a monster is, right? Someone who's treated as such.
So yeah, the city needed a lot of unusual buildings and adaptation to fit the diverse crowd. It was a lot of thinking, building, and urban planning to ensure that all bodies and mind were at ease and piece inside our walls. But it was beautiful.
Now our community is more vibrant and lively than ever. We get visits from "non-monsters" quite often. They like it as well in the end, we're a funny bunch.
Some kingdom also started copying us to treat their monsters better. We're pretty proud.
You rule a tiny kingdom and all of your citizens are monsters. You gave them a place they can belong, and they’ll defend it to their dying breaths.
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