solarisrosevr · 2 years
Solaris Rose Origin Summary
Here's a short summary of his journey and what's to come! Hope you guys enjoy it! I also stream on Twitch and hope to see you there sometime!
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A bioengineered man made to be the perfect genetic makeup of their worlds strongest heroes and villains. Created by the greediest and richest people of the world for their own bidding. The creators believe he his another failure because he does not show promise immediately, but they couldn’t have been more wrong.
Solaris realizes the evil presented in front of him a few months after awakening. He decides to go rogue, escape the corporations, and go into hiding. He has many physical, mental, and elemental abilities which we will learn in his story. His powers only start to enhance when falling into a crystal cave and lands onto a literal pit of red crystals.
Solaris knocked unconscious or maybe just fatigued, these crystals start to glow. He absorbs this energy as it was his destiny to be crowned 'magical boy of infinity' aka the ‘ultimate magical boy’ chosen by space and time itself.
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While alone, living on the street, he is scouted by a modeling agency; although he still needs to hide from the evil doers; he has no choice but to accept this offer for Monterey reasons. With this new job, he’s able to room together with one of his model friends. He takes a while to adjust to life but quickly learns and is seemingly normal despite his growing abilities and vivid dreams, and is popular with people contrary to his stoic and quiet personality.
One day, while he’s just goofing off at home, he hears a faint but high-pitched scream; as it gets louder and louder, he grows more concerned. Solaris is startled by a loud thud; as he opens the door he sees something bizarre and nothing like he’s seen before.
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solarisrosevr · 2 years
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Happy Pocky day! 🍫 (My first post woo!)
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