solarg0blin · 17 days
I am SO prepared for this to flop most aggressively but I made a shitty, super speedy fanart of Orin and my Durge :3
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Is it anatomically correct? Nope! Does the fabric fold right? Also nope! Did I even shade it right? NOPE! Is just vibes. Shanking-your-aunt/great-aunt-because-you-covet-her-position vibes, but vibes nonetheless.
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solarg0blin · 3 months
The Neil Gaiman allegations are not a terf conspiracy. Oh my god pull your heads out of your asses. British press is deeply transphobic as a rule, but that doesn’t make every abuse story to be published by British press some sort of smear campaign. Especially because NEIL GAIMAN IS A CIS MAN. Stop using trans women to defend your darling sexual predator
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solarg0blin · 4 months
It's June 1. It's time.
Go be gay.
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solarg0blin · 4 months
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solarg0blin · 4 months
!!! Exactly this !!!
The rivers, in the West of Britain, have names after goddesses; the one that runs through my hometown, and sorta officially splits Wales from England, is known in Latin as Sabrina, but in Welsh as Habren. Both Merlin and Arthur might toss a coin into the river to give thanks for a safe passage, but who do they specifically thank? Sabrina is Habren, but she also isn't.
Sulis is a very interesting example, because she's all three at once; Sulis Minerva, Sulis, Minerva. The patchwork of religion was crazy! The 'identity' of Britain was such a mess, and there was No English, No Scottish, No Welsh. Hell, even the Irish weren't exactly the same! Those identities just didn't exist. It's crazy to think about, a nation so torn between these identities (the Troubles were a particularly violent recent clash) just,,, not having those particular divisions and instead having completely different ones. I hoped to reflect that in my original post :3
Some artefacts and museum displays from the Corinium museum, an amazing little museum for this specific flavour of study, that y'all may find interesting under the cut:
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A map showing the division of Britain under the Romans, focussing on the potential region of Camelot. This border is now politically non-existent BUT WE STILL HAVE DIFFERENT REGIONAL ACCENTS!!!! We still have rather more of a Celtic identity than other parts of the UK!!
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A sculpture relief of the triple Goddess of the Dobunni, the Celtic tribe that was kinda wedged between the Silures and the Dumonia - Note how Romanised they are?
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Some Celtic jewellery :3
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About the Anglo-Saxons, and post-Roman Britain
In conclusion go visit the Corinium museum y'all it's beautiful
I redrew some Merlin characters to be more historically and culturally accurate! The text is their original names in a later Latin script, yoinked from a display in the Corinium Museum, Cirencester. (Sneaky edit to add: Y'all are incredibly welcome to use this in any way you want, I would love to see more of my home's culture being represented more accurately in media!!)
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Unlabelled version under the cut!!
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solarg0blin · 4 months
I redrew some Merlin characters to be more historically and culturally accurate! The text is their original names in a later Latin script, yoinked from a display in the Corinium Museum, Cirencester. (Sneaky edit to add: Y'all are incredibly welcome to use this in any way you want, I would love to see more of my home's culture being represented more accurately in media!!) (Also on Instagram)
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Unlabelled version under the cut!!
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solarg0blin · 5 months
Me at 3 AM trying to find the long side of a blanket (I got overwhelmed)
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solarg0blin · 5 months
Morrowind (2002). That's all.
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solarg0blin · 5 months
The gay staring at me from across the thrift store, who's ready to hunt me for sport if I do not surrender the ugly handbag I happened to look at for 0.2 seconds to him this instant:
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solarg0blin · 5 months
Love it when Preston Garvey gives me the same quest again and again like YES pookie another settlement DOES need my help, you are so right about that!
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solarg0blin · 6 months
>Multi veniam pro vulary Latin
>Quo loco eras quando Cesar occisus es t?
>Fui apud Circus, consmo panis.
>Fabius venit ad mi. Inquet,
>"Cesar ocidere est"
>Et tu?
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solarg0blin · 8 months
Nūntius malus dē dīvīno
Ēheu, corpus sūgit. Ego sum iens dērelinquere prō māchina.
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solarg0blin · 8 months
Agedum, aliquis ibant dīcere mē ut māchina erat obnoxius vicibus? Nātūra putrēscentiae meī sōlum dissimilis modo est. Cacas sūgunt. Ego sum iens dērelinquere prō dīvīnī.
Ēheu, corpus sūgit. Ego sum iens dērelinquere prō māchina.
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solarg0blin · 8 months
Ēheu, corpus sūgit. Ego sum iens dērelinquere prō māchina.
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solarg0blin · 8 months
So I've been trying to find literally any transcription of 'Earth, Mother of all, I greet you' from AC: Odyssey, but that was a moot point, so I just transcribed it the best I could.
Γῆ, μᾱ́τηρ παντός, χαῖρε
Gê, mā́tēr pantōs, chaîre
This form of μᾱ́τηρ is Doric, I know, but the other option μήτηρ just didn't sound like what Kassandra/Alexios said to me. Please correct me if I'm wrong :3
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solarg0blin · 8 months
mē, tangō leviter Miētte cum latus pedīs meī: Miētta, dēmovēre ut nōn incurrere in tē
Miētte, cum oculōs ēius magnōs: tū CALITRĀS Miētte? tū calitrās corpus ēius sīcut follis? ēheu! ēheu! carcer prō Mātre! carcer prō Mātre prō Singula Mīlla Annōs!!!!
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solarg0blin · 10 months
rideo ubi feminas Christianos esse accusant quod eas in ecclesia videbant... eho, quare in ecclesiam ERAS???
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