DnD Universe
Due to the Trolls listed are raised in DnD universe tied in with the timehole wothin the Brooding Cavern where Jades & other caretaker can yeet eggs, cocoons, and grubs in. Their lifespan is vastly different than their Alternian counterpart due to magic, how they're raised, and situation.
For example : a Rust with an Aristocratic background lives longer than Rust on Alternia.
This lifespan idea also comes from this headcanon
Entora Gailve (Rogue)
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Crossover Cast
Rukia Veraku
Mona Veraku
Multiverse on Crack
Karen Ackerman (MtF)
Kaleb Veraku (FtM)
Erwin Ackerman-Veraku (M)
Windin Veraku (TH/M)
Kordar Veraku, Son of Oryx (M)
Daiya Veraku (F)
Amelia Jaeger Veraku (F)
Andy [Dominique] Veraku (M)
Andrew Wesker (M) (Honorary Veraku) (Reincarnation of Andy)
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Vulpera Cast
Reshan Damxes
Mintre Savrin
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Alternia Cast
Palace Gang
Cirava Mezyan
Ophito Lopius
Stelsa Amaaka
Felide Jatyga
Miceal Lumios
Tamiah Vielan
Minnie Ovinae
Library Peps
Latrei Haidra
Qahama Kanire
Bunny (tagged with #Bunny Boy)
Eponin Lumios-Haidra
City Peps
Friasa Dolvei
Woulfe Planic (off color seadweller, Bronze)
Mollie Vernel (Lime)
Ye Olde Gang
Trusia Veraku
Valtex Dayrix
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