solardaddy · 2 years
Is Solar Panels Investment Worth for Small Scale Farmers?
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As the world shifts towards renewable energy, small-scale farmers in the UK are exploring various options to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their energy independence. One option that has gained much popularity in recent years is investing in solar panels. But is it worth it for small-scale farmers in the UK to invest in this technology? Let's take a closer look.
What are Solar Panels?
Solar panels are a collection of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. They are made up of silicon and other materials that capture the energy from the sun and generate direct current (DC) electricity. This electricity is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity through an inverter, which can be used to power your farm, and any surplus can be sold back to the grid.
Why Should Small Farmers Invest in Solar Panels?
There are several reasons for which small-scale farmers in the UK should consider investing in solar panels:
Save Money on Energy Bills: You may reduce your dependence on the public grid and lower your energy costs by producing electricity. Rising energy expenses adds worries for small farmers and this investment can be especially helpful for small-scale farmers who face increasing energy costs.
Reduce Carbon Footprint: A clean, renewable energy source, solar energy doesn't emit hazardous gases. Your carbon footprint can be decreased, and the environment can be protected by using solar energy to generate your own electricity.
Government Incentives: There are several government incentives available for small-scale farmers who invest in solar panels in the United Kingdom. For example, the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) pays solar investors for the energy to generate from installed solar panels, which can help reduce investment cost and increase return on investment.
Factors to Consider
Before investing in solar panels, there are several factors that small-scale farmers in the UK should know about:
The amount of sunlight that farm receives plays a large role in determining the efficiency of your solar panel system. If your farm is located in an area with high levels of sunlight, then investing in solar panels is likely to be a good choice. If your farm is located in an area with low levels of sunlight, then the return on your investment may be lower and may be a bit of a slow process. You can talk to a solar PV panel installation company in the UK to determine if the solar panel is suitable for your business or not.
Despite the fact that solar panels require a huge investment, the price of the technology has decreased recently. To decide whether the investment is worthwhile, it's crucial to thoroughly analyse all associated costs, including the price of the panels, installation, and maintenance.
Although they require only occasional cleaning to operate at their best, solar panels are comparatively minimal maintenance. It's crucial to take maintenance costs into account when making an investment choice. Solar Daddy is the ultimate choice for solar panel maintenance and repair services.
Solar panels usually have a lifespan of between 25-30 years, after that it needs to be replaced. It's important to consider the long-term costs involved and the potential return on investment over the lifespan of the panels.
5.Type of Panels
There are different types of solar panels available, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. The type of panels you choose will affect the cost and efficiency of your system. You can contact us to determine which type is right for you as we have decades of experience in the renewable energy sector.
6.Reputable Installer
It's important to choose a reputable company to install your solar panels. A good installer will be able to help you choose the right type of panels for your farm and will ensure that your system is installed properly to maximise your returns.
Investing in solar panels can be a smart decision for small-scale farmers in the UK. By reducing your reliance on the grid and increasing your energy independence, you can save money on energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. However, it's important to carefully consider the factors involved, including the amount of sunlight your farm receives, the cost of the technology, maintenance requirements, the lifespan of the panels, and the type of panels you choose.
Final Words
With careful consideration and good solar panel installation services in the UK, investing in solar panels can be a wise decision for your farm. It's also worth noting that solar panel technology is constantly improving, so investing in solar panels now can give you access to the latest technology and allow you to take advantage of future advancements.
In conclusion, investing in solar panels can be a good choice for small-scale farmers in the UK. The right approach can help you save money, increase your energy independence, and reduce your carbon footprint. By researching and choosing a reputable installer, you can ensure that your investment in solar panels is worth it and helps you achieve your energy and financial goals.
Article Source: https://www.solardaddy.co.uk/is-solar-panels-investment-worth-for-small-scale-farmers
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solardaddy · 2 years
Benefits of Solar PV Panel Maintenance
Is your solar panels becoming the cause of skyrocketing electricity bills? Well, dirty panels can cost you money. Time to hire solar panel maintenance and repair services. Our extensive years of experience in renewable energy sources make us a trustworthy and reliable name in the industry.
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solardaddy · 2 years
How Much Does Solar Panel Installation Cost in the UK
Over the past one or two decades, the solar industry has seen a boom in the market. It results in a fall in the price of solar panels and their installation cost. According to several studies, now is the best time for solar installation because the cost of the panels has dropped by 88%, and the price of electricity has increased manifold. By installing panels, one can save £522 per year, which we guess is huge, especially during slow-growing economies.
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solardaddy · 2 years
Let's Understand Solar Installation Mounting Options for Optimal Performance
Thanks to the extensive marketing of solar system benefits and the importance of switching to renewable sources of energy, now more people are moving towards solar panel installation options. Finding the right solar panels, inverters, and solar installers in the UK has become easy, but what is still under the rock is information on solar mounting systems and how to choose the right one.
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solardaddy · 2 years
Why Choose Commercial Solar Panels Maintenance Services?
With the growing population on the Earth, the natural resources are insufficient to meet the people's needs. One such scarce resource is electricity, but thank god for a substantial alternative, solar energy. Many business owners worldwide are considering switching to commercial solar panels for fruitful benefits.
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solardaddy · 2 years
Tips to Maintain Solar Panel Efficiently
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Just like any other things, solar panels too need maintenance on a regular basis. By reading this article, you’ll understand some genuine maintenance tips to keep the solar panels in good shape. Here is one strict rule you must follow to keep the state of the solar panel system healthy: do not experiment if you don’t understand things, hire a reliable solar maintenance services provider.
Easy Tips to Maintain Solar Panel Efficiently:
Timely Inspections
Solar panels are prone to damages as they are placed at high locations like rooftops. These high locations are prone to many physical damages or accumulation of waste particles flowing in the air.  By inspecting solar panels regularly helps to get to know about these small damages which helps to stop further and big damages. It is very necessary to inspect panels during uncertain climate changes. 
Clean Panels
If you think rain water is enough to clean solar panels, you need to think again. Rainwater will rinse off loose dust and dirt but it is not efficient to remove baked in debris and dirt on the panels. Dirty or unclean will decrease the output by 15 to 20% over the time. Following is the checklist for solar panel cleaning: 
Clean panel with a soft fabric.
Keep the panel free of dust, snow, leaves, and dust.
Avoid using detergent-based cleansers.
To remove oil residue use alcohol and water mixed solution.
Inspecting Solar Components on Regular Basis 
Solar systems consist of various components such as solar rack system, solar battery, solar panel, inverter. By inspecting it regularly you come to know about damage at a very early stage. While conducting inspection ensure the bolts, wires, and other things are tightened enough.   
Maintain a Logbook
One of the best ways to keep an eye on the regulation of the solar panels output, keep a logbook. Here you can keep the record of maintenance work including details about cleaning, inspection and component replacements when needed.           
How often do solar panels need maintenance?
Solar panel need low maintenance, generally there are basically three schedules to keep in mind: 
Annual: In order to check if the system is running smoothly, it is always advisable to hire a solar maintenance services provider. This way you can even identify the smallest of small mistakes and can save tons of time and money.
Half-yearly: Generally majority of people go for cleaning of solar panels twice in a year. If you are living in an area with heavy rainfall then one cleaning can do the work. But if you are living in an area with less rainfall and heavy snowfall then we recommend you go for two or more services, depending on the requirement.       
Additional Need: In a certain way, if you feel or observe that solar panels are not working as expected then you may need a professional eye to check things like what went wrong.               
Common Reasons for Wear and Tear 
One of the major reasons for wear and tear is material degradation due to the presence of UV light exposure.
Heat plays a major role in degrading the panels. When solar panels are installed under direct sunlight, it will experience degrading performance. 
Heat, rain, snow, wind and everything else related to weather can take panels on toll. Weather is unpredicted and with it comes the extreme chances of getting impacted through it. 
Plants, insects and pests can do heavy damage like chewed wires, casting shades on solar panels.   
Sometimes vandalism can be unintentional. Golf balls and rocks can break the solar panels which can tempered the overall productivity of the system.
Sometimes with the extreme changes in temperature, electrical devices experience self-heating, shrinking and expanding the temperature change.   
Annual Solar Panel Maintenance Quick Checklist Pointers:
General checklist
No debris in the inverter pad or anywhere else.
No roof clogging or water pooling.
No loose wires in the array.
There should be no corrosion outside enclosures & racking systems.
Roof penetration is watertight. 
There is no ground erosion at the base of the ground mount system. 
No signs of animal infestation under the array.
Specific Checklist 
A good quality brush should be used to prevent glass surface from damage.
It needs the most preventive measures and maintenance. 
Cleaning modules should be done in keeping total dissolved solids.
Cabling Connector
Eliminate the chances of accidental fire by removing the gap between male and female connector pipes.
Transformer should be cleaned every six months.
IR test and yearly cable check should be done to understand the transformer’s performance. 
Winding temperature, oil temperature, and operating temperature should be monitored daily.
There should be regular maintenance or servicing of the inverter based on it, in some areas it needs monthly servicing while in some areas you can do it even in six months.
How to Clean Solar Panels on Your Own?
While you can always hire solar panels maintenance service, there are certain things you can do. Following are some tips to clean solar panels on your own:
Clean solar panels by removing debris like fallen branches or leaves, cobwebs, etc.
It is always advisable to clean solar panels on cooler days or before hot days.
To clean the panel, lightly scrub it with mild soap water to remove all dust and droppings.
Ensure to clean panels with water only, do not use pressure water as it can damage panels.
Dry the panels with window wiper or microfiber cloth.
We hope that now you have understood a bit more about solar panel maintenance. If you are looking for a solar panel maintenance and repair service in the UK. Here we have a team of experienced and expert teams who provide the best services in the UK. Why is it taking so long? Book a consultation call with Solar Daddy now.  
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solardaddy · 2 years
When do Your Solar Panels Need Repair or Replacement
"Every second our Sun produces enough energy to sustain Earth's needs for 500,000 years. How do we harness this power?"
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Solar panels are built to last, but there are certain instances where it causes a halt in producing optimised amounts of electricity. There are several reasons why your solar panels need replacement or repair. If your solar panels were installed decades ago and their performance is deteriorating. In that case, you must seek the advice of a professional solar panel repair and maintenance service provider. In today's blog, we have covered the reasons that suggest that your solar panels need either repair or replacement.             
Signs or Factors that Suggest PV Repair or Replacement:
Irregular or Low Power Output
One of the best ways to measure the performance of a solar system is by its output and comparing it to the panel's nominal rating and stated specifications. But how to measure it, right? Ensure to set the multimeter at least at 10 amp scale at noon on a sunny day with 25 degrees to get the best result.
If the current voltage is less than 80% of the specified output, it indicates that the solar panels are wearing out and need to be replaced soon. According to a study, the production of solar panels is likely to reduce by 0.5% per year, which means even in the 20th year of use, it is capable of producing approximately 90% of the electricity produced in the first year. Anything less than directly indicates the system replacement. 
Solar Panels Age Matters
The quote "age is just a number" won't be true in the case of materialistic things like solar panels, as it does matter a lot when it comes to output optimization. It is generally considered that solar panels can optimally work for 20 to 30 years. But beyond this, they start to deteriorate in performance due to the photovoltaic silicon material of solar panels. But if the output is poorly low, then you must replace the panels with new ones. You can contact the solar PV repair service provider to understand the solution in a better way. 
Counterfeit Panels
In order to earn extra money, some manufacturers use counterfeit cell conductors with genuine ones to cut the overall cost. The counterfeit cell conductors cannot perform well, resulting in low output, less solar absorption, and hence more electricity bills. You can contact solar panel specialists like Solar Daddy, who can recognize such parts and help save you a lot of time and money. 
Physical Deterioration
There are multiple reasons and causes for solar panels' physical damage. Wind, hail, delamination, corrosion, broken interconnects, debris, and other objects play a vital role in the deteriorating physical condition of the panels. The majority of solar panels use durable tempered glass, which increases the chances of damage to manifolds. 
For example, a big stone or objects from a tornado can crack the panel body to a great extent. Cracked glasses are very dangerous as the water gets seeped into solar panel cells, which causes further damage. In such a situation, you should call the solar PV repair service provider to check if it needs replacement or repair will do the work.                               
Discolouration of Panels' Surface
Solar panel discolouration is visible as brown and yellow pigmentation develops on the panels. It results from the uncontrollable chemical reaction from materials within the panels. Sometimes when poor-quality raw materials are used in the panels, it results in the brown pigmentation of the surface.
Discolouration not only disturbs the overall look of the panels but also reduces the panel performance to a great level. Generally, discolouration happens after several years of installation due to any of the reasons mentioned above. 
Broken Glasses 
Solar panel glasses can be broken for several reasons, from debris, tree branches, stone or sharp objects from any natural calamities, and much more. A major issue with broken glasses is that solar cells are no longer protected from moisture, and they often fall out from time to time which can further cause any accidents. It can still produce high voltage, but it can suddenly stop working when they are exposed to harmful elements. In such a scenario, call the solar panel repair and maintenance service provider in order to repair the panels quickly.
Unpredicted Shutdowns
One of the common signs that indicate your solar panels' replacement or repair is unpredicted shutdowns. Several reasons for the system's unexpected shutdown include panels' manufacturing defects, wiring problems, faulty installation, and many more. Do not wait for several shutdowns, as it can cause huge losses. Contact solar panel repair and maintenance services to get the system diagnoses at the earliest.
Output is Slumping
There are several reasons why solar panels are not performing well, especially during the rainy and winter season, but if it is not performing well on sunny days, then it is a big problem. Before jumping to any conclusion, ensure that panels are free from debris and, if not, clean them with a hose. Even if it does not produce the desired result, you need to call solar panel repair and maintenance services. 
Looking for Solar Panels Maintenance Service?
When you are looking for a solar panel maintenance service provider in the UK, look no further, as Solar Daddy is a reliable name in the field. We are a team of experienced and expert professionals who love to walk the extra mile for their customers. Book a consultation call now. 
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solardaddy · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Solar Panel Removal & Replacement
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The solar landscape has changed in the last decade and is expected to change dynamically by 2030. Solar energy brings many positive changes in climate change. There are several instances where you need to remove and reinstall solar panels. Today we will discuss different aspects you must consider while removing and reinstalling solar panels. Since solar panels are a huge investment and before removing and reinstalling solar panels, you must be well versed with its different aspects. 
Why has the Removal of Solar Panels Become Mandatory?
Roof Fixing
A roof works as a ground when solar panels are installed on it, and a strong roof is very much necessary. In case of even small issues, certain parts of solar panels or entire panels need to be removed to repair the roof. It may seem like a hassle to remove panels, but it makes the roof repairing task easy, and at the same time, it removes the potential risks of damaging solar panels. 
It is advisable to choose experts for roof removal and solar pv panel installation as they are well-trained for such situations. But when you carry out such a task, you risk the safety of panels, which may later prove to be a costly mistake. In comparison, professionals are well-trained and can carry out tasks in a short period.
Fixing Solar Panel System
Some parts of the solar panels can be fixed on the roof, while some serious repairs need to be done when panels are removed from the roof. Regardless of the repair size, we suggest taking additional precautions by removing the panels. For example, if the mounts are damaged or need to be repaired, you need to remove the panels from the roof and secure the mount.                 
Other Reasons
Other than the above two mentioned reasons, there are several other reasons why panels need to be removed. Reasons like electric wires, trees, satellite dishes, attics, HVAC systems, and many more.
Reinstallation is needed even when you shift from an old home to a new one. In this case, ensure to hire the help of professional solar panel installation services to complete the work more securely and safely. 
Quick Tips You Should Know Before Replace or Remove Solar Panels:
Contact the Installer
One of the most important and foremost things to do is contact the solar panel installer in your area. They are the best person to advise you about how solar panels are connected and some information on the fitting system. This helps to understand the easiest way to remove and reinstall solar panels without causing damage. You can contact Solar Daddy as one of the most trusted solar pv panel installers in the UK. 
Panels’ Weight
Solar panels are very heavy in weight, and it is advisable to avoid DIYs here as an accident with a panel not only damages the panels but also can harm you physically. Hire professionals with enough equipment to move panels from one place to another. But if you insist on doing it yourself, then you need to safely unbolt and lower them on the ground. But before anything, measure the weight and check if you are ready to shift the panels all by yourself. 
Consider Power Backup
It would be best to consider your electricity needs before removing solar panels. If your panels are connected to the central grid, your main power source will be the grid while the panels are replaced. You need to have a backup and thoughtful plan on how you will survive without panels between removing and replacing them. 
Another thing to consider before removing solar panels is where you will store the panels. This means you must find safe storage and lock them until they are ready to go back on the rooftop. If you do not store them in an accurate place, then the chances of their damage get higher. It is better to leave all worries and storage things on professional services. 
How Long Does the Project Take?
Unless you have enormously huge solar arrays on your roof, it generally takes a day to dismantle the panel and one day additionally to replace them. But in case of some serious damage and repairs, it may take more time than expected. 
How Much Does the Overall Project Cost?
Well, the answer to this question is undermined by various factors. Before signing the deal with the company, ensure a proper understanding of what is included in the package and what is excluded from the package. 
Roof’s Conditions
Keep a separate budget aside in case your roof needs a repair before panels need to be reinstalled. You need to be ready to spend more if you are using customised roofing materials.
Hardware’s Conditions
In some cases, certain hardware needs to be replaced, and sometimes it becomes difficult to remove certain hardware without damaging it, so ensure to adjust the budget accordingly. 
Home’s location
Where your home is located, whether it is located in an unusual area or near power lines, all these things matter. Home location plays a deciding role in budget as sometimes it may require special tools to guarantee the safety of everyone in the entire process. 
How can We Help?                         
Solar panels are very delicate and need extra care while balancing and managing them on the roof. Plus, one needs to understand very well that handling and repairing roofs is not one person's job plus if the person is not well versed with the system, then there are probably chances that the entire system will be ruined. Solar panels add an extra dimension to any roofing job, especially when they need to be removed and reinstalled; that is why it needs professional help. We hope that this information will help to make a decision. Contact Solar daddy for solar panel installation and maintenance service in the UK.
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solardaddy · 2 years
Solar Maintenance | Solar pv Repair | Solar pv Companies
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At Solardaddy, We provide Solar PV Installation Soluutions in UK. We’re a team of highly dedicated solar specialists whose main focus is helping homeowner’s and commercial building contractors who’ve gone solar make sure they get the most out of their solar decision.
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solardaddy · 2 years
What Top Factors to Consider for Adding Solar Panels to an Existing Array?
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If you have already installed a solar system at your home, but wish to add more solar panels to bring down the electricity bill to zero, then this is the post for you. There are instances where current solar panels are unable to meet the increased electricity needs of the residential or commercial space. In this situation, what to do? Can solar panels be added to an existing array? Well, the answer is yes. Before going for additional panels, ensure to consider some important factors. To understand more about it, keep reading. 
Factors to Consider for Adding New Panels to Existing Solar Panel Arrays:
Numerous factors can affect your decision to add solar panels to the existing ones. Following are some vital: 
Increased Energy Requirement
The most important question to address is how many additional solar panels you need. To determine an accurate answer, there are various factors to consider, like utility bills after installing the solar system, the area you live in, system design, and equipment. An average home needs 20 to 24 solar panels for a full-fledged dependency on solar. Plus, if you live in an area with heavy snowfall or rainfall, you will need more panels.     
Space for Panels
Another factor to consider is whether you have enough space for additional panels or not. Sometimes the rooftop may not have enough space to accommodate new panels. The ground-mounted system can be a bit easier to install as typically you have enough space for a few additional panels. Even if you are running out of space, you can go for installing supplemental structural solar arrays like sheds, carports, or gazebos. Talk to our solar installation expert in UK to find out the best solar space solution. 
Inverter Replacement
The next important question to ask yourself is if your current inverter is large enough for additional panels. Depending on how much more capacity you need, consider replacing your inverter. Inverter plays a major role as it converts the direct current produced by solar panels into alternating current. By adding a few more panels, your entire solar system becomes much more than its original size. The newly added will generate the electricity that your existing inverter might find difficult to handle. 
Things become easy when the original solar system uses micro inverters as compared to string inverters or power optimizer systems. Since micro-inverters are located at each individual panel, you can add such an inverter with an additional panel without causing hassle. Talk to expert solar panel installation and maintenance service provider- Solar Daddy.     
Permission and Interconnection
Do the additional panels or inverters demand additional permission from the authority? Well, the answer lies in further reading. There are various factors that can affect the answer. These factors include the number of panels you are planning to add, if an additional inverter is required or not, etc. 
If you are replacing an inverter and new panels, then chances are there you have to submit another interconnection application with your utility company. The solar panel installation company UK you are working with should have knowledge about various permissions you may need. 
If you have additional panels in the solar system, then you may not be eligible for some of the government incentives like rebates or tax credits that you claimed when you originally installed your system. In some places, incentives are based on once per property, while in others, it is once per person. If you are unsure about incentives, talk to your solar installation company about what incentives you might not be eligible for when installing additional panels.     
Upgrade and Compatibility 
What panels are used in the original installation, and does it or any components need the upgrade? Solar panels can generate electricity for more than 20 years, and if the performance dips and you need to add or replace panels with new ones. When replacing a few panels or adding new ones, it is advisable to use the same type of solar array. If you are unable to install the same panels, install panels with the same or similar output otherwise you may damage the existing array.   
Aesthetic Considerations   
Another thing that needs to be considered is whether the extended system will look and match the existing panel's appearance. In the majority of cases, you might be able to install very similar or the same PV modules. For example, if your original solar panels are monocrystalline and have a black colour, then adding polycrystalline panels, which are blue, makes the entire setup look odd. We agree that aesthetics might not matter much for some people, but what's wrong with having one?                           
Add Additional Solar Panels with Solar Daddy
Well, now that you have understood several things to keep in mind while installing additional solar panels in the existing system, it's time to find a reliable and efficient solar panel installation service provider in the UK. Your search ends with Solar Daddy. For any solar project, big or small project, commercial or residential, we are the right choice. We take pride in saying that we have experts on our team who have years of experience in carrying out solar projects efficiently. You can also hire us for solar maintenance services. For any doubt or query, book an expert consultation call. Go green, go solar.
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solardaddy · 2 years
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solardaddy · 2 years
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solardaddy · 2 years
Solar Maintenance | Solar pv Repair | Solar pv Companies
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We offer a wide range of services, from Solar PV maintenance, Solar Thermal Maintenance to Air Source Heat Pump maintenance, Renewable cleaning and Installations from Solar PV system to Air Source Heat Pumps including EV Charging.
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solardaddy · 2 years
What are the Top Solar Energy Trends in the Coming Year
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Solar energy is not a new concept for us; we have been using it for many decades. There are two ways through which solar electricity is generated: solar thermal and solar photovoltaics. Sun is the major energy source, and the sustainability of solar energy is essential to maintain balance in the ecosystem. To encourage the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, various personalities from different paths of life sent strong messages to the world. Today we will showcase some of the upcoming trends in the solar energy sector. 
Top Solar Energy Trends in the Coming Year 
Solar Cost Continues to Decline
The cost of solar system setup has reduced over the past few years, and we expect the trend to continue in the coming years too. The cost of renewable energy and fossil fuels depends on two factors: power plant operating cost and the price of fuel they burn. Now more people are installing solar panels for residential and commercial use, and more panels are manufactured, which brings down the overall cost. Plus now the advanced technology also helps to cut down the price effectively. 
Early solar energy could only be used for satellites, costing one-watt solar capacity $1,825; now, it costs around $0.70 per watt. Plus, the government's serious input for investment helps to develop modern technology. 
Durability will Get Better
With the rise in the use of technology, solar energy is getting better every day. Solar cell longevity has drastically increased in the last 20 years, which substantially increases the lifespan of the overall solar system. The longer the durability, the better the return on investment will be. With this change, more people will choose solar energy and hence clean and better Earth. Plus, durability will also reduce maintenance costs and allow people to use it for a long time without much worry.     
Net-zero Homes
Wondering what a net-zero home is, well, it is a grid-tied house that uses solar energy as much as they consume over a year, meaning they have to pay zero in the electricity bill. This means they have generated as much as power required from renewable energy sources like solar panels to meet their own electricity demand. By this, they are keeping themselves independent from the dependency of the public electricity grid. 
Battery Storage Will Improve
In the current and coming years, there is a huge possibility of a great improvement in battery storage. Today the residential user mainly faces the problem with batteries as they are not enough for storage to power the entire house. With less or no dependency on conventional energy sources, homeowners will be able to make more use of solar energy in the coming years. With better battery storage, homeowners will be self-sufficient, and the dependency on the conventional public energy source will be under control.       
 Solar Roof Tiles will be in Common Use. 
Another major trend that you can expect in coming years is the usage of solar roof tiles; they look alike or identical to residential shingles! They may be the future of residential use due to their lower material cost and reduced labour cost for installation. Many studies are conducted on it, and it is under development as its durability has not yet proven as effective as solar panels. Just like solar panels, homeowners will be able to take advantage it has to offer, including:
Adding value to your business or property rate.
Help to cut down electricity bills.
Reducing the dependency on the conventional energy source.
Demand for Solar Maintenance and Installation will Rise
In the future, you can expect more demand for installation and maintenance services with the rising demand for solar energy for residential and commercial purposes. All you can do is hire the services of reliable Solar maintenance services in the UK like Solar Daddy.
Boost to the Range of Solar Products     
With the advancement in the solar energy sector, it is likely to expect that there will be a broader range of solar products in the coming years. From outdoor light to commercial solar light arrangements. One of the recent examples is more demand for electric vehicles in the market. In the future, you can expect more products working on solar energy, and 2022 is just the beginning of clean energy. 
More consumers will take advantage of government subsidies.   
From the last many decades and increased environmental concerns, governments from different countries have been taking initiatives to promote green energy. Some are in the form of monetary benefits, while some are in non-monetary forms. Governments are giving hefty tax relief, subsidies, and much more. With the rise in the demand for solar energy, more people can take advantage of government subsidies. 
Go Solar!
With the decreased cost and technology advancement, solar energy usage will likely increase in residential and commercial use. Solar Daddy is the right choice if you are looking for solar installation and maintenance service in the UK. Here we ensure to offer flawless services across the country at a pocket-friendly rate. We have years of experience in offering commercial and residential solar panel installation and maintenance services.
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solardaddy · 2 years
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Solar Installation | Solar PV Repair
Back 1979, our forefathers established renewable services with one goal in-mind: To give great renewable services that meet the highest standards of quality. From that day onwards, we never settled for less. Because renewable energy and saving the planet matters, and so does how we treat our customers.
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solardaddy · 2 years
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solardaddy · 2 years
Things to Keep in Mind While Selecting Solar Panel Company
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With limited resources, people are shifting toward clean energy resources; solar energy is their top choice. Investing in solar panels is a huge decision because it can have both a good and bad impact on your next 20-30 years' utility bills. There are numerous benefits associated with solar panels, and our past blogs have covered them in detail; make sure to check them out. Today we will discuss some factors to keep in mind when choosing a solar panel company and solar panel installation company for residential or commercial purposes.   
Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing Solar Panel Company:
There are numerous types of solar panels available in the market, and choosing the right one matters the most. Majorly there are three kinds of solar panel cells: polycrystalline, amorphous, and monocrystalline. Each is designed to meet commercial as well as residential needs.     
Polycrystalline Solar Panels: It is commonly found in residential areas and can be easily identified by their blue colour. It is ideal for people having large space for installation.         
Amorphous Solar Panels:  Compared to the other two types, it is an affordable choice, but it has low durability and efficiency rate.   
Monocrystalline Solar Panels: Compared to the above two, it requires less installation space but is much more expensive. Most people prefer it due to its highest efficiency and long durability. 
Payment Options Flexibility
Solar panels do not demand just a few bucks, but you will be going to spend a significant amount of your money. The solar company should offer flexibility in payment options. There are a plethora of financing options available in the market, and the best way to finalise an alternative is by accessing choices based on merit and demerits.
Reputation plays a vital role in making the right decision. One of the best ways to make the best buy, all you can do is to prepare a list of solar panel companies in your area. Once the list is ready, check their online reviews or, if possible, talk to their past clients to understand the true value of their services. If there are bad reviews, try to study their patterns and check if they are genuine or not. Even if things go wrong, check if the solar company is genuinely supportive, knowledgeable, and responsive enough when required. If all flags are green, go for it, do not leave anything on the assumption. 
Another factor to consider while buying a solar panel is the warranty. What is the warranty period it offers, and what are all covered under it? Some companies offer warranties for the period between 20-25 years, but again it varies from company to company. Generally, a warranty covers the repair or replacement of non-working parts. But without professional installation, you cannot claim them. DIY or work performed by another contractor who lacks industry certification can nullify a performance warranty. We suggest you choose a professional for solar pv installation. 
Check Accreditation
Does your chosen solar company be accredited by valid institutions? In the UK, quality assurance is through the DECC-supported Microgeneration Certification Scheme. This made it mandatory for your solar pv installer/supplier to be accredited by an MCS-appointed certification body. MCS-accredited companies go through rigorous quality checks before certifying the company. A company without MCS accreditation should be clear NO. 
Take Everything in Writing
Trusting other people is a great quality, but do not take the word when it comes to buying a solar panel. It's always safe to get everything in writing, be it warranty information or any other promises sales representatives make when selling it. If anything goes wrong in the solar system, and if the company does not respond in the proper way, you can always refer to the written agreement to make things easy. 
Understand Your Power Usage 
Are you aware of your home or commercial power usage? If not, it is the first thing you must know, as less power generation adds extra cost to your budget. So, before choosing the panel, have a conversation with the sales representative about your power usage to get the required number of solar panels. 
Understand Company Policies     
Before signing any deal, it is very important to read and understand the company policies. Some companies have unfriendly customer policies, which can be a surprise if you haven't read them carefully before. We advise you to read it carefully and solve all your doubts by discussing it with the company representative before signing the deal. 
What if Your Solar Company is not Giving Installation Services?
Well, most of the Solar companies in the UK do not render installation services. Once after finding a quality solar panel, it's time to find the right solar panel installation company to give a perfect fit to the panel. Ensure that the installation company you choose has the experience, is certificated, and is affordable. Following are the key points that need to be kept in mind while choosing a solar panel installation company:
Check their existing projects
Check team background and expertise
Ask for customer testimonials and reviews
Ask them for a roof survey
Choose locally owned and operated
Compared the price quotes with other companies
Choose SolarDaddy
Once you have made the purchase, we at Solar daddy are ready to install it at your residence or commercial space. We have extensive years of experience in providing great renewable services at a very affordable price. Our solar team is very experienced and will be able to complete the installation process at the earliest possible. What are you waiting for to choose us as your solar installation and maintenance service provider?   
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