Take The Journey
181 posts
Indi/Pri/Sel/ MultiMuse for Various Video Games ft Star Rail, Fate/GO, Genshin, Final Fantasy XIV & MoreA Roleplay Blog. Beloved by Sammie. Please Read Pinned Post for Info.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sojournvagabonds · 1 month ago
On indifnate hiatus
Find me over @vowsofheroes !!
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
🥞  to  bring  my  muse  breakfast  in  bed. + 💏  to  softly  kiss  my  muse's  forehead.
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Note: This is set in a AU verse between and @halovin
It had been nearly a year since he was taken into Veritas's care, and after the ordeal with the Fallen Aeon, Sunday's condition greatly improved. His hair had grown back, and while it was not as long as he liked, it was almost to his shoulders. Sunday was so grateful to the man who saved his life and cared for him during his recovery.
The Halovian made them breakfast. Now that he had so much free time, he learned a few skills. Sunday set the tray down on the nightstand beside his sleeping lover and caretaker. Another all nighter, huh? Sunday thought. Feeling a bit braver, he leaned down and placed a small kiss upon the man's brow to wake him up.
"You should eat something before sleeping." he touched Veritas's shoulder.
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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Adult Sunday?🤨
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
bullying the traumatized
we don't wear kiddy gloves here.
"Who told you it wasn't that bad?"
"Who told you that?"
"I'll fight anyone who says otherwise."
"Yeah, well, news flash: it fucked you up. I can tell."
"It's okay to have shit that fucks you up, you know."
"Ohhhh noooo, you're feeling an emotion."
"God forbid something hurts and you do something about it."
"That's trauma for you."
"Get angry about it."
"I don't know. I expected you to feel something."
"In case it escaped your notice, I care about you!"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"And you decided you were going to stoically suffer in silence and not tell anyone?"
"Got some 'main character syndrome' in you, huh?"
"We're meant to be a team!"
"Then they can go to hell! They don't tell us what we're capable of."
"I'm going to try. I don't care whether you're gonna try with me but I hope you do."
"We've seen worse odds."
"What did you expect? Me to stand there and do nothing?"
"Oh, you have trauma? I didn't notice."
"Oh, grow! Up!"
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
Gestures  of  affection  starters.  Can  be  platonic  and  romantic.  Send  me... (Send  🔄  +  any  emoji  to  reverse  the  outcome.)
💓  to  listen  to  my  muse's  heartbeat. 💏  to  softly  kiss  my  muse's  forehead. 💋  to  kiss  my  muse  on  the  lips. 🤭  to  caress  my  muse's  cheek. 🌸  to  offer  my  muse  a  flower. 💅  to  paint  my  muse's  nails. 💗  to  lean  against  my  muse. 💝  to  wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse. 🤗  to  hug  my  muse  from  behind. 🫂  to  pick  my  muse  up  and  twirl  them  around. 👰  to  hold  my  muse  bridal  style. 🤝  to  hold  my  muse's  hand. 🥞  to  bring  my  muse  breakfast  in  bed. 🤜  to  give  my  muse  a  noogie. 🤏  to  tickle  my  muse. 😋  to  give  my  muse  their  favorite  snack.
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
Send, "I'm... really tired..." for sender to pass out from exhaustion in receiver's arms!
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
Reblog to let your mutuals know. . .
that they are appreciated. that they are important. that they are amazing. that they are creative. that they are loved.
No matter how long you take to reply, what mood you are in, how insecure you are feeling about your writing, or how active you are — your presence is still very much enjoyed. You never have to apologize or feel bad for taking a while with a reply, or not answering an ask right away. Life can get busy, energy can fluctuate, interest can shift, and emotions can change. You are human and these things do not make you a bad person/partner.
We write together because it is fun and enjoyable, not because it is expected of you to answer every little thing at the snap of fingers.
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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"It's Christmas time, right? Merry Christmas everyone."
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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"It's Christmas time, right? Merry Christmas everyone."
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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The Mun
She/Her. 30 +. Discord: sammiethemoogle. Mutuals only please.
Hello friends and moots, I am Sammie! I'm a full-time worker, resident swamp hag, and lover of anime, games, and art. I love gacha games and am a big fan of hoyo games! Nice to meet you. Here are my rules and muses o/
GRAPHICS CREDITS: made by the wonderful @halovin!!!!!!
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I. I won't roleplay with anyone under 21 years old. I'm an elder role player and would like to interact with those around my age who are adults. If I find out you lied about your age I will block you on the spot. II. There will be NSFW/DARK themes on this blog. They will be tagged accordingly. III. Feel free to send in memes. I love them. I use memes as icebreakers. So don't hesitate to send one in. IV. I am MUTUALS only. This means if I'm not following you and you are not following me in return then I won't interact with you. I do this to keep from being so overwhelmed. V. All my muses are canon-divergent and may stray from canon material. VI. I am OC friendly! Please just have a backstory. That being said if I feel like your oc won't mesh well with my muses then I won't follow. It's nothing personal. VII. I draw and will post my artwork. Any shipping art will be tagged. VIII. I love shipping but there needs to be chemistry and build-up unless planned out otherwise. Both muses and muns need to be adults. IX. All my muses are 20+ years old. X. I tend not to format that much. I will try to match the length of my replies and keep my posts trimmed. XI. Please, if you are going to unfollow, please hard block me so I get the hint and do not accidentally refollow. Please and thank you.
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to be added to be added
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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Indie. Pri. Sel. MultiMuse for Various Video Games ft. SUNDAY FROM HONKAI STAR RAIL.
/ Penned by Sammie/ Pinned Post/Mutuals Only/ OC Friendly
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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I'm finally coming out of my low-motivation funk. Just been a very stressful week but at least my dad is alive and ok. I'm hoping he will be released from the hospital tomorrow. He had open heart surgery and I've been a ball of stress with fear of losing my only living parent. Getting things ready for him too had been exhausting and I even took today off from work cause I hurt my back and just been kinda zoning out while playing XIV but since dad is still alive and kicking my stress has gone down. So I'm going to start back on getting my rps together and maybe give ZZZ another shot.
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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Indie. Pri. Sel. MultiMuse for Various Video Games ft. SUNDAY FROM HONKAI STAR RAIL.
/ Penned by Sammie/ Pinned Post/Mutuals Only/ OC Friendly
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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inner thoughts
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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I love him so much you honor
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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Indie. Pri. Sel. MultiMuse for Various Video Games ft. SUNDAY FROM HONKAI STAR RAIL.
/ Penned by Sammie/ Pinned Post/Mutuals Only/ OC Friendly
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sojournvagabonds · 3 months ago
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Dropping a brand-new starter call. Hit that heart and tell me which muse you want or I'll choose randomly.
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