soifde-vivre · 2 years
It’s out
I have posted my short story the first part is finished
Third person pov:
There was a crowd of students surrounding the two boys fighting aggressively until one of them suddenly screamed, as the campus bad boy just broke the boy's nose. The said bad boy got up as the other boy was holding onto his nose for dear life. He scoffed as he grabbed the boy's collar. " If I see you near Jeon, again. Next time, it wouldn't just be a broken nose." The bad boy whispered into his ear as he dropped the latter. Who immediately got up and pushed through the crowd to get the hell out of there.
After the fight was over, he told everyone to fuck off, as he harshly pushed past the crowd.
Taehyung is the type of student who skips classes, yells at teachers and smokes on school campus. Also notorious for getting into fights and his playboy nature. You might imagine him as some black leather jacket wearing, tattooed tough guy but in reality he wears pastel leather jackets, tucking in his shirts in his ripped jeans with fish nets under them and wears pink Band-Aids on his face with custom drawings on it. Still, he can beat up your ass despite his cute appearance. As we have seen from the fight which occurred earlier.
He was planning on skipping class like usual, while he was walking towards the roof , he felt a strong gaze on his back. He turned around to see Jungkook, they both made eye contact for a minute until Jungkook turned around and walked away. Taehyung didn't think much of it and continued to walk the other way.
The cafeteria at lunch was buzzing with gossip. How it was strange , Tae got into a fight with one of his flings, Michael. Apparently, Michael told everyone that Taehyung told him to stay away from Jeon. The students were gossiping, making rumors and shit about the whole deal. Meanwhile, Jungkook on the other hand was just trying to eat his lunch in peace.
"Jungkook, JUNGKOOK!" Jimin shouted.
" Why are you screaming. You're sitting right next to me". Jungkook said annoyed. " I've been screaming this whole time trying to get your attention but seem to listening to anything  but what I just said". Jimin huffed. " I guess, I'm a bit distracted." Jungkook tried to reason. " I don't wanna hear your lame excuses. By the way, what the hell did Taehyung mean by stay away from Jeon.  Are you two suddenly close or-"Jimin was interrupted.
" Why would Taehyung tell Michael , his fucking ex to stay away from me. And also me and him close ,that's so funny I forgot to laugh. And even if he did, how the hell am I supposed to know why Kim said that, huh." Jungkook said ,there was clear annoyance in his voice.
Jungkook got up, done with this discussion on Taehyung .As he went towards the washroom, to cool down. But instead some random boy, bumped into him and didn't even apologize. That triggered him so much, so he grabbed the boy by the collar and dragged him back into the washroom. The boy was frantically apologizing realizing who had bumped into. Jungkook didn't care at this point was too angry to think straight. He kicked one of the bathroom stalls open, grabbed the boy's hair and dunked his face into the toilet. And held onto his head to keep it shoved in, as the boy tried desperately to free himself.
He pulled it out after a while, as the boy started to cry. And dunked it back in.
Jeon Jungkook also known as the rudest and one of the richest students on campus. He came from a rich background and was a relatively good student except for  the fact that he was a complete asshole. He would pick on anyone, and wouldn't get into as much fights as Taehyung but would occasionally be in a fight. Still people stirred clear from him though, just being around Jeon Jungkook would be trouble enough knowing his bipolar behavior towards people.
Though everyone in school wondered one thing.
What was the relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook , the students you would try to avoid at all costs.
Weirdly, they never talk or have fought the other. So of course ,it was definitely strange when Taehyung threatened his ex Michael to stay away from Jungkook. Even, if they were to be in the same room or make eye contact with the other ,there would be no words exchanged.
Michael was seriously injured and when his parents found out about this, they went ballistic like any parent would if they heard their child had his nose broken by some student for no reason. The news soon was heard by the principal as Taehyung was sent to his office.
Taehyung was actually on campus for once when he heard the announcement. He groaned as he walked towards the principal's office, he opened the door and heard.
" Taehyung, how many times have I told to knock before entering my office like that" The principal said tired as he sighed. " I know, sorry. Now can I go" Taehyung said leaning against the door." First get inside, and sit down." The principal said getting annoyed. Taehyung walked in and pulled up a chair and slouched on it. " Can you at least not dress like a fag on campus, this is a college not some gay strip club" " Well, you should be happy I don't dress like a slut." Taehyung argued.
"Well, isn't it great to hear that my son broke one of my student's nose. Taehyung, you need to prioritize why you even go here. I was this close to expelling you but we both know why I can't" The principal was interrupted by Taehyung" you can't expel your own son, cause if people hear it could be bad reputation for the school, I know dad. You told me this so many times."
" It's not just that, Michael told his parent's you were harassing him for breaking up for him, how low can you be Taehyung. You should be lucky his parents haven't sued you"
" I wasn't harassing him, that asshole was threatening to beat up Jungkook. So I beat him up"
" Like Jeon can't take care of himself"
" I wasn't thinking straight, okay"
"Clearly, I am seriously thinking of expelling you at this point, the parents want to see some kind of punishment. Don't you ever think before you do something, always getting into trouble like some gangster. Imagine what your mother would think, if she knew her son was gonna turn into some fag-"
"Taehyung sit down, this discussion is not over." Mr. Kim said sternly.
Taehyung just stormed off and not willing to hear anything more.
Jungkook was sick of constantly hearing Taehyung this and Taehyung that. God, people still haven't moved on from the incident and it's frustrating as fuck. He just wanted to get away, and just breathe without someone mentioning Taehyung. As Jungkook was walking around, he noticed the wired gate leading to the roof was open. The roof seemed like the best place to be at the moment.
Though, as he reached the roof, he saw raven haired boy smoking while leaning against the railings. Jungkook was going to go down when he heard soft sobs, and he could see the boy's face perfectly it was Taehyung and he was crying. Jungkook would have just left, he wanted to leave but he couldn't instead he found himself walking towards Taehyung. Taehyung noticed Jungkook and just turned his face away.
" Hey, are you okay." Jungkook asked.
" Do I look okay, and what the hell are you doing here Jeon. Leave me the fuck alone." Taehyung shouted as he turned and made eye contact with Jungkook.
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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I drew this is a reference for my upcoming short story on Wattpad
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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I want a new cover for my wattpad story 
so give me ur opinon 
which one do u think is better?
i made these two for each
choose a good one
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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our omega leadernim wallpaper
Have u guys seen it
it’s bl and on webtoon and taekook
p.s. I made this wallpaper
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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Blackpink’s newest mv is out!!!!!!!!
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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I seriously think this could happen
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
Dis is my trailer for my other story on wattpad called but i still want u
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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this is cute
again not mine
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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Any creepypasta fans out there
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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This is how i feel everyday
whenever someone asks me abt my love life
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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Not mine but have any of u seen these before
their really good
props to the artists
whose ur favorite character from the movie
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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I am getting into anime
I watched these two 
and now I have a huge crush on karma
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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which song is it for u guys?
which y’all find comforting
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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Any one else who had a huge crush on varian 
and still does kind of
imma be honest he was one of my first animated crushes
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
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Again not mine
but it’s amajin
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
I really recommend this,
for all us fanfic readers it feels so surreal
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soifde-vivre · 2 years
Yejun had to take care of his brothers very young so he avoids having a lot of social life and interacting with people. His cute appearance makes many people want to be with him but he hates any kind of contact hiding behind baggy clothes and a scruffy look, except with his boss Bae Woo Jin and his best friend Park Sung Min, a huge otaku as him. What will happen when YeJun crosses paths with another outcast like him? Reading this will make your day better. #Undateable ME #webcomic #WEBTOON
it’s taekook and so underrated
go check it out
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