16K posts
She/her, aroace, 25 Out of the edginess, back with more. Thought it was the right path for me to abandon myself but self finding and self care means to accept that being like this and living like this is actually the best selfcare I can give myself.
Last active 3 hours ago
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sofunneh · 4 hours ago
Only two ADHD tasks
1) this task will take me five minutes but I couldn’t possibly do it because I have an appointment in six hours
2) this task will take five hours but I’ll just do it first thing in the morning before I leave
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sofunneh · 5 hours ago
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sofunneh · 5 hours ago
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sofunneh · 9 hours ago
are you uncomfortable from your hands being dry? if you apply lotion, you can instead be uncomfortable with how greasy they are now. Subscribe for more tips!
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sofunneh · 9 hours ago
hi, a lot of you need a perspective reset
the average human lifespan globally is 70+ years
taking the threshold of adulthood as 18, you are likely to spend at least 52 years as a fully grown adult
at the age of 30 you have lived less than one quarter of your adult life (12/52 years)
'middle age' is typically considered to be between 45-65
it is extremely common to switch careers, start new relationships, emigrate, go to college for the first or second time, or make other life-changing decisions in middle age
it's wild that I even have to spell it out, but older adults (60+) still have social lives and hobbies and interests.
you can still date when you get old. you can still fuck. you can still learn new skills, be fashionable, be competitive. you can still gossip, you can still travel, you can still read. you can still transition. you can still come out.
young doesn't mean peaked. you're inexperienced in your 20s! you're still learning and practicing! you're developing social skills and muscle memory that will last decades!
there are a million things to do in the world, and they don't vanish overnight because an imaginary number gets too big
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sofunneh · 9 hours ago
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sofunneh · 2 days ago
I remember during puberty talk in 6th grade they handed out permission slips for parents to sign if they didn’t want their kids getting sex ed and like five students ended up having to wait in the library while the rest of us learned about puberty and health stuff.
Afterwards during lunch recess almost everyone in class spent our time telling those five kids what we learned and showing them our handouts.
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sofunneh · 2 days ago
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sofunneh · 2 days ago
mommy needs you to look at the minimap more okay sweetheart?
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sofunneh · 2 days ago
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sofunneh · 2 days ago
no offense but there is almost nothing in the world more shameful to me than letting your child be an ipad baby. I'm not saying parents don't have it hard, but I personally could not live with myself if I purposefully let my child get addicted to the technological equivalent of black tar heroin just because I'm too fucking tired to parent. literacy rates are at a record low right now -- partially because schools removed phonics from their curricula, yes, but also because fewer and fewer parents read to their children or encourage them to pick up a fucking book. you are allowing your child to emotionally and intellectually stunt themselves, and for what? I'm not saying kids shouldn't have any access to television or computers (they should, although particularly for computers I'd encourage one stationary PC in a computer room like we had in the 90's and 2000's), but no, your child should not have unsupervised, unlimited, unadulterated access to everything the web has to offer at the tender age of 6. or give them some age appropriate video games for god's sake. mario or spyro or SOMETHING. something other than tiktok and youtube. call me crazy for thinking that that's shit parenting. not to mention that by only giving them access to ipads and iphones that they don't know how to work actual computers anymore (go on, ask your 12 year old to open and save a file folder on your desktop, I dare you). a generation of shitty parents who have raised emotionally stunted low-attention-span illiterate incurious apathetic children who will very soon become an entire generation of illiterate incurious apathetic voters and consumers. that's another thing, too -- your children are constantly being advertised to and are being groomed to be relentless and uncritical consumers. your children are being preyed upon on multiple levels and you don't fucking care!! easier to call people giving you warnings "prudes" and "boomers" than actually think critically about your child and their future.
look I know parenting is hard. Unfortunately for you, your child didn't ask to be born, and it is nonetheless YOUR responsibility to raise them well and give them every fucking opportunity you can. and I am watching millions and millions of parents who could not give less of a fuck that they are actually materially disadvantaging their own children. im sick to my stomach for real.
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sofunneh · 2 days ago
Hhhate it when people on my side of an argument are making bad points. You’re literally right why are you being stupid about it
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sofunneh · 3 days ago
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sofunneh · 3 days ago
there are two competing sects on this website - one that uses the word "spicy" to mean "neurodivergent" and one that uses the word "spicy" to mean "sexual content." i do not like either of them
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sofunneh · 3 days ago
Me lying on my CV applying to be a middling babylonian bureaucrat: Proficient at cuneiform and clay tablets,
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sofunneh · 3 days ago
i think if your account has existed on this site for a certain number of years you should be grandfathered into ad free browsing. a decade seems reasonable like if you signed up in 2012 or prior you have tenure
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sofunneh · 4 days ago
all i do anymore is have a cut on my finger
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