Come And Claim Your Kingdom On Olympus
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https://appiezya.carrd.coNo Hate belongs here_Appie/Sofia_Pronouns: she/her they/them he/him; genderfluid_Lesbian_Feel free to drop a hello in my askbox
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sofia-not-sophie · 6 minutes ago
flow winning animated feature is the kind of story that's going to be taught like the boogeyman to every big animation studio's intake class for decades
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sofia-not-sophie · 8 minutes ago
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sofia-not-sophie · 8 hours ago
love shakespeare. did a hamlet run tonight, looked someone dead in the eye to say “am i a coward?” during a speech and the fucker shrugged and nodded
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sofia-not-sophie · 8 hours ago
Both Selfish; you each lose 2 points
You Selfish, prev Cooperative; You gain 2 points
You Cooperative, prev Selfish; You lose 1 point
Both Cooperative; You Each gain 1.5 points
(ps make sure to say what you voted)
Making this post long so you have to scroll to see prev's tags.
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sofia-not-sophie · 8 hours ago
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Low effort doodle,, I was told to put them in a Minecraft boat
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sofia-not-sophie · 8 hours ago
teamwork 🐝
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
a severely underrated and underused pre-reveal-Red-Hood-plot is the one where Dick finds out that he’s Jason first, and out of desperation to make up for past failings at being a big brother and wanting to reconnect with Jason, he decides to keep it from the rest of the family and use it as a way for them to bond. clearly this could be funny for like a thousand different reasons, but the first way this could turn out that i can think of is obviously Bruce watching Nightwing and Red Hood getting closer and closer and instead of automatically coming to the realisation that it’s Dick getting to know and hanging out with his little brother, he immediately assumes that Nightwing and Red Hood are dating.
i’m torn between Jason finding this hysterical while Dick is horrified about it (Jason doesn’t have to deal with the sexual jokes from the family and talks about safety within villain/hero relationships) and both of them deciding it’s a prime opportunity to pull the greatest prank on Bruce possible (both of them leaning into the relationship thing publicly and then Jason casually taking off his helmet to give Dick a cheek-kiss and Bruce a fucking heart attack), but mostly i just think it would be funny if Dick got stressed about his web of lies and decided to rant to a friend, idk who probably Wally, and he gets to have this conversation:
Dick, pacing back and forth: i don’t know what to do, i mean my dad thinks i’m fucking my brother!
Wally, incredulous: …what the fuck did you do to make Bruce think you’re fucking Tim???
Dick, horrified: OH MY GOD NO? I MEANT JASON!
Wally: *distressed noises*
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
Got called a weirdo irl for the way I write my fics sooo
I am the “writes in document tabs” if anyone’s wondering
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
Jason is in civilian clothing absolutely plastered at a Crime Alley bar when Joker breaks out of Arkham, and while still drunk he abruptly decides he’s sick of all this dramatic bullshit and just. kills the Joker. tracks him down, kills him without any fanfare, and ditches. it was executed flawlessly, incredible really considering his intoxication levels at the time. he only slipped up a teeny-tiny amount.
because he got seen leaving the murder scene. in civilian clothing. and then got caught once more via a security camera as he was disappearing back into Crime Alley. and the bats fucking saw that footage.
Bruce Wayne, an emotional wreck, just found out that Jason is alive, apparently just murdered the Joker, and is now living alone in Crime Alley (and who knows in what conditions?! he’s legally dead, there’s no legal way for him to make money, his poor son might be homeless.) and for some reason he isn’t coming home. Bruce is in despair, getting worse the longer they can’t track Jason down. finally, at his wits end, he decides to ask the help of the one other vigilante figure that seems to know Crime Alley better than the bats, and that might have some less-savoury contacts that could be of better help tracking down a legally dead boy.
the Red Hood, struggling not to laugh hysterically in Batman’s face, has never been more excited to accept a job in his LIFE. he has no plans on how he’s going to fuck with Bruce just yet, but by god is he going to do something.
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
No YOU may be in the fandom trenches, but in my corner of the fandom there's a cafe where we all leave messages for each other to show our mutuals love and appreciation.
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
What able bodied authors think I, an amputee and a wheelchair user, would want in a scifi setting:
Tech that can regenerate my old meat legs.
Robot legs that work just like meat legs and are functionally just meat legs but robot
Literally anything that would mean I don't have to use a wheelchair.
If I do need to use a wheelchair, make it fly or able to "walk me" upstairs
What I actually want:
Prosthetic covers that can change colour because I'm too indecisive to pick one colour/pattern for the next 5+ years.
A leg that I can turn off (seriously, my above knee prosthetic has no off switch... just... why?)
A leg that won't have to get refitted every time I gain or loose weight.
A wheelchair that I can teleport to me and legs I can teleport away when I'm too tierd to keep walking. And vice versa.
In that same vein, legs I can teleport on instead of having to fiddle around with the sockets for half an hour.
Prosthetic feet that don't require me to wear shoes. F*ck shoes.
Actually accessible architecture, which means when I do want to use my wheelchair, it's not an issue.
Prosthetic legs with dragon-claw feet instead of boring human feet or just digigrade prosthetics that are just as functional as normal human-shaped ones.
A manual wheelchair with the option to lift my seat up like those scissor-lift things so I'm not eye-level with everyone's butt on public transport/so I can reach the top shelf by myself.
A prosthetic foot that lights up when it hits the ground like those children's shoes.
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
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sofia-not-sophie · 1 day ago
"Masculinity is never punished by society"
Okay so quick question. How many butches have you ever spoken to?
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