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Derek Hale might be dead but at least Tyler Hoechlin is free from the devil Jeff Davis
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It's not fair (1.6k words)
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: caught up in mourning you snapped at the group, when you arrive back home there's an unexpected surprise. (post s4)
warnings: mentions of death, blood, grief/mourning, snappy reader, cringey writing.
a/n: I truly don't know what this is, I wanted to write some angst/hurt and came up with this. excuse the writing (trying to get back in the grove)
feedback & criticism is very appreciated. please let me know if you have any thoughts on how I can approve. thank you :)
Two days later. Two long days after you lost your person. The only person that truly understood you, the only one who ever brought a special light in your life. Two days that felt like an eternity for you as you just laid in bed, not moving, just laying there. Now here you are, sitting on the edge of your bed, grasping onto a few polaroids from a random box under your bed. Well, it’s not really a random box…it’s a box with some of your most prized possessions – now only memories linger within them. 
The polaroids in your hands show you and him. One of them being a blurred mess that Dustin took to ‘capture the moment’. Another just of his face, doing the cute tongue thing he always did. The finale one is just of you…but it’s the memory of it that you grasp onto. 
The room echoes with a loud click followed by a flash of light as you giggle softly. You gasp – realizing what he just did. “Did you really take a picture of me?” you exclaimed as you realized what he had just done. He leans against the bedframe chuckling, “I did. You looked too pretty, I couldn't resist.” A wide grin appears on his face, showing his pointed canines. The polaroid spouts out with a churning sound from the camera. 
Trying to snag the picture from the camera quickly, you raised your hand to grab it, but he grabbed it faster than you could, holding it in the air. “Oh, stop it, I bet the picture is cute”. He laughed as you pouted, pressing your body against the bed looking up at him with puppy eyes. His hand lifts your chin up from the mattress, “You're too pretty to pout.” he says, puffing out his bottom lip mocking you, “Now come on, get up here with me.” He pats the spot next to him. 
You roll your eyes, sitting beside him on the bed. His long arm wraps around you, scooting you closer against him. “Now let me see it.” you whine, gripping the air above you as he still holds the picture above the two of you. He laughs, resting the side of his face on the top of your head as he lowers his arm. He flips the picture over, only enough for him to see, “God it’s awful.” he gasps, “It’s…It’s.” his voice stammered. 
“Eddie, stop!” you yell, trying to get the polaroid to fall out of his grasp. His shocked expression fades into a huge smile as he shows you the picture, “It’s perfect, you freak.” As you look at the picture of yourself, you realize it’s a candid shot of you sitting on the ground, smiling up at him. As you look at it, you smile, a perfect example of your pure joy in just being around him. “Now sweetheart, I think you should keep it.” 
His response makes you shake your head, "No Eds, you keep it." He kisses you on the top of your head and hands you the polaroid. "You keep it, just think of us when you see it." 
In the midst of reliving that bittersweet moment, you didn't hear your door creak open. You were completely absorbed by the picture. Your shoulder was touched by a familiar hand from behind, catching you off guard. You gasped as the curly headed boy tightened his grasp on your shoulder and said, “Hey Hey, y/n...it’s just me.” You smiled softly as you brushed away the tears from your eyes, saying, “Hi Dusty.” 
A soft smile returns to his face as he crawls over to sit beside you. "I just wanted to check on you..." he said, his eyes falling to the polaroids you held in your hands. "I remember taking that photo. It was the first time we hung out after you guys went official." he chuckles, pointing at the blurry mess you can call a picture. Your voice crackled as tears began to well up, "I just miss him." 
“I miss him too.” he replied, tears creeping into his eyes. He rests his head against yours as the two of you sit in silence, looking at the pictures. Reliving your own memories of him. He breaks the silence, “Y/n…how about you come with me to the Wheeler’s house. We’re all taking some things to the school to donate.” You shake your head, “Dustin. I’d rather not.” 
“Come on. It’s not good for you to stay cooped up in your room.” he urges, “I’ll be there, i’m always here for you…” You let out a deep sigh, “Fine.”
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You leaned against Steve's car, arms crossed as Mrs. Wheeler asked, “Did you guys order pizza?” As the Surfers Boy Pizza van parked directly in front of the driveway, everyone stood up straight. Observing five people emerge from the van – Mike, Will, El, Jonathan, and another guy. Everyone is all smiles. Reuniting. As you remain alone. Everyone embraced each other and hugged each other tightly. 
The sweet exchange between Jonathan and Nancy caught your gaze as Robin wrapped her arm around you and Steve. You felt a lump rising in your throat, tears clouding your vision. Robin kept saying, "It's okay." It wasn't okay. None of what had happened was okay. You pulled away from her grasp, standing alone in the midst of all the reuniting going on around you. 
Seeing everyone with smiles on their faces while you were left to mourn felt as if you were spinning as memories from two nights ago flooded through your mind, replaying over and over in your head. Hearing Dustin scream in pain, running outside to see a swarm of Demo-bats surround Eddie. That gut wrenching moment when you realized Eddie's body was among the fallen bats. Clinging to life. 
The sound of Dustin's voice pierced the dense fog you were in, “Look at me!” His hands grasped your face in a tight embrace, “Y/N! Please. I’m right here.” And with that you found yourself thrown deeper into the depths of awful memories. 
“Eddie!” you called out throughout the void of the upside down. Running towards him, as he laid on the ground. Tears running down your flush cheeks. “Eddie…please no.” you cried out, kneeling down to him, resting his head on your lap. “Eds, I-I’m right here.” your voice stammered as he choked on his own blood. 
You could see the tears flowing in his eyes as he tried desperately to get your attention, while he choked up, trying to fight against your sobs. You stared down at him as he chokes,“B-bad right?”  You shook your head and wept, “N-No No, you’re fine. We’ll get you some help Eds’...just hold on for me.” clutching his hand in yours tightly. 
The heavy fog lifted from you, and suddenly you were staring directly into Dustin's glossy eyes again. You can hear yourself breathe heavier, slowly returning to a normal pace. "I'm fine." you snap, pulling away from him. Everyone's eyes were on you as you paced around, feeling like daggers piercing your skin. “I’m fine…” you mumble, eyes fixed on the pavement below you. “Well, unlike some people…I’m fine.” 
You felt as the air got tense at your words. “It’s not fair.” you begin. “It’s not fair how you all sit with smiles on your faces!” you exclaim, turning around to look at the group. “Some of us weren't so lucky to have this reunion…some of us are still stuck down there! Left for dead! Some of us didn't quite make it out now, huh’?” 
“Eddie died for all of you.” you mumble, everyone's eyes widen at your comment. “He sacrificed himself…for everyone. F-For what? For all of us to just forget him?” you continued rambling, tears streaming down your cheeks with each word. “Y/N…that’s not true.” Steve says reassuringly, stepping a little closer towards you. “It is! You all just forgot about him.” you cried out, “You left him down there!” 
“E-Eddie’s gone?” Mike chokes out, holding back his tears. “Yeah Wheeler, you missed a lot.” You snarl at him. 
“You left him down there…to rot.” you hissed, the harshness heard through your tone. Dustin inches closer to you, reaching a hand out, “We didn't want to do that…you know this.” You swatted his hand away, turning to heads toward the end of the driveway. “He’s still down there…and I swear on everything that I will get him back.” you snap at the group, “I’m going home. Thanks a lot Dustin.” 
“You can’t leave me…” you sob, running your hand against his blood covered face – trying to avoid the open wounds covering his cheeks and neck. “P-Please don’t leave me…” Eddie’s eyes darken, fear taking over his vision. “I-I’m fading pretty fast…” his voice was low, drifting away quicker with each word, “Y-you were the best thing to happen to me.” 
You felt as his hand grasped tighter against yours, “I-I love you…y/n.” A single tear fell from his eye as his grasp loosened from your hand...and he was gone. Gone just like that. Before you could even say it back. In the emptiness of the other world, lightning and thunder echoing across the distance as you stared at his body, not knowing what to do.
Just like that you were alone. 
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In your bed, you were fixing up the box of memories you left on your bed. As you looked at each item, you recalled the memories you had before putting them in the empty shoe box. It was deafeningly silent in your room...just empty. You reached for your lamp to turn it off for the night while sliding the box under your bed – when all of a sudden. The bulb started to flash. Three times rapidly, three times slowly, and three times rapidly again. SOS. Morse code. 
if you enjoyed please consider commenting or reblogging, it makes a huge difference ♡
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pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
warnings: suggestive language
summary: the teens of the group know about eddie’s crush on you and your crush on him so they orchestrate a group camping trip to push you and Eddie together.
word count: 2,000
A/N: I just hit 2K. Thank you all so much for reading my work and supporting me. I just got done with school, so I’ll be posting a lot for the next month. (I hope). Thank you again, it means something to me.
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The leaves crunched beneath your boots as you hopped out of the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. Eddie pulled the back door of the van open and the kids started piling out of the back. The whole gang was going on a camping trip for the weekend.
“Why does y/n always get to ride shotgun?” Mike complained as Steve’s car pulled up with Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan.
“I rank the highest,” you said. Eddie chuckled.
“No, I do,” Dustin interjected. Lucas and Will started pulling out the tents.
“Not true. She’s right. She outranks everyone,” Eddie said.
“You met her after us! She isn’t even in Hellfire,” Dustin complained.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Max joked. Dustin flipped Max off before returning to the van to get the last remaining ice chest.
All of you began setting up the tents. There were two four-person tents and two two-person tents. Jonathan and Nancy were the obvious occupants of the first two-person tent, but the other didn’t have an obvious pairing.
“El and I can take it,” Mike volunteered when it came into question.
“No,” Nancy and Steve said in unison. Dustin and Lucas chuckled when Mike’s expression deflated. Robin had a mischievous smirk on her face.
“Eddie and y/n should take it,” Robin said. Your cheeks burned as you glared at her. She and Nancy were the only people you had told about your crush on Eddie.
“Yeah, Robin and I can split up and make sure the kids don’t get up to anything,” Steve said. It was Eddie’s turn to glare at Steve, the only person that Eddie had told about his crush on you. You and Eddie then both looked at one another and gave each other kind smiles.
“It’s fine with me,” you said nervously.
“Yeah, that works,” Eddie agreed. You went towards the van to go collect your bag. Steve was walking away when Eddie grabbed his collar.
“Why would you do that?” Eddie hissed. “I’m not gonna be able to keep it together if I’m sleeping next to her!” Steve chuckled. He patted Eddie’s shoulder and Eddie released him.
“Robin told me she’s got a crush on you too,” Steve said with a smirk.
“She likes me back? Wait, how long have you known that?” Eddie questioned.
“A while, it’s kinda obvious. But we were talking about it on the way here,” Steve said.
“So, Jonathan and Nancy know too then?” Eddie asked.
“Well, y/n told Nancy she liked you. Jonathan was the only one who was totally out of the loop,” Steve said. Eddie laughed at that. He liked Jonathan, he just didn’t know Jonathan that well.
“Was this all a set-up?” Eddie questioned.
“Not entirely, maybe like 70% set-up 30% camping trip,” Steve joked. Eddie watched as you ducked into the tent that you and Eddie were meant to spend the next two nights in. “Go get her.” Eddie nodded and followed you into the tent.
“Hey,” he greeted you. You were kneeling on one side of the rectangular tent. You had a small duffle bag and a backpack in front of you.
“Hi,” you greeted with a smile as Eddie dropped his things onto the other side of the tent.
Say something to her. Eddie thought as hard as he could in search of something good to say to you. Maybe he could say something that would make you laugh. Eddie loved to hear the sound of your laugh, especially when he was the one who’d made you laugh. You started to unroll your sleeping bag and before he could think better of it Eddie opened his mouth.
“That’s your sleeping bag?” Eddie asked.
“You’re going to be freezing!” He exclaimed.
“What and yours is so much warmer?” You asked. Eddie gestured down at the thick, fleece lined, down sleeping bag that he had laid out.
“Yours isn’t meant for the outdoors, princess,” Eddie said. Your cheeks heated at the nickname.
“It’s the only one I have,” you told him.
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve brought Wayne’s,” he said. You shrugged.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” you said.
“You can always share with me,” Eddie said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes.
“In your dreams, Munson,” you joked.
“In yours too, I suspect,” Eddie teased back.
All of you spent the afternoon on a hike up to the waterfall by the campground. Eddie held his hand out to you a few times to help you down particularly steep jumps, and you weren’t sure when but at some point you didn’t let go of his hand after you had landed safely.
When it got dark Eddie and Robin got a fire going while Steve and you laid out s’mores supplies. For a while you were seated beside Eddie, both of you on a blanket spread out over the ground, backs leaning against a log that sat behind you. You got up at some point, off to find another sweater. You were stepping over Eddie’s legs when he grabbed your hand.
“Come down here, sweetheart,” Eddie called sweetly. No part of you wanted to resist as he pulled you down into his lap. He pulled you up close so that your back was against his chest, tucking his chin into the crook of your neck so he could continue to listen to the campfire chatter. His arms were around your middle, but you tugged on his hands so that his fingers were interlaced with yours.
“Since when are you two toge—ow!” Mike was cut off when Nancy punched him in the arm. Your body tensed but Eddie’s thumb rubbed against the back of your hand tenderly. It was like the rest of the day had been. No words were being spoken, but the two of you wanted each other.
“You smell nice,” Eddie whispered when Lucas started telling a scary story. You smiled and Eddie could feel your cheek move against him.
“Probably just the mountain air,” you said.
“No, it’s lavender. Is it your shampoo?” Eddie asked. You were quiet for a moment, surprised at how observant Eddie was when it came to you. You had seen him walk right past ‘do not enter’ signs and ask for directions to a location that was just on the other side of the street. Despite that he was noting that your shampoo smelled like lavender.
“Yeah, it is. My conditioner is too,” you told him. Eddie hummed in approval. He leaned his nose into your hair and inhaled.
“I like it,” he murmured. You snuggled back further into his chest.
“I like the way you smell too,” you said. Eddie chuckled.
“What? Cigarettes and sweat?” He joked. You turned your head so you could take a whiff of Eddie’s distinct masculine musk.
“Whatever it is, it’s nice,” you said. Eddie smiled. “I think I’m gonna go to bed,” you whispered.
“I’ll come too,” Eddie said. He held his hand out to support you as you rose from the ground and bid everyone a good night.
“Good night, love bird—ow! Jesus, Nancy!” Mike’s jeers were once again interrupted by a punch from Nancy. Your cheeks burned as you ducked into your tent.
You and Eddie faced away from one another as you changed into your pajamas. Eddie couldn’t help himself when he glanced over his shoulder. All he saw was the back of you, but he was enamored by the way your waist curved into your hip, the dimples that were on your back, and the way your skin looked in the dim light from his electric lantern.
“Are you dressed?” You asked after you’d slid on your sweatshirt.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. The two of you turned around. Eddie was in flannel pajama pants and a henley. He had pushed the sleeves up to his elbows and somehow in the most innocent of clothing he looked irresistible.
“You really should sleep in my bag, princess. You’re not going to be warm enough,” Eddie said.
“Nice try, Eds. I’ll be fine,” you said.
“I’m serious, sweetheart. It’s cold out here,” he tried.
“I’ll be okay,” you said. Eddie raised his hands in surrender.
“Whatever you say,” he agreed.
“Um…good night, Eddie,” you said as you crawled into your sleeping bag. Eddie smiled.
“Good night, princess,” he replied as he tucked himself in. He was sure you’d be in his sleeping bag within an hour. After ten minutes you were shivering in your thin sleeping bag. Eddie was right. It was not designed for outdoor use. Your teeth started chattering as you lay curled up tightly.
“Princess?” Eddie’s voice cut above the sounds of the forest.
“Yeah?” You asked, turning your head to look over at Eddie. He had unzipped the side of his sleeping bag facing you and was holding it up with open arms.
“Come here,” he called. You didn’t need to be asked twice. You crawled out of your sleeping bag and into his, immediately tucking yourself into his chest and trying to absorb all his warmth.
“Jesus, you’re freezing!” Eddie remarked. He reached behind you to pull the zipper of his sleeping bag up before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight against his body. He moved his hands quickly against your arms, trying to generate friction that might warm you up. He felt your face to see if it was still cold. When he found it was, he pressed his hands against your cheeks. He leaned in and exhaled hot air against your neck and you let out a little hum of pleasure. Your heart dropped before beating like the drums that Eddie’s band played.
“What was that I just heard, princess?” Eddie called down to you. You refused to look up at him but you were sure he had a smug grin across his face.
“I didn’t hear anything,” you said. Your cheeks were burning as you tried to tuck your head back down. Eddie reached up and tipped your chin to make you meet his eyes.
“Really?” He asked. “I thought I heard something.” You shook your head. Eddie’s eyes turned to your lips.
“Eddie…” You whispered quietly.
“Yes?” He asked, his tone teasing. His hand had moved to your neck, the skin still cold.
“I…You’re so close,” you murmured. You were holding your breath.
“I could be closer,” Eddie said. “Do you want me closer, princess?” You nodded. “I need to hear it.”
“Yes,” you whispered. Eddie’s lips were on yours. They were warm and velvety soft and his kiss enveloped your whole body in warmth as if you had walked into a cozy cabin with a roaring fire. His tongue moved against yours smoothly, the two of you working in perfect harmony as if you had kissed each other for centuries. It was undoubtedly the best kiss you had ever had. His hands moved away from your face, arms settling around you again. You met his eyes and the two of you broke out in laughter.
“We just kissed!” You giggled. Eddie grinned.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since we met, angel,” Eddie confessed proudly.
“Me too,” you told him. “It was better than I imagined.”
“Your lips are soft,” Eddie said. You smiled but didn’t respond. He blushed, wondering if he had said something too forward. You smirked as he looked away from you. You leaned up and pressed your lips to his exposed neck.
“You deserve some softness, Eds,” you mumbled against him. He turned his head down to catch your lips in his again.
“Are you gonna be the one to give it to me, sweetheart?” He asked. You nodded.
“If you’ll let me,” you said. Eddie smirked.
“Oh, angel. I’d let you do anything to me.”
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{Heartbreaker Series}
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Some Timeline Info:
This series takes place in the Summer of 1988, and we're going to pretend that Pictures of You by The Cure came out a year earlier okay? This means that Reader graduated high school in 1984 and graduated college in 1988. The kiddos are entering their senior year of high school while the older kids are entering their junior years of college, and Eddie (assuming he's 20 in his third year of high school) and Reader are 22.
I Don't Believe in Love
Program: Coming home from college should have meant you had all the time in the world to hang out with your best friend. Coming home, you should have been greeted with a hug and promise of summer fun. Coming home, you found the love of your life finally got the girl of his dreams. Instead, heartbreak greeted you with open arms. Pairing: Best friend!Eddie Munson x GN, in love!Reader, slight Steve Harrington x Reader if you squint Genre: Angst, Heartbreak
With or Without You
Program: It's time to move on. Just about everyone else could easily go about their days, but it felt like there was nothing left. Until Steve Harrington decided to crash your pity party and push you back into reality. Pairing: Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x GN, Platonic(ish)! Reader, Best friend! Eddie Munson x Heartbroken! Reader Genre: Angst, Heartbreak, Learning to move on
Pictures of You
Program: Moving on is so much fucking harder than everyone lets on. Even you do try to work through your feelings and still hang out with your best friend, the new addition to his life can't let you truly feel like you have a place in his life anymore. It's just another night crying in the arms of the one person you stayed with you through it all. Pairing: Best friend! Eddie Munson x GN, Heartbroken! Reader, Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x GN, Platonic(ish)! Reader Genre: Angst, Heartbreak, Learning to move on
Program: It's the end of summer, and with that comes the cold front of cozy autumn and chilling confessions. One last bonfire party to spark off heated jealousy. No one though the night would end in tears and blood. Pairing: Best friend! Eddie Munson x GN, Heartbroken! Reader, Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x GN, Platonic(ish)! Reader Genre: Angst, Heartbreak, Moving on
Love is a Battlefield
Program: Autumn afternoons seem to envelope the small town of Hawkins in a haunting hold. You thought that with the start of the school year, you would find solace in time spent away from the friend group. But it seems like you can't escape the chilling memories of last summer when you bump into Chrissy Cunningham during Thanksgiving break when everyone's home for the weekend. Pairing: Chrissy Cunningham & GN! Reader Referenced Pairings: Best friend! Eddie Munson x Heartbroken! Reader, Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x GN, Platonic(ish)! Reader Genre: Angst, Heartbreak, Trying to move on
{One Offs}
Look So Good in Blue
Program: You've found a home in the arms of another. Sure they may not belong to who you originally imagined and daydreamed about, but they hold you safe and sound while pushing you back to your old self. Laughter and child like joy finally lights up the Harrington household, one rainy night. Pairing: Platonic(ish)! Steve Harrington x Platonic(ish), GN!Reader Genre: Fluff, Requested
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Joseph Quinn in a fuzzy soft blue sweater for Wonderland Magazine.
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JOSEPH QUINN for Wonderland Magazine 
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Eddie Munson 8/?
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I’ve got no idea why but this particular gif is driving me fucking nuts at the moment like he’s so into it he’s climbing on the table?? Yes baby 😍The sassy little toss of his hair? Perfection.
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wait wait wait does this mean like actual ?????????
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Daddy is out there just looking good huh ?
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I believe in Kas Theory!!! ( not my video)
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i need him
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Joseph Quinn smoking.
That's it, that's the post.
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