socalledsasha-blog · 6 years
Women in Terminator isn’t the problem
I saw a title of a video called “Terminator Goes All Female Despite Ghostbusters & Ocean’s 8 Failing” by No Bullshit. Now, despite how annoyed I am about the whole feminism/sjw/femnazi/anti-sjw drama going on, I feel the need to express my thoughts. You see, guys, the problem with the new Terminator movie isn’t that is going to have a mostly female cast. Don’t let two bad/mediocre movies cloud your mind when you see a female in a movie, game, TV show, or whatever. What the real problem with the new Terminator is that THERE’S GOING TO BE ANOTHER TERMINATOR MOVIE! Do you really think that if it wasn’t an all female cast it would be good? Have you missed the last 4 movies?!
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socalledsasha-blog · 6 years
Coco: *walks across the screen*
Fans: YOOOOO!!!! BEST CHARACTER!!! I SHIP HER WITH VELVET!!! WOOOOOO!!! *draws thousands of fan art*
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socalledsasha-blog · 6 years
Gotham: Batman written by Tumblr
One thing my best friend constantly loves to do is tell me about some of the story lines on the show Gotham. He does this because he knows that I’ll react in a way like “Oh my God. What? Why? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Basically the stuff on Gotham that annoys me are things like how they change very iconic Batman characters’ backstories and origins to even dumber stories like how Poison Ivy was a preteen that feel down a hole and comes back  as a 20 something seductress. Also, I hate the idea of all of Batman’s villains becoming active before Bruce becomes Batman. I’m not even a follower of the “Batman creates the villains” mindset, but it just feels wrong that Joker and Riddler are doing their schtick before their motivation AKA Batman is around. Speaking of Riddler, he’s one half of the strangest fanfic-isk storyline in the show. Apparently, Riddler was in love with the Penguin (who’s some skinny emo guy). But Riddler gets jealous of Penguin’s girlfriend and kills her so he can have Oswald to himself. All of the stuff in the show just made me think the writers started from Tumblr. Not saying that’s wrong to make weird romance fanfics with beloved comic book characters. Just know I might be judging you.
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socalledsasha-blog · 6 years
Stop Giving Idiots Money
I was on twitter and I was surprised to see that so many people not only bought the Logan Paul vs KSI fight, but were watching it too! Stop giving idiots money and attention. You guys are making sure Logan is able to stay relevant and rich after all the shit he pulled. The draw was the equivalent to them stopping the match, flipping us off, and saying “Fuck you! We stole your money! Now pre order the rematch fight soon!” If I thought McGregor making an ass out of himself against Mayweather was insulting to boxing, then this was waaaay worse. Stop giving these morons attention.
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