Thank you!!!!! I really love writing it
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not to sound corny but the textile arts make me feel connected to the world around me. it's so intentional and deliberate and when i sit and do it, i think a lot about how many other women that came before me used to do it, how many hands have used the same supplies i am using, and how many other people might be doing the same thing as me all across the world right now
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This post is kinda like my other one but a bit better lmao. I might make variations of this with other pieces of media but it depends onnn how well this is received
ETA - I'm gonna say that react channels or YouTube videos or podcasts count cause fuck it
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Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
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wild they both won championships this month
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just remembered that drake lost half a mil so i think we all won actually
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In honor of pride month, what’s your gender and sexuality? Send this to other authors you know
Love the nico fic FYI
First of all, thank you nonnie! The Nico fic is my baby and I have so many ideas that I can’t contain them all. I have a hard time writing them too because I feel like I won’t do them justice.
Second of all, I meant to add that to my bio but I forgot. I’m decaf gay. Which is a term a friend used when I explained that a bi character on station 19 said “I’m only half gay, but it counts.” So I’m bi. Also I identify as a woman. My pronouns are she/her
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Last call is Sunday June 30th!
snugglyducklingbrewhouse’s birthday bingo celebration!
In honor of my birthday in June, I decided to host a bingo event again.
The old event cannot be found due to me literally deleting my old blog and starting from scratch.
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For those you who do remember last year’s event, I basically took the same board and changed a few things.
You do not need to get a perfect bingo (5 squares in a row, column, or diagonal)
You can choose any 5 squares you want
Bonus challenges: totally optional but you can also choose one of the following special types of bingo (I do not expect anyone to do any of these): four corners, inner box (around free space), outer box (top and bottom rows plus both the far left and far right columns), any box of 4 (2x2 box anywhere on the board), X (both diagonals), and + (center column and center row)
Obviously the squares you choose will drive the story, but I am pretty open to genres, including smut (I am turning 27)
I prefer reader inserts now a days but if you are an oc person, I will gladly accept oc fics. I want to be inclusive in terms of types of writing. Obviously not in terms of players since there are just some players I refuse to read for.
No word count minimum (or maximum) but preferably longer than a blurb especially if you fit 4+ squares in one story
June 30th
My actual birthday is June 17th, but I want to give enough time for anyone that wants to write
I will accept early entries. If you are choosing to do one of the harder challenges, you have until July 31st because I know those are hard and most don’t make sense with the board
I am not as open minded as last year, but some players have been added
Obviously, I can’t control who you choose to write since I know not everyone writes for all of these players, and I am totally okay with that
Absolutely no Seattle kraken players unless as a side character and not as a current or former love interest. Those are my babies and I do not read (or write) for them anymore
If none of these players spark your fancy, then feel free to shoot an ask asking about a specific player I haven’t mentioned. I am still open minded but I still have my limitations
Listed in no particular order (because I am chaos):
Nico Hischier
Dawson Mercer
John Marino
Matthew “ratthew” Tkachuk
Quinn Hughes
Elias Pettersson
Cale Makar
Nathan MacKinnon
Sebastian Aho (canes)
And there’s more I’m probably forgetting so feel free to send an ask about a specific player not on this list
Final notes
Have fun with this!
This is meant to be fun, not stressful
If this is too much for you, you do not need to participate as a writer. Feel free to join me as a reader
Again, both reader insert and oc fics will be accepted
My ask box is open for questions about anything related to this (this is partly because Taylor has so much music and I might love her music but that doesn’t mean I absolutely adore each and every song)
Have fun!
No pressure tags: @cellythefloshie @swissboyhisch @mp0625 @puckmaidens @this-is-ally-and-im-confused and obviously anyone who wants to participate or spread the word
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we play with fire because we like the way it burns
a mob boss!nico x nurse!fem!reader au
I know this bar
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Warnings: this is a mob au, bar, alcohol, underage drinking (Luke specifically and technically reader if her and Luke were in the same orientation group for college), a few swear words/name calling, Jack being bullied, a bet, Luke being bullied, mentions of past relationship trauma but no specifics, I think that’s it
Word count: 2.35k
A/n: I know the poll resulted in me without us, but I had this ready and writers block is kicking my butt. I also really wanted to get something out there after going awol. This is set before Luke, Lilly, and the tree. This is the bar referenced in that installment. I spent forever on this. I wanted to build the world of this au so I added more details. Enjoy!
“Are you sure it’s okay I go to the bar tonight?” You asked for what felt like the hundredth time to Luke.
He rolled his eyes. “Yes. Nico specifically asked me if you would like to come tonight.”
That was the first of you hearing that. Your eyes lit up, but you stayed still, adjusting your clothes and accessories. “Oh? He did?”
You hoped that you didn’t sound as excited as you really were.
Luke gave you a smirk. “And by the way you’re acting, I’d say you’re excited to see him.”
Your cheeks flushed as you turned around and shoved Luke playfully. “Shut up!”
“When will you just admit that you like him?” Luke was annoyed with how much you were acting like a lovesick teenager when he knew Nico felt the same way.
But Nico didn’t know that Luke knew. Jack got a little too drunk at his shared apartment with Luke and let it slip, but Luke made sure not to say that you felt the same way.
“How about when swine take to the sky?” You quipped back, knowing it would take Luke a second to figure that one out.
“Seriously?” He sassed once it clicked in his mind. “Just tell him! Or at least offer him your number. I don’t know how he still doesn’t have it.”
“So I can just be another notch in his belt? No thanks.” You deflected and looked to the floor.
Luke’s face dropped into a gentler expression. “I know the stories, but he is not this renowned player. In the year I’ve been here, I haven’t seen him take a girl home or go home with one. I obviously am not as close to him as Jack, but he does have a softer side. I just haven’t seen more than a glimpse or two.”
You looked up at your best friend with sad eyes. “I’m just a nurse. A nobody. Why would he ever go for someone like me?”
Luke sighed, wishing you could see yourself the way others do. “You are one of the most selfless people I have ever met. I mean, you basically offered to be a nurse for the mob. The mob! You have a heart of gold, and if he doesn’t see it, then someone will come around who will. But I’m telling you, shoot your shot.”
As he was talking, you looked down again and tried not to cry. You knew your self talk could be more positive, but it takes time. And after your bad luck with men in the past, you just were scared of getting hurt again.
“You say I have a heart of gold, but then why do people always leave?” You asked, sick of people leaving you when something new and shiny comes along.
Luke felt his heart breaking. He witnessed your bad past with men through college, and he wished he could do more to help.
You became his best friend and the sister he never had. As much as he definitely intimidated some guys that wanted to ask you out back in school, he knew you deserved the world. And he really hoped that could be Nico despite his reputation and job.
As you walked into the bar, you felt your nerves reach an all time high. Sure, you’ve met Nico and Jack before, but you were meeting the majority of the mob. You knew that the bar was their official spot and it was mostly just members and their partners who frequented the place.
You felt like an outsider, but it only got worse as you got closer and Luke opened the door.
“You’ll be fine,” Luke said quietly as he held the door open for you and you walked past him.
You appreciated his words, but as soon as you stepped inside, you felt out of place.
Sure, Luke had said you looked perfectly fine, but that didn’t matter once you got inside.
You didn’t know what to do, so you just did your best to keep it low key and follow Luke’s lead.
Someone was already approaching the two of you, and you felt the panic rise.
“Hey Luke, is this her?”
“Yes, this is y/n, my best friend and our new nurse,” Luke introduced you.
“It’s not official,” you corrected.
“It might as well be,” Luke said. “You patched me up and looked at Jack’s hands the other day.”
“Anyway,” you said, subtly gesturing to Luke that you still didn’t know who you were talking to.
“And this is Dawson, definitely one of the friendlier faces around here,” Luke finally introduced the man in front of you.
You definitely agreed with that. While he was attractive, your heart wanted one man at the moment.
“I don’t know whether to be flattered or offended,” Dawson said, then took a sip of his beer. “Don’t just leave her standing here, get her a drink.”
“Let’s go,” Luke said, dragging you to the bar top.
“Nice meeting you,” you said as you walked away. You couldn’t help but be over polite because of your nerves.
Once you arrived at the bar with Luke, he ordered for the both of you. “Whiskey, neat. And a bubblegum cosmotini spritzer.”
The bartender whisked away. And made your drinks.
“Did you seriously order us those drinks?” You asked Luke, knowing he usually went for neither of those.
“Trust me,” he said.
“The last time you said that, I ended up needing stitches,” you reminded him.
“And you have a badass scar because of it,” he tried to lighten the conversation.
Before you could respond, the drinks were placed in front of you.
“One bubblegum cosmotini spritzer for the lady, and a whiskey neat for the gentleman,” the bartender said.
You just looked at Luke, waiting to see what he would say.
Before either of you could say anything, the bartender cracked a smile and said, “I’m just fucking with you, Luke.”
She carefully swapped the glasses around.
“Well played,” you said. “He absolutely does not like whiskey.”
“Oh, I know. Jack made him have it this one time, and Luke’s face was priceless,” she explained.
“The same thing happened in college but with someone else. It was great,” you said.
Luke was annoyed. “Are you two done?”
“Yes,” you said with a smile. “Wishing you had a different drink yet?”
Luke downed his drink. “I’m about to get something else.”
“Oh, I’m y/n, btw,” you said to the bartender.
“Luke’s best friend from college, right?” She asked.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
“He’s definitely whined about wishing you were here more than a few times,” the bartender said, continuing to frustrate Luke.
“I’m taking her away from here,” he said. “You two are mean.”
“You know I love you, Lukey,” you said, not wanting to stop messing with him.
The bartender smiled at the nickname since no one ever calls him that before being pulled to another patron.
“I regret bringing you here,” he grumbled.
“I told you, I would have been fine at home,” you said, despite actually enjoying yourself.
You both turned so your backs were against the bar top, and you scanned the crowd.
“Looking for someone?” Luke asked, knowing damn well you were looking for Nico.
“I’m just observing the crowd,” you claimed, lying through your teeth.
“Okay, sure,” Luke played along. “There’s more people to meet.”
And so, it began. Luke introduced you to pretty much everyone, just to make sure you felt comfortable around them.
It was clear as day to you that these people were a second family to Luke. And you knew your friendship was closer to one between siblings than just friends. So, you felt honored that he was willing to share this part of his life with you.
At some point, Nico joined the crowd and was talking to Jack while overlooking the bar.
“Looking for someone?” Jack asked, knowing that Nico was definitely looking for you.
Luke had told Jack that you were finally ready to meet the rest of the family. Jack knew he had to keep pushing his boss’s buttons to get him to make a move.
“Just people watching,” Nico replied before taking a sip of his drink.
Jack knew that that was a partial lie, but let it slide.
Suddenly, you and one of the partners were hysterically laughing to the point where most people stopped and turned towards you, even for just a brief moment.
This intrigued Nico, and he definitely wanted to hear your laugh again.
After the laughter died down, Jack spoke up. “Are you sure you’re just people watching? Or are you really watching her?”
Nico sighed, sick of Jack’s shit. “Will you drop it?”
“Not until you make a move,” Jack said, determined to get the two of you together. “At least give her your number. It’s about damn time you manned up and gave it to her.”
Nico took another sip. “I’ll think about it.”
“Mmm hmmm,” Jack hummed, not believing his boss. “Well you better move quick, this is the third time Dawson is talking to her tonight.”
Part of what made Jack such a great second in command was his observant nature. Although, he could be clueless at times. But he knew you well enough and definitely knew the rest of the mob.
Nico clenched his jaw.
He should have known. Dawson could be such a flirt.
Maybe Nico really did need to make a move, and fast.
If your heart wasn’t set on someone already, you might have thought Dawson was cute, and you might have flirted back.
But your heart belonged to someone else, despite how much you denied it to Luke. And yourself, but you had to fess up eventually.
You already noticed when Nico joined the crowd from his office Luke told you was in the back of the bar. That didn’t mean you had to go talk to him right away. The plan was to keep it low key and hope either the feelings either disappeared or he acted before you had to.
You tried really hard to focus on what Dawson was saying, you really did. But the second Nico arrived, your senses heightened and you became hyper aware of yourself.
“You’re not listening, are you?” Dawson said, finally getting your attention.
“Huh? Sorry. There’s too much noise,” you said, trying to cover for yourself.
“Ignore him,” Luke said. “His whole this is that he craves attention.”
“Hey!” Dawson was offended.
“I have to take her to talk to the boss anyway. They didn’t exactly get to know each other when she patched me up,” Luke explained, guiding you to the one man you dreaded facing because you knew you’d be about as awkward as Princess Ana meeting Hans for the first time.
Jack nearly choked on his drink when he saw you and Luke walk towards him and Nico.
Nico, on the other hand, took a long sip of his drink to attempt to calm him as you walked over.
“Hey boss, Jack,” Luke said once the two of you arrived in front of Nico and Jack.
Jack nodded and uttered a “hello,” but took another sip of his drink.
Before Luke could say anything, you decided to jump in.
“We never actually officially met,” you said. “I was a little too busy patching up this guy. I’m y/n, which I know you know. But still. Nice to officially meet you.”
“Likewise,” Nico said. “Having a good night so far?”
You were caught off guard, not expecting him to ask that.
“Uh, yeah,” you said, once you recovered. “It’s nice to finally meet everyone. It’s a little overwhelming, but I’m managing.”
“I told you I could take you back home at any point,” Luke reminded you. “You don’t have to stay.”
“It’s okay,” you tried insisting. “You’re having fun. Everyone is having fun. I don’t want to step on any toes. I can just catch an Uber back or something.”
“If you want Luke to stay, I can always take you home,” Nico spoke up.
Both your and Luke’s heads whipped towards Nico. Even Jack looked shocked.
“You don’t have to,” you quickly responded. “I don’t want to impose.”
“I see these guys all the time,” he said. “This was my only drink.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, the nerves setting in more. “Like I said, I can just Uber back. I don’t wanna bother you.”
“It’s okay,” Nico insisted. “Gives us a chance to talk without these two.” He gestured towards Jack and Luke.
You hoped your cheeks didn’t flush as you spoke up. “If you insist.”
“I just need to grab my keys in back,” he said, going to go grab them.
Once he was out of earshot, Luke spoke up first. “What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know, but you owe me $20,” Jack said.
“You bet on me?” You asked, insulted by Jack.
“Sorta?” Jack said, but it sounded more like a question.
“He bet Nico would make the first move, and I said you’d shut it down and push him away until you felt comfortable enough and finally made a move yourself,” Luke explained.
You couldn’t help but smile at Luke. “I’m glad my best friend knows me well enough to bet on that.”
You then turned to Jack.
“You, on the other hand, are an idiot,” you said.
“What did I do?” Jack said.
“What didn’t you do?” Nico spoke up as he finally rejoined the conversation. “What did I miss?”
“Jack being an idiot, so not much” you said while Jack yelled a “hey” at you.
“Love you too, dumbass.”
“You’re lucky you’re Luke’s best friend,” Jack mumbled.
“I’ll message you when I make it back to mine,” you told Luke. “I will see you in a few days for movie night. Do not drink too much.”
“One more after this, then it’s water,” Luke promised you. “Drive safe.”
You hugged him then followed Nico out the door towards his car.
You just hoped you could make it through the car ride without embarrassing yourself.
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Anyone else stare at their mutuals like 👀👀👀👀 “please dm me. You seem so cool and I wanna be friends. “
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Next part of nico when??
Soon. I’m sorry it’s taken a while. I was busy wrapping up with work, and then I’m starting a new job pretty soon here. And I’m currently on vacation.
I have a part ready to post, but the poll I posted resulted in another part winning so I need to finish that. I have the start of it written. But I need to figure out the middle. And actually write the end but I know where I want it to go
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Summer birthday in fic?
I mean I technically just barely have a summer birthday
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Soulmate for birthday bingo yay or nay
I’m chill either way
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My birthday is Monday! But the deadline is the end of the month
snugglyducklingbrewhouse’s birthday bingo celebration!
In honor of my birthday in June, I decided to host a bingo event again.
The old event cannot be found due to me literally deleting my old blog and starting from scratch.
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For those you who do remember last year’s event, I basically took the same board and changed a few things.
You do not need to get a perfect bingo (5 squares in a row, column, or diagonal)
You can choose any 5 squares you want
Bonus challenges: totally optional but you can also choose one of the following special types of bingo (I do not expect anyone to do any of these): four corners, inner box (around free space), outer box (top and bottom rows plus both the far left and far right columns), any box of 4 (2x2 box anywhere on the board), X (both diagonals), and + (center column and center row)
Obviously the squares you choose will drive the story, but I am pretty open to genres, including smut (I am turning 27)
I prefer reader inserts now a days but if you are an oc person, I will gladly accept oc fics. I want to be inclusive in terms of types of writing. Obviously not in terms of players since there are just some players I refuse to read for.
No word count minimum (or maximum) but preferably longer than a blurb especially if you fit 4+ squares in one story
June 30th
My actual birthday is June 17th, but I want to give enough time for anyone that wants to write
I will accept early entries. If you are choosing to do one of the harder challenges, you have until July 31st because I know those are hard and most don’t make sense with the board
I am not as open minded as last year, but some players have been added
Obviously, I can’t control who you choose to write since I know not everyone writes for all of these players, and I am totally okay with that
Absolutely no Seattle kraken players unless as a side character and not as a current or former love interest. Those are my babies and I do not read (or write) for them anymore
If none of these players spark your fancy, then feel free to shoot an ask asking about a specific player I haven’t mentioned. I am still open minded but I still have my limitations
Listed in no particular order (because I am chaos):
Nico Hischier
Dawson Mercer
John Marino
Matthew “ratthew” Tkachuk
Quinn Hughes
Elias Pettersson
Cale Makar
Nathan MacKinnon
Sebastian Aho (canes)
And there’s more I’m probably forgetting so feel free to send an ask about a specific player not on this list
Final notes
Have fun with this!
This is meant to be fun, not stressful
If this is too much for you, you do not need to participate as a writer. Feel free to join me as a reader
Again, both reader insert and oc fics will be accepted
My ask box is open for questions about anything related to this (this is partly because Taylor has so much music and I might love her music but that doesn’t mean I absolutely adore each and every song)
Have fun!
No pressure tags: @cellythefloshie @swissboyhisch @mp0625 @puckmaidens @this-is-ally-and-im-confused and obviously anyone who wants to participate or spread the word
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