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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“But your eyes are black!” Evie exclaimed as she laughed. “Anyone could tell you don’t have blue!” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes and flip open to herbology. She excelled in herbology, mostly from growing up on a farm. “Here you go, Immy.” She replied as she handed her notes that were rewritten from Evie’s chicken scratch to something more legible. “Hopefully you can read it.”
Imogen took the notes but then gasped dramatically. “If it were you in my place, I would’ve taken a vow of silence and not have spoken until you were moving again.” She put the back of her hand on her forehead and leaned against George. “And to think you were all my friends.” She joked but it was Avery who spoke and interrupted their good time.
Her blood was starting to boil. Evelyn seemed to have grown different shades of red and she looked back down at her lap. She willed herself not to cry but a few tears managed to escape, causing the ink to run on her notes. It was hard to hide her tears and Imogen was able to see it. It was only when Ethan made Avery fall that Imogen snorted with laughter. Evelyn couldn’t smile. She could only look at her bowl to keep herself.
“That girl better not close her eyes tonight.” Imogen said with gritted teeth.
“I know they are.” Ethan laughed as he shook his head slowly and nudged her. “Well it’s cute different too. But maybe just a twin with a malfunction of the eyes.” Ethan smiled towards her for a moment before going back to his own homework.
“And you will manage?” Ethan rose his eyebrows, just the thought of Imogen not talking for a good hour unless asleep seemed impossible. She always had something to say. “I’m afraid to say, neither of us all would be able to keep our days shut for longer than maybe two hours. Maybe Evie.. Nah. She’d laugh.” 
But the joking manners all were gone the moment afraid spit those hateful words. His eyes fell on Evelyn, watching her gaze locked on her bowl. Through the curtain of her hair he noticed the redness in her face. There seemed to be a moment of doubt before he moved closer to her and pulled her into his side. “Don’t mind her, you’re amazing. Much more talented that she even is in one of her fingertips.” He rubbed her shoulder gently as his eyes searched for Avery, narrowing his eyes towards her. 
“There is a potion, you just put it on someones pillow and as they inhale it they will have the worst trip. Pretty funny, dangerous if you inhale it too long yourself.”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“Well, keep trying, or use a hair grow potion. Maybe the aging potion.” Evie said with a laugh before going back to her homework. She liked hanging out with Ethan, but she still had feelings towards George, no matter how much she tried to deny it. 
Imogen felt herself sigh with relief as George seemed to be back to his old self. She looked back towards Ethan and mouthed at him, “I like it,” before grabbing herself a handful of crisps, putting it on her plate. She started to eat happily, joking with George, taking his hand under the table before grinning at Ethan. She liked it like this; friends joking around, discussing homework, and all the like. Maybe she’d be able to actually hang out with Ethan now. 
“But really, what all did I miss while I was a statue, and I’m disappointed you didn’t steal my body and put me up on the Quidditch field like some sort of fucked up tribute.”
“Yeah, no way. I’ll end up as Dumbledores twin brother.” Ethan laughed as he went back to his own homework. He liked being around Evie, it was easy. But he still had feelings remaining for Imogen, even when he was in greatest denial and she was out of reach.
A small smile curved his lips on Imogen her words, well it was better than looking like a prat. Ethan enjoyed the way it was, even when his heart was begging for Imogen, the way she looked, the happiness on her face. Never he would even try to take that away from her. Finishing his cereals, he poured another cup of coffee before he stretched himself. There seemed to be a heavy weight lifted from the air now George was back to normal.
“We held a minute silence for you.” He grinned, looking around the table as everyone happily caught up with her. Avery seemed less pleased about it all and locked her arms around his neck. “Enjoy while you can. Next year will look different.” She whispered in his ear, causing his face to go from amused to emotionless. “Just fuck off.” He muttered as he removed her arms from his shoulders. “Enjoy you little mudblood and her blood traitor friends along with... whatever her status might be.” Sweetly she smiled towards Evie. “If I were you, I’d look a few times more often over my shoulder, mudblood.” She smiled towards Evelyn, before walking further with a laughter to join her girlfriends. 
She yet didn’t make it far before falling flat on her face. “Maybe you should watch out.” Ethan smiled towards her.
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“Very funny, I am 15! I need at least to look like seventeen.” He muttered as he stuck out his tongue to Evie. His eyes followed Evie hers, he saw the smile, it was happiness. It made him feel happy but jealous at the same time. It hurt and that made him feel guilty, so he quickly pushed it away.
“Still think running in the morning is torture.” He mumbled as he took a bite of his cereal before handing over the milk to Evelyn. “But I’m glad to hear.” He smiled towards her, lowering his gaze to the book, anything to keep his mind off his selfish thoughts.
He teasingly rubbed his jaw as Evie pointed out his growing facial hair. Though Imogen her words caused his face to almost fall, but he masked it. Not fast enough for George to not catch it. “I bet it’s soft. Let me feel if it’s like a bunny.” He spoke up, leaning over the table whilst Ethan swatted his hands away. “At least my facial hair is growing!” He spatted back, at least George acted normal? Since when? He decided to just take it, clueless it all was calculated.
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
He shivered as she touched him, he tried to hold it back but failed miserably. It was like lightening hit him the moment she touched him, in the best way possible. “It isn’t. Not one bit.” His eyes darted to hers, lost in his thoughts for a moment as he reminded himself constantly she had a boyfriend. She was like water in the desert, he needed her, but she was so damn hard to reach. He didn’t notice that upon her touch the skull had faded even further.
“No wandless magic?” He wondered as he looked at the radio before back at her. Maybe it was a smart thing to teach her. Although it was hard to do without her wand, maybe his was willing to work for her. “Wait.” He held up his finger before a smile spread his lips. “I like this song. Used to listen to them as a rebelling teenager. I know something about the muggle world, it starts and basically ends with their music.”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“Let’s go then.” George cheered, helping Imogen on her feet before tossing her over his shoulder to run towards the castle through the rain. “I’ll bring you to safety woman.” He screamed through the loud rain.
“A prickly cactus? Really?” He laughed as he shook his head, taking a bite of his sandwich. “Because it looks awesome. And makes me look older so maybe I can get firewhiskey more easily.” He grinned down at her. “Watch me. I’ll have one soon.” His eyes wandered up as George ran in with Imogen, placing her next to Fred with a grin before his eyes darted towards Evie and Ethan. Maybe his plan would work.
“Are you feeling better?” Ethan asked Imogen with a small smile. He hated he was torn from her side the way he was, but at least there were moments like these.
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“Anything you’d like.” He smiled as he yet then looked over his shoulder at the kitchen. “What about we just make some french fries and milkshake here?” He wondered as he yet got pulled down by her. “Didn’t hear her say that, thankfully.” Ethan whispered as he ran his fingers along her jawline. “Neither would I, nor do I think I can.”
“She was a ravenclaw right? You sure she was sorted correctly?” He laughed as he looked towards Imogen for a moment before he put the bell pepper away for the salad and started on the sweet potatoes for the fries. “They did a whole investigation. They tinkered with the chain of the dragon. They are trying to figure out who did that. Until then, they made mad eye keep a close eye on Harry.”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
Imogen just laughed. “It’s fine. Sometimes muggle things are hard to explain, especially when we’re grown up with ‘that’s just how it is.’” She said with a shrug. As she walked to her room, she willed the heat in her cheeks to go away. Imogen hardly blushed. She wasn’t even sure if Sven made her blush, except for the times when he would kiss her in public. She didn’t want her to kiss him in public…or at all sometimes. She was starting to feel like their relationship has run its course.
Imogen followed him out onto the balcony, sitting herself in one of the chairs. She could faintly hear the sound of the horns honking and people talking, but mostly, she enjoyed the breeze. Watching the sunset would be beautiful. “It was almost worth the torture.” She didn’t mean to say it, but for the first time in a while, she felt free. There was no Sven who expected her home. No agent or coach that set her schedules and diets. Her eyes closed as she sunk down in the chair. 
“How long are we planning on hiding out here?”
He leaned his arms on the railing, his eyes sliding over the view that seemed endless. Despite getting away for his job from time to time, he never had been truly free. Not until now. It was the breeze running through his hair, the light of freedom on his face. Company that didn’t expect anything from him and seemed to accept him just how he was. “Almost.” He empathised as he turned around to looked towards her, rubbing his arm thoughtfully. It was easier mingling here than it was in England. Though they might be recognised here, chances were just a little less. 
“I think we mostly need to keep moving.” He pulled up his sleeve, glancing down at the mark that had faded even further. A frown wrinkled in his forehead. “And we need to listen to the radio, because..” But there was no redness to it. It didn’t fade the usual way. Either Voldermort was dying for real this time, or Imogen had a hand in this all. 
“It’s fading, not leaving anything behind. Last time, the marks just went inactive, but.. this one is truly disappearing.”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“You didn’t lure me into anything!” Imogen protested, her hands on her hips as she spoke. “If it means you getting out of a forced marriage which I’m highly against, then I would do anything.” Imogen leaned down to she could peer into his eyes. “You deserve happiness, Ethan Black. Not getting forced into a loveless marriage with some like Avery.”
Imogen gave him a small smile before it faltered. “I..I don’t think they are. Evelyn never liked Ethan that way.” Imogen was nearly stumbling over her words as she tried to get it out. “I don’t think…Ethan likes her that way.” She cleared her throat, knowing that George needed to know that she wasn’t into Ethan that way. “I’m sure he’ll find someone. He’s got a line of girls waiting.”
Evie shook her head. She knew Imogen wasn’t happy when she was with George. It was written all over her face. Her shoulders tensed and she seemed to try and figure out a way for all them to hang out, or for Evie to come along. She didn’t say anything but sipped on her pumpkin juice. ‘Maybe George will cool off in a little while.” Evie arched her brow and started to grin. Maybe that’s exactly what Imogen needed to do; she needed to cling onto George and get into his space to the point where he wanted space.
“Alright alright.” He laughed as he gazed towards her, his smile faltering the slightest on her words. What if happiness wasn’t in his future? What if it all would be just, emotionless. He shook his head on the thought. “You’re really amazing, you know that?” She didn’t let him fall simply because she was in a relationship, even if it made him feel guilty towards George. He knew it would screw all up. 
George moved his lips thoughtfully as he laid on his back. “Maybe didn’t in the past.. Maybe we could do some love matching.” He looked aside towards Imogen with a grin. “Rather Evie than any other girl right?” Rather Evie, than Imogen. “Want to go to lunch or do I need to fetch some?”
“I hope so, he’s a dick right now.” He mumbled as he started on his homework. Soon he simply chatted away with Evelyn, finishing their homework and starting on lunch. “Yes I am getting a beard.” He protested as he ran his fingers along his jaw. “Feel it!” Ethan grinned as he looked towards Evie from his eye corners. “Soon I’ll be a beardy god.”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
Imogen moaned, already hating the fetus that was growing in her stomach. “When I bite off your daddy’s head due to lack of junk food subsistence, I’m blaming you.” She muttered as she sat up on the couch, her lower lip still jutted out in a pout.
“Naaah, I got a hot date tonight with Freddy Kruger, Jack Daniels, and Tubby Fathead, my dog.” Roxi replied with a nod as she grabbed her bag. “I’ll come back in a month and check up on you. I taught myself how to use a sonogram machine, so get ready for cold jelly on your mommy belly.” She replied, gyrating her hips and rubbing her stomach. “Nice meeting you, Mr. Black! Take care of Imogen or I’ll kill you and make it look like an accident.” She said before letting herself out.
Imogen just looked up at Ethan was a small smile. “She’s great in small doses, but she’s one hell of a healer.”
Ethan laughed on her words, shaking his head and for his sakes hoped she meant not his second head. “I’m just checking. I would go to McDonalds to get you a burger if needed.” He grinned as he leaned down to cup her face and kiss her lips. “No food is forbidden remember?” He whispered as he pecked her lips once more. 
“I always take care of her.” He grinned as he watched her leave, only to shift his gaze to Imogen. “I can already see the trouble you two made and I’m certainly hoping our child isn’t going to take over much of her.” They had Fred and George and Sirius who seemed already eager for sure to teach their child all it shouldn’t. Next to that, their genes mixed could only mean trouble. Quickly he continued dinner, popping a slice of bell pepper in her mouth with a smile. 
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
Imogen nodded. “I don’t know the technical aspects of it, but it’s pretty much linked to your bank account. That’s how they take money off of it. Or you have credit and…” Imogen scratched her head. “You know what, nevermind. It’s complicated and I don’t understand it myself.” Imogen’s cheeks flushed at his comment. “Strange. It would be a ring I would pick out.” She muttered before exiting the elevator.
She found their room and showed Ethan how to use the key card before opening the door to a massive room, a bottle of wine on the table and one large bed covered in rose petals. There was a jacuzzi bath tub that was on the other side of the wall with no door but just a wall with a window to have some privacy. “I think they upgraded us to some sort of honeymoon suite.” She whispered as she wandered around the room. She looked out the window at the beautiful view of France. She remembered coming to France for a game, but never felt this in love….with the city.
“I’m sorry, I’m just making you confused.” It was maybe the first time he apologised. Ethan rarely did, he was taught to not be sorry, he was never told someone was sorry to him. No matter the torture, the pain. A small smile played his lips as her cheeks turned a shade of pink. Something about it made his heart flutter. Did he just manage to make her blush. “Then I did a good job.” Ethan laughed as he followed her out. 
His eyes wandered around the room, though he was used to luxury, muggle luxury was much different to wizard luxury. He walked over to the jacuzzi bath, somewhat confused as why there was no door. At least the toilet did have a door. “I’m not complaining.” Ethan gazed over her shoulder, doubting for a moment before he opened the balcony door. “It’s breathtaking.”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“I promised and nothing’s going to change that, not even George.” Imogen said firmly. “I’d come back from the dead to marry you if I have to!” A promise was a promise to Imogen, and she wasn’t about to break it. She took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I don’t like making promises I can’t keep.”
Imogen wondered what it would be like if the rumors of them dating were true. Maybe they did act like a couple with their cuddling, their hand holding, and their constant need of needing to be together. Imogen knew they didn’t understand what they went through and to have a need that their friend was going to be there for them. At the same time, she understood why they shouldn’t date. What if they broke up? It could ruin their friendship and she wouldn’t know what she would do without him. “I’m gonna try and escape during the summer. My foster family is gonna suck this summer so, I’ll sneak out as much as I can.”
There was a silence with her before she shook her head. “I’ve already missed too much. I just needed to have some air. Probably ate too much.” Imogen said as she swallowed hard. The box in her pocket was warm from Ethan’s pocket, and she couldn’t help but put her hand in the pocket of her coat, holding it. “Are you going to the study group tonight?”
Evie was already trying to figure out her study schedule and she nodded her head enthusiastically. “Yes, please! That would make life a whole lot easier.” She then frowned. “I’m so sorry, Ethan. I’ll try and figure out something to distract Fred and George.” Evie wasn’t as clever as them, but she was the queen of questions. She could get a teacher off topic effortlessly. 
“Imogen..” Ethan protested, but he knew the look in her eye. Even his best argument wasn’t going to change her point of view. She made the promise and she was going to hold onto it till the last moment. His lips curved up slightly as his eyes casted down to his hands. “I almost feel sorry I lured you into that promise.” 
He was comforted by the thought he might see her more often this summer. Maybe running away would be an option, although he was certain Walburga would find him wherever he went. But it was worth the try. He would be tortured close to death at worst. He knew he wouldn’t be murdered, he had to safe the name and she would try until her very own death. 
“Of course I will.” To be with Imogen at least and not have her alone with Ethan. “I have some trouble with some subjects myself.” There was a moment of silence before he wrapped his arm around Imogen. “Ethan and Evelyn seem to get cozy.” Maybe they needed a push, maybe he just needed to make sure Ethan got the message Imogen was off limits. 
“Great!” He smiled as he looked aside towards Evie, shaking his head slowly. “It’s alright.” A sigh left his lips as he leaned back, his gaze still on Evie as he shrugged his shoulders. “I just have to let go a bit, Imogen is happy with George. I just need to learn to let go a bit, it’s just.. I’m so used to having her around, for us to just basically cling onto each other. I think I got to learn I’m not basically the only one anymore.” He fiddled with his quill as he looked down at his book again without reading the words. “Maybe we can hang out then some more when George doesn’t see me as a threat anymore.” 
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“It’s not the food part that is the worst. It’s pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a lemon.” Roxi replied while finishing her wine. “I honestly wouldn’t trust store bought orange juice with all the added sugars. Fresh squeezed is your best bet. You get all your vitamin C without the Diabetes monster looming in the shadows. Eggs are fine, croissants are okay. Just use your best judgement. They aren’t forbidden foods, so if you want the sugar, by all means, sample it, but don’t eat a whole bag.”
Imogen sighed loudly as she stretched out on the couch. “Ethan, I’m blaming you for all of this.” She said as she thought of all the crisps she probably couldn’t have and the second person she’d have to take care of. Her arm went over her eyes as she pouted.
“Dude, she��s a high risk pregnancy. It’s a miracle that she was able to get pregnant to begin with, so for the baby’s sake, I’d take second to question whether or not this would harm the baby. Usually we recommend that flying stops during the second trimester, but this is a special case.” Roxi said as her glass went by itself into the sink and started washing itself. “I mean, the choice is yours, but in my professional opinion, I’d take flying off the to-do list.” Roxi shrugged her shoulders. “Then again, it’s up to you. I’ve only given you recommendations, not contracts and laws.”
Ethan pulled a face at the thought. He felt guilty already towards Imogen for basically making her do it without much choice. He scrabbled down more of what Roxi said with a small frown. “So uh, moderate sugar. Dark chocolate can be eaten without much consequence?” He wondered as he looked up towards Imogen. “I’m sorry, kitten.” He mumbled and as if reading her mind, his gaze wandered back to Roxi. “Salt, what about salt?”
“Just relax, I was kidding. I would do anything to keep them safe. I wasn’t just writing all you’re saying down for fun.” He rose his eyebrows, though he was warm hearted towards Imogen or anyone he knew, he could be standoffish towards anyone he yet didn’t know. Though he knew Roxi meant well, he couldn’t quite appreciate her comments yet whereas it usually would be his kind of humour. Somewhat doubting he looked down at the food. “Staying over for dinner?”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
The Weasley’s were happy. They would bicker sometimes, but in the end, Molly would always pour herself and Arthur a cup of tea and they would sit together, discussing their day while their kids pretended to be upstairs asleep. “It could still happen though. Bodies are weird.” She would have to encourage him to kidnap the kid if he happened to get her pregnant. There was no way she could, in good conscience, allow his child to grow up in such a toxic environment.
Imogen took the key cards as they were told what room they would be staying in. She then took Ethan’s hand and headed to the elevator. “A credit card is like a square piece of plastic that is electric and has money stored in it.” She explained as she led him into the elevator and pressed the button to get to the 11th floor. She sighed, leaning her back against the elevator wall. “Nice ring, by the way.” She said as she held up her ring finger. It was still there, sparkling brightly.
“I’d be damned.” He mumbled as he looked down at his hands. Though he had done it for the greater good, the thought of Avery being pregnant of him made him shudder. He would be taken back, but not without a cost. He would see her getting tortured to death, if not having to kill her. Maybe get a great amount of torture himself. He would much rather not have that happening. “Lets just hope it won’t happen.”
“How can they store money on.. it’s magic?” He wondered as he looked down towards the key cards. Ethan was far from experienced in the muggle world and it would take some to blend in seamlessly. A small smile curved his lips as she held up her ring finger. “It was the first thing that popped into mind when thinking about you.” Simple, but beautiful and shining bright. 
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“Me neither. There’s only one I’d want to marry but, there’s a little problem there.” He laughed the bitterness and sadness away. They had made the deal since them being first years. Only now he realised how damn stupid it was of him to even think like that could be reality.
Ethan gazed into her eyes. He was her happiness. Part of him knew it was damn wrong, but he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell on it. “You’re my happiness too.” He whispered, a smile settled upon his lips. It pained him to be apart from her, forced nearly. Though they tried, something seemed to come between them, or rather someone. But he couldn’t find the will to be selfish and draw all attention his way. She deserved the love George gave.
George gave a sigh before he crawled next to her. “We can just skip the rest of the day.” He mumbled as he took her hand. His eyes sliding over Imogen, he wished he could do more to take it all away from her.
Ethan quickly hurried into the castle, plumbing down next to Evie and across from Fred and Lee. “Good one to sneak out of class.” Fred said in amusement. “He wondered if you were okay.” Ethan snickered as he opened his books to start on homework before pouring himself a cup of coffee. “I was alright. Went to the common room and napped.” His gaze darted to Evie once Fred and Lee were plotting their next prank. “Study club tonight, at eight? Well, Immy and I wanted to hang out but someone came between again.” He mumbled as he shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of his coffee whilst his eyes were locked on the book.
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
Ethan blinked a few times in utter confusion, his eyes wandering to Roxie before he stopped playing with the knife and took some parchment and a quill to start writing all of it down. “Who knew pregnancy is going to be utter torture food wise too?” He mumbled as he looked aside towards Imogen, pulling a face before back at Roxi. “What about eggs, orange juice and croissants? Juices have high sugar in it or does that kind of sugar not really matter as much as long as it’s fresh?” He wondered as he leaned back against the counter again.
“In which way does she need to keep both feet on the ground?” He teased as he yet looked serious again. “Anything else? Or do I need to wrap her in bubble wrap? Come on, isn’t this a bit ridiculous?”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
“Well I’m still waiting to see them too but.. you know, Arthur and Molly always seemed pretty happy.” Except they probably were nothing but disappointed in him now. “I hope not. I’d be damned. The last thing I want is a child with her. But she wasn’t ovulating or some shit so..” He watched the sadness upon her face, he wished he didn’t see it, wished she didn’t feel that way because he might become a father. It was wrong and yet he couldn’t help but pull her in. “I didn’t know how to get her off your back otherwise. It will be fine. She most likely isn’t.” And if she wasn’t, he knew she wouldn’t even care, because what if her perfect figure got ruined?
He grinned on her words, they meant nothing in the world they were living now, on the run. “To many more years of happiness.” His eyes studied hers before he took a sip of the champagne. His eyes wandered around the lobby, he had no idea what a credit card was, but soon he found the words “or cash” on the board. “Luke Galmington and we’ll pay cash.”
He leaned into Imogen to whisper in her ear. “What the hell is a credit card?”
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snufflesblvck-blog · 6 years ago
His smile faltered on her words. She had George, he couldn’t expect her to be his saving grace and no shit storm coming from it. “Imogen.. about that. Maybe she just tries to scare me, but she said I have no saying in wanting to be around her. That probably my grandmother and her mom are having some tea or whatever.” He just hoped it wasn’t true, it wasn’t even legal yet.
“I don’t want you to throw away your happiness because of me. I’ll be fine. He’ll turn around. He hoped. Even if not, he couldn’t be the reason of Imogen breaking up with George. He buried his face in her hair, his eyes closing as he felt for a moment being tugged away from the world. They were in their own little world he didn’t want to yet come out of.
His eyes stared into hers, his stomach went crazy in the best way, there was a hunger for her. He wanted to kiss her lips, feel her. But he knew he couldn’t, but he neither could let go. “Immy?” George. His eyes went wide as he quickly stuffed the book in his bag along with the wrapping paper and hurried to the sleeping area to not to be seen. “Hey..” George was relieved to see no Ethan. Maybe he really had just tried to sneak out of class. “You alright?”
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